World Tree MUSH

When Yumi Comes Marching Home Again

Rydia grumpymoms at someone older than she is.
Character Pose
Yumi Tachibana
    The sun has just come into full view on the mountainside when the door to Snowpeak creaks open. The sound of the old hinges is accompanied by a softer noise, a brief hiss of pain as the arrival is forced to put an injured shoulder to work in the task of opening them. It is, of course, easy to see at just a glance that Yumi has not had the best time in the past 24 hours; though she's cleaned up the blood from her nose, it's still visibly bruised and a bit swollen from between her eyebrows almost all the way to the tip - and the right shoulder of her jacket visibly bulges upward wear a bit of heavy bandaging has been applied. Moreover, her very movements are stiff, as if her whole body aches.

    And yet, of course, she still stands straight, shoulders as square as she can make them, when she calls out into the manor foyer. "Hello? It's Yumi." A formality, mainly; she half expects no one to be awake yet at this hour.
    It just so happens that Rydia of Mist is... ... Not an early riser when she doesn't have to be. No sooner than Yumi calls into the manor that, from somewhere deep within the fortress recesses, a small Summoner rolls out of her bed with a tiny thump and a curse violent enough to make a sailor double-take. But the familiar call from down below means someone should get up and see to Yumi on arrival. So it's a few moments or so later thar Rydia appears, opening a door, and still wrapped up in her blanket to ward off the Snowpeak cold, hair messy and wild straigh from the bed.
    "Welcome back." Is the tiny girl's first greeting, one hand rubbing the sleep from her eyes before the state Yumi is in actually dawns on her.
    "... Yumi, what the hell happened to you, you look like you got in a fight with an adamantoise and barely pulled off a win. Get inside, take your jacket off, let me see it. All of it." She says grabbing a chair from nearby and imperiously hauling it in front of her before setting it in place.
Yumi Tachibana
    When Rydia appears, Yumi's expression is already apologetic. "Didn't mean to wake you," she offers with a faint wince. She pulls the door closed behind her, then turns back around in time for what would be a scolding from anyone else. She knows Rydia better than that, though; she also knows better than to dither about it. This is the exact reason she's up here, after all. "Yeah, hang on a sec..."

    Her travel pack is set aside, and then the left side of her jacket is shrugged out of - with another soft hiss - followed by the girl hauling her shirt up and off her left side as well. The strap of her sports bra has been carefully shifted over an inch or two, leaving room for the bandage she's taped in place as a stopgap. This close, it's also obvious that her exposed skin is faintly red, as if she's received a mild sunburn all over. "You're not wrong, though. I mean, it wasn't an adamantoise, but it might has well have been..." Her expression as she says so is... troubled.
    Just watching Yumi is painful. Rydia can tell the girl is sore to all hell, and there's something of an agitated mutter from the green-haired girl as Yumi settles in and starts peeling out of her jacket and and shirt. Just seeing the bruising and redness is one thing, but Rydia draws in a hissed breath, a dark look crossing the child's features.
    "What happened?" She says pressingly, before holding a hand up. "No. Actually. Wait. Stay. Sit." She says as though she were talking to a trained dog at first, storming back through the door she had come from.
    When she emerges a moment later, she is sans blanket, but carrying a bottle of a dark red fluid. She uncorks it and sniffs the contents before making a face.
    "Drink this." She says passing the bottle over. "It tastes like a malboro hocked a huge loogie, but it'll take care of some of the pain. Then I'll see about what I can do for the rest of you. So. What happened?"
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi's mouth is already half-open to give an answer when Rydia halts her; obediently and carefully, the magical girl sits herself down, slowly relaxing now that she's got a chance to rest and not be carrying her own weight around. She reaches out to take the offered bottle, then gives it a sniff herself, and grimaces faintly. "Not sure I want to be thinking about a malboro loogie while I drink this." But drink it she does, a quick shotgun with zero complaint... other than a repeat of that grimace when she's finished.

    The bottle, she just reaches down and sets by her chair. By the time she's sitting up, some of that pain is vanishing, allowing her to relax even more. The redness on her skin is even gone, mostly. "I, uh... I dunno how to say this, but Temulin happened." Yumi frowns faintly. "I was on a magical world, trying to help a negotiation between miners and natives. Someone showed up to disrupt the negotiations, and they'd hired Temulin." Pause. "...I tried to talk to her. First thing she did was try to take my head off. Not even a warning. Just, 'Tachibana', then she swung to kill."
    Potions vary in quality and materials, but one thing is for certain. A good one works, and it works fast. Though it's first aid level at best, it's still better than nothing, and Rydia cracks her knuckles while she listens.
    Truth be told, she makes just about the same face as Yumi when the girl slugs the potion so quickly.
    But she IS listening, and a frown crosses her features as soon as Yumi so much as says 'Temulin happened'.
    "Temulin. Dotharl? The Dark Knight?" Rydia says, wanting to be absolutely sure, before she heaves a sigh. "By Ramuh's beard, the last time I ran into that one she threatened me over oatmeal. She's got a temper that's for sure. But she just went at you like that? Damn."
    "I'm guessing negotiations didn't go so smoothly then?" Asked as she gives that bruised nose a testing touch.
Yumi Tachibana
    "That's a good guess," Yumi replies. She falls still while Rydia checks her over; there is a faint wince when the nose is touched at, but knowing Yumi, that doesn't say much. It's not broken, at least, though it looks like someone sure tried. "The one who hired Temulin, 'Salome' I think. Her sister was there, and she and her sister got into it too. I didn't see how that fight turned out. But Temulin..." She shakes her head, troubled expression.

    "This was abnormal, even for her. I've seen her temper, and I've seen her fighting style. This was more vicious than normal on both counts. And more skilled. Like she went from 'really good novice' to 'time-honed teacher'. And bloodthirsty, besides. She never struck me as the kind of person to just swing on an acquaintance like that." Yumi looks pensive. "It got a little weird toward the end. Like she was trying to rein herself in and having a hard time."
    "Good news. Your nose isn't broken." Rydia says the obvious as she rubs her palms together and furrows her brow as though in concentration for a moment. A few words of power utteredd under her breath and her fingertips come alight with a faint white glow. "This'll probably feel funny." She warns. "But it's for your own good."
    The next touch is significantly lighter, but that's all it takes for the warmth to pass from her fingers and into bruised flesh, easing pain even further than the potion and lowering the swelling.
    "Never heard of her." Rydia says in regards to Salome and her sibling, opting to focus on the topic of who she does know. "... More vicious than normal?" She asks, brow knotting. "Huh. I can't say I've seen enough of her to tell. But yeah, I can agree with you on that much, she never seemed the type to turn on someone she knew so easily." Murmured before her next question. "Did she? Rein herself in?"
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi braces herself for the funny sensation - and then it turns out to just be 'weird', rather than bad. And it comes with a certain degree of pain relief, besides. So she can't really complain, at all. For the time being, she keeps her hands folded neatly in her lap while Rydia works, listening politely and nodding (when she's able to do so without dislodging Rydia's hand, at least). To the summoner's question, Yumi nods again. "Yeah, at the very end. She seemed to get ahold of herself, just in time for me and another person to hit her at the same time. She went down like a sack of potatoes. I carried her back to her campsite, or at least the last one I knew about."
    It's not unlike the time Rydia treated Yumi for a gunshot wound. Although in this case, the girl's White Magic is much more effective on bruising and light pain than something as serious and damaging as a bullet.
    Actually thinking of that time makes the girl's mind wander. The only other time she had seen a weapon so damaging be used, she had come across Zelda an inch away from death's door. It's a dark series of thoughts that bring something of a shellshocked look to the green-haired girl before she manages to rally and pull herself from bad memories.
    "Well sounds like you handled it, I guess." She muses on the topic of Temulin, as she wanders glowing fingers over bruses and marks where she can find them. "What's under the bandage?" She does press. "You're not going to bleed out if I remove it, are you, because if you're gonna make a mess, I think it's be better to just leave it on rather than have a beginner like me try and poke at it if it's more than a bad bruise."
Yumi Tachibana
    Handled it... yeah, Yumi supposes she did. "Don't like having to fight someone I was on good terms with," she muses. "Leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Gonna have to see if I can talk to her." That's going to be fun. She'll spend the entire meeting worried that Temulin might try and bisect her at any moment.

    The redhead doesn't miss that look in Rydia's eye, but she politely lets it go by... though the question about her bandage prompts a wince. ", it's stopped bleeding, at least. I disinfected as best I could, but..." But it's bad enough to require that she still have a bandage on. Yumi reaches up and gingerly pulls the tape off, peeling it and the gauze underneath back enough to expose the wound.

    If Cecil has ever been struck by someone's sword while in armor, Rydia's probably seen a wound like this... because that's what happened. More a gash than a cut, caused by sheer force and finding a gap in otherwise-solid magical girl armor. It could absolutely have been a lot worse, but even under her armor, Yumi is supernaturally tough when transformed. It's also been healed at least a little by that potion she just drank. "'s more than a bad bruise, though."
    Rydia likely has seen such wounds on Cecil, and once she's recovered enough from her traumatized moment she puts her head back on and focuses on Yumi. "Well it's not as bad as it could have been." The Summoner points out. "At least you had your armor on when you took that hit." She says.
    Gingerly she prods at the edge of the gash, before rummaging through her belongings to produce another potion.
    "You don't have to drink this one." She notes while uncorking it. "It's still going to suck though."
    That's the only warning Yumi gets as Rydia pours a measure onto her palm and slathers the herbal concotion onto the edges of the wound. Once she's done, Yumi gets a light pat on the back.
    "There. That's everything I can do for you. Do you want a lolipop? A small toy from the toy chest?"
    ... Even when tending to wounded friends the sass never ends.
Yumi Tachibana
    "Yeah," Yumi agrees, with a soft chuckle. It's still better than taking a bullet as a Perfectly Ordinary Girl. The new bottle is watched, and the warning draws another nod. She braces a little as Rydia sets about applying it, but other than a faint hiss or two, the older girl gets through it rather stoically. At least, until she's offered a treat for good behavior. Snrk. "I'll settle for my bag," she replies, rolling her shoulder faintly to test her range of movement. It still hurts, but the potion helped a decent bit, at least. "I've got some spare bandages and medical tape in there. Good a time as any to change bandages."

    While Rydia is still in conversational range, she adds, "How are you and Cecil doing? Been a while since we've had a chance to talk."
    "We've been getting by." Comes Rydia's reply. "It's cold and quiet up here, and I kind of hae it. I'm getting stir crazy." The girl answers in depth as she wipes her hand off on her robe carelessly.
    "I know Hyrule needs help, but frankly, I haven't forgotten what Baron did to my village and I want answers." The girl bristles as she says this. "I'm going to grab Cecil and whoever else will come with me and we're going to move back to Kaipo. It's high time we figured out what to do about that sealed cave and head to Damcyan from there."
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi dips her head slightly, as much a bow as a nod this time. "I'll be there if you need me, of course. You and Cecil both have done a lot for me."