White Paw (Dropped)

White Paw
World: Digimon: Digital World-1
Actual Age: Essentially ageless
Apparent Age: Adult
Role: Curious Dress-up Renamon
Species: Renamon (Digimon)


White Paw is a digimon known as a Renamon, a creature made out of computer coding and given 'flesh' by digitally-created proteins (it's complicated, but it's a synthetic body). Resembling a bipedal gray fox, He is able to 'digivolve' into alternate, more powerful forms in times of need. White Paw's demeanor is that of a calm but curious creature. It is very hard to actually make him lose his composure, but as many Digimon are used to combat, he is not shy about using his combat prowess when it is necessary (or convenient). His particular skill-set focuses on swift, strategic strikes and illusory tricks. Fortunately, his curiosity makes it fairly easy to get on his good side. He'll be happy to have a look at any devices you have, maybe nibble on their code or see if he can make a useful tweak to it for... various reasons.


Close Combat: Martial Artist with a specialty in strikes and dodging
White Paw is skilled in a number of close combat techniques from punches, kicks, and ghostly empowered strikes. Emphasis is more on strikes and dodges than blocks.
Diamond Storm Techniques: Throw Sharpened Leaves everywhere
White Paw generates digital leaves which are actually quite sharp, sending them flying at a target. Since this usually produces a large number of leaves, it can in theory be directed at multiple targets, but the power will be less effective.
Kohenkyo: 'Fox Switch Deception.' Alter physical appearance or create short-lived clones.
An 'illusion' created by copying a texture and giving it form. White Paw can wear this texture on himself or leave it independent, animating it mentally if it has a means of locomotion. These copies are solid but otherwise superficial - About as thick as cardboard and as durable. Once broken open they disappear. Textures are almost always perfect copies of whatever White Paw targets, or can be modified easily with various details as desired.It cannot see inside objects, however, and they cannot be larger than an SUV (given how delicate they are, bigger objects are usually less effective). A Kohenkyo copy can be used to deliver a melee attack, but the action will cause it to pop afterwards. White Paw can only have two clones active at most (one if it's giant sized) and while they can last indefinitely once made, dissipate on their own if he is further than 50 meters away. It does not copy voices.
Digivolve: Youkomon: Upgrade to Youkomon, a 9-tailed fox beast with fiery attacks
White Paw digivolves into a C-tier Digimon, known as Youkomon. This nine-tailed bestial fox form is larger and fiercer than his smaller, bipedal self and manipulates mystical flames to attack its enemies. Despite being considerably bigger it is quite agile, and actually specializes in mystical arts versus raw combat (not that being chased by intense flames isn't dangerous). Youkomon also still has access to the Kohenkyo ability, although its new fire powers essentially replace Diamond Storm.
Digivolve: Doumon< Edge >: Talisman master form that uses debilitating curses and illusions.
White Paw Digivolves into a powerful form known as Doumon. This ultimate level form looks like a bipedal fox dressed as a talisman master, making use of 'magical' pieces of paper that can explode and create various special effects. Among these effects include 'curses' to penalize an enemies physical ability, from slowing them down to making them weaker, or even effects to create an illusionary labyrinth, hiding his allies in illusions to give them an edge against the debilitated enemy within. Although his specialty is in using these spell tags, Doumon is capable of melee combat if he cannot use his tags for whatever reason. Like his Renamon form, Doumon tends to focus on strikes and dodging, and while he can create a protective barrier with his spell tags it is not their most effective use.
Digimon: Digital Monster! Synthetic, durable body.
Although their bodies are 'real' they are also synthetic, and don't actually follow the same rules as most living bodies. They do not age the same way as other creatures, don't suffer from human/biological illnesses or diseases, and while it's not neccessarily impossible to remove limbs, such losses can be restored with enough time and proper recovery. This lack of fragile squishy innards makes them more resilient to damage in general. Strangely, they can still enjoy human foods (assuming they have a means to consume it), usually still sleep and of course feel tired or energetic.
Device tinkerer: Can study, tinker, then modify various devices.
Tinkering with hardware is basically a learned skill - White Paw has the capacity to figure out how objects work with study if he doesn't know the item, depending on its complexity, and take them apart or put them together again. This mostly applies to electronic devices, but with the proper information and tools, he can technically take apart or put together non-electronic devices as well.
Enter the Machine: Become the Ghost in the Machine.
As White Paw is also a digital creature, he has the ability to 'enter' electronic items (anything using microchips or a sufficient amount of circuitry) and exist as the 'ghost in the machine.' This allows him to control the device unless there is a program or user fighting for control. If the device is otherewise destroyed or turned off entirely, White Paw is ejected from it.
Code Maker: He can modify/write code in devices for powerups
White Paw can write or modify the coding of devices, or modify the device to hold special coding that White Paw can consume, providing him with a physical augmentation (power boost, speed boost, etc). This usually destroys the device (it literally falls apart and is converted into synthetic bits for his body). These boosts are temporary, usually only lasting for a number of seconds for combat specific ones (although more cosmetic coding can be sustained longer; the 'better' the code, the longer it takes to make, and the better the device it is stored in must be).


Curious to a fault: Sometimes a bit too curious and takes things apart.
White Paw can't help it sometimes - he wants to know how something works, not just in their code, but in their hardware.. He may not ask about taking something apart since he usually intends to put it back together again, but accidents happen! Sometimes new features get added along the way... usually nothing helpful, but rarely is it a self-destruct button!
Rules are Optional: White Paw will disregard a law, rule, or social norm if it gets in the way.
Many digimon live a wild life in the Digital World, but there are several towns and communities made up of Digimon who make use of rules so they can live together peacefully - there are just very few rules compared to the obscene number you see in human (and most other) cultures. Even then, there are times when Digimon bend and break the rules they set for themselves too. Thus, their regard for most laws is questionable. White Paw doesn't go out of his way to break rules or laws for the fun of it - but if a law or rule is getting in his way of accomplishing some goal or otherwise seems pointless, chances are he will not hestitate to break it. This also lends a bit to his habit of 'borrowing' peoples things to examine, though he is usually very good about putting it back when he's done with it.
Cold Logic: Tends to focus on the logic first and the heart second.
Partly because of the disciplined, almsot emotionless nature that Renamon have, White Paw tends to not pay too much attention to emotional aspects of things - it's not that he doesn't recognize them, he's just not very good with them. He may not think about how someone is feeling in a moment, comments might be obvious and hurtful, and unexpected 'Guts and Glory' strategies may cause a lot of confusion. When he does try to deal with such things, things may get really awkward - or really quiet as he tries to think up how to deal with it (thus still making it awkward).

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
570 Vulpinoid Phenomenon Sep 16 2019
540 Telephone Jul 15 2019
297 One, Two -- Two Digital Foxes. Ah ah ah! Oct 18 2018
See All 3 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.