World Tree MUSH

Lethal Protector: Along Came a Spider...

Eddie Brock and Jessica Drew meet in his San Francisco over a drug/gun deal that they both aimed to stop. After they talk, an interview for him and her getting a chance to talk about home.
Character Pose
"Eddie..." Anne walked into the door of her home to find Eddie on the couch with her TV's remote held firmly by a tar-black tendril sticking out of Eddie's chest and a medical show on. Another tendril that had formed itself into Venom's face stared raptly at the TV. Eddie instead looked over to Anne and waved, "Oh hey uh... we kinda tried cleaning up while you two were out."

By Eddie's standards everyting was in reasonable shape, nothing on the floors, counters cleared, and he even did the dishes. Anne would have been impressed and grateful on any other day. Today, however, "That's nice of you Eddie but..." She held up a paper showing Venom doing a muscle-man flex pose in front of an obviously unhappy man in prriestly garb. "Where were you two when this happened? THe picture says local but..."

Eddie shrugged, "THer'es like... this big town like sixty feet straight down. It has to do wit hthe park incident last week. Seems a lot of out of townes have been finding their way down and the locals kinda wanted to thank us for helping so hey positive press. Everything was going great until Padre Pantytwist showed up screaming demons and spouting half-wrong latin at us."


Venom shot a line of black at a nearby roof and pulled. The building was only a couple stories tall but it served as a launching point to get them off the ground. THeir target was below, traveling fast, and more worrying acting paranoid. There were whispers going around of a monster stalking the streets taking people out left and right. Some of these stories even spoke of people being eaten...

Venom grinned. "It really was getting boring."

<I get you buddy, but what if somehow someone figures out we don't do sound too well?> Eddie voiced his concerns as Venom lept from rooftop, to the side of a building, clinging to it like a black inkstain before leaping, then at the apex of their jump, snagging a building across the street with a tendril and pulling themselves along.

Their smile grew wide at the gathering. Talk of drugs being exchanged for guns. Eddie's phone was in Venom's hands and pictures were taken clearly showing the illegal merchendise. Then it was tucked away, protected firmly by Venom as they gathered to pounce....
Its been a couple of weeks since Jessica Drew ended up in the World Tree, her travels have only shown her how strange the collection of worlds truly is. She's found problems to solve here and there - for individuals or communities who always ended up helping her out with meals and shelter for a night or two before she chose to move on, no feeling like she belonged and not wanting to impose. The most recent world she visited found her in a jungle of gigantic trees where quarter ton giant cats hunt the native hominids who reside in tree-top villages when they come down to the jungle floor to forage. Having defeated a rabid cat the night before Jessica woke before her friends did - still tired from their late night celebration of their hero's actions - and donned her costme and departed.

While swinging though the jungle she saw the opening of a vine and dove though it...

... elsewhere, a drug/gun deal is occurring. Spider-Woman appears though a shimmering field and lands on the building directly above the goons. Taking a moment to re-orient herself she smiles beneath her mask and nods... This is more like it, she thinks to herself, I've always been more at home in the urban jungle after all. Unaware of the other super being near by she watches the gang bangers for an opening to drop in on them.
Venom tensed, seeing ... something flip through the air too big to be a bird or even a drone. Then its head shook before re-focusing on its prey. Photoes taken showing illegal thing happening with clearly identifiable faces. Police notified ... whether or not they respond is something beyond their control. Now was time for Venom to Act.

It launched from its wall-side perched at the van tht was being used by one of the gangs. , causing the roof to pancake, causing the rear compartment to become all but unuseable as two black tendrils grabbed a pair of goons, specifically the pair that had made the agreement.

Venom's mouth opened as both started firing as they were drug towards the symbiote. "Braver than most," Its voice bass filled and resonating, almost as if two voices were speaking at the same time. "However still stupid for chosing this life."

It paid little mind to any further gunfire as it pulled a gutter from a nearby building to twist into a makeshift restraint around the pair before ruffling one of the punks hair.

Giant claw tipped hand attached to a nine foot tall very muscular, very toothy creature that seemed to give zero reaction at being shot at, ruffling this guy's hair. "Sit tight while we handle your friends."

Only then would it turn to face the half dozen or so. "Gentlemen..." Its freakishly long tounge flicked int othe air, catching a bullet before tossing it aside.
Moving at the same moment as Venom, Spider-Woman appears to have chosen another set of opponents - specifically the trio backing up the gun dealer. Dropping down from above as they begin to take shots at Venom, she momentarially lands on the head of the rearmost of the three where her momentum knocks him to the ground. As he drops to the ground she pushes up from him and does a midair split, lightly (for her!) kicking each of the other two in the head knocking them off balance.

By this time she has noticed Venom and, while dodging bullets from the other side of the field, she says "Oh no. You are /not/ who I think you are. Please tell me I'm imagining this!" sounding just a little bit frantic in her disbelief.
Gangbangers go flying, amazingly not being crushed or mangled when the Spider-Woman decides to use them for tapdance practice. Instead they'll have bruises, headaches, and currently in the process of questioning their life choices. Tonight was supposed to be their big payout!

Then one of the gangers got the bright idea of using one of the guns being sold on the giant scary gene-simmons tounge monster. Funny, no bullets. For a moment the ganger thought the chunky plastic gun was some kind of scam because no noise, no giant deat hray. Just a friendly chirp and the lcd mounted on it helpfully informing that one charge had been depleted.

Venom, on the other hand, wasn't havin g any fun with this. The black ofits body exploded in a spray of tendrils and filiments briefly revealing bitso f Eddie Brock beneath dressed in bluejeans and an iron maiden t-shirt.

The thug blinked, then pulled the trigger again causing Eddie to crumple t othe ground as Venom wailed like some sort of eldritch abomination forced to deal with the limitation of our universe.

Eddie's teeth gritted as he managed to stand. Gods this hurt. He took a step, and almost fell over at the third shot aimed at his head.

The thug with the gun grinned, not paying attention to Spider-Woman. Only seeing a chance to end the Black Menace as he pulled a pistol and took aim at Eddie's now unprotected head.
"Holy shit," Jessica says as the Venom symbiot is half-blasted off of Eddie. She does a flip in the air and lands on the side of one of the buildings that define the alley with her feet and left hand touching it. She points the fingers of her right hand at the grinning thug and shoots *thwip* webbing at the gun, snagging the barrel from the side.

With a double grip on the webline Spider-Woman yanks the gun out of the goon's grip and swings it around only to slam it into his stomach. "*OOOF!*" goes the thug as his breath is knocked out of him only to then hit the other wall of the alley with his back.

"Its late guys," Spider-Woman yells at the battered and bruised hooligans, "Go get to bed before you regret meeting your other dance partner!" The guy in the symbiot isn't someone she recognizes but its still a danger to everyone here. To Eddie she says, "Nice choice of music dude, my aunt was big into oldies rock also!"
<That one deserves to be torn in half for this!> Venom roared in Eddie's head.

"Naw man..." Eddie wobbled as he walked towards the now prone thug and shook his head, "Cops should be here-" As if on cue there was the sound of sirens, "Pretty much now. I suggest you get a good lawyer because whoever you stole those guns from are not gonna be happy."

Then Venom engulfed Eddie's body and grinned, showing teeth as long as the man's arm, "And they won't be nearly as forgiving as we are." A black tendril shot from Venom's back, pulling it onto the wall Spider-Woman was on. "It would be best if we are not here. Too many questions. Anne is already givign Eddie grief over how.... public we have been with our appearances." It sounded annoyed at this turn of events, but instead of elaborating it climbed, much like Spider-Woman herself might, up the side of the building. "There is a place near here." ANd then Venom did a running jump towards the next building, using a web-line to catch a light post to swing off of. IT didn't have the same grace or fluidity Jessica had, but the general idea was there.

As for where Venom was headed? Apparently a corner convenience store. Nondescript small time place that wasn't a chain business. Just some random seeming hole in the wall wit hEddie Brock there hurridly flipping through the photoes on his phone, making sure they had been backed up.
Sirens. Yeah, the police don't tend to understand costumed individuals doing their jobs in any world. Jessica crab walks up the wall while watching Venom and then, once he's above her she leaps across the alley to the other wall and back again to reach the rooftop opposite Venom's direction.

Spider-Woman watches the symbiot-man head off and then descretly follows, trusting her spidey-sense to warn her when he might be looking for her so that, perhaps, he doesn't know she's following him. Once he's at the convenience store she watches him for a while from across the street before she jumps across to the store itself and crawling down to the shadows above the light Eddie is standing beneath and oriented head down so that her masked face is less than a yard away from Eddie's ear.

Without any preamble, Spider-Woman says, "What ever you do, don't jump," softly enough so that she can be heard by the man below her.
<SHe is not here.> Venom growled. <We should have questioned her.>

Eddie shrugged, watching as his phone confirmed all the photoes had backed up. He sent a selfie to Anne of him in front of Ms. Chen's to let her know they were safe before sending a short text explaining what happened.

Then there was a voice in his ear, causing Venom to force Eddie to keep looking ahead, "You've got our attention... what are you like a spider woman or something?" He kept his voice low even if his tone was strained. Every muscle in his body tensed. "Also how the hell did you sneak up on us? Vee I thought you were on overwatch, what gives?"

Jessica Drew wouldn't have heard Venom's response, <....You think I feel any better about being snuck up on?>

"C'mon down I'll grab you a drink or something." Eddie frowned, remembering the balance in his account, "I think anyway.... freaking... bills." Grumble.
"Yes, you can call me Spider-Woman," she says in response to his first question and she ignores the second. She half vocalizes "Vee? He's talking to the thing?" to herself before saying, "Um, sure, I'll be right back I guess," iin response to his offer of a drink after which Venom itself, having been alerted to her presence, notices her scurry up the wall and flip over onto the rooftop.

Up on the roof Jessica lowers her mask and removes her gloves and then slips the small back pack that was hidden by her hair or shadows up to now and pulls out skinny jeans, a t-shirt (black with U.S.A. and a star in patriotic colors) and a long sleeved denim jacket. Once dressed in those and wearing a pair of Converse sneakers (also black) she jumps down from the roof into a nearby alley and walks around to the front of the store. She approaches Eddie warily - the caution likely noticed by Venom as non-prey cautiousness - and says, "Despite the hour I'd really rather have breakfast." And then adds, "Jet lag has nothing on vine lag," without any concern for secrecy about the World Tree... not with another costumed individual.
Eddie noddedat the teenager with the patriotic shirt, "Yea when we first started havign these pop up I got dumped into some jungle somewhere and had to wander a week before I found home." He sounded very unenthused over the memory. "Not a fan.".

He held the door for Jesica before entering.

"Hey Eddie." A short chinese woman at the counter waved at the pair before smiling, "Got a fresh batch of choclate in for your friend."

"oh wow thanks Misses C." Eddie gave the woman a friendly smile before turning to Jess, "Lady's been here for years. This place, it's basically-"

And there within line of sight of the counter was a freezer that had at head level boxes of microwaveable 'pancake sandwiches.'

Eddie looked at the display, then to Jessica, then to Ms Chen. then facepalmed.

A tendril popped out of Eddie's shoulder which soon resolved into Venom's face, "I keep telling you Eddie, there is magic in the universe. How else would that happen?"

Then it looked to Jessica, "not even exadurating. THis place has almost anything you could want."

Ms. Chen chuckled, "Still on about the lobster?" She chuckled as the tendril sunk back into Eddie's body and went back to minding the counter.
Jessica Drew
"Wha-?" is the immediate and oh-so-elegant response Jessica Drew voices as Venom extends itself in front of the Chinese proprietor of the store. She shakes her head and then says, "She knows about..." and just trails off. "Are you always so public about..." she starts again, trails off again and then finally finshies with ""

What kind of world is this that I've found myself in? she asks herself in her head. Looked like we're in San Francisco from what I saw after the fight but... Don't get ahead of yourself Jess, let him talk. this guy seems like he might be a talker.

"Hello," Jessica says to Ms. Chen before saying, "Convience store is where you'd take someone 'to get drinks' then, mister?"
"Eh," Eddie put a pepsi on the counter and slid his bank card across. "More a case she knows me, Anne knows where this is so she gets a picture from here she won't worry so much," He then handed the bottle to Jessica. "And Miss Chen is willing to give me a little flex. Not a lot, but enough."

He streched, "So you've got questions, and probably won't just take me at my word on Vee being harmless... right?"

Miss Chen looked like she was going to say something then shrugged.
Jessica Drew
Shaking her head as she does it, Jessica takes a pancake and sausage sandwich from the shelf and grabs a Black Cherry Vanilla Coca-Cola. As she sets then down next to Eddie's Pepsi she says, "He's buying for me," to Ms. Chen.

While the Chinese shop owner swipes Eddie's card, Jessica says, "You're calling it Vee... what's its real name and where was the suit created?" She is not about to say she knew who created this life form on her world, not yet at least.
"Well his name's Venom..." Eddie paused and frowned, "He... it. I guess It would be more proper, but the voice is like, mine with the bass cranked up. Anne said it was hers when they were looking for me." Eddie heldthe door for Jessica then continued talking, "So I dunno what the right pronoun would be and Vee seems to be fine with whatever the host rolls with."

He'd then check his phone and shrug at the lack of texts. If Anne were freaking out there would be a line of them waiting. Instead he would walk with this Spider-Woman, "Asfor where it came from? Would you believe outer space? Like full blown ET. The life Foundation sent a shuttle out, found these things on a comet. Come back and... everything just kinda goes Really horrible. Talking like 'something from a bad comic' kinda horrible. Snatching up the homeless to use as lab rats, guys breaking down my door with guns. Me getting dumped by my fiancee because I swiped some confidential papers to corner this mega-wealthy douchnozzle running the thing with."

There was a brief pause before he added, "That last one was totally o me and the guy she's with right now... I'm glad she bouncedback." There was still that sting of emotional pain in his voice.

<It still hurts though, doesn't it Eddie?>

"So we're kinda trying to figure out how to do this whole cohabitation thing without driving eachother insane."
Jessica Drew
"Vee it is then," Jessica says between bites, eating the sandwich with the gusto of a teenaged boy while they walk and talk. "An alien huh? That's weird. I was bonded with something very like it before..." she catches herself saying that and shakes her head. She then corrects herself, "Okay, not me but trust me, I know what its like to have something riding you. You seem to be describing a true symbiotic relationship but mine was more like a parasite trying to take over."
Eddie made a face at the word 'parasite.' Then grunted, "Yea sounds like a lot like the original invasion plan Venom was part of until he bailed." He took a drink and huffed. "It's not all sunshine and roses. Buddy of mine is waiting on labwork to see what i can eat other than 'everything not nailed down' that'll help out." THen a look to Jessica with a questioning look. "Then again you said you had something riding shotgun on you.... Maybe something, maybe nothing but lemme guess. Brains and chocolate right?" Wait, was he seriously just casually bringing up cannibalism?
Jessica Drew
Jessica makes a face at the comment of brains and very quickly says, "Ugh, no. Gross!" She pulls away from Eddie and then says, "Brains? Really? Oh my god!" the unopened cola drops to the ground and she looks to be getting ready to defend herself. "I... he... it was only a couple of hours but yes, the suit was tryiing to make m... him kill a criminal rather than stop him." She looks side to side seeing that there are innocents... /a lot/ of innocents around.

"You're not going to attack me are you Eddie?" she asks. Watch his last name be Brock also, she thinks to herself.
Eddie pailed. Realization sinking in at what exactly he said and just. Deep breaths eddie. Deeep breaths. "just... breaht alright? I've got it under control here. Your safe." He tried to sound reassuring. A couple passed by, and slowed at Jessica's uttr revulsion. "Ma'am are you alright? Is this man bothering you?"

<What? We eat BAD people...>
Jessica Drew
"Yeah, uh, yeah I'm fine," Jessica says to the couple, trying to sound confident and secure despite the look of utter horror on her face just a moment ago. "My... I missed the most recent episode of Survivor and he was telling me what they were made to eat," she says fumbling only a bit as she tries to get them to leave. "Thanks for asking though," she adds dismissively. It seems to work because despite the woman still seeming a bit concerned her date heads off muttering something about disrespectful teens.

With a furtive glance around her to be sure nobody is looking right at them Jessica points a finger at the dropped can and shoots *thwip* a strand of webbing at it then jerks it back to her hand catching it with a twist of the wrist that minimizes further shaking. Keeping an eye on Eddie with her peripherial vision she begins tapping the top of the can systemetically and resumes walking. "Where I come from Venom was created as an attempt to fight cancer... then the military got involved, it was a mess," she says, figuring its her time to drop a bombshell.
"Yea uh..." Eddie rubbed the back of his neck as he made sure anyone passing would see he wasn't in immediate 'grab pannicking teenager to hurry her along' since people got understandably upset when that happened. "Did I forget to mention he came here t otry invading the place?" 

He was trying to not mention how many people they've eaten since then. He tried not even thinking about it if he could help the matter.

"Usually we hit a butcher shop, or squirrels." Beat, "Yea I don't like it either but the only thing that seems to come anywhere close is chocolate and neither of us have nay idea why."

<THe trick with the can as neat. I wonder if Icould make that.>

Eddie peered at the webbing that was still stuck to Jessica's drink and hrmed thoughtfully before shaking his head. "He wasn't even the team leader. He was like... I dunno he said he was the runt of the pack." Try making Venom seem less threatening. Try to reassure the girl they're not doing the new fad zombie diet. THen Cancer got brought up causing a memory to jiggle loose, "Yea science lady that snuck me into the place said something like that. Said the life foundation wanted to study these things see if they could use their regenerativeness to fix people, make them sturdier, more able to deal with how we're trashingthe place."

There was a humorlesslaugh, "Yea. Sure, Try making hungrier more anticosial people... or try fixing the place we kinda messed up in the first place." His head shook, "Least we stopped the whole lot of 'em from showing up."
Jessica Drew
Jessica listens as they walk. Along the way she apparently felt she'd tapped the can enough because she prys back the tab slowly releasing a hiss of gas without the explosive release of fluid that a shaken can would normally relase. After taking a sip out of the can she asks a question that likely makes Eddie's former publicist groan: "What's your name Eddie?"
There was something about how this girl asked the question. Something about it made his mind flash back to when he hadgotten dressed down after the Sin Eater interview backfired. "My Name's Eddie Brock." THere was a small sad sigh, "Don't guess your universe had an Eddie Brock that screwed in New York? Is that like... a thing that happens everywhere?"
Jessica Drew
Even though she was expecting it, hearing him say it causes Jessica to freeze in her tracks. "I knew them both," she says, "Senior and Junior. The former was part of the team that created the Venom symbiot while the latter... last I knew he was the one wearing the thing." She then says, "He's a bit of a spaz and tried to force himself on a friend of mine once. I hope you're a better person than that."
Venom grunted at this personal revelatin. "Dad lives on the outskirts of twon." There was a hateful bitterness to his voice. Then he looked at Jessica and just stared, stopping in his tracks. "He... did... /WHAT/?!" That last spoken both by himself and Venom in unison. Outrage at the notion even some alternate universe.. THEM... could do that. "God no. Only reason I'm hanging around Anne is her and Dan are both better people than I have any right to, and both of them know about Venom well enough to want ot help both of us instead of peel him off and put him in a jar somewhere like some demented science nerd decoration."
Jessica Drew
"Woah," Jessica says in surprise at the reaction. Okay, so maybe this Venom could be good, she thinks to herself. "It was /before/ he was with the symbiot. I think if it'd happened after that Gwen wouldn't have survived the trip to his dorm." At the mention of Gwen's name, Jessica's voice falters for a moment but she tries to cover it up quickly.
Eddie's head shook, "Not ringing any bells, but I really wasn't in New York that long after collage." Long enough to make a mess out of things and have t ocome back here. He frowned, "Anyway... something Anne told me the night we broke up that's been kinda motivating me to keep doing the whole gang banger, drug pusher, whoever whackamole thing. Said I kept blaming everyone around me." Jessica shared something that sounded very personal. The hindpart of Eddie's mind was treating tis as an interview. So, build rappore with the interviewee and share something personal.

He looked around to make sure noone was especially close. Venom would have let him know, but it wasa habit of Eddie's built over a lifetime. "She said I kept pulling everyone down to keep from drownding since I wouldn't take responsibility." There was a small smile on his face. Even though he could still remember staring down the side of the Golden Gate. Even though it had been the worst night of his life emotionally. Even with all that he still smiled, "Like I said, she's better friends than I deserve. Hell of a lawyer to boot." Present tense. Maybe the uncle ben moment only turned fatal with Spiders. "Venom's a big fish over here. He wants to play 'do whatever we want.' Way I see it, this is home. Venom chose to live here. It's our job to keep it safe."
Jessica Drew
"Nice to have a home," Jessica says in such a way that only someone who doesn't have one does. "I'm currently travelling world to world. This is my first time in one that has a New York City," she says, not that its likely to be mine she thinks before continuing by asking, "Anyone like me or you in New York City by any chance?"
Eddie winced. Knowing full well what that felt like. "Yea... uh. If I had a place I'dlike... offer somewhere fory ou to crash," His downcast tone wasn't painting a hopeful sentement, "But there's a huge gap between 'I need a place to sleep' and 'I have no idea where home is.' I'd like to think I'm good about finding things, but... how do you even start?"

<Hey moron, she's the one who's worldless, throw her a bone.> Venom chided.

Eddie's head shook, "Not really that I remember, and Vee's only been on earth for like a few months now." There was a sad shrug. "Ther'es plenty of urban places, a couple nice New orks I'd heard about. Anne's been wanting me to go see some of these new places, get interviews, show people more than the talking heads spraying fear at everything on the other sideo f one of these... Vines."


He then looked at Jessica, fixing her with a level stare. Then asking in as grave a tone as possible, "Why are they called vines? Why a Tree for the metaphor? Why not a web?" Not the first time he has wondered this. "Fine, sure. Gotta condense the whole thing down so us puny linier corporial beings," He made finger quotes while at the same time Venom sprouted a pair of tendrils to make the same gesture before retracting them, "Can comprehend but... a Tree?"
Jessica Drew
Jessica nods and then says, "I can see the point of the tree because there are worlds so intwined with each other that they are called branches and others so entangled that they make up what is called the trunk. Thus the tree anology. Vines... no clue, but I'm no expert only been 'on the tree' so to speak for a couple of weeks."
A shrug from Eddie, "So like... where you're from Venom waa a lab project." His voice sounded like someone chewing through facts, "I'm some entitled chad that can't take no for an answer that lives in New York, and you're able to crawl walls, make... what are those, silk? Literal spider ilk grapple lines?" Eddie pointed at a can on the ground and a black tendril shot out before pulling the can back to his hand. "So how'd you end up with the same kind of skillset Venom got anyway? Is that like... just a thing that everyone can do there?"
Jessica Drew
Jessica replies to this line of inquiry by saying, "Lets get off the street for this discussion, Eddie," with an unspoken "not going to answer that one out on the street" express in the way she says it.

A short while later, Jessica and Eddie (with his ever present companion Venom) are standing on a nearby rooftop. Oh gods, where to start, Jess? the teenager asks herself. She then starts simply by saying, "No. Not everyone can do what I can do where I come from." She pauses and then says says, "Not that I'm the only one with powers..." she shakes her head, "I can't even say my powers are unique..." shit, I just met this guy, but its not like I have to worry about a secret identity anymore. Not really... right? The fact that she is struggling inwardly about this is quite obvious to an experienced reporter like Eddie. "Where I come from people either got their powers though some form of scientific expermimentation or by being a mutant... the leading theory for the existance of mutants is that raising levels of radiation changed their genes by the way," this she explains quickly so as to avoid the details of her history.
The idea of Mutation, the sort that gave powers instead of cancer, being an evolutionary defense against an increasingly unfavorable planet caused Eddie to grow thoughtful, "You got any ideas there Vee? Seen any other cultures out there?"

<I try to keep my mind in the here and now. You know that.> Venom grumbled in Eddie's mind, <Truethfully though? Maybe? It all becomes a bit of a blurr over time and when one thinks of everything else as Food it all blurrs together.>

Eddie's frown deepend, "Yea Venom's not a lot of help on this one, and I'm not really a scencey type." Eddie held a hand up as he paced, to try signaling the hamster hadn't hung its foot on the wheel, "but if where you're from people respond to a slow ramping of radiation, either as side-effect from cold war mining and testing, or the ozone thinning, or whatever leads to Doc Crazyhair's 'humans are an alien science experiment' not being completely crackers." That idea caused him to chuckle, "In an infinite number of worlds with an infinite number of maybe's guy has to be right about at least one of 'em."

Then he paused, looking over to Jessica and closed his eyes. "You keep using They, Their, THem... putting Mutants as seperate from you, but your gifts aren't something in the base human package there. So, and if I'm stepping into some sort of giant minefield like orientation and gender identity STILL are," He sounded annoyed at those even being an issue worth discussing anymore instead of just 'one of those things,' "wouldn't that make you a mutant by default?"

There was a pause and he shook his head. "Nevermind, too personal kid. There's a mole city, could give you directions to one of the entrances. Nice place, plenty of space, well lit. Internet's stuck at dialup speeds and cell reception's non-existant, but tell 'em Eddie Brock sent you and you should have a safe spot to sleep while you're in town."
Jessica Drew
"No, I'm not a mutant," Jessica says, leaving off the I'm just a clone of a kid changed by a genetically engineered spider bite that still passes though her mind. "Thanks for the tip about mole city, Eddie," she adds along with, "Maybe I'll explain what I am in more detail next time we talk, before departing."
Then there was the sound of sirens. Eddiesighed as his head swivled towards the noise. "Hey you seem like you've been at this awhile." Eddie's thought process is 'kid's been doing this a year or two,' which was still longer than his steant as some sort of 'hero' or 'vigilanti' or whatever. "Care to come along? Maybe teach this old shmoe a thing or two?" He gave a smile before runnning to the edge of the building. Each step caused more of his body to become engulfed by Venom's substance.

Then he jumped, a tendril extending to snag the next building in line.
Jessica Drew
No quick transformation for Jessica, instead she kicks off the shoes and gets out of her jeans, shirt and jacket as quickly as she can. "I'm right behind you," she calls out as she pulls on her gloves.

Then, as she pulls her mask up from around her neck, she also leaps off the building casting a strand of webbing to swing though the city in the direction the police were headed in also.