Jessica Drew

Jessica Drew
World: Marvel Ultimate Universe (Earth-1610)-1
Actual Age: Measured in months (looks ~15 due to accelerated clone growth)
Apparent Age: Mid-Teens
Quote: "I'm my own person... It's just that I'm still trying to figure out exactly who that is still."
Role: Super-heroic Adventuring Vigilante
Species: Clone of a Human Mutate
Theme Song: "Who Are You?" by the Who (
Voice Actor: Soni Nicole Bringas


The young woman calling herself Jessica Drew or Spider-Woman is a female clone Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man. Created as part of a CIA funded black project, she escaped through happenstance and has no intention of being in such a position again. She shares her progenitor's powers - enhanced physique and reflexes, a "spider-sense", and wall-crawling - as well as the unique ability to produce organic webbing. She suffers some issues of identity, sometimes questioning if she is a person in her own right or if she is "just" a copy with transcription errors. Despite, or perhaps because of, these issues, she is driven by the same sense of responsibility as her progenitor to be a hero. Ripped from her world by a rogue vine, she finds herself on the World Tree having to adapt to it and wanting to find a way back home to those she loves - even if they wouldn't know her.


Superhuman Physique: She has super strength, stamina, durability, and accelerated healing.
Spider-Woman has an enhanced physique that grants her superhuman strength, stamina, durability and accelerated healing which are all well beyond the human norm. Her enhanced strength allows her to lift about six tons in an overhead press (a bull African bush elephant for example), lift and throw objects weighing approximately one and a half tons (such as most standard automobiles), and leap about two stories (or around ten yards) in a single bound. Due to the efficiency of her muscles, she is able to physically exert herself much longer than normal humans before metabolic fatigue sets in; at peak effort, she can exert herself for up to several hours before metabolites accumulate to the degree that fatigue starts to impair her performance. She also has an increased resistance to physical harm, particularly to blunt force trauma although this extends to other sources of injury to a lesser degree and she heals at a greater rate, about two to three times as fast, as a normal human.
Superhuman Agility: She has enhanced reflexes and speed as well as being superhumanly nimble.
Spider-Woman's agility, bodily coordination, reflexes and speed are all augmented beyond the natural limits of human athleticism. Due to the increased elasticity of her tendons and other connective tissues she is exceptionally limber, granting her extreme hypermobility (also known as double-jointedness); combined with her enhanced strength, this allows her to perform acrobatic flips, rolls and springs with an ease that far exceeds the capability of even the greatest human athletes of history. Her maximum running speed is in excess of fifty miles per hour, faster than the finest human athletes of her world and on-par with a quarter horse. Her reflexes are even faster than that, allowing her to react about fifteen times faster than an average, unaugmented human. Both are sufficient to allow her, in combination with her spider-sense, dodge almost any attack, even direct gunfire at sufficient distance from the shooter.
Perfect Balance & Wall-Crawling: She has a flawless sense of balance and can adhere to surfaces.
Spider-Woman possesses an impeccable sense of balance which allows her to instinctively enter a state of perfect equilibrium in any orientation or body position she can imagine. Because of this she can balance on almost anything, regardless its size, shape, or apparent stability.
    She also has the ability to adhere to surfaces which allows her to cling to solid objects, scale walls, or even hang from ceilings. This effect is a subconscious mental manipulation of the inter-atomic forces that bind atoms together allowing her to form temporary molecular bonds between her body and another object, it is primarily focused on her hands and feet and, as it affects her and another object, requires her to be in physical contact with the object to be affected.
Science & Tech Geek: She is a gifted student of science, notably chemistry, and a competent hacker.
Peter Parker (aka Spider-Man) has a near genius intellect and, despite only being in high school, has a strong grasp of science and technology due to having a driving interest in those fields, especially chemistry and computers. As his clone, Jessica has inherited these interests and intelligence.
    Jessica is able to apply this aptitude and knowledge to create short- and long-term advantages that would be beyond the ability without them. For example, she can apply her scientific knowledge to identify uncommon materials, to mix chemicals to get specific results, or to glean information that others might miss from highly technical scientific journals. On the other hand, her technical know-how can allow her to kludge together a radio to get an important signal sent out, repair electronic and mechanical devices, or determine the purpose of a device by examining its construction. She's not a master of these skills however, so anything requiring more than undergraduate education is beyond her capabilities. Additionally, Jessica's computer skills are noteworthy; imprinted with skills exceeding those that got Peter hired as the IT guy for a major metropolitan newspaper, she can adapt to any human-usable computer interface with ease and navigate most networks with security levels below ultra-secure government systems.
Spider-Sense: She has a "sixth sense" that warns her of impending danger.
Spider-Woman's has precognitive sense - which she calls her "spider-sense" - that warns her of impending danger. It manifests as a tingling sensation at the base of her skull which, though Spider-Man's experience, she has learned to interpret minor variations of allowing her to differentiate potential or immediate danger, how intense a threat it is detecting, directional clues, etc.
Organic Webbing: She produces webbing, made organically in her body, though her fingertips.
Spider-Woman's body produces spider-like silk which she releases though her fingertips. This silk makes strong, elastic webbing which she can selectively make sticky or not and long lasting or not; by default, the strands are sticky and short-term. Her short-term webbing lasts for about an hour while the long-lasting webbing has an integrity half-life of about thirty weeks; at the end of a strand's lifespan, no matter how long, it crumbles to dust.
    She can use her webs for any imaginable use of a rope or adhesive but most frequently she uses them to travel via "web slinging", binding or otherwise incapacitating opponents, and creating sticky nets or other environmental effects - advantageous to her or as a hindrance to her foes.
Competent Combatant: She is a capable fighter with an acrobatic style almost unique to her.
After gaining his powers, Peter Parker (as Spider-Man) developed a unique fighting style that makes full use of his agility, strength, and equilibrium. As his clone, Spider-Woman inherited this fighting style, consisting of acrobatic dodges, flips, and slides as much as kicks and punches, alongside the other memories and skills of her progenitor.


Altered Metabolism: Her metabolism runs hot and requires more food than a normal person's.
Spider-Woman's altered physiology impacts her metabolism in addition to the more obvious "powers" it grants her. Firstly, she "runs hotter" than a normal person (about a degree to a degree and a half hotter at 100-degress Fahrenheit or about 37.8-degrees Celsius) which makes her more easily detected any sensor or sense keyed to temperature. Secondly, she needs to eat more than typical requiring a higher caloric diet to sustain her metabolism and greater levels of protein as well in order to maintain her reserves of silk. She needs half again to twice as many calories as an unaugmented woman of her height, build, and age or she'll risk malnourishment and starvation like anyone else; if she doesn't consume about the same increased amount of protein daily she'll run out of silk within a day of normal use as her body will simply stop producing it to avoid malnourishment from low protein intake.
Cloning Blues: Her inherited memories can cause confusion for herself and others.
Spider-Woman is a clone of Peter Parker who was created in an effort to make an agent with Spider-Man's abilities. Her creators intended to implant a fabricated identity with the name Jessica Drew after removing the fractured memories of her progenitor from her mind. When she escaped she retained those memories but adopted the name they'd told her she was to be given. As a result of this she has a very confused outlook on life which carries an abundance of complications for her.
    One of the two most common complications for her is her intimate familiarity with and knowledge of people who don't know who she is; when she forgets and telegraphs that knowledge people tend to be either angry or confused - this almost always come back to haunt her. The other most common way this affects her is when something she encounters or experience triggers a flashback to Peter's life; in that momentary pause an opponent can gain an advantage on her without even knowing what happened to grant it.
Responsibility: She has an inflated sense of personal responsibility.
While her ears never heard the words, Spider-Woman remembers the talk about responsibility which were the last words Peter would ever hear Uncle Ben say. Those words have had as poignant an impact on her as they did on her progenitor. This has caused her to have an exaggerated sense of responsibility for the people, things, and world around her which, in turn, often leads her to take unnecessary risks and over-extend herself in order to resolve these self-imposed duties. Additionally, on those occasions she fails in her efforts she suffers intense grief over it.
Vulnerable Spider-Sense: She depends on her spider-sense but it's vulnerable to jamming.
Spider-Woman depends on her spider-sense to warn her about impending danger. Unfortunately, certain frequencies of sound, drugs or specialized technology can suppress it; additionally, it doesn't trigger against anything not recognized as a threat. When her spider-sense is suppressed she is a less capable combatant as her combat style is fairly dependent on her knowing when and where threats are coming and web-slinging becomes less natural because she has to work harder to avoid impacting buildings and falling.
    When denied her spider-sense, Spider-Woman is reduced to Tier-D.
Motor Mouth Mode: When afraid and stressed her mouth almost seems to have a life of its own.
When the adrenaline is pumping and Jessica is in the grips of fear she has a tendency to conceal that fact by putting on a glib veneer. In addition to helping her keep the fear from ruling her actions, this leads to two potential problems for her. The first is that those who understand her well - ally or foe - can still tell that she's scared by her behavior while the second is that this often comes in the form of insulting jokes, sometimes childish ones, which can lead to her riling up her opponents into a rage they may otherwise not have felt for her, thus making the situation all the more problematic for her. It should also be noted that when she gets truly angry this goes away but all that does is further telegraphs her frame of mind.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
510 Lethal Protector: Along Came a Spider... Jun 02 2019
459 Not a Pokémon! Mar 31 2019
See All 2 Scenes


Title Date
Jessica's First Day in the World Tree Apr 07 2019
See All 1 Cutcenes