World Tree MUSH

Vulpinoid Phenomenon

White Paw runs into a certain half-fae in the city, introductions are had.
Character Pose
White Paw
It was a ... cloudy but pleasant day! The people were bustling, the streets were busy, the shops were selling - and the hot dog vendors were selling their franks to the strangest bidders. 

One such vendor was staring with some confusion at a Renamon, holding a hot dog in bun in hand while settled over the condiments. He's put a fair bit of chili and some other things on it so far, but;



"B-but it's already....well, okay."

And so, The Renamon walked away with a chili dog heavily overloaded and supported with a plate, leaning against the edge of a park ledge (one of those spots you see them plant bushes or other flora on) while examiing the poor hot dog with interest - and a fork.
Cloudy, pleasant and getting a bit more towards evening--just the way various nocturnal creatures of the night liked them. Having spied the fried sausage transaction from afar, a clicking of boot heels announces that the gray Renamon now has some company.

"I take it that's not a costume," the long-coated figure says at first, in a soft voice--though as White may look up, the figure is anything but normal--large ribbed bat-like ears sprouting from long, dark hair--yellow catlike eyes, fangs--a strange blue arrowhead tail sticking out the back of the coat. Yet everywhere people are just walking by them as if they see another quite amiss.

"This isn't either, did you even pay for that thing, by the way?" Leo grins, putting a hand on their hip.
White Paw
White Paw  looked up from his chili horror, not having taken a bite in any fashion yet. The bun slowly got soggier from this. He was use to various sorts of appearances thanks to the World Tree itself, but that variety meant you still got to see something new more often than not, and thus had to adjust to it. "Does one normally wear a costume to eat the food of vendors? I thought you just had to pay them? He said hte bill I used was good enough." He looked Leo up and down, appraising. "I dont' think I've seen anyone wear something like that to purchase one yet."
No, not really--unless you're feeling adventurous," Leo shook his head, brushing long black hair back. The performer had their coat unzipped up the front from the waist up, allowing one to see the contouring dark spandex suit with fur ruff around the shoulders--which one might assume is from the collar of their jacket.

"Oh, so you did, doesn't matter to me either way, hon, food is food, you're uh..." he looked down at White Paw's food with some confusion and concern.

"Supposed to eat it like this," he made a gesture of picking it up with one hand and tilting his head back, making chewing motions. This of course was kind ridiculous looking, truth be told--especially in the current situation. This wasn't exactly Time's Square, NY--so the mascot costume excuse for White might only get so far. Something didn't seem to imply that White Paw was from around here, at least.
White Paw
White Paw  watched the suggested method of eating the chili dog and looks back at it, somewhat dubious. "I am not sure I could do that without it falling apart." To be fair, it was his own fault for putting so much chili and such on it! Still, he put the fork down and tried to pick it up. He relented to lift at least one side so he could inch his face closer and... bit off the tip with some of the toppings! There, only a bit of chili on the nose as he consumes it. Curiosity on the face, the final chews, the swallow...

Hmm, not bad! "Interesting."
"Well, you're supposed to be careful with it..." Leo looked down at White Paw, dropping the hotdog eating pantomime for the moment. "You've got it all overloaded with stuff, just take it from one end, slow, see?" he grinned a little, gesturing to White to bring it to his fox-esque muzzle.

"You've got a face that's adapted to biting stuff, at least, I don't," the performer snerked, shaking his head. "It's like dealing with Wolf or his friends," Leo teased, before finding something to lean against.

"If you're wondering, no, not totally human," he says in a more hushed tone, "Normal huamns just don't notice the odd parts of me, well, besides the usual," he gestured to himself, wearing a long coat and heeled dark violet boots, after all--not the stealthiest of outfits.
White Paw
White Paw  works at it a little more, after having licked the chili off nose. "Oh? That sounds unusual. I'm not human at all, and I am pretty sure they notice everything about me when I do come into view."

So, that leaves eating the chili dog and idle chatter! After another bite, he speaks up some more. "It's good to know there is a limit to how much you can put on these. Do you eat many of the hot dogs yourself?" There's a pretty stark contrast to White Paw's own wardrobe - he basically has none, save for the gloves on his arms. Then again, there's nothing to worry about from lackthereof, so it raises a question about what sort of outfit he would have worn if he had thought he needed one to get the food.
"The young, the insane, the differently sighted--or those with special abilities usually can," Leo offered a hand that was tipped with long dark, pointed nails. "I'm Leo, by the way--my real name, anyway, I usually go by an assortment of stage names. You got a name, gray fox?" he grinned as he looked over at White Paw. "At times, though I prefer less onions on mine, truth be told," the performer snickered, likely aware of the double entendre there.

"Usually more in the mood for a chicken sandwich, I must admit--when I do fast food."
White Paw
White Paw  reached out to shake the hand - a nice three fingered crew with some tips not too far off from Leo's own. "White Paw." He stated. "I have tried the chicken sandwich. Those are simpler. You mentioned using stage names. Does that mean you are some sort of an actor?" White Paw did know some things, after all!
"Cute name, and that's right--I'm an entertainer, actor, I do all sorts of things," giving the area a glance to see who else might be overhearing, Leo turned back to the data-type. "I went to Boston uni for it, bit more of the contemporary stuff than the really classic stuff, but--career path got changed a bit when I got 'taken'," the half-fae gestured to their face and ears. "That's how I got all pretty," he grinned a little, half-sarcastically, though not at all bothered at how they looked.

"What's your story then?" he tilted his head. "Just a nice night for a walk?"
White Paw
White Paw  's made good headway into that chili dog by now. The question about story gets a small shrug. "I was curious to try this, but I was told I should use money to get food, so I went to find some money that would be acceptable. I do not normally need money, but it saves me some trouble I suppose. There are many things here that want it, though most of it I think are things humans want more than anyone else. Normally I am roaming the digital world, but there are many things here I can look at as far as technology goes, so I tend to visit to do research."
"Typically you should, yeah, unless you need something else--but food is one of more shameless ways to spend it," Leo sighed, taking out a pocket-sized flip mirror and checking their face, briefly. "If you ever need to steal food, don't feel /too/ bad, it's probably the least sleazy thing you can do, just try and not make a habit of it," he nods, listening.

"So you're a digital creature, eh? I've met weird demihuman creatures, giantesses, and all sorts of things so far--I guess a creature from a videogame or something isn't that strange, huh?" Leo smacked their lips and closed the clamshell mirror witha click, returning it to a jacket pocket.

"Guess we're both kinda drifters, I usually try to stick around if I can find a gig here and there, or an oddjob. I need to find where that damn bear got off to, too," he shrugged.
White Paw
White Paw  disposes of the chili dog plate - now there's one less thing to worry about. He is double checking himself for food stains though. "Technically I'm from the internet and other such signals, but i have heard mention of this game too. I tend to come a ways from where I enter here personally. It's easy enough to travel across the rooftops. I know some other Digimon wander about, and Pokemon, and I have encountered quite a few other kinds as well. It's not that different from meeting another Digimon, really."
"Except I'm not digital, nor is this a game," Leo snerked a little, shaking his head. "The fleshy beings here likely don't respond the same way as you to things like trauma or injury, so just be careful if you need to toss one around, huh? I'd appreciate it," the performer asks in a gentle, friendly manner, uncrossing their legs from where they were leaned and standing up now.

"Speaking of, might be time for me to get a move on here, welcome to follow, if you want," he smiled, waggling a finger at White Paw. "How fast can you move anyway? Might be time to find out..." he grinned again.