World Tree MUSH

Not a Pokémon!

On the world known as Pokemon-1, Spider-Woman's arrival onto the World Tree interrupts a pokémon battle. One of the trainers, Luke, ends up offering to introduce her to the local professor to help her understand the worlds.
Character Pose
Luke Gray
    It had been a while since Luke had a chance to just chill at his home world, and he was apparently making up for the time lost by simply exploring and revisiting old spots!, checking news and simply revisiting fellow trainers!. At this point, it seemed that the trainer was engaged in a battle with another kid!, this one wearing shorts, a wide brimmed strawhat, and a large butterfly net on his back!. One of the so called 'bug catcher' trainers!.

    The combatants seem to be, on Luke's side, a large, very round looking tiger, and on the other, a tired, scrapped looking red thing with yellow noodly limbs (and head) poking from it!, the critter apparently in the process of being hit with an electric blast, which causes it to faint. "Shuckle!, no!"

     The bug kid calls, "Ok, time for my secret weapon!" the bug kid calls, the poor Shuckle vanishing into a burst of red, before replaced by what looks like a Cicada... or... the shed skin of one?, it has an halo on it, and it just floats. "Your attacks are useless against it!, Shedinja, shadow sneak!". Before Luke or the tiger can react, the bug's shadow seems to instantly streetch through the ground, beneath the tiger, suddenly rising up and smacking into the big cat's stomach, causing it to growl and jump back. The... tiger seems not quite affected. "Hahaha, just give up, you can't do anything against it!".
Elsewhere, in an until now unknown bud, a young man and woman who appear to be twins are having a conversation on a rooftop. After he's filled her in on some recent events she informs him that she's going to leave - the city perhaps? - before asking him if he was ready for the most awkward hug in the history of the world.

Backlit by the full moon Jessica hugs Peter. He returns the hug and they separate from each other after he says, "Well..." and she replies "Yeah..."

She pulls her mask up over her face and points off in the distance. From her fingers she shoots out a strand of webbing and swings away from the rooftop, leaving her progenitor/brother behind her...
Luke Gray
    Luke does not seem concerned, simply watching the other trainer, the big, round cat apparently content to just jump around and dodge the bug's shadow attacks. "Kevin, that was a great choice." Luke congratulates the younger trainer, who seems proud as apparently the electric type is pushed to the defensive. "Dynamo, thundershock!" he tries, a bright bolt of energy jumping from the round cat, and engulfing the bug for a few moments, only to fade away without a mark. "See?, he is invincible!, you might as well give up.". "Shedinja!, shadow claw!", to which Luke whistles, "Wow, been getting TMs too!, great move!". 

    It's becoming apparent this is less of an actual battle, and perhasp more of a coaching encounter. Meanwhile the bug silently charges towards the cat, somehow not moving, as a dark purple claw energy limb emerges from teh hole on it's back, ending in a claw, swiping towards the tiger! The fluffy round creature stands still, catching the swipe on one side, the attack pushing the cat, and it grunts in discomfort, yet there are no actual marks on it's fur from the contact.
... 'Jessica', or Spider-Woman as she has also begun thinking of herself, now out of sight from her 'brother' swings off in the direction of the Queensboro Bridge with the intention of going to Manhattan when a glowing spiral spins into a circle in front of her path. She tries to dodge the glowing hole in space but only manages to twist her body so that she passes though into a vine of the world tree which closes behind her, leaving the sheared off webline falling toward its anchor point as the only remaining evidence of her having been there

"Woooaaah!" Jessica yells as she 'slides' through a meta-physical 'tube' which kaleidoscopes psychedelically though a riot of pastel colors until she bursts though into Pokemon-1 right above the field in which the pokémon of Gray and the bug kid battle for their respective trainers. "What th'...?!" she cries out as she tumbles though the air over Gray's head towards a copse of trees behind his opponent. Catching herself in the branches of the largest of them she takes a moment to look around and catch her breath before saying, "Jessica, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore," to herself.
Luke Gray
    The loud yell gets the attention of the two kids, the battle pausing as they both try to look in the direction of the scream, "What the..." comes from the pair. The battle is all but forgotten as the visitor lands on the tree, "Are you ok?" calls Luke, the two pokemon forgetting the battle to quickly return to their trainers, seeming a bit tense, clearly ready to protect them if something happens.
Spider-Woman hangs from the bottom of a thick branch of the tree looking downward at the two pokémon trainers. She looks over at Luke as he speaks to her, the large white eye spots on her red mask being the closest indication of a face that the boys can see. "Yeah," she says in her Queens-accent as she pushes off of the branch towards the ground. "Where are we and what are those?" she asks, indicating the pokémon themselves as she flips and twists in the air so that when she hits the ground it is with springy legs that she folds into a crouch as she touches the tips of the fingers of her other hand to the ground as well to /look/ more balanced.
Luke Gray
    While the young kid with the strawhat and bug catching net seems SUPER impressed, Luke seems a bit less so, "Are you some kind of superhero?" calls the bug catcher, acting like the first time he saw a non pokemon do anything remotely athletic outside of a tv!, the kid didn't even register the question!.

    Luke in the meantime does clap, before smiling, "This is Kansai, and these are pokemon!" he explains, reaching to pet at the tiger thing, which was visibyl sparking with electricity at the jump, a bit over protective perhaps. "I take... you never seen any of them before?" he asks. This was not the first time he ran into visitors like this!
"Something like that, yeah," Spider-Woman says in answer to the first question as she stands, shifting her weight to her left leg more than her right and putting her hands on her hips. (OOC: picture in my @desc basically!)

She cocks her head slightly to the left as Luke answers her question and her eye spots shift slightly (perhaps she's squinting behind the mask?) "Kansai? Sounds Japanese," is Spider-Woman's initial response. Then, about the pokémon, she shakes her head and says, "No, not in person!" with a bit of a volume increase due to her becoming agitated.
Luke Gray
The 'older' kid moves towards the bug catching one, "Can you run back and get some help?, I think she might be lost." he says softly, especially given the sudden change of tone, "Just let people know." he adds. The eager bug catcher nods, waving to the costumed person and making his way towards the east.

    Luke then smiles to the tall costumed hero lady, "Not... in person?" he asks, "What do you mean?" he says, reaching to pet the big round Electiger, who seems fairly more calm, now that Luke seems at ease, even inching closer to sniff the visitor, mewling softly. "No need to get scared, he won't hurt you."
"Well..., you know cartoons have all sort of strange creatures and tigers are a popular theme," Spider-Woman says before shaking her head and reaching up to her temples to rub them. Apparently she'd closed her eyes too because she didn't return the bug enthusiast's wave and then, a moment later, she jerks back as if first seeing the roundish pokémon so close to her. "How far from New York am I?" she asks and then mutters, "If this is something Strange did to me..." to herself.
Luke Gray
    "You mean there are pokemon cartoons where you come from?" comes the question from Luke, glancing back at Dynamo, who tries to get closer, just being a big friendly round cat, even trying to brush her legs, "He seems to like you." the boy says, even as the round critter somehow purrs. "I... don't know of any New York." he says softly. "Is that the place you come from?"
"Pokémon?" Spider-Woman says as if trying out the sound of the word for the first time. She shakes her head. "Not that I'm aware of," she adds as she watches the pokémon brush her legs. She reaches up to where her mask reaches her hairline; grasping the mask she pulls it down off her face where it pools around her neck exposing her face. "No New York?" she asks as Luke's words finally sink in. She backs up towards the tree she was in and leans backwards after bumping into it.

"Yes, I'm from Que...," she interrupts herself. Peter's from Queens, she's barely spent any time there so she says, "Yeah, I'm from New York," and then asks, "That was a dimensional portal I passed though, wasn't it?"
Luke Gray
    Luke listens curiously, moving a bit closer to try to control the electric pokemon, noticing that this person was apparently nervous about such, "Dynamo, come back please."he calls, pulling the big round cat around. The question gets the boy to pause, "I admit I didn't see how you arrived here, I don't know much about travel, beyond vines." he says softly, "Or ultra wormholes, but those are just on the Alola region." he adds. "I guess you did come from... another world somehow."
"Vine? No, I was webslinging," Jessica says, obviously not getting the jargon, "But there was this glowing portal that opened in front of me and after a Pink Floyd-ish experience I was here." But then she nods and says, "You sound like this is practically an every day experience for you," and asks, "Is your world a magnet for beings from other dimensions like me?" as a quick follow up.
Luke Gray
    Luke shakes his head a bit, "A portal just appeared like that?" he asks curously, before shaking his head, "Vine is just... a term I heard for the gates..." he begins to try to explain, smiling, "Want to come to the town? I am sure we can get a better explanation from the professor there." he says, pointing in the same direction the previous kid left.
Jessica stands, pushing away from the tree. "Sure," she says as she follows Luke.

As they walk away from the field he and the other kid had been having their pokémon battle in she asks, "What do you guys do for money around here by the way... or did I luck out and this is a post-scarcity world?" showing that her memory of years of science fiction consumption may have prepared herself for the worlds she's found herself in.