World Tree MUSH

Tomb of Terror!

A spooky church-like building in a nature park/farm attracts a little too much attention. However, one traveler of the World Tree finds a familiar presence not totally at rest below it, and reunites with an old ally.
Character Pose
Alucard Tepes
The farming village of Taernsbury has known peace and prosperity for a long time. It is the largest farm in the area, and it houses the most livestock, in the most humane ways. To note, Taernsbury isn't a medieval or Elizabethan village -- it's a rather modern one, with tractors and a lot of things automated. It's not futuristic, but it's a little better than modern. But still an idyllic little island of peace in the rat race. Literally, since this is a large forested area inside of a city -- a mandated 'natural resource area' in the center of a very large city.

Of late, though, something dark has settled in the forest. There's an area that's grown quiet -- the animals don't seem to like to be in that area, other than wolves, bats, rats, and other creatures often qualified as 'pests' or 'problem animals'. The very air seems to be chilly and cold, and the feeling of oppressiveness hangs in the air, moreso at night.

Those who have been brave enough to go investigate have said there's a small stone edifice there. They're not sure what it is, but they're absolutely sure that the oppressive aura must be coming from there. The bats gather under the eaves in the daytime, and the howls of wolves are heard near there at night -- not that they want to spend much time out there at night.

There've been no other strange activity... but that stone structure out there definitely bears investigation. But they're having to hire out on the World Tree itself, because nobody from Taernsbury who gets close to that area wants to go too far inside. It's just too scary!

Also there's some talk that a group of the stupider chuckleheads has plans to raid it, thinking it's a tomb where somebody was buried with treasures. Given the way the area just feels like something horrible might jump out and eat one if one stays there too long, this is likely a recipe for disaster. But stupid people will always dare to be stupid. Still, something to watch out for.
Luke Gray
    Luke enjoys visiting new worlds now and then, most people seem interested in his pokemon... at least the smaller ones, and he enjoys discussing about such with others, pointing to his own home world, or even offering his assistance about things. For one reason or another, the companion of choice this day was Pangshi, the ghost panda being a bit restless as he explored the town, vocalizing and tugging at Luke, seeming both nervous but curious about something, and finally dragging Luke in the direction of the forest, where helpful people point out the rumours about the.. structure, wild animals, and especially the supernatural things.
    Luke is happy to offer his assistance to help, with a very eager vampire panda nodding and all but pushing the young boy towards the spooky forest, "Calm down Pangshi, we have to be careful!... at least i have to, I am not a ghost." he says, poking the bear's belly.
Sonia Belmont
Rumors have a way of crossing over from their point of origin, to spread so far afield one must wonder if there's some unifying force at work to ensure the right people get there at the right time. Or something to that effect. Regardless of the reason, a cloaked figure arrived at the farming town just on its edges, having taken a combination of a vine-slash-walking kind of thing. 

Frankly, long before she even drew close, she could feel the aura and her expression had immediately hardened at first, and made for the direction she felt the source of it. Yet, while she might stick out like a sore thumb in a somewhat medieval, traveling cloak fashion, she did indeed stalk her way towards it. Either oblivious--or ignoring--the foolhardy sorts that think to do something about it.

Nominally she would save them from themselves, but they were the type that simply talking wouldn't actually do anything...


Sonia frowned deeply to herself once she got closer to the forest. It couldn't be. If it was, he was here... what else could be here? It was a worrying prospect. But on the other hand... after being without any degree of familiar faces--friendly or otherwise, it was hope she had kept secret and nurtured. Not that she expected him, of all people.

But she, with her own predatory, hunting aura all her own, made her way for the forest's edifice. Following the scent, feeling out the trail of the man once encountered. Sometimes the direct approach was best.
Alucard Tepes
The structure itself looks almost like a small church, weirdly enough. It doesn't look like it's part of the landscape, clearly; it's as though the building simply appeared there. The facade is of gray stone, and looks overgrown with vines. It does have stained glass windows, and these windows are not broken and seem well-maintained. They depict a female figure in prayer; she is a pale woman with light skin and hair. The whole place does have the air of age, but not of being abandoned; someone has been here recently.

And since both Sonia as well as Luke and his Pokemon are all going to the same place, they will likely meet in the forests outside the stone edifice. The forest here is quiet -- no birds sing, no insects chirp or buzz nearby, and no small animals rustle in the underbrush. It's almost deathly still.
Luke Gray
    Luke's small pokemon seems to struggle with a mix of fascination, fear and just concern as it leads Luke quickly towards the clearing and the abandoned building, only to stop some distance from it, glancing back at Luke. Even an over eager ghost can start to realize this might not be a great idea, looking around as it senses something approaching. Luke in the meantime seems fairly unnerved, "This is far too quiet for a forest." he mumbles, one hand slowly reaching down for his belt, "Are you sure you want to go in there Pangshi?" he asks, "Maybe I should get some of the others to come as well?" he asks the small panda ghost.
Sonia Belmont
"... huh." Sonia narrows her eyes ever so slightly given the church itself, part of her racking her brain a little bit when it comes to stories and the like, her sapphire blues scanning through... Someone's definitely been here, this much she knows. There's a good deal of caretaking, she muses to herself, more than anyone should... a quiet smile, hidden in the darkness of her cloak.

But she doesn't quite get to the forest without actually catching sight--well, not just sight, but sensing. Which the more ghostly Pokemon /definitely/ feel Sonia once closer as well, because of her own natural aura of evil predation which, frankly was not being suppressed in any regard right now, though with sensing Pangshi as she had once before...

"... I remember you." The woman's voice is stern, yet somewhat kind as she steps out from behind a tree. "Did not quite expect you around here as well." she adds, her gaze flitting briefly towards Pangshi, who at the very least might not feel that unsettling presence she puts out directed /at/ him, just... she just was. That's the only one it could be described.

"There's something there that these people do not understand." she remarks, gesturing with slight nod of her head in the church's direction.
Alucard Tepes
In the silence of the forest, it's a lot easier to hear sounds. Particularly if the sound comes from inside the small church-like building.

...Like that crashing sound just now, and the all-too-human yelp of surprise that follows it. And the shuffling sounds, like feet on a stone floor...
Luke Gray
    Of course, Luke's pokemon is the first to properly spot the hunter approaching them, the little panda's fur standing on end before it recognizes the owner of that aura not being dangerous, and waving one paw when glanced at, "Shi!" it greets, seeming more at ease now.
    Luke also jumps back, fumbling a bit as he hears the voice, blinking a bit and letting out a sigh of relief, "Sorry, you kind of scared me." he says, trying to downplay the fact he is a bit intimidated by the vampire killer, "Yeah, we were visiting this town and Pangshi got very, very interested in this direction and... then was told of the rumours and figured I might offer a hand and check." he begins, "This place is giving me very weird vibes... like that time I ended up visiting a haunted tower."
Sonia Belmont
"... mm." Sonia tilts her head slightly, then frowns a little. "Well, something... dark is there, yes." the Belmont remarks, before she looks to Luke. "Try and keep up. I heard something, which means whatever it is? It's over there now." And when she says that, she turns on a heel and /sprints/. Well, sprinting? Maybe not the best way to describe it because she leaps, bounding from a few trees to get her momentum going as she makes a beeline for not only the church--but the voice within. The sensation she had from before? ... That's getting familiar. Part of her... half-hopes it isn't, but at the same time...
Alucard Tepes
As the pair/group are going in, someone is coming out. A couple of someones, actually. It's a couple of guys in camo, with hunting rifles. They are, mercifully, not shooting. They're too scared. And another voice from farther in calls, "Get back here, you idiots! It's just a vase that fell over!"

None of these are familiar voices for Sonia, however.
Sonia Belmont
Sonia squints for just a moment; she suspected something like this, and is immensely disappointed otherwise. Pinching her nose, she draws her hood back and looks further in. "You should do as your companions are doing. This is not a simple matter for anyone who does not have a degree of training." the Belmont calls out as she advances further in. 

And more quietly to herself, "... besides which, if allies are abandoning you... 'tis usually a sign..." A mild shake of her head as she expands her senses; spiritual and otherwise forward into the church. There might just be one yelling, but there could be other humans here. Or other.
Luke Gray
    Luke looks... kind of ridiculous, holding onto the back of a reasonably large, but otherwise kind of awkward looking 'creature', it looked like a tiger, if tigers were round and had... unnervingly large mouths. Yet it still looked more silly than dangerous. At least it is silent, like any respectable cat, and Luke decides to keep quiet, one arm holding onto Pangshi, who also seems to be scanning the room, simply smelling and sensing who, or what is around. "You should stick together, it's dangerous to be alone in places like this." he calls, "Especially if you are not prepared."
Alucard Tepes
As Sonia calls out, the other voice replies, "...Wha?! Who are you?!" And there is a ka-click! sound from a staircase going down into the ground. It's a good thing Sonia extended her senses and the Pangshi is also looking for presences, because there are a handful of other people down there too. And it's a sure bet that most of them are armed... and that most of them have their arms trained on that doorway...
Sonia Belmont
"My name is unrequired." Sonia remarks, a sudden and hard edge to her voice. "Do you even know what's actually here? What sorts of things... might be somewhere where, and let me recollect this for you..." She adjusts her gear somewhat beneath her cloak, blowing out a slightly annoyed breath. "Animals avoid this place, while other kinds, such as wolves, bats, rats and other types that seek out dark places. And by dark, I mean where evil or creatures of the Night might make their lairs." 

Rolling her head slightly she glances back to Luke, and almost feels a little bad she left him behind like that, but... if it isn't who she thinks it is down here, these people are in danger. "Which points to a possible vampire, which, given what I've seen of your village, is something you are woefully unprepared for. I admire your courage, if nothing else, but you must needs recognize the folly here."
Luke Gray
    Luke is not mad at Sonia, he knows he is slow, and he also understands the situation is kind of dangerous. Pangshi tries to squeeze out of Luke's grasp to inspect around a bit more, drawn to the voices, but thankfully, not making the dumb mistake of jumping down the doorway, or trying to phase through the ground either, no need to startle the people more!. Luke and Dynamo move closer to Sonia, listening to her speaking, perhaps taking mental notes if he ever wants to sound cool and certain about stuff, simply nodding to her, no hard feelings. He pets the large zap tiger, "I'd like to stay and help." he says, unsure if the last line was aimed at him as well.
Alucard Tepes
There's silence from the staircase for a long moment. Well, not complete silence -- there's some murmuring down there. More sensitive hearing can pick up snippets of conversation regarding it...

"Vampires? They're not real."

"Yeah, but with this Tree thing... they might be real elsewhere..."

Things like that. After a few moments though, that 'leader' voice says, "Tell you what, miss. You come down here, keep your hands where we can see them, and we'll talk like civilized people."
Sonia Belmont
For that, Sonia suppresses an urge to scoff; 'like civilized people'. "For one, vampires are quite real. For the second, I hunt them and kill them. For the third, I know there are precisely four of you right now, since others have left." 

Stepping around and not putting herself in anywhere near the line of sight for that stairway down, she continues, "Furthermore, discussions made at the point of a weapon are anything but civilized. I'm not here to harm you. Consider that this place just... practically appeared, from all intents and purposes. Are you prepared to deal with something that you know nothing about? Might not be a vampire. Could be something else. Could be some phantom, an invisible killer of men. Could be waiting for just the right time. Letting each and every one of you get soaked in your own fear."
Sonia Belmont
>> SUMMARY[Sonia Belmont] >> Sonia attempts: knowledge intimidation.
Luke Gray
    The boy certainly can tell Sonia has experience dealing with people in situations like this, but he still seems surprised Sonia can tell how many folks are down there. Even Pangshi seems a bit curious adn vanishes from sight for a moment, reappearing later and nodding when Luke glances back at him. He doesn't really talk, just is ready in case something happens, not wanting to spoil Sonia's attempt at intimidating the armed folks.
Alucard Tepes
More murmuring happens down the stairs. "...Well... look, now," that voices starts. "If you know what's down here, why don't you guide us, how's that? I understand you having some misgivings, so I'll tell you what. I'll come up there, with my gun put away, and you can..."

It's about then that the dark aura increases, feeling almost ANGRY...

And then the man is bodily thrown out of the underground area, with a cry of shock.
Sonia Belmont
As to how she can tell, well... she can literally pick up on the souls of the young men in here. Or old men, really, can't tell for sure their age, but they're human, they're normal, and they need not risk themselves here. 

Sonia lifts a gauntleted finger to her lips, about to speak when her attention quickly snaps in the direction of the aura, and then foregoes any further attempt to be nice about it. "Check him, see if he's hurt. More probably on the way." And then with a flutter, by way of her unclasping her cloak and sending it flying, she more or less hurtles down the stairs. She's got some magic prepared.

"Because," she begins as she heads down, "What's down here is not something you're prepared for." In answer to the dark aura, Sonia's own rises. A bastion of light--almost comforting yet it is a single message, unafraid towards that of the darkness itself.

<Come forth, and taste thine defeat.>

The men who might be trying to guard the entrance are treated, frankly, to the sight of a woman in partly revealing leather armor, a whip in one hand and looking like she came out of some dark fantasy movie, staring ahead but magic roiling riotously around her.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray doesn't argue, as much as he'd like to jump down and help the others, or at least, go down and help with his pokemon!. Luke and Pangshi rush to the fallen person, the boy already reaching into his back for some first aid things, just in case. Hopefully the sight of a small red eyed bear thing with pointy fangs and a costume doesn't freak out that person!. "Dynamo, watch my back." he asks, while the electric type nods and stands guard.
Alucard Tepes
Fortunately the man thrown from the underground area seems all right. The man looks at Luke with wide, frightened eyes. "H-how... w-wh-wha-what? I-I-I was just standing there, and-and-and I just felt this hard strike, like a giant fist just punched me right in my back...!" He's fine physically, but pretty damn scared, from the looks of it.

However, Sonia might want to watch out, because when the man is thrown, the other three down there decide that's a good cue to beat feet. On the one hand that means they're getting the hell out of there. On the other? They're RUNNING out of there and they don't really care if she's in the way!

Furthermore, that dark aura, increasing in power, meets with Sonia's... and seems to pause. It sits at its level a moment... and then retreats, as if ceding the field to her. It's worthy to note that there's a few more staircases in the underground area, going further down into the earth from that first room.

Also there's a broken stone vase that contained flowers before it was broken. Flowers that are very much alive.
Sonia Belmont
For what it's worth, when Sonia makes her foray down, there is an instant. A moment in time, that riot of magic--magic that expands into a pulse, a breadth of time. For others, time is as it is. 

For Sonia, time slows to a crawl. Allowing her to weave past them, and simply look like she was blitzing ahead. Or not. They'll probably not remember. But she kept it extremely local, no longer than a moment, perhaps three seconds in all, but it's enough to slip past without being noticed at least.

But upon her landing, upon sensing, upon feeling... that, she grimaces ever so slightly, because then her gaze falls upon the broken vase. "... fools." Exhaling slowly, she calls up to that leader. "And that is why you should leave. Do so swiftly, and be gladdened your presence did not provoke further. Luke, if you please."

Summoning the young man back down, she waits, but not before collecting the flowers for a slightly better look. The broken vase. Strapping her whip back to her side, she turns her gaze to the stairs. Time to head down once Luke's ready.
Luke Gray
    Thankfully, Luke's pokemon are quick to move out of the way, adn Luke is glad to assist the startled person back up and out!. Once every person gets out of the way, and hopefully just out of the forest eventually, the boy and his two pokemon climb down the stairs. Luke pauses as he does spot the broken vase and flowers, "So... someone is li... erm, someone is here." he says.
Alucard Tepes
Luke's assistance is appreciated, and the thrown man actually offers a, "Thank you... we're getting outta here. You might wanna do the same. I doubt anything down there's worth going down there..." And yeah, then he's going to scram!

The flowers that Sonia picks up are of a type that she has probably seen before. They're not the typical red (or black) roses one might expect in the resting place of a vampire. It's a pure white lily, but not the kind that one places on graves, the tube-shaped lilies. They are lilium candidum.

Madonna lilies.
Sonia Belmont
Sonia's eyes narrow ever so slightly. It feels like she recognizes these flowers, these in particular, but where? Even still, it's not... typical. Not the kind of flowers she'd expect to see here, to see... cultivated. Wait, could it? Is it really him? 

Sonia seems a little more guarded now for a moment, but still holds onto one of the flowers. "They are. Behind me, please." And with that said, with that flower held in one hand, she advances downstairs. Somewhat... carefully, easing down, but at a decent pace regardless.
Alucard Tepes
Luke will probably make it known somehow that he intends to guide the others back to town. After all, if there's a vampire down here, who knows what's out there in this dark, scary area of the woods. One of them might get eaten by a wolf or something! So Sonia is on her own from here on out.

However, as she travels down the stairs, flowers in hand, at the bottom something that may not be altogether surprising reveals itself. It's a stone coffin, with a carving on the lid. The symbol is a familiar one, however. Possibly more familiar than the flowers.

It's a cross with a wolf head at its center, bat wings at the top of the cross and wispy patterns indicating air or water at the bottom.
Sonia Belmont
Down deeper. Deeper still. "Alucard..." she murmurs, more to herself than anything else, Sonia briefly contemplative, looking at the flowers. Honestly, her feelings are... murky. Make no mistake, she is a hunter. But she also knows him... and a pang of conflicted attraction she felt back then bubbles a little to the surface. He was, as she well knew, a dhampir. The human side of him from his mother... the kindess she sensed in him. Part of her briefly contemplates leaving well enough alone. 

But the other part, the part that's quietly longed for a familiar place here in World Tree, and more to the point, a part of her wonders well enough what else may have come here, approaches the coffin itself. Thoughts hearkening to the departure before she faced his father. That's what really seals it.

And that's what leads a gauntleted hand to press to the coffin lid, to give it a push. Not so much to just /shove it off/ so noisily, but to push it carefully, and to back away once she does so.
Alucard Tepes
The lid of the coffin is stone, so it's going to be noisy, even at its quietest. Particularly to very powerful senses. Senses like... a dhampir might have. The lid of the coffin slides back with Sonia's push, and for a moment, there's no reaction. But as Sonia might be thinking of stepping forward again to look inside, there's movement.

It's nothing severe, huge, or frightening though -- a black-gloved hand, with slim fingers, slowly reaches up and takes hold of the side of the coffin. And then a second hand reaches up slowly, grasping the lid to push it the rest of the way off.

A moment later, a figure in black clothing rises slowly up out of the coffin. Likely a familiar figure, too. Layers of black clothing, a pale complexion, and near-white hair. But he looks older now -- though granted, not by much.
Sonia Belmont
A very familiar figure indeed... though, the older age is scant noticeable, she can't help but sigh a little bit in relief, a momentary glance down to her hand with the flowers in one, before looking to him. Actually not knowing what to do with them, now that she thinks about it. 

"... you're the last person I ever expected to see again, Alucard." Her Romanian accent, her aura, even the smell of her blood pumping away in her veins, undoubtedly every single piece as the man might well remember. A faint smile. "Especially given as the last we saw one another... I am afraid we both failed on doing as we intended."

Albeit for a wildly different reason than expected.
Alucard Tepes

It's hardly a voice he expected to hear again... but also not completely unexpected. He'd felt that aura, and thought it was familiar somehow. And then, when she entered the room he caught her scent. First he thought 'Belmont', then he thought 'Sonia'.

He moves forward in the air, away from the coffin, and lands on the group with barely a click of his soles on the stone. Then he tilts his head up to look at her properly. "...How is this possible? It's been... three hundred years. Yet you've aged not a day..."

...A bit of worry crosses his expression. Might she have been... turned...? She doesn't smell like it. So how...?
Sonia Belmont
"... I thought you looked a little more haggard, ere not the circumstance of being unkempt rising one one's slumber." Sonia's smile is a little weak at that, after all what can you say to someone who's more or less informed you of a 300 year passage of time? 

That said, the expression of concern causes her to reach for her whip. Not threateningly, but the point being she simply pulls it into her gauntleted grip, gesturing with it. "Wouldn't be able to still use this if I were turned. Not sure my blood'd take to being turned besides," she remarks, albeit somewhat morbidly at that last part of it.

As to the question of 'how the hells', Sonia blows out a soft breath in contemplation. "... after we fought, and we departed, I went on to challenge your father. I do not know if I succeeded, but at best I know, the time and spatial magicks that are manipulated through your father's castle, Alucard... was something I had to have a countermeasure for, lest it simply depart while assaulting it."

Dropping the whip back to the loop it was on, she remembers she had those flowers in her hand, lifting them up. "... some fools broke the vase that these were in, sadly." Her gaze turns back up to Alucard. "Time and space. My memory is somewhat... hazy. I know I was about to kill him. But then there was light, and there was fire, and there was wind, and then this... place. This among many, all part of what the people here have simply called the World Tree. I haven't been able to go back whence I came... the thought was that perhaps the same aspects of the Castle are what keeps it from being able to be part of the sprawling paths between worlds."
Alucard Tepes
Alucard does not laugh at the joke, but there's no sign that he's offended, either. That's probably something else that might be different -- Alucard seems much more... stoic. At least, there's an effort being made to remain so. As for her blood not taking to being turned? "A descendant's did. 'Tis not as unlikely as you might think."

But yes. She has a story to tell. However, as she tells of being on the verge of killing Dracula, he notes, "In the years to come we learned that the Castle, and its Dark Lord, rose once more every hundred years. I have known of three Belmonts to deal the final blow, yet none have succeeded in truly killing him for all time."

The flowers, he lifts his hand to take off her hands. "The broken vase... that was what woke me. I had not been asleep very long yet." Though as he inspects the flowers, he gets a bit of a wistful, faraway look. His mother loved these...

It's then that he registers something she said. "This... World Tree? It has been keeping Father's castle from coming here?" He thinks about this. "...That may be partially a blessing in disguise -- it means none here will have to know the fear of it..."
Sonia Belmont
A slight frown on Sonia's lips as she considers that ramification, all the more a problem to be considered. "...was I one of them, or...?" It's a fair question to ask. Maybe she did. Maybe actually slaying him them was what caused the time-space nonsense, but given Alucard's remark, it's probably unlikely. She was hopeful, but given what happened...

"What I would do to have the Hold back. All its knowledge... there were suspicions and theories about the Castle, about the Dark Lord. I remember reading accounts by Leon regarding him..." She has a pensive look for a moment, before she's brought back to reality, handing the flowers back... and then actually seeing them in his hands, the look in his eyes? That jars loose a memory, though she does not immediately speak on it.

"A blessing and a curse, mayhap. Had... had everything gone as it should have, I had intentions to find a good man, and bear a son to continue the line," she remarks quietly. "More to the point, this... confluence of worlds is strange in more ways than one." Her eyes fall back to the flowers.

"... your mother's favorite, weren't they? They looked familiar, from inside the Castle. I only saw a portrait for a moment."
Alucard Tepes
Alucard nods to that question. "You were. There were others as well. Descendants of yours," he confirms. So apparently, to HIS recollection, she DID find a good man and continue the line. Somehow. Even though she was stuck here. That might be some comfort, at least. Maybe.

"To the date I remember, none had discovered how to permanently end him," Alucard notes. "Despite all the information, no one could find a way to break the cycle. He rose twice in the life of the last Belmont I knew. A cult brought him back, weakened. The leader bewitched this Belmont, convincing him he was the new Dark Lord of the Castle." Yeah, that was a mess...

The mention of the World Tree being strange gets a quirk of a brow. "Oh?" And then her words about the flowers registers... and he looks to them again. "...Yes," he replies, his tone softening so that the single word is enough to express his feelings on the matter.
Sonia Belmont
Her eyes run the gamut of emotions. Something of a strange relief, a curiousness regarding how the line continued; she may make some assumptions. Her eyes almost bulging a little in surprise at that part regarding a cult, before her expression becomes all the more somber for it. But that he wasn't truly killed... 

"... seems there will always be evil... and always one to hunt it down." she remarks softly, at least before her attention turns towards addressing a few things. Sonia sighs a little. "Strange in ways. Some that would remind you of home. Some that are so far flung... in some places, it's as if five centuries have passed." A wry little smile, "The amount of books I've been able to get my hands on..." ... which have totally not gone missing from their places, we swear. "But how long have you been here? The tales I hear are that this place simply appeared one time." She steps forward, looking around a little bit now that she has the wherewithall for it.

"Do you sleep, then awaken every so often to maintain it?" She then turns to look up at him. "... Ah, hm. Have I gotten ahead of myself? What do you know so far?"
Alucard Tepes
Alucard nods. "That seems to be the way of things," he agrees. "If not the evil of monsters, the evil of men. The darkness in mortals' hearts reaches towards the Darkness that is the Dark Lord." He speaks with an air of tired inevitability. "There will always be a need for those to rise to stop him."

The place is just a very simple tomb, one that probably would have gone undisturbed for its mundane look. Or for the creepiness surrounding it. Aside from the ornate carving on the top of the stone coffin, of course. But Alucard does have SOME trace of vanity. He IS a nobleman's son, after all.

"Here? Not long enough to descend into complete torpor," Alucard replies to the question of how long he'd been here. Descending into torpor properly takes some time, though it's unclear just how much. "I had intended to lock myself away forever when I left your company. But I was... required to fight Father twice more. The cult that raised him up again made the second time. Afterwards, I went to try to lock myself away again. I do not know how long passed. But I sensed a shift in the world outside. There were presences in my tomb, and the breaking of the vase woke me. I thought to frighten those humans away, but then I sensed you."
Sonia Belmont
Sonia actually smiles a little bit, before lifting a hand to gently pat the dhampir on his shoulder, as though to reassure him before she steps over to sit-slash-lean on the edge of the coffin itself, planting her hands there. 

"For what it's worth, you nearly managed it. They were brash and foolhardy and thought they could do something about the 'evil' here." A ghost of a smile returns to her lips, a wry thing all told. "Still, throwing out the one you did sufficed quite well. He demanded we, in no uncertain terms, 'come down slowly with our hands up' because of their weapons. Guns, as they're called. The concept of a crossbow and cannon taken together and putting the fury of God's own thunder in the hands of man." A sharp exhalation of air through her nostrils indicates her disdain but... "I can't deny their potential, all the same. And they are sometimes troublingly common. But that is unimportant." No reason to dwell further.

"I was not about to acquiesce them, but had you not put the fear of God in them--ironically--I was working to do so myself." A little wink from the blonde before she continues. "This place... it's one of many. There's something called a 'Tree', most people call it a World Tree, something that connects multiple worlds across multiple places and times and adds it to this..." She lifts her arms up and makes a semi-helpless gesture. "It resembles a Tree. The trunk, where people who have come before live as part of one unified metaphysical landscape."

The young woman sighs a little bit. "There's a lot to be learned if wished, but they have interesting things to condense it down." she adds. "But it does mean that the world you and I came from is one we currently cannot go back to. They call worlds like ours a 'Bud'. Ones that 'blossom' are worlds that can be traveled to, like this one. Commerce and integration typify such things."
Alucard Tepes
The pat on the shoulder finally prompts the ghost of a smile to curve the edge of Alucard's mouth. FINALLY, something like a smile! His own miniscule smile turns wry, though, at the mention of 'the evil here'. "An unfortunate side effect of my presence, and why I can never stay in one place for too long unless it is a tomb," he notes. Yeah, he's kinda still on that 'twould be best for this world if I were to disappear forever' kick.

Though he does mention something regarding the guns. "Muskets, pistols -- these were known in the last time I was amongst the living. Gunpowder explosions forcing a small quantity of lead out of a pipe, in the hands of a marksman." Or markswoman; people in the Victorian and before times didn't much bother with political correctness regarding gender pronouns. As for not coming down when directed to? "That was wise. I have seen what a musket can do to a man's head." But he does mention, "You could have likely overpowered them, but it was wise not to take the chance."

Thing is, see... Alucard is still curious. He has much of the same scientific mind as his mother had, and the hallmark of a scientific mind is curiosity. When Sonia begins telling about the World Tree and its myriad of worlds -- particularly when she mentions a lot to be learned from it -- one could almost imagine his wolf form pricking its ears and tilting its head like a curious puppy. In fact he DOES actually tilt his head a little to one side, curiously. "...Is that so...?" His tone is thoughtful.
Sonia Belmont
"Sounds like me sometimes. Though... less for the reasons you have and more..." A slight tightening of her expression as Sonia looks over Alucard. "I am fairly certain there was more than a chance that my family has been feared for that which was not understood. Not that any of us have cared. 'tis the mission, 'tis the vow we took to hunt the Night."

She nods in assent with regards to the dhampir's own knowledge regarding weaponry as such. "Black powder, wasn't it... I think I recall reading something like that in the Hold. And overpower them I could but they did nothing truly wrong. Offensive, no doubt but..." She waves a gauntleted hand, and even she can't help but grin brightly, one of her first true smiles she's had in a long time when she catches Alucard's interest. It could be disarming, if one weren't expecting it.

"Oh yes. Not just knowledge about this place, but about magic, the sciences, even how the two are woven together in places. One particular uses arithmatics to tightly condense magical formula into runes of power, and certain multiples to amplify their potency. It's fascinating, truly. And that's no doubt just *scratching* the surface of things to learn. I have half a mind to do some work to some point and mayhap find a place to either set down roots..." A wry look.

"... Or at least somewhere nice and hidden to store away knowledge once more. Call us packrats if you may, but knowledge is everything. It's the light in the darkness, after all. Mother said as much more than one time... and though the rest of the Speakers were still not wont to commit wisdom to the written page? She too, saw the wisdom in it. So Father claimed at least." she adds, with a slightly mischievous look to her in recounting.
Alucard Tepes
Alucard confirms Sonia's words of the Belmonts being feared, with a nod. "It was common when Father was dormant for the townspeople to call for their execution, on charges of 'consorting with devils'," he replies. "I would wager that it was due in no small part to the tales of 'the son of Dracula' aiding the Belmonts."

He gives an affirmative sound at the mention of black powder. Though yes indeed he does seem interested when Sonia starts mentioning the vastly different kinds of knowledge that can be found in the Tree's constituent worlds. The mention of her Seeker mother and the written word gets a nod too. "I once knew another Seeker who felt much the same. Perhaps she understood that the spoken word is as transitory as the air that carries it, and that one day there would be no one left to speak the words."

Though he does seem to hesitate, more in thought than in uncertainty. "Are there such places where your power would not disturb the area? Or if that area would not be... changed by the disturbance?" He asks for a nother reason, too. He'd really like to set up a place to settle, but that whole problem of 'everywhere he sets down roots ends up stinking of darkness' is still a thing...
Sonia Belmont
Listening to the words, Sonia looks contemplative for a moment. "There's... places. Definitely some places. There's..." Her expression darkens slightly. "There's a world where... frankly, vampires succeeded, in a sense. Became the ruling council over humanity. But instead of sowing terror everywhere, it became... businesslike." She has no great fondness for describing this, but it is possible. 

Hugging herself slightly, "I got there too late to stop someone from being turned. But ironically, if you'll believe this, the act got the vampire in trouble /with other vampires/." Even her expression belies her own disbelief in recollection. "But there are places where I feel more at home, and I'm slightly less disturbing, if anything somewhat... welcome? Or at least no different than some others." Hunters recognize other hunters.

"Regardless, we can search together, Alucard."
Alucard Tepes
Alucard blinks at the sudden darkening of her expression, confused. Though as she describes this world she found... his expression darkens right alongside hers. Her mention of not having gotten to the person in time draws him to offer, "I am sorry. It is a... an unpleasant experience to see." Which he of course knows from experience.

Not that he's ever mentioned that... Like literally not ever...

He notes the drawing-in of her posture, and raises a hand... where he hesitates, before making to place it on her shoulder for comfort. He's not used to people being comforted by his presence or touch, but the need to try to comfort someone who is upset -- a very human need -- is still very much there.

"It is not too strange to think that a world taken over by vampires would institute rules amongst themselves," he observes. "Vampires are a vain and proud lot, and how best to feel superior than to create long lists of rules for each other to follow? Besides that, underestimating humans is never a wise idea -- thus why it makes sense that turning someone without permission would garner disciplinary measures."

Though Sonia's words of places where her odd aura is not considered as strange gets a nod. And her suggestion of searching together? Is that a trace of a blush on his fair features? Very likely, but the dim light is not kind to the sight.

Nonetheless, he nods. And there is an honest smile on his face, small though it may be, as he replies quietly, "I... believe I would like that."
Sonia Belmont
Sonia blinks a little, looking to one side and reaching over to close her hand over his, before looking up at him with a quiet little smile. "I appreciate it... you may think it strange, but full glad I am to see you. You're the first I've seen of anyone from back there. Even if you are a few centuries removed." A light chuckle as she looks contemplative.

It is a strange realization that the dhampir's of comfort to her. Then again, the dhampir's on a short list of those whom she would consider in a close fashion.

"Well, regardless of that world's state... there's a few places we can begin from. Now then..." She stands, a warmer smile on her face. She might not have seen the blush owed the light, but she can sense the sentiment regardless. "Why don't we depart this place for now, 'ere someone else decide they need to come investigate? We can return another time... besides, I left my cloak up there."

She gestures to herself. "While exceptionally functional, I quickly learned that my preferred attire for hunting draws attention I prefer not to have."
Alucard Tepes
Alucard nods to Sonia's suggestion to depart. "The aura of the place will fade eventually, with my presence gone," he agrees. "This should give them little need to come back... Aside from 'investigating the architecture'." He speaks with a sliiiiiiiiiight hint of wryness -- he knows it's not architecture most will be looking for, but treasure.

Though... speaking of treasures...

He pauses, as if he's remembered something. He wouldn't have left without them anyway, but now's as good a time to retrieve them as any. He moves to the side of the coffin again, working a hidden catch under where he'd been lying. A hidden door pops up, and he retrieves three things -- a sword in a scabbard on a belt, a shield with the same crest as on the lid of the stone coffin, and what is clearly a pack of things. Likely non-perishables and a few important things.

The sword he fastens about his waist by the belt, the shield is slid onto an arm, and he pauses to look through the bag. There's just a few things there, a handful of cards and a few other small things, trinkets and a couple pieces of jewelry that don't look particularly memorable.
Sonia Belmont
A nod from Sonia as she watches Alucard collect his things. "This place will be one of the other great mysteries, quite likely chalked up to the same knowable unknowables that make up this World Tree."

That said, when he seems to pause, she walks over to him and, the nature of human curiosity being what it is, may well end up getting a peek herself. "... will you be alright? I..." Some aspects of what's been said that have been stewing in her mind begin to catch up just a bit. "I imagine you rather well would stay asleep, wherever you could find it." There exists a shared sense of loss by way of respective parents in different contexts, after all. Linked, one might say. "I won't pry if you prefer me not to."
Alucard Tepes
Alucard doesn't seem to be trying to hide the things from her sight. Amongst the things in the bag there's a small gold locket that she might recognize -- it's one that he wore when she'd first known him. This locket he fastens around his neck by the chain. Though he pauses to open it, to look at what's inside. Predictably, in one side is a picture of his mother, in the other is a picture of himself as a very tiny child, with his mother and father. He takes a moment to look at these pictures before closing the locket again and tucking it under his cravat and shirt.

Sonia's words register then, and he draws a breath to answer... but then he hesitates. After a moment more, he exhales in a sigh, his shoulders slumping a little. It's a show of vulnerability that he would not have allowed of himself if he had not been in the company of someone he trusted to see it. "...I do not know," he admits softly. "I dislike traveling with no direction." He could be talking about randomly searching worlds, but... Sonia probably senses that he's talking about more than that.
Sonia Belmont
She indeed does recognize it, and well, there's been more than a few memories rolling up to her. On the one hand, she holds nothing but enmity for Dracula, but on the same side of the coin... she can see it. She can see it, but for one tragic turn of events. Or one stroke of luck, deciding not what, but who someone could be.

Silence reigns for a few moments before she gently remarks, "You were quite adorable back then." It's meant partly to tease, partly to bring the dhampir from his dour mood and mindset. "And your mother... and your father." She shakes her head a little bit, reflecting on her father's death at the hands of his forces. Not a personal thing, it never truly was, it was only what was necessary for the safety and future of others.

"I can't say I enjoy it much myself. But we can use each other for guides. Mayhap we'll both find what we're looking for by way of the other." A slight tugging of the corner of her lips as she draws briefly closer, setting a hand on his arm. "Let us find those who have none to speak for them, to act for them, so that noone else needs suffer in the ways we have both seen. Not just you, nor I, nor your mother... but even him. There but for the grace of God..." She trails off at that.
Alucard Tepes
Alucard can't help but release a quiet laugh at the observation of what he looked like as a small child. "Most are at that age," he notes, amused. But he does note, of his parents, in a fond tone, "...They were beautiful together. My mother's light to my father's darkness." And of course he has to point out, "...He looked so proud of me then..."

Because even if he knows he has to stand against his father, every son wishes for his father's approval...

He draws a breath, exhales it. It's a steadying breath. He can't let himself get caught up in the past. Not here and now. He trusts Sonia to see him vulnerable... but he wouldn't want to fall apart in front of her. It's not fair to place upon her the burden of putting him back together. "Alas. The past is past." Basically 'it is what it is'.

Though her talk of finding others that need advocates gets a nod. "We can, perhaps, let that be our direction," he suggests. If there are so many worlds, he reasons, there are likely many people who need help.
Sonia Belmont
Sonia smiles quietly again, nodding... though Alucard's words do ring true, in a matter of providence, she muses. "I dare not presume, Alucard, but talk of light and darkness..." Her eyes linger on him for a minute. "I admit I was thinking a little bit about that." She falls silent for a moment. "I think he would be. I think the man that was your father before hate and fear blinded him, blinded the world..." She shakes her head. No, there's no purpose in dwelling on it. 

She turns, starting to walk towards the stairs that lead up, but stopping well before then to turn back to him, her hand outstretched to beckon him to join her. "Let us quit this place, my friend."
Alucard Tepes
Alucard does smile a bit at the mention of his father before the hate. But... he doesn't comment on it. Dwelling on it would just make him upset, and he wants to be alone if he's going to get upset. Not only because he doesn't want anyone to see him that low, but because he is very much his father's son. Anger comes easily to him, and he fears that he may hurt someone who is near him at that point. Then again, being afraid he's going to hurt someone is a common thing for him.

But yes. As Sonia suggests they leave, he remains silent, but nods. And as she makes to leave, he follows her at a respectful distance. He pauses in the doorway though, head down, and he turns his head as if he's about to look back. But then... he closes his eyes briefly, then looks up again, eyes facing forward.

And he walks out without a glance back.