World Tree MUSH

A Lonely Encounter

Character Pose
    It is a dark and stormy night. At least, it is getting dark, and there's no town in sight despite the directions given. Thunderclouds threaten, without breaking yet but looming in a dark suggestion that very soon, the land will be soaked.

    Yet there is shelter. Up the hill from the road, what appears like a ruin is there! A small tower attached to a building. At least it looks like a ruin from a distance, but coming closer shows the roof of the building is intact, offering secure shelter from both rain and cold, since the door appears to be ajar.
    Stormy is not great. Rain, wind and cold are a combination that makes even someone with some clothing to prepare for the invidual elements to want to find shelter, quickly. Even more so when one is in a completely unfamiliar land.

    As much is proven by the vision of a figure in a dark-blue, voluminous, hooded cloak running through the woods here. The cloak offers decent enough covering against the rain, but as the raindrops patter upon the fabric, they're inevitably going to make make way through.

    So that ancient ruin of a fortress (or castle?) is a welcome enough sight. Normally one might be wary approaching something like that, but it looking so dilapidated may disassuade the normal worries.

    Up through the hill the cloaked figure runs, and right through the front door, pushing the large wooden doors open as he does. THe hood only gets pulled back after the doors have been closed behind him-- and it reveals the young, germanic features of Sieger, sighing out with relief for the shelter provided even as his bright green eyes scan the interior.

    "...Let's just hope this place isn't haunted or anything."
    Haunted? One might think that, considering how it is a silent and apparently empty place at first. Then thunder rolls, and with loud *THUD* the bar falls over the door behind Sieger. A moment later, shutters close, rapidly reducing the light in the room until it is almost dark.

    It is of course an invisible Priscilla that is doing this. Just like it is her that causes the fire to crackle to life. Not with magic, but with a match lighting the kindling. It might seem the place is haunted, though.
    "Wah!" Even if the beam of wood isn't about to actually hit Sieger, the young man still instinctively jumps and rolls forward, the cloak sweeping out from around him to expose most of the rest of his body-- covered in clothing of modern earth in the way of jeans, a t-shirt and a brown leather jacket, all probably something very odd for Priscilla to see.

    Eyes widen as they sweep to follow the shifting shutters and the lighting flame.

    Priscilla has been out of her world long enough to see casual clothing such as what Sieger is wearing, so that doesn't startle her. She was only invisible out of shyness and caution, but hearing the exclamation and worry eases her. She can't maintain her invisibility indefinitely anyway, so better to reveal herself now. Fading into view, the tall, pale woman clutches her scythe, but stands far away from the boy. The building was probably meant as a storehouse, so the ceiling rafters are high enough that even she can stand up in here.

    "Fear not for thine life, mortal. Thine presence is for shelter from the elements, and if thine desire is limited to that, then thine trespass may be forgiven."
    Sieger isn't exactly convinced right off the bat. Wariness still flashes in his eyes while the large woman's invisiblity fades away (or she fades in?). Though there is something else, too. She strikes an impressive figure, afterall, not just because of the scythe and her height.

    The young man remains in the slightly lowered post-roll posture, still, like he's ready to pou nceinto motion again all over, just in case. A low gulp of a sound can be heard within his throat there.

    "... So... are you like... a spirit guardian of this place?" He asks, otherwise usually rumbling voice gone a bit more highpitched briefly. "Or... a goddess?"

    Well, clearly she's left an impression.
    The questions leave a cool stare for Sieger... before Priscilla laughs softly, a tinkling noise that echoes in the small space. The white-furred woman shakes her head, the flickering light letting a glimpse of the scales show through. "That is such a question for a mortal to have. But no, human, mine ancestry is not that of spirit."

    The scythe shifts to her other hand so she can rest it against the wall. "Mine presence is that of a guest like thine own. Mine claim to this place is that of mine search succeeding before thine. Though neither human nor mortal, Lord and God are not titles of mine claim. Be at ease."
    "... Like me," Sieger repeats the words, and after a few seconds, a flow of a sigh seems to mark a moment of relaxation on his part, as he slowly brings himself standing more upright, with a much less tense stance. "... It is that obvious then, is it?

    Still, his eyes do flicker towards that massive scythe while it's set aside, but he doesn't seem terribly worried anymore, if nothing else. "But you just have this... 'presence' about you. It's why it was the first thought I had. ... I... hope that doesn't bother."
    A thin smile dances across Priscilla's lips, and she moves aside to settle on a large crate, her robe slipping open to reveal she wears sandals. Gasp. "Mine ancestry has no mortal being within it. Thine mistake is... understood." She considers Sieger carefully.

    At last she answers his comment about being obvious. "Mine statement meant that this place was neither mine home nor your own, but mine presence hails from another realm. Art thou also a traveler from beyond?"
    "It's not like I would know *that* part," Sieger admits, folding his hands together just in front of his waist there, while he watches her move over. Apparently he doesn't consider himself allowed to move to sit down anywhere quite yet, in her presence. "I just meant you have this sort of... divine presence about you. Ethereal beauty. It's very--" He silences himself there, and clears his throat with an audible, deep sound. 

    "...But yes. I am from another world. Realm. Dimension. Whatever you want to call it. No place where I would have found anyone like you, for certain."
    Sigh. Priscilla nods, "In mine own realm, mine existence is unique. It should be the same in other realms." She doesn't reveal her actual ancestry, but she looks calm. "Thine body should rest. Sit. Mine experiences in other realms have lead me to wish to know more about humans here. Thine company is..."

    She pauses. Welcome is not the word she would use. "... not unwanted, should thine need rest and shelter. Mine companions would wish me to extend this kindness."
    Her pause doesn't go unnoticed, but Sieger elects not to comment on it. He does hesitate for a moment, however, before he sheds the damp cloak off of his form, letting the fabric pool up on the floor behind him. He doesn't seem very certain of where he should be sitting either. He does give the crate she's settled on a look, but even if there's space, he decides it might be much too familiar to try to sit there. So instead, he lowers himself to sitting down on the floor, just in front of her.

    With the positioning - with her stood upon the crate as if on a throne and with him sat down right below her - it might look to an outside observer that he is prostating himself upon her, in some casual sort of manner. Or worshipping an idol.

    "Your companions? Are there others here, then?"
    Despite her loneliness in nature, Priscilla did have servants. The pose isn't considered odd to her. She also doesn't seem to be demanding, so it's not so much humility as simple unawareness of how to interact with humans properly. She taps her lip though.

    "Mine realm contribues little to the various beings about this Tree. One other, a human, hails from the realm outside mine own." She shrugs. "Tis not mine place to reveal more. Yet upon mine arrival, others did appear, to challenge and guide mine path. Much has been seen." She tilts her head. "Is it not the same with thine path? To find many events that sweep thine presence up within them?"
    "...To challenge...?" Sieger's head tilts slightly to the side, and his brows furrow together briefly. Is that concern in his expression? For this woman he's known for a grand total of three minutes? A woman he seems to perceive as being of some powerful nature, no less. "I... I don't mean to presume anything. but you're not hiding from something or someone here, are you?"

    With that question she presents to him, he lets out a low, sheepish grunt, and glances off to the side. "... I suppose so. Though for me it seems to be more that I just keep wandering into wrong places at the wrong times. I haven't found my path the same way you have, I think. I am lost. Trying to finf my way. ... Back home, if I can."
    Silvery eyes widen in surprise at the guess Sieger makes, then Priscilla's face hardens. "No... mine purpose is not to hide here. Not any longer." She is willing to admit she had hidden in the past, though! "Mine purpose in this place is rest away from those mine presence might invoke feelings of discomfort. Even in realms such as these, mortals have... fears."

    She smiles, "But, mine manners have fled me. It pains me to hear of those such as thineself, away from thine home with those who welcome thee. Mine own home wishes me to return not, though mine mother mayest wish to see me again in time. Such a time may be far in the coming." A breathy sigh. "Mine manners. Priscilla, that is mine name. Call upon me as such."
    "Discomfort?" This word, too, is repeated in a confused manner, but much more intensely so this tiem around. It's the kind of expression Sieger bears that seems to imply physically being unable to comprehend the idea of someone finding discomfort in her-- and shown all the more with the words that follow. "But why? You're so pretty." Said with such certainty, too, that he doesn't even stop to consider what it actually sounds like, much less worry about propriety.

    The expression falls all the more further when she speaks of her mother like that. Of not being *allowed* to go back home, rather than simply not being able to. "THat is... sad. I am... sorry." A deep sigh let out with that, before he lifts one hand up, to bump the knuckles of it against his chest. "I am Sieger." Not a very proper manner of introduction, but then courteous manners were not really teached well in the slums of Berlin.
    Priscilla tilts her head. Being called pretty is not totally new to her, but to have someone unknowing of her nature is a factor. She sighs, shaking her head again. "Worry not. Decades pass quickly for those such as mineself. Mine mother but rarely spoke, but it was her way." A fond smile ghosts across her lips.

    "Well met," Priscilla replies to the greeting awkwardly. "Mine own knowledge of thine needs is slim, but growing. Others allowing mineself to aid and... be a part of them is new." She smiles again. "And wearying, yet mine perserverance is brought about by mine desire to..." She trails off and sighs. "Rest. Mine thoughts grow weary. If thine desirest to find thine way home, then mine wish will be to hasten the way. Shallt we set out in the morning for such?"

    Yeah, she's lonely, she just asked to hang out.
    REassurances she might give, but Sieger still looks a bit saddened by her story. A story that he can only make allusions to based on what he's heard, sure, but still. However, as Priscilla doesn't linger on it, he chooses not to, either.

    Dark brows lift at her following words, and he considers her silently for a few seconds before an akward smile twitches at his lips. "...You realize, thanks to the nature of things, it will be a long while before I even find which way goes to my home, right? But... If it is no bother to you, travelling would be much better with company."

    And so, he hoists himself up to his feet again with a quiet "hup!" sounding out in his throat. "...Right, so there's gotta be a sideroom or something here somewhere I can go to. I imagine you'd uh... prefer a measure of privacy while you sleep." An akward cough, and a brief flush of red over his cheeks. He might be lacking in manners but he's not *entirely* blinded to some societal norms.
    Priscilla nods firmly. "Mine offer was for company from time to time, it would be mine pleasure to guide wayward souls homeward." She waves dismissively. "It will be... exciting." She's implied herself to be older than she looks, this is probably a relief from boredom.

    Oh, sleeping arrangements. "Thine offer is accepted." She reaches down to draw a large stick from the fire and move it toward the other side of the room, revealing a partial wall. "It shall be of no trouble." Privacy can be had, it seems! "Rest well."