World Tree MUSH


Mirage Mouse breaks into a telecommunications company for phone records and is harassed by a ninja fox!
Character Pose
Mirage Mouse
It's late at night, and not a creature was stirring... except for maybe a mouse. After putting the lone security guard into a trance, of sorts--Mirage Mouse has taken upon itself to rifle through the computers and filing cabinets of a rather large telecommunications company. Think a big TV and internet company. You know the ones. It's name doesn't matter, what does is the phone records Mirage is here to steal to provide dirt on a client's enemy who has hired her as a fixer to ruin their credibility. It's easy money for how easy it is to do, faster for Mirage as well as she doesn't even need to establish contacts (see also: leaks) within the local police force, or with lawyers and their ilk.

"Lets see here, Argyle... Argyle... where are your call records, sock-man," Mirage muttered to herself, her sneaker-boots stepping over a few loose papers as she goes through what looks like a large office area, cubicles empty for the night. No one else around to see the 5'0" mouse woman casually rifling through shit at this hour!
White Paw
She gets plenty of time to search around without a worry. The ambience of quiet looming the room, save for the white noise of a running computer (the one Mirage Mouse is working on). 

From another perspective, the darkness of the hallways is light only by the periodic lights still on inside or from some light through the window. Movement, swift, yet surprisingly silent. The image pans to the left and right at different hallways, until it enters a wide room, filled with cubicles and a light source further ahead. it slows down, but heads straight for the source...

If Mirage Mouse has very good hearing, she might notice something ahead of time. But if not so much... She'll find the Security officer she tranced looking over her shoulder and asking in a perfectly curious voice, "What are you doing?"
Mirage Mouse
"You're supposed to be asleep--" Mirage is hunched over a computer desk, her tail swaying about behind her. She looks back, in a 'what is it now' kind of way, finally spotting the man standing there looking at her, then tilting his head. "Did you call the police, you're gonna tell me--" It would be at this point that Mirage attempts to establish a link between their minds, her gaze fixating on the 'security guard' there, which is going to either succeed if it is him or she's going to run into some problems (tm) if this person has resiliance to it!

"Hnnghh..." Mirage grimaces as she tries to read the guard, only getting stuff relating to her current search, before breaking off the attempt.

"Oof, you're not the guard are you? How would you know what I was looking for...?" she waggled a finger.
White Paw
The security guard either has some strange power thing going on, or he's not what he seems. While penetrating the mind to 'see' it meets with some more resistance than before, it becomes clear it's not the same mind, though whether the extra resistance is actual training or just the nature of it is a different question. "I don't know what you're looking for, but I can see what you have on the screen, so I presume that has something to do with it?" The guard replied in a logical fashion, pointing at the screen. "Any why do you think I am not the security guard?"
Mirage Mouse
"Because the human I put to sleep has no idea what I'm looking for, and all I saw in your head was that, drop the disguise, sweet cheeks," Mirage turned and leaned back against the edge of the desk she was just hunched over, folding her arms. "Who, or what, are you then? identify yourself," she crossed her arms, her tail flicking about near the carpeted floor as it hung beneath her legs now.

"Some other kind of thief maybe? I don't care if you want something else that's here, but I do want those records," she grins.
White Paw
There was silence in that, the fake-guard apparently debating options. If Mirage was still reading his mind, she would see these going pretty quickly, until they rest on a final thought.

No reason to worry then.

But with that, the image of the security guard fades away... without anyone else in its place to take over! Whoever the other person was, they weren't even so nice as to stay for the revealing part! How rude (although if curiosity matters, lookingout the window, Mirage would see the real security guard still standing around in a trance). What shall Mirage do now?
Mirage Mouse
"Oh? a disappearing act? Where did you go?" Mirage stands up, having to sit up on the tips of her boots to look over the tops of the cubicle partition. "How rude, I'm not even trying to hurt anyone, hmph," Mirage then turned back to the computer she'd been fiddling with--cursing as the screen saver has already activated and causes the old CRT to crackle with statis electricity. She taps at the ctrl key on the keyboard and wiggles the mouse (no pun intended) to wake it up again, her tail flicking behind her.

"If you're still there, you can get a soda from the machine or something, if you like, not like someone is going to stop you~"
White Paw
Well, a soda would be nice! maybe there is a machine somewhere whirring along, pushing some poor, hapless bottle down a shoot to land in a bin where-

Eh? Click click, wiggle, tak tak tak, click.... Why is the computer suddenly not able to look up data? Error messages about a missing archive keep coming up. In fact, it seems like nothing data-related is accessible all of a sudden! Though most of the rest of the compute seems to work, including internet... Could something have happened to the servers?
Mirage Mouse
"Alright, what's the deal?" Mirage raises a brow and pulls herself up from the computer, now looking around the office as she strolls out of the cubicle she'd been in.

"What did you do to the computers, they crashed," Mirage thinks. Or the server did, but why would they...?

"I'm Mirage Mouse, and I demand an explanation for this bullshit!" she kicks over a waste basket, sending rolled up pieces of printer paper and wadded tissues flying. Eww.
White Paw
No answer comes to the demands shouted, alas. Even if Mirage waits several minutes and tries fiddling with the computer, everything will still be non-functional (for what she's after, anyways). That leaves several options for her: Leave without the dirt (most likely unacceptable), try to get to that info from another direction (more hassle, but less unacceptable), make it up (Cheating) or....

Hmm, well, surely there were more computers than the ones in this room that could access the servers - or even a mainframe to tap into directly! One of those big fancy rooms full of servers or whatever might yield better results, even if they don't have a chair to sit in.
Mirage Mouse
Mirage goes about checking the other computer stations, before trying to check on the servers. "What's this about, did I piss in someone's cheerios one too many times," Mirage mutters aloud, assuming the presence involved here can hear her. She figures they most likely can.

"Like I said, if there was something here you wanted, maybe we could cut a deal..." Mirage asks as she goes to the server room, likely there one here, further into the building.
White Paw
The most curious thing awaits Mirage as she approaches the server room - There's a server sitting out on the floor just outside it, plains as can be! All the cords were disconnected properly, at least...

From behind a familiar voice sounds. "Omni-directioal, or uni-directional?" It's the Security guard again... but this time, if Mirage tries to read his mind, she'd find absolutely nothing at all - not even a mind.
Mirage Mouse
Mirage this time, at hearing the voice, turns quickly, ducking down as well--forming a hard-light firearm in one hand, pointing it.

"...Huh? Oohhh... I see how it is, trying to out-Mirage the Mirage, are we," Mirage tosses the gun away and it fades into hologram light particles.

"Can't read the mind of an illusion, they have no mind to read, like most people," she hmphs, pushing through the door to the server rack area, peering about. She attempts to restart the computers so she can get her data, at this point, or at least restart the server so said data could be accessed.
White Paw
The Security guard illusion watches Mirage move onward. "Uni-directional, then." But while Mirage goes off to work on the servers, the one in the hallway disappears. Depending on if that matters or not, as you get servers rebooting and are just about to go looking for that data again... The Security ghost shows up again. "What are you looking for on these machines?"
Mirage Mouse
"Phone records," Mirage frowns at the apparition, since that's really more what it was. She couldn't tell if it was hard light like her own illusions.

"Do you just show up to screw with people trying to break in and steal stuff? The nerve," she huffs, marching back out to the terminal she'd been on before.
White Paw
The ghost follows along promptly. "I was not aware what you were looking for was on these servers. I cannot take more servers without interrupting you if that is the case. Why do you need phone records? What use is this data?"
Mirage Mouse
"Those are my reasons, babe," Mirage sighs, as she finally gets back to the terminal, and begins printing off the phone records she needs--after finally finding them. Like holy shit--next time she robs a place, she's going to have to screen it for ghost ninjas!

"For me to know and for you to not know about~" she teases, getting an edge in on the tricksy teasing tactics the Renamon is employing.
White Paw
the ghost watches for a little longer, and then fades away again. And from there... seems to be gone, gone?
Mirage Mouse
Mirage walks right out, not at a very fast pace, and not even cloaking herself--she does put on a disguise of a human woman as she's back outside, however--to better blend in with the unfurred ones running about. "If I ever find you doing a heist I'm gonna come screw with you, okay?! Then we'll be square!"
White Paw
much as what usually happens when yelling at ghosts, there is no response back - though if it helps, no one else really notices the declaration either!

So the other perspective watches as the mouse becomes a human, and from perch to perch, view to view, it follows~