
World: Dark Souls-1


A crossbreed between a dragon and a divine being, Priscilla is considered an abomination by many in her world. Shunned by most, she retreated into a place built for the exiles of her world, where she remained in hiding. Ageless and powerful, Priscilla was feared by the gods in power for both her apparent immortality, and for her ability of the Lifehunt, which let her strike at even the divine beings. This fear and ostracization lead to a lonely life that has made her desperate for some intelligent companionship. This does not make her defenseless though, as her Lifehunt is paired with some skill with her great scythe and a type of dragon's breath.


Invisibility: Priscilla can turn invisible with concentration.
Priscilla has mastered the unique art of true invisibility, allowing her to vanish from all visual senses. When turning invisible, the air temperature around her drops dramatically for an instant, but this is not drastic enough to harm most, only serves as a warning of her power. Remaining invisible requires some level of concentration, and while Priscilla can fight and attack while invisible it cannot be maintained indefinitely, and harsh impacts or shocks to her system, either physical or emotional, can jar her back to visibility.
Lifehunt: Attacks that are difficult to heal and can strike divine or incorporeal beings.
The ability that Priscilla was feared for by gods and man alike, the Lifehunt is Priscilla's natural ability to sap the life of others. Described by some as the antithesis of life, Priscilla's attacks drain the very vitality of a person, and are especially effective on those that have some sort of divine or primal connection. This makes the wounds she causes slow to heal naturally, and also allows her to strike beings that have special defenses against normal assault, like those with blessings against mundane attacks or incorporeal beings. The effect is strongest with melee attacks, and is weakened the more distant a strike she makes.
Blizzard Breath: Priscilla can breathe a blast of icy cold.
Priscilla has the ability to blast out a cone-shaped sweep of icy breath, flash-freezing anything in its way with a layer of frost and filling the air with sharp icy particles. The range on this is relatively short, only a dozen meters or so.
Great Scythe: A massive scythe, which Priscilla is skilled in using.
Priscilla fights with a large farmer's scythe, which she is nonetheless skilled at using. It's a sharp and heavy thing that hurts. She can also use some common melee weapons at a passing level of proficiency, but the scythe has been her weapon for ages, and that is what she is good at using.
Dragon Crossbreed: Superhuman toughness and strength.
Priscilla is not human, but a crossbreed of an ancient being and one of the original Dragons of her world, beings that existed before life itself. The fusion has given her great strength and a durable body, compared to her delicate-looking physique. She is not as strong or tough as some of the greater beings in her world, but considerably moreso than even her size would indicate. It has also given her resistance to normal environmental extremes, such as snow or heat, but not to the degree of resisting lava or flash-freezing ice.
Stitching: Priscilla can sew and stitch, even things not made of cloth.
In her youth Priscilla had to stitch together her own playmate dolls and, later, her own clothes. She has gotten very skilled at sewing and stitching things together, or with stronger materials attaching one item to another in a way that is secure. This includes lashing planks together for a bridge, or attaching a wheel to a skeleton for some unknown reason, or making a serviceable doll out of spare stuffing and cloth. Her creations are not works of art, but are sturdy.


Isolated: Priscilla is awkward at socialization.
With very little contact or socialization under a normal setting, Priscilla is painfully inept at social cues and empathy. She doesn't pick up on subtle hints, will bring up sensitive topics at inopportune times, and her standards of politeness are outdated at best. Social interactions with anyone not close friends will be very awkward.
Large: Priscilla is much larger than a normal human
At around nine feet tall, Priscilla is notably larger than most humans, and has trouble in most human-designed areas. She also tends to stand out in a crowd, though this is not much of a hindrance when she remembers to use her invisibility.
Naively Stubborn: Once convinced of something, Priscilla deludes herself into keeping that view.
Priscilla likes stability in her life, and will become settled in that idea. She's resistant to change of circumstances, either in her relationships or in the state of an area she has become familiar with. This is so bad that she will delude herself into believing nothing has changed, and it will take significant effort to convince her otherwise. Outside interference is still recognized, if dangerous, but only because she fears the change it will bring. If she has visited a friend's home often, for example, she will dislike new additions to the household, and she may fail to recognize the danger of the sinkhole forming down the road, if it doesn't hinder her directly, or of the house getting overgrown. She may consider it a safe haven even if the surrounding area is full of dangerous enemies. In more minor examples, she often neglects simple maintenance of anything not directly hers, like her scythe.
Loneliness: Priscilla craves companionship, and ignores her better judgement.
As an outcast Priscilla has very few acquaintances, and fewer friends. She will assume that people are uninterested, but should someone seem to want to befriend her, Priscilla will be confused and more willing to overlook problems. People who treat her nicely will often have obvious flaws overlooked, and will be trusted by default even when they shouldn't be.
Clingy: Can be overbearing when attached to someone.
Once Priscilla has befriended someone, she tends to be overprotective of them. She may even stalk them, but more than likely she will simply keep an eye on them and fuss over them. This could lead to easy jealousies if she thinks that someone is in danger of pulling a friend's attention away from her.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1090 Placeholder Title Sep 11 2023
577 A Lonely Encounter Sep 27 2019
442 Tethers Mar 26 2019
377 Silent Wings Dec 14 2018
325 Tsunrise Nov 06 2018
307 Borrowed Time Nov 04 2018
241 New Frontiers Sep 20 2018
223 Seaside Travels Sep 05 2018
213 The Knight and the Dragon Aug 09 2018
210 Shooting Star Aug 05 2018
See All 11 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.