Sonia Belmont

Sonia Belmont
World: Castlevania-1
Actual Age: 17
Apparent Age: 21
Quote: "We do what we do because we must; not for fame or fortune, but so that others may know the peace we never will."
Role: Vampire Huntress
Species: Human
Voice Actor: Keira Knightly


Sonia is one of many in a long and famously infamous bloodline; the Belmont Clan. She is gifted with the unique ability to sense the souls of the living and the dead, a gift from her mother's side of the family: the Speakers of Wallachia. With her Belmont line's Vampire Killer whip against the undead and her mother's gift of sensing the spirits of the dead, Sonia was trained in secret. She was instilled with a sacred duty to hunt the supernatural, even though the Church of her time fears her own supernatural abilities. To strangers, she can seem cold and distant, but to those who have seen her fight to protect others see the genuinely kind and caring side of her. The displacement to this new world has left her troubled--bereft not only of family but faced with challenges both familiar and unfamiliar alike.


Slayer: Sonia is skilled with the whip and sword, and at peak physical ability.
Sonia has trained and honed herself to the peak of human ability, strength, and speed, with or without her supernatural talents, permitting her to fight the Undead and dark forces on even footing. Sonia is extremely proficient in the use of a whip, though she has experience with several other weapons and tools as well, such as swords. Her physical capability allows her to jump great distances, to quickly move in a fashion similar to parkour, and she can pick up most kinds of martial weapons and be able to use them. Modern firearms are not something she is comfortable using, however.
Vampire Killer Whip: An imbued whip that's the bane of supernatural forces and can fling fire.
The Vampire Killer Whip is a powerful weapon harmful to evil spirits, demons, the undead, and especially Vampires, no matter their origins. This whip has been passed down through the Belmont family to keep the promise that was made on its creation, to always hunt the Night. Sonia's skill with this weapon eliminates much of the standard weaknesses, such as close-range combat, and use the whip to grapple and swing with and from, such as wrapping either a person or object. Sonia can hurl flames from the tip at will using her Flame Soul's magic, allowing for unpredictable attacks.
Spiritual Sense: Sonia was born with a gift to sense spirits and the unseen.
Sonia was born with the ability to sense others, both physical and spiritual, including those who are hidden through either technological or mystical means. It's difficult to sneak up on her or catch her unaware. Further training enabled her ability to use this sense to hunt out those that might be trying Sonia's always keeping an eye open to things around her, but like any good huntress, she can actively search things out as well. It is possible to block this, and her natural range is about a half mile at best.
Speaker Lore: Sonia collects lore and knowledge about the supernatural and occult.
Every legend has a seed of truth in there: for this reason, Sonia collects knowledge much as her Speaker mother has, though much of her own knowledge has been focused on the occult and mystic arts. She's learned how to tell the differences between various types of magic and divine power, particularly with how she gained her own magical abilities. In addition, she knows several spellcasting languages, though not near the same degree as her Speaker mother would. All the same, her ability to memorize and learn is nothing short of exceptional.
Baptismal Flame: Divine light and cleansing flame wielded to purify and punish evil.
Sonia's magic is unique: drawn from the catalyzing of essence from creatures of the Night she has slain, and shaped by her will. Soul Weapons such as the Saint Soul, which allows her to channel divine light and holy energy for direct attacks. It also allows her to consecrate and purify unhallowed ground, and put to rest the restless dead. In this, it is not true 'magic', but divine power that tires her far less than other magic, such as the Flame Soul, which grants and enhances her capability with fire. It allows her to sling bolts of flame from both hand and whip, though she favors using it in tandem with her whip.
Last Testament< Edge >: Against truly monstrous foes, Sonia brings everything she has.
Tapping into her own power, Sonia focuses all her strength to a transcendent point. This makes her much more faster, stronger and harder to hurt in every way. This is not something she can actually maintain for very long, no more than five to ten minutes depending on her state at the time she activates it. Greater injury prior can limit her time, but she's able to ignore prior injury while in this state.
Wreath of Winter: The winds of winter defend, heal and cure poisons for Sonia and her allies.
Sonia's Soul Weapons manifest in two specifically defensive ways, first of which is the Ice Soul. This magic enables her to heal herself and others. She can quickly restore function to herself, and forestall greater harm, as well as purge many kinds of poison. Healing others beside herself in combat is more difficult, and requires her uninterrupted focus. The Wind Soul grants Sonia the ability to halt or slow down an enemy or object such as projectiles in place, by way of stopping time to a limited degree. The area she can cover with this magic is limited to her line of sight, and this same magic allows her to detect temporal disruptions.
Arcane Soul: Sonia's raw magical ability is itself is a potent weapon and shield.
Sonia's magical power can be wielded without form, without being a pure 'spell'. Such power is the fluctuation of her magical energies which disrupts the flow of magic around her and disrupts magic in-flight. If someone is too close, it can cause direct harm or deleterious effects. However, powerful enough magic can push through it and at that point it just serves as a kind of 'magic armor' to dampen direct damage to her. She can be as precise or as broad with the application of this magic as she sees fit.


Alone in the World: Ripped from her World, Sonia walks alone and outside humanity as a whole.
Sonia keeps herself purposefully distant from the average and the above average alike: she does not want anyone to get involved in her hunt of the Night creatures and evil that she finds. It's exacerbated by being separated from both Speaker and Belmont families, from whom she valued greatly. Thus it is extremely difficult to actually get her to let anyone else in because she believes she needs to protect others, to live outside the world she works to safeguard. One will find her accepting help from others only after all avenues have been exhausted, and even then she does so under protest.
Lacrimosa: The innocent must never be harmed, even if they act foolishly.
There are many who would (and have) begrudged, ostracized, shunned and outright raged against what she and other members of the Belmont family simply are. She's long since acclimated herself to a different way of thinking: never against the innocent. Never against those whose only crime is ignorance. While others in her place may rage as equally as the ignorant, the concept of raising a hand against such people is anathema to her. Even in the face of imminent violence, she will not hurt or defend herself someone who's only crime is being misled or being ruled by fear; no matter how justified she might be to defend herself, she will not.
Vigilo: Vigilant to the point of paranoia and quick to act on such before others can.
Most would agree that watchfulness, that wariness to some degree is what keeps you alive. For Sonia however, this goes a step beyond: the wariness she has ingrained into her from her upbringing in a world fraught with real dangers means she never fully lets go of her guard. She never actually relaxes to the extent most take for granted. This is a double-edged sword--for the benefits of being so vigilant, it also has the side effect of making one quite paranoid, even jumpy at times.
Dies Irae: Unending is the wrath that severs the villain's head and consumes the wielder.
Sonia is a martyr in the making: that for everything she is, she will never cease in her pursuit of the Night hordes and other creatures of evil. It is a thankless existence. It is not an existence that will end peacefully in bed. It doesn't matter to her if she is hated for her mere existence, her selflessness all but demands she give everything to eradicate evil where it nests, even if it costs her everything. And while Sonia is not a zealot, training and experience have taught her it is sometimes better to whip first, judge second, and ask questions third, if ever. Vampires are a given, but monstrous beings are almost certain to have her judging them, and undoubtedly lead to an antagonistic encounter, even if the being is good. It takes a bit of effort for her to overcome such prejudices.
Medieval Mistrust: Drawing attention to oneself is the quickest path to tragedy.
Being a woman in the 15th century of Earth was replete with its own issues. Being a Belmont, or even a Speaker in the wrong parts of the world had its issues too. Being the staggering combination of all three? That's led her to be extremely paranoid and wary of encountering others who are not involved in her tasks. To invite undue attention is to invite trouble, trouble which complicates her hunt unnecessarily. She assumes the worst of most people--not scornfully, but she just assumes that being who and what she is that there's not any one person, man or woman, who is going to be welcoming her with open arms anytime soon.
Knowledge Hoarder: The Belmonts and Speakers collected everything. And guarded it jealously.
The exact origins of where and how she obtained or came by her knowledge of the occult and how to hunt them are secrets she is extremely unlikely to tell anyone else who is not a Speaker or Belmont. Even potential allies may find her notably tightlipped. She, like some members of her family, will hide away most of not all of such knowledge, for different reasons; for others safety, to prevent others from being tempted to use it and to keep others from knowing she knows. This can lead to trouble all its own when it comes to having knowledge that others fear and believe should not be known.
Unsettling Presence: Hunters and predators know one another by scent, and she doesn't hide hers.
A byproduct of training and her demeanor, those of a supernatural slant are likely to find her presence unsettling. It is not exclusively 'avoid' either that she tends to radiate, but a sense of danger, a constant threat on edge, even if she keeps it down as much as she is able. For those monstrous creatures of evil and inhuman fiends, her presence can be outright terrifying, akin to a predator recognizing another predator by scent. It makes stealth extremely difficult and paints a gigantic target on her back.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
805 Redemption Mar 04 2021
804 The Armorer Mar 03 2021
803 The Reckoning Mar 02 2021
767 Roar of the Behemoth Nov 17 2020
695 It's a Dead Man's Party Jul 15 2020
620 Oh No, More Machinings! Feb 18 2020
612 Machinings! Feb 04 2020
607 Solstice Jan 04 2020
605 Shared Experiences Dec 22 2019
592 Amnesia Oct 29 2019
See All 20 Scenes


Title Date
Past Prologues Feb 26 2019
Soul S[e]arching Nov 14 2019
Before Solstice Jan 04 2020
See All 3 Cutcenes