World Tree MUSH

Electric encounters

Character Pose
Jenny Sparks
The fact is, this world interests Jenny. Or rather, some of the locals do. Calling them wildlife doesn't seem entirely fair. She would love to know how the entire thing evolved. But right now, she's found her way back to, for want of a better term, Pokemon-land. Her aura might or might not be obvious to some of the Pokemon. She's not really powered up right now, but the energy still whispers quietly through her...and will unless she's drained. Which is *not* a good experience.
Luke Gray
Pokemon are mostly found on the wild!, that's something most people of this world will tell folks curious about pokemon, point them to pokemon professors, pokecenters, or the nearest wild area. Of course, that's not to say there aren't urban pokemon, far from it, but in the cities, tend to be smaller or a bit harder to spot. Of course, a human with a large electric aura will draw attention from the wild. At the moment, Jenny might find herself being stalked by the tiniest, cutest yellow spider things, attracted and intrigued by the power emitted by the human!. 

    One of the locals finally points her towards Luke, simply mentioning that there was a trainer with experience with electric pokemon!, and indeed, she can find him on the outskirts of the city, on a small clearing, clearly engaged in some kind of battle!. On one end is the round tiger creature that Jenny might know, Dynamo, electricity sparking visibly from it's fur. On the other end, a large orange, cream and black bear, that seems to be on fire somehow. Luke is watching from the sidelines, giving commands to the two, "Dynamo!, thundershock, Agni!, Detect!" he calls.

    Dynamo's body becomes surrounded by bright yellow electricity and it releases multiple yellow bolts of lightning from its body at the opponent, trying to surround and converge on the fiery beast. The bear roars, fire flaring around, a blue energy dome forming around it, the electric bolts being deflected and tossed around.
Jenny Sparks
Jenny Sparks does indeed have cute little yellow spider things following her. Well, huh. Cute stuff. She's not going to admit that they *are* cute. Fascinating, she might give. Cute? Nope. She's not admitting to finding anything cute. (Anyone, that's another matter. Ahem.) Approaching the trainer, she watches the spar with some interest. No, she doesn't interfere, but the slightest hint of crackling energy appears around her eyes for a moment.
Luke Gray
    The small spider seems quite bold, going up to climb on one of Jenny's legs, unless something happen, and start to 'feed' on the static power emanating from Jenny, it's not violently draining energy from her or anything, but might feel like something is trying to draw some of the 'spare' energy flowing out, rather than letting it float away, hungry electro spider.

    Luke nods as the two pokemon do their attacks properly, "Good work!, now, Agni you are on the offense now, hit as hard as you can!, Work up, then Over heat!, Dynamo, show him how to do a proper defense, light screen, then Protect!". The thunder cat seems to do it far more easily than the bear, roaring as a translucent energy builds up again, a translucent wall appearing in front of him, before a second, light green wall seems to form.
    The fire bear starts to growl, it's body glowing brightly, anyone familiar with DBZ might joke about 'powering up', but seems a similar idea!. As it turns completely red, it opens it's muzzle, a white glow emanating from it before a white flame with an orange flame spiralling around it shoots from it's muzzle, the heat is palpable!.
    The attack collides with the transparent wall first, struggling against the barrier, before pushing through and slamming against the second one, the fire spreading and shooting to the sides of the wall, like water hitting glass, pushing the wall, and Dynamo back for several seconds, before the fire attack finally tapers of, and the energy walls fade.
     As the mess of fire and smoke finally fades, the tiger can be seen, apparently unscathed, even if it looks like it spent a fair bit of it's energy just to not get hit!. The fire bear seems to be quite exhausted from the effort as well, the red glow fading as it pants and sits down.
Jenny Sparks
Jenny Sparks steps forward as the fight appears to be over. Yes, a slight crackle around doubt she picked up some of the stray electrical energy that was flowing from the fight. There's also the faintest hint of tobacco smoke, possibly more palpable to the pokemon.
Jenny Sparks
Jenny Sparks also...has a spider. She reaches down, but rather than brush it away, she tries to gently pick it up. "You know, you should ask permission for that," she says, with wry amusement.
Luke Gray
     The small electric spider is easily snagged, walking to her palm, it's small!, it waves tiny fuzzy limbs and makes soft noises, before it lowers it's head as if in apology. It tries to make some 'nibbling' motion, all four blue eyes fixed on Jenny, hungry tiny electric type. AT least it's soft, and fuzzy. 

     The two pokemon move to join Luke, who is offering them snacks, some encouraging words and plenty of pettings!. Once again is the tiger who spots the arrival first, mewling to the curious electric human, followed by the bear who sits, tilts its head and seems to ask the tiger something. Luke is the last in the group to see Jenny, but he smiles and waves one hand, "Hey!, I see you made a friend."
Jenny Sparks
"Apparently. What kind of creature is it?" she inquires. Not familiar with this world, clearly, although to be honest her dress isn't that far from a trainer's.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray grins adn offers one hand, "I think that small guy is a joltik, they eat electricity." he explains, "Luke by the way, I think we met but can't remember for sure." eh adds, pointing to his pokemon, "That's Agni." he says, motioning to the bear trying to eat something from a jar. "And that's Dynamo." he begins, "He... Agni, no, put down the jar!" the boy calls, the bear panicking and startnig to waddle around, with the jar stuck to it's nose. "No, that's mine!.". The tiger just shakes it's head and moves to headbump against Jenny.
Jenny Sparks
"Jenny Sparks," she introduces, reaching to shake hands. Tiny bit of static, but nothing hugely weird. And then the bear... "How smart are they?" she asks, thoughtfully.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray grumbles, reaching for the jar, with the bear moving in circles before finally giving up, "Pretty smart, they understand when we speak, and seem good at hinting what they want normally!" he says softly. The tiger purrs and sits down, watching the bug on Jenny's hand.
Jenny Sparks
Jenny Sparks nods. "My world doesn't have anything like them...probably a good thing." What would Lord Emp make of them? Weapons, no doubt.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray grumbles and finally recovers his jar from the bear, who just starts to groom his paws and face, as if it was a completely planned thing. He pauses as Jenny makse the comment about 'a good thing' , "I see, at least you seem to be fine with them, some people seem to not be very comfortable near pokemon."
Jenny Sparks
"Compared to some of my friends, they're nothing," Jenny says with a one shouldered shrug (shrugging the other would disturb her bug friend)
Luke Gray
    The bug friend is a spider, or seems similar to it, wandering around the shoulders of the electrically charged person, while the electri tiger headbumps her left side. "Certainly seen weirder things in other worlds." he muses, glancing back at this pokemon.
Jenny Sparks
"They don't seem to be...prone to fighting for anything *but* fun," Jenny says, flickering a bit of a grin at...oh right. Tiger. Nobody who knows her is here. She pets it.
Luke Gray
     Luke seems a bit curious, "Oh, you mean pokemon?, yeah, they like sparring and training white a bit." he says, smiling, "They do fight sometimes but most of the time, outside pokemon battles, we all get along.". The huge kitty presses into the petting, tail twitching.
Jenny Sparks
Jenny Sparks nods. "And what do you fight for? Bragging rights? Battles?" The hand not petting the tiger is twitching a tiny bit. Fidgety.
Luke Gray
    Luke considers for a moment, "Well, I like my pokemon... they like fighting, I fight because I want to become the greatest pokemon trainer... to making a name for myself, and to help them become as strong as they can be." he says with a grin, "I also like helping people and simply exploring the worlds." he says softly.
Jenny Sparks
Jenny Sparks nods a bit to that. "So, mostly...bragging rights." She quirks her lips. "Although woe betide anyone who attacks this world."