World Tree MUSH

Pokemon vs. Familiar Round 1

Character Pose
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia has turned back up at the Alola Islands, this time with a largish bluish gray housecat in tow. She had come back to introduce her familiar Zero to Luke and to gauge how well the magical cat would act around pokemon.
Luke Gray
    Luke is usually found on the less tourist filled spots, getting space for his training, especially now that he has a new guy to work with!. Still, he is not too hard to find, most locals might be familiar with the foreigner with unusual pokemon training on the beach!. A quick walk can spot Luke, a pink and black tall bear, and a somewhat more normal looking creature, looking close to a mix of bear and some big cat!. 
     Luke is on one side, while the two 'bears' are busy in a grapple. "Ok Bewear, good, now try a bit harder." The smaller looking creature growls and suddenly shifts, grunting and starting to pick up the orange and cream bear, that lets out a surprised yelp. "That's it, now place Agni down."
Aurelia Argent
    The gray cat is well-behaved for... a cat. Aurelia doesn't even have him on a harness or leash and he is following along. The teen and her cat watch as the Bewear and the Inciniroar grapple, watching Luke train the pokemon.
    Zero peers at the pokemon. His voice is kind of high in house-cat mode. "Wow, haven't seen pokemon in person before."
    Aurelia grins. "They're pretty neat, right?"
    Zero says "Wellll.... I gueeeeess. I think I look better."
    "You're a cat, of course you would think that."
Luke Gray
    Luke certainly does not seem to notice the to, just focused on making sure the Bewear does not hurt Agni, the two bears seeming to just have fun, trying to grapple, push and hug eachother, just horsing around, the boy chuckling a bit. "Seems you are doing better Bewear, Agni hasn't yelped for help or need a pokemon center visit just yet." 
    To most people in this world, there is nothing unusual on a behaved cat, given cat pokemon are a thing, there is an alolan persian peeking at the metal cat for a moment, it kind of looks like a large cat decided to eat a bee!. On the side, just sunning on the beach, there is a third pokemon, a large... ball shaped tiger, well, not quite round but close, Dynamo just being lazy and grooming one paw.
Aurelia Argent
    Zero did transform into his battle form, feeling a bit inadequate compared to the bear pokemon. The battle form looks like somebody built a cyborg lion out of a bright silver material, with metal cables for the mane. The metal lion is much bigger than Aurelia is. He sits next to her and glances at the Alolan Persian. "Hello." That's a much deeper voice than before.
    Aurelia waves at Luke, but otherwise doesn't interrupt the training.
Luke Gray
    The weird cat meows in surprise as the other cat just changes shape, blinking a few times and glancing up, seeming quite confused, THAT was a bit out of the norm, "Per?" the cat asks, trying to act non chalant and sit down, of course a cat won't be shocked by something like that. The electric tiger does hear the conmotion and gets up, meowling loudly at Aurelia and the curious cat people, casually waddling towards them. 
    Luke turns around at noises and grins, waving back to Aurelia, "Hi!" he calls, losing focus of the ongoing 'training' and approaching. As the trainer stops watching, the two bears also get carried away, with Agni trying to hug and nudge the fluffier ursine, before the Bewear grabs one of Agni's forelimbs, and judo throwing it right into the sand hard enough to cause a small cloud to raise, the other, larger bear letting out a squeak. "Bewear!" the pink thing chirps, raising both limbs, a very clear 'I win!' kind of situation.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia winces as Agni lands. "Is it going to be okay?" She asks Luke, gesturing towards the sand where the bear-ish pokemon landed.
    Zero's tail lashes this way and that, the big cat being fairly at ease despite his fearsome appearance. "Magic." Zero explains to the questioning Persian, sauntering over to the downed pokemon for a look-see.
Luke Gray
    Luke seems a bit startled at the noise from the battle, turning around and chuckling a bit, "Yeah, don't worry." he says, while the large, cream and orange creature grunts and shifts on the sand, growling softly to the stranger that moved to check on it, before it gets up, shaking vigorously. "They are both pretty strong." Luke says, a bit relieved to see Agni getting up. 
     "I think the only real damage might be his pride." he chuckles softly. The Persian tilts its head at the mention of magic, letting out a huff and batting at the large lion tail playfully, "Just ignore that Persian he is just looking to annoy you."
Aurelia Argent
    Zero flicks his tail to deliberately tease the Persian. The big cat is intelligent enough that he knows he's playing with something that has four claws and teeth. If the Persian gets nippy, he can always take one of those big paws and gently push the other cat over to establish dominance.
    Aurelia nods to Luke. "I take it pokemon have personalities like... uh... do you even have 'normal' animals?" She blinks as she realizes normal may not be the correct word as for all she knows.
Luke Gray
     Luke moves closer to check on the fire pokemon, helping it up properly and offering a snack to the annoyed fiery ursine. For now the PErsian is mostly curious at the (Metallic?) combat lion, and is simply toying with it, seeing how it reacts, glancing between it and Aurelia. The Bewear moves to Luke's bag to snag a candy bar, which it shares with the electric pokemon, the pair just watching the cat antics. 
    Luke chuckles, "Hmm, I dont think there are really any normal animals as you call them, it's just pokemon!" the boy explains, "As for personalities... yeah, that's a way of saying it." he says with a grin, "It varies from pokemon to pokemon, even of the same kind."
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia smiles at Luke's explanation. "Of course they do. Only people who don't pay attention to animals think they don't have personalities like people." She watches as the bewear performs the oddly human gesture of sharing a candy bar. 
    Zero looks at Luke. "This one of yours?" One supposes he means the Persian.
Luke Gray
    The Bewear waves one arm to Aurelia and lets out a surprisingly squeaky growl, pointing to Luke's bag adn his candybar, "Hey, don't steal all the candybars." says the boy, chuckling, before his attention finally focuses on Zero, being really... not familiar with the cat person at all. "Hello." he finally greets, "You are Aurelia's friend?" he asks, before shaking his head, "Nah, he just lives back in town and gets bored." he says, glancing at the large cat, who simply meows and streetches. "He is friendly enough that I don't mind him around."
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia ohs... "So if I impressed it, I could take it home?" She's referring to the Alolan persian of course.
    Zero's tail subconsciously whaps the persian's face out of some jealous reflex. "I'm her familiar. Whoever wields the sword, I'm bound to. Before Aurelia, it was about a century of hanging around pretending to be a house cat."
Luke Gray
    Luke smiles to Aurelia, "Well, you can try!, I don't think it has a trainer, it just hangs around in the city." he explains, "I don't know how strong it is, never saw it battle.". The explanation gets a nod from the boy, "So you follow the person with the sword then!". 
    The whap gets a hiss from the blue gray cat, who jumps back and growls threateningly at the metal lion, before suddenly pausing to look to one side, acting shocked at a random thing. The... thing turns out to be nothing, but the moment Zero looks away, the large cat moves with incredible speed and smacks against the lion, it's pretty much a tackle. Then the cat huffs, apparently feeling even.
Aurelia Argent
    Zero glances over after being shoulder-checked by the much smaller persian, wobbling a bit from the surprise of the impact. In a typical display of feline dominance, the metal lion reaches over with a huge forelimb, puts it around the persian and pulls the pokemon in for a forced head-grooming. Cats.
    Aurelia hmmms... "I guess if it *wants* a home? It seems pretty happy here." She rubs her head a bit. "How'd you meet your pokemon, Luke?"
Luke Gray
    The cat growls and trashes as it is held and groomed!, it stubbornly tries to groom back, paws kneading at the metal lion and pushing at it, it almost look cute, if it wasn't for the serious faces on the two involved cats!. 
    Luke smiles to Aurelia, "I got Agni from the local pokemon professor when I started as a trainer, he was a cute tiny bear back then... Dynamo I found as a lost kitten, helped him get healthy and he decided he wanted to stay with me!. The others I just found during my trips, and either they battled me, and then let me catch them, or simply decided to tag along." he says.
    After a moment he grins, "Most pokemon like hanging around with humans, and finding trainers, and battling!, I am sure the cat might like having an owner, even if it acts so aloof and independent."
Aurelia Argent
    Funny enough, Aurelia isn't carrying a sword that Luke can see. She hmms as she walks to the persian and kneels in the sand in front of it, even as Zero keeps a firm grip on it. "Nah, I think this rascal likes all the attention people here give him. Let it be, Zero." Zero grumps and releases the persian from his grip. "Maybe if I got to know it better first though!" 
    Aurelia stands up. "Besides, I'd have to ask my parents."
Luke Gray
    The Persian was purring by the time Aurelia forces Zero to stop, the blue cat blinking and shaking a few times, leaning to lick the chin of the metal lion a few times and lingering nearby, slowly turning to check the person in charge of the bigger cat. It sits and nods, "Sian." it offers politely, before getting up and brushes against Aurelia's side. Luke chuckles a bit, "It does like attention, that's for sure." he begins, before adding, "Yeah, I think asking about keeping another pet might be smart, before you take him hime."
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia bends slightly to pet the persian's head. "Yeah. Is it different here? I mean, do kids still have to ask their parents if they can keep a pokemon?" 
    Zero just settles in, lying on the sand and looking like he's sulking a bit, even if his ears are moving as he takes in the conversation.
Luke Gray
    The Persian presses into the petting, purring noisily, tail moving to playfully poke at the lion's face, curled end twitching against the cat's nose, it clearly likes the attention. "Oh, trust me, it's the same!, I mean, in some senses pokemon are easy to take care of I guess, but still, yeah you need to ask for permission to keep one at home." he says with a grin.