World Tree MUSH

Beaches Bewear

Character Pose
"Look no need to be afraid." Ash's warframe knelt down to the teenager cowering back. There were a pair of battered pokemon huddled by the youth. "You jumped me, I defended myself. We head to the nearest pokemon center to get your team sorted and we talk aboit to see why you thought mugging me was a smart idea."

The kid, dressed in what passed for a team skull uniform, nodded slowly. He'd heard rumors spread about this guy, had even seen him give demonstrations to trainers about thins that could happen off world. "I thought maybe if I... beat you..."

"Ash slow nodded as the pokemon were recalled, "You thought that'd get you noticed by your boss?" THe warframe helped the kid up. "Since that fairly obviosly didn't work, let's explore 'what now'."

The pair walked along, the warframe's arm around the kid who by this point looked grateful to be alive more than anything else.
Luke Gray
     Seems there was a small infestation of team skull around the area, they never truly went away, even if most were smart enough to avoid challenging a Warframe!. Part of the reason of the group picking the area, was the large themepark nearby, including rides, people in pokemon costumes, lots of food stands, games and such. It meant a lot of tourists might visit the area!, also meant poor hungry people from the park might take short breaks to wander around the town now and then, to the point most people didn't bat an eye if some weird humanoid pokemon seemed to walk and settle down against a wall just to relax. 

    Luke was in the area, having invited Ash around to relax, maybe spar!, and had dealt with another of those Team skull grunts as well, politely helping him back and pointing him to the pokemon center.

    A large pink and black humanoid bear makes it's way right next to Ash, casually moving around, holding a large bundle of berries. Not too far from it, a person starts to follow, "Hey!, you have to pay for those!", but the bear person just continues moving forward, ringed tail wagging with each step.
The team skull member went pale at hte sight, "Sir... That's... not..."

Ash frowned within the transferrence pod as he put himself between the 'guy in bear suit' and the kid he was escorting. "Pokemon center's thataway," He pointed." Keep your head down tell staff there's a bewear in the park."

The kid nodded and scuttled off, His lucky day! He could claim the bewear barged in on his fight. His boss'd believe that, right? Yea tottally. Just gotta keep moving.

Ash's frame then turned to look at the bear before approaching. His handswere empty and his weapons holstered. "Hey there!" He kept his voice friendly, convrosational as he addressed the bear, hoping to get its attention. "You seem lost."

He had no idea what he was doing.

Ordis was in the process of calling Luke, "Operator Ash is engadging a large... pink.... Thing currently. I recommend you go keep him from doing something stupid." Beat. "Dumber than usual."
Luke Gray
    To the Bewear's credit, it seemed fairly peaceful, even as it reached into the bag of berries and grabbed some, eating with a surprisingly cute sounding noise, it has a very squeaky voice it seems. The tall (7 foot tall) plush creature pauses as Ash approaches it, confused by the stranger, but for now, listening, tilting it's head to one side, "Wear?", raising its free paw to mimic what Ash was doing. The shopkeeper that was chasing what he thought was a costumed person almost going pale and starting to back away.

    Luke blinks as he gets the call, "Pink... thing?" he pauses, before he hears peopel talking about a Bewear and he gasps, "Tell him not to get too close, and not do sudden motions, even if the Bewear is friendly, it can still hurt people." he tries to tell Ordis, before sprinting in a run towards the location sent to him, no pokemon out just yet, better not to startle the bear by arriving with one!.
"Look I'm sorry but... Miwa kinda hasn't been helpful on translating pokespeak." He motioned the shop owner away as he stepped closer, attempting to keep the pokemon's attention on him. "Is there something you're after, or just here for a walk?"

His plan assumed he could lure the Bewear away, but to do that he would need to hold his attention. Unfortunately his mistake was underestimating the Bewear's reach.

"Want to alk with me? Need help finding something?"
Luke Gray
    The bear blinks, odd to see people walk closer and speak so nicely to it!. At least Ash has the attention of the bear, who listens to what is said and seems to reply something, one long fluffy looking limb reaching for Ash, quite fast for a plush thing, and 'taps' the warframe's shoulder firmly, holding onto it somehow. 
    Luke finally made it there, panting loudly, can getting the bear's attention, "Hey Ash, hey Bewear." he talks casually, "You know the city is not a good spot." he tries, "Why don't we all go back to the forest, I can get you more snacks." the boy calls.
Ash looked at where the end of BeWar's limb touched his shoulder, surprise at the fact it honestly felt like a vice wrapped around his entire shoulder. He gave a soft chuckle, "I like your thinking Luke. It's a nice day out."

Breath Ash. Breath. Focus on keeping calm. Too many bystandards.

"Sound like a plan to you big guy?" His warframe's head tilted as he looked the BeWear over, "Girl? I'm... sorry I'm new here I have a hard time judging these things."
Luke Gray
    There is a small moment of panic as the bear seems to realize it might be squeezing too hard, following by one of realization that... whatever this 'person' was, it didn't seem to be too hurt. It looks kind of happy really, wagging it's tail and pulling Ash into a one armed hug!, it is thankfully still careful, makign excited vocalizations, before nodding a few times, pretty much picking up Ash and holding him against it, trapped in a very soft and fluffy situation. 

    Luke looks more than a bit concerned, even if he knows Ash likely is ok, "S-sure, this way." he mumbles, shaking his head a bit and pointing down to path the Bewear was walking, "Let's take you home, we can stick around with you for a bit." he adds. Of course, there are some bystanders, one on a phone, the faint noise of an ambulanec, perhaps called as Ash gets 'snagged'. Still, the trio begins to walk.
Ash didn't try moving, and yet didn't go limp. This was perhaps the most dangerous situation he's been in apart from when he was in a space station that was falling apart. Show too much fear and the giant bear freaks out, resist too hard it might take what he's doing asa challenge.

Instead Ash slowly reached over with his free arm to gently pat the bear's side before waving to the crowd of onlookers.

Meanwhile within his ship's transferrence pod, "Ordis..."
"Yes Operator." Ordis's voice was a careful neutral.

"Remind me again on how Luke was able to get a cub away from one of these things without being torn apart."
Luke Gray
    For now, the Bear is mostly intent on holding Ash against its side, perhaps just glad to meet someone that can be held, even for a moment, without that person screaming or going limp. As the group moves around, it finally releases Ash, letting out a cute squeak at the patting, seeming pleased. "Well, clearly it likes you, you have a way with these things, Ash." Luke says, smiling. 

     Luke decides to distract the bear with something else, "Hey, I have another friend for you to play with." he offers, reaching for a pokeball and releasing a Stufful!. The Bewear lets out a sharp 'squee' and quickly reaches towards the confused Stufful, picking it up in both forelegs for a hug, while the smaller bear squirms, not flailing quite as much as it usually did, the pair apparently chatting as they get towards the woods. Luke is quickly to sneak towards Ash, "Are you ok?".
A quick diagnostics when he was let go showed Ash the bad news. "THe shield nodes on and around my shoulder are fried, outer armor's got dozens of microcracks like I just hugged a hydraulic press." Ash's voice was surprisingly convrosational as he explained just how dumb that was. "Could be worse, Warframes fix a lot easier than people do."

He chuckled at the Stufful, "Glad he's making friends." The fingers of his left hand flexed as he madesure his warframe's shouldr hadn't suffered worse than he thought. "Wonder what had him wandering so far away from home, any ideas?"
Luke Gray
    Luke moves closer, watching the two bears make their way to the woods, pausing only to eat from the berries teh Bewear had. Now and then Stufful points at Luke or Ash behind, with the bigger bear nodding, but otherwise, they seem to be properly distracted. 

    Luke winces as he hears all the damage, but nods a few times, "My guess, might have seen some of the workers of teh park wander near it, seen a couple on a Bewear costume, and it got curious... maybe even picked up the fruit from a stand after seeing someone just buying some." he says softly. "They tend to be friendly and relatively fearless, as long as we don't get too close adn respect their space, if they are in a bad mood."
"Easy to be fearless when there is next to nothing that can really hurt you and most everyone having sense enough to not try." Ash gave a small wave to Luke's Stufful when the smaller bear pointed at him. "Given our new friend isn't tearing my head off I imagine Stufful is saying decently nice things about us." 

He stretched, causing a loud pop from his shoulder. "Speaking of, how've you been holding up? Had a... well. A bit of a talk with Anna. So if you want to talk, I'm here."
Luke Gray
    Given the small glare, pause and the Bewear's tail lashing for a moment, might as well be talking about the time Luke got shot (with the rubber gun) for that talk. Still, indeed, seems the two calm down adn wave to the human and Warframe, moving back to the edge of the town.

    Luke smiles at the concern from his friend, "It's a bit weird to talk like this to a proxy, but guess it can't be worse htan a phone." he teases, letting out a chuckle. "But... I am doing fine... that situation was very new to me, not sure why it... messed me up so badly, but I'm fine, things are going well, been training, figuring things out... it's nice to have a conversation again without anyone in danger." he says, smiling.
Ash nodded, "Well you said you wanted help training. Plus I needed to take it out for a jog after Ordis got done with the last set of repairs." A helpless shrug, "And yea it was an ugly situation. Thing is a lot of times ther'es only so much you can realisticly do. I'm not saying don't try finding a better way. I just don't want you to beat yourself up when that can't happen."

He opened a bag of mixed nuts and held it out to the Stufful, "You been helping keep Luke safe man?" Sure Angi did a lot of the heavy lifting, but the small pink puffball had a huge ego, and considering he was keeping the BIG pink puffball calm and happy, play to the ego. Play it for all it's worth.
Luke Gray
    Luke smiles brightly, "I appreciate it, sorry oyu got it broken again so fast." he says softly, rubbing the back of his head, "I just wish I would do more at times, all I can do is be there, help with my pokemon and hope it is enough." he says softly. "I still remember a fight with a monster from Anna's world... it really messed up my head, at least Dynamo was there to save me." he says. "I figured, just being the best trainer I can be is enough." he says softly, smiling. 

    The stufful was still held by the pink bear, reaching with those weird limbs for the mixed nuts, grabbing some, and feeding some to the Bewear that chirped happily and ate some, happy pink pokemon. "He's been training a lot, I think he is ready to evolve any moment now." he says, smiling, "He might ask for a rematch, when that happens." he says playfully.
Ash grinned inside the transferrence pod even though it couldn't transmit to the warframe itself, "Speaking of traning... Miwa's considering... I dunno, training? GOing professional?" His fre hand wobbled indesicivly. "I'll help how i can, but I don't know how organized matches go, and Miwa pointed out if they let me in the fights they'd have to let OTHER offworlders in fights which basically turns it inot 'who can get the weirdest most exotic thing to sub in for your team."

He offered Luke the bag of nuts, "I'm encouraging Miwa to fill the paperwork out herself even though it'll cause all sortsof headachs because it should be her name on the papers, not mine since she's putting the work in."
Luke Gray
     Luke nods, "Yea... she might need a trainer... I mean, I don't think having you written as her trainer is a problem, trainers don't get involved in fights, after all." he says, "I mean, if you WANT to get involved in the pokemon battles as well... well, that might take quite a bit of paperwork." eh says with a chuckle, "I did consider trying to do a tournament inviting anyone to try to fight against pokemon." he says. 

    The teen grabs some of the nuts, eating happily. "I do think she will need someone for the part of trainer, since you are required to call the attacks, and also would help if she gets hurt in the battle." he muses.
This got a nod from Ash as he considered, "My thing is your world needs to accept that Miwa is her own person. She might have to bench herself so she is firmly in the command position of a team, but Ordis has gone over the language of trainer registration and teeechnically Miwa qualifies since nowhere does it say a pokemon /can't/ register..." 

He looked about before his attention turned to the Stufful, "What do you think big guy, think Miwa's got it in her to do trainr fights?" Then a second glance around, "Also how long til we get to our new friend's home?"
Luke Gray
Luke Gray nods, "I am pretty sure people do realize that... I mean, she has been doing shows and travelling around and has fans and everything!" he says with a grin, "I know it sounds weird, I figure if she fills the papers, they might require someone to stand as a trainer just... in case something happens, plus the regulation of calling attacks of course." he says, "But trust me, if anything, Miwa might be even more popular if she gets in the pokemon battle area, as a talking pokemon fighting for herself." he says, smiling, "I quite get what you mean of course, I'd worry about... taking her spotlight as well, she works hard for her fame." he sighs and rubs his hcin, "It is a somewhat delicate situation.". 

     The question is broken as they walk outside of the town and towards the woods, moving towards the Stufful and Bewear, handing them a bag of snacks. "Can you make your way home from here?" the boy asks, the bear nodding a few times and reaches to pat Luke on the head, pausing to look at Stufful that seems to keep chattering at it, the paw moving slower and slower, until it finally ends on the boy's head, very slowly pats it twice, then gives back Stufful to Luke.
"Well the paperwork hasn't been signed so it's something that'll happen when it happens." Ash watched the Bewear and Luke have a moment. "Hey if you ever want help and I'm in the area feel free to swing by. Too many nice people around here I don't want to see bad things happen to."

He looked to the Stufful and chuckled, "Appreciate the help. Helps having someone around that can be understood y'know?" He didn't even bother ruffling the Stufful, knowing full well the small pokemon genuinely hates being touched. "Maybe have a nice sparring match later? Shoulder's fine."

"No it isn't Operator, there are at least a dozen shield nodes that need either replacing or servicing plus several sections of outer plate that need mantinancing." Ordis's voice whispered in Ash's ear.

"Plus theres that kid I was having friendly... words with. I do hope the police don't try hassling me too hard since I was trying to get him to a pokemon center. Didn't even go that hard on his team."