World Tree MUSH

Love and Lore

A chance encounter in an exotic, yet cozy locale leads to two nobles chatting about their problems.
Character Pose
    The rumors of the library overstated its size, but not its nature. A library that was close to the worlds that bordered it, slipping in and out of their domain. It meant that the library collected rare books from across worlds... and in many cases, rare books from worlds that had only recently bloomed. It was always a risk, and often nothing came up, but a good reward if it did. The trick was finding the ephemeral place.

    It turns out that the 'library' is more like a small reading cafe, with not too much room to actually sit down and read. Which means that there is currently only one occupant, but that occupant, the nicely-dressed woman with raven black hair and skin, was sitting at the only table available, with a stack of books on magical lore... and one romance novel.
  Sometimes all it takes for worlds to bridge is a similarity. There was, once upon a time, a library within Hyrule Castle renowned throughout the kingdom. Its royal family had placed great stock in learning and wisdom. Many of the kingdom's people even presented volumes as gifts to their monarchy. Its towering shelves stretched high into the vaulted chamber, the dusty wisdom of ages accumulated over generations upon generations of rule.

The door to the library opens, and a hooded figure in a heavy black robe staggers through the door and throws it shut. Once inside, the figure stumbles a step or two, as though unsteady on their feet. There is water puddling beneath the figure's boots, as though they'd just come in from a deluge of a rainstorm.

The black hood lifts and looks from the door, to the table, to Vivian, to the door, to the table, and finally back to Vivian again. Even without speech, the incomprehension in the gesture is patently clear.

Just for good measure, the head turns from the door, and then back to Vivian, one last time.


It's a woman's voice, gentle, yet strained, and utterly confused. She cocks her hooded head at Vivian in clear incomprehension.

"Who are you? And what... what is this place...?"

Despite the strain in the figure's voice, her tones are gentle, and with the inflections of aristocracy. The robe, too, isn't as common as it seems at first glance, with embroidery of silver-thread, however much mended parts of it may be. Hmmm. A fresh mystery to enliven the nicely-dressed woman's day!
    Vivian's eyes lift, and she glances about for the clerk or librarian. Neither are nearby right now, leaving her to sigh softly. "I spent months looking for this place, and you stumble upon it by accident. Such is life." She marks her place and sets the book aside.

    The woman's voice is quite gentle and melodic, Zelda might notice. Vivian clasps her hands in her lap and answers as best she can. "A library between worlds, that is the best answer I can give. If you are curious about a topic, you should look for it now. You may spend a long while finding your way back if you step through that door."

    She looks down at herself. "As for me? I am called Vivian. I'm merely a traveller... though one considerably more dry. You should hang that cloak up before you catch cold."
  There's something else that accompanies the stranger into the room, for those who can sense the supernatural. It's like a flood light snapping on amidst a sea of candles -- this stranger is touched by a strong sense of divinity. If this woman isn't a demigod herself, she's closely associated with one, somehow.

Yet for all that sense of powerful presence, she remains soft-spoken, and her posture one of someone who's actively trying to avoid attention. A library between worlds? That gets a reaction. The hood seems to perk slightly at this. Perhaps here she might find some advice, some hint of how to proceed.

"A library..." She doesn't speak immediately after that, maybe frowning, by her distant tone. The door is glanced at again, but when the hood turns back to Vivian, the gesture seems more decisive. The hood bobs briefly. "Thank you. I believe I will do that."

She could spend days, here, but she doesn't have that much time. Topics, too, must be chosen with care. When Vivian suggests taking the cloak off, the figure freezes, hood pointed directly at Vivian; the weight of the figure's hidden stare almost palpable for a fleeting moment; inwardly debating.

Slowly, almost reluctantly, the figure reaches up towards the hood. White gloves peek from the robe's sleeves, and she sweeps the hood back and shrugs the robe off.

The young woman beneath wears a dress almost regal, if mended and travel-worn. She can't be a day over twenty-two, though her tired sapphire eyes seem much older. Her hair is a dark honeyed blonde; braided for the last quarter of its length and finished in a cuff; a long lock at each side of her face plaited and finished in a similar manner.

Under that robe are a suspiciously plain-looking bow and a regal-looking rapier and quiver. These are set, with careful deliberation, alongside the robe.

She frowns slightly, glancing back at the cafe with some uncertainty. "I mislike this, but I suppose I have little choice. Thank you." There's a brief hesitation, and she looks to the empty chair, before looking back to Vivian. "May I sit...?"
    The weapons are not remarked upon, nor is Zelda's regal aura. Vivian can sense magic though, so she does perhaps get a little twitch from that. The ears, too, get a look. Only a brief one, though... before the woman gestures at the chair politely. "Please. This place has little room."

    Now, though, she can look at Zelda more openly. Vivian herself is... well, by most standards she would be lovely. A minor illusion hides her wings, if Zelda can detect that, but she didn't bother to hide the rest of her appearance, meaning the woman's entire body is evidently jet black in color, with no deviation. Curious eyes peer at Zelda for a long moment.

    "There's no need to be so reluctant," she notes. "I'm sure that violence would be frowned upon here, and neither of us seem the type to want to risk damaging books like these. Do you have any particular subject? The librarian is not about, but I may know where to find it."
  Now that the hood is out of her way, Zelda tilts her head, regarding Vivian for a moment in silence. That isn't something she's seen before. Not unless she thinks back to her dreams of the Triforces... old memories, no more than confusing scraps to her as she is now.

Aside from that momentary stare, though, Zelda folds herself into a chair, wincing slightly. Wounded, or exhausted, or maybe both.

Settling her dress over her lap, she folds her arms around herself, the gesture one of cold rather than one of insecurity. Her eyes linger a moment where Vivian's wings should be, but must not see them for what they are, by the lack of comment. She doesn't stare, either. She must not be able to see them.

When the other calls her on her hesitation, those blue eyes flick back to Vivian from where they'd begun wandering the stacks. "My apologies. I do not mean to be rude." The Hylian shakes her head. "I have my reasons for preferring to hide, though... ah, no, not in particular. Well, yes. Perhaps. I would like more information on a phenomenon known as the twilight." There's some emphasis on the word that suggests it's more than a time of day, but not quite a capital letter. "It devours the land and transforms the living into spirits."

It's taking a risk to reveal that much, but information, she's certain, is what she needs. Knowing is half the battle, as they say.
    An interesting question that causes Vivian to pause, her eyebrow to lift. That is something she will have to look into. However, since for the time being she has made no plans for this, she has no reason NOT to help Zelda. "I have only heard vague rumors, so that must be a world I'm not familiar with," she admits. "It sounds... hmm. I have none of the books here at the table, but my own world has a vaguely similar phenomenon. I wasn't able to find anything on my world's problem, but that..."

    Vivian quiets for a time. "It sounds as if it is a curse," she finally says. "Books here, I cannot help you with, but curses of that nature I know something about. Is this localized or spreading?"
  The regal traveller hesitates again. Her expression is one of profound exhaustion, suggesting she's been on the road for some time. Going to where, though? Or, to go by her inherently furtive nature, from what? Maybe this twilight phenomenon is what she flees.

Slowly, she shakes her head. For once she doesn't know what the wisest option might be. Does she look this information up herself? Does she trust this stranger, who seems to have no ill intent? Is there any harm in it? This 'Vivian' seems to have no particularly ill intent.

But the Triforce does not speak to her. She's too exhausted. She can barely hear her own frayed and unravelling thoughts. Zelda grimaces, almost involuntarily. Zant's arm is long, and she's had to run a long way to escape its shadow, at least for a little while... those thrice-damned things /always/ seem to know which roads she's taken.

Her head shakes after a moment as though to clear it. There's nothing to be done for it. She's too tired not to settle for some kind of help. For too long she's borne the fate of her entire kingdom on her shoulders, and her shoulders alone. Maybe a little bit of help is in order.

"Vaguely similar?" She tilts her head, as though a little worried. Has it really begun spreading so far? Could Zant have such influence already? "I do not know. I know only that..."

No, she'd better not reveal that much. Zelda thins her lips. "It would appear to spread where it will, and virulently. I have some knowledge of it, but my concern is whether it begins to spread beyond the bounds of my own realm." She shakes her head; her jewelled earrings catch a fleeting glimmer of light. "I would not see it spread further. Its effects are... unpleasant, and dangerous."
    "Hmm..." Vivian rubs her chin at the explanation, leaning back in the chair a little oddly, but not awkwardly. "No, that isn't what I have encountered. The plague I know is of my own kind's causing." Specifically, Blight Crows like herself, but she doesn't say that. "This sounds far more like an actual curse. Or perhaps a devouring of the land's energies. Oddly that might be /useful/ to my world, but they are currently not fully attached to the tree, so it is not important."

    Vivian nods suddenly. While she fully intends to make things worse, right at this moment she is... actually going to be helpful. At least, as much as she knows how. "It sounds very much like a powerful curse or artifact then. Have you had any luck slowing it? Anti-curse wards or perhaps sites of powerful magic resistant to its effects?"
  "No?" The young woman splays her hands over the surface of the table. It seems to be a gesture of weariness more than anything else. She tilts her head, slightly. "A devouring of the land's energies... I see. That would make sense, from what I've observed. Its behaviour follows certain patterns."

Her eyes slowly drop to her hands on the table, but the way they lid suggests Zelda isn't looking at her hands. "It came about by my own hand, so ending it is also my responsibility... I only pray that it is not too late."

"No." The Hylian shakes her head. "At least, not permanently. I have not had the time to study the boundaries too closely... there are dangerous things that lurk in twilight. Hungry things. There are some relics that would have the power to resist its corruption, but they are out of my hands. I have no hope of retrieving them alone." Her expression twists, troubled. "I know of allies who have the power to challenge the twilight, but we became separated some time ago. I hope they yet live, but I have no way to know."

Sighing, she lets her head droop a little. It's not very regal posture, but she's tired enough to be way past the point of regal. Right now, she looks every inch the downtrodden aristocrat -- she's been cold, hungry, and tired for a long time, and it shows. Even worse, she looks like she's trying desperately to hold onto some kind of hope, but it's a guttering flame.

"I only pray it isn't too late," she repeats, shaking her head. "There must be something I can do."
    This is useful to Vivian, but... she is not without empathy. In fact, she's very much HEAVILY empathetic, and the crushed sensation is not pleasant for her. She picks it up easily. That's why she nods quietly, and reaches over the table to offer her hand to Zelda in a light squeeze of reassurance.

    "Heroes such as the ones you need are never in short supply, they simply... don't always have the timing or nature you may want," she points out. "I am certain when the time comes that you will have aid, and you should hope that it is enough, not that it will come. Bolster yourself and you bolster them, young lady." Ah, at least Zelda hasn't given her name yet, right?

    Vivian will even attempt to provide a little trickle of hope. Without dancing and expressing herself more clearly, she can't do much with her empathic abilities, though.
  "No, they are not in short supply. Many would rise up for the chance to save their home, but the... collapse... has wrought much damage." Bitter words to speak, to go by Zelda's expression and voice. The collapse of her home, maybe? The squeeze is noted, and returned with a fainter one, as though in gratitude. Her hand is politely withdrawn, though, and both settled into her lap. "It will be a time before things are set right, but it's time we may not have. The twilight is spreading rapidly."

Her eyes turn to the stacks of books, as though weighing something. "Knowledge is what I need. Too much of the twilight has been lost to time, but now there is no time to waste searching." Zelda's lips thin in an expression of displeasure, murmuring quietly. "And the usurper-king has put the library to the torch, along with the rest of Castle Town... how convenient for him."

Maybe she's just too tired to face it alone. She inclines her head to Vivian. "Forgive me. I have not given you my name, have I? I am..." Here she finds herself at a loss. Would giving out a pseudonym really help her at this point? This woman's seen her face, and heard inadvertant snippets of her tale. She doesn't seem to mean any ill, however.

"I am Princess... no. Queen-Regent Zelda, of the Kingdom of Hyrule." The corner of her mouth curls up in a scornful little half-smile. "I suppose, however, that that would mean little to an outsider. At least, you do not look like a Hylian to me."
    "Queen-Regent now?" Vivian arches an eyebrow... then laughs lightly. "I had a guess that I was in the presence of a high Caste, but not this! You seem more pleasant than the Kings in the Alliance of Kings, I must say." There's just a hint of anger and hate in her voice there, not to mention her empathic projection.

    She's smiling, though. "Well, you worry for your people, so that is good. My troupial cares little for castes and birthright, but you yourself seem a pleasant woman, Zelda, so it is nice to meet you properly."

    Her eyes flicker for a moment. "Destroying a library though? Let us not speak of such things. I am... something of a scholar, though more of art than of esoteric topics."
  "It was not a peaceable coup," Zelda points out. Her tone is one of dark amusement, though she does lift a brow at the rancor in Vivian's own voice. That tidbit will most certainly be filed away for later consideration. "There were losses. Grievous losses. As a gift in greeting, the usurper personally delivered me the head of my Captain of the Watch. All of Hyrule had been taken by surprise. Its defenses collapsed. Twilight filled the air; dulled the horizon. My people were torn apart by the Twilight King's pet monsters."

"And through the blood and ash, he strode into my hall," she snarls, unthinkingly showing a glimmer of her own fury, "/my hall/, with the blood of /my people/ on his boots, and demanded I choose: Life, or death."

Zelda simmers down, but it's clearly by conscious effort. "I chose surrender. Oh, perhaps I could have fought. What remained of us could have rallied in the courtyard, if we were exceptionally lucky and the Goddesses were smiling. But they were not smiling, that day. I would not throw away the lives of my people for pride. Where there is life, there is hope, yet, of throwing off the yoke... but time is short. Time is very short."

She glances to Vivian, studying the other woman. Worry for her people? Zelda shakes her head. "Their destiny is my destiny," she says, simply. What she means by it, though, she doesn't clarify. "I would consider myself something of a scholar, as well. Reprehensible. If there were any answers to be found, they would have been in my castle's library. We preserved records from countless generations into our history, and now they are gone, like /that/." Zelda snaps her fingers, crisp in spite of the gloves. She must have had some practise at it.

"But... thank you," she adds, inclining her head to Vivian in polite gesture. "I would welcome any assistance, though I would also understand if you thought it too dangerous. I will not lie and say that it is not dangerous; I am not safe so long as the usurper sits the throne, and neither is anyone around me. He is not pleased that I have managed to escape." Zelda smiles, blade-thin. "Good. I hope it put his nose out of joint."

Except he doesn't really have much of a nose, does he?

Oh well.

Same difference.
    Vivian's smile is a little wider now. "You have such spirit. That's good. I'm... afraid that I can be of little help to you, though. I am a dancer, a performer. A singer, sometimes. I can use a knife without cutting my arm open, but I am not a great and peerless master of the sword, nor of the bow."

    She sighs, "My only talents are magical, and my magic is not what can /help/ your people. It would do more harm than good. So I can only reassure you and tell you if I find anything that could help you. I might... be able to provide that much. If it doesn't conflict with my own needs at the time. I'm afraid my world is not even accessible, and even if it were I am disgraced from my position." She says that easily, and without shame.
  "I'm a bit embarrassed. This is hardly appropriate behaviour for a monarch." Zelda grimaces, slightly. "I would hardly call myself a master of the bow or the sword. There are far finer standards in Hyrule, thank the Goddesses. It was wiser, I thought, to wield one or both weapons poorly than to be defenseless."

She drums her fingers on the table, considering. Those sapphire eyes seem to come to life a little more, as though mulling over Vivian's talents and where they might best serve. That's a tough one.

"It may be that your talents are not as useless as you suspect. I will think on it," Zelda finally states, solemnly. "There is often a use for even the most esoteric of gifts. It only takes a bit of effort to find out where they'd best fit into a given situation... but I'll not lie; that set is not particularly encouraging."

Her head tilts faintly when the other is so candid about her situation. How strange that she would admit that so easily. Was Vivian also overthrown, as Zelda herself was? The princess seems about to comment on it, but apparently decides not to, looking away in thought. "I see. I am sorry. That must be difficult. Hyrule may be a twilight-infested shadow of itself, and it may be dangerous for me to return there, but I can come and go as I wish... as long as I remain careful. My hunters do not eat, they do not sleep, and they will never stop. Not until I am returned to the Twilight King's custody -- or until their shadowy hearts are cut from them."

"Still, I do not envy you your situation, and I am sorry to hear of it. If there is anything I can do, I will gladly offer what little help I can in exchange for your kindness." Zelda inclines her head. "As you have suspected, I can use a bow and rapier with passable skill. I am also something of a scholar... and if it is corruption your world suffers from, I have knowledge of some techniques that may forestall its advance, although my efforts did not work permanently against the twilight. Even so, there is nothing to say whether my efforts will or will not succeed. It may be worth a try, if the opportunity should present itself."

Stiffly, and somewhat painfully, the princess pushes herself to her feet. "I should go, however. I have already spent too much time, here. Thank you for the opportunity to rest... and speak." Zelda favours her counterpart with a slight smile. "I have not had much in the way of conversational company lately."

One by one, she shrugs her bow onto her shoulder, buckles her quiver at her hip again, and buckles her sword belt at the other hip. The robe she tests to ensure it's dry -- close enough -- and throws it on, reaching up to draw the hood over her face. Lastly, she ties the violet scarf into place around the lower part of her face.

"We should stay in touch, if one has news for or need of the other. For now, though, it would be better if I continued on my way." Zelda bobs her head, deeply; as close to a bow as she might come without bowing too low, as a sovereign. "Thank you. May the Goddesses watch over you."

With that, provided Vivian doesn't stop her, she'll retreat towards the door. The handle is opened briefly to make sure the path is clear, and then Zelda slinks through, closing it softly behind herself.

...Well, hopefully she ended up back where she had left.
    Shaking her head sadly, "My tale is... unpleasant, but not one that needs tread upon. My problems are being handled well enough. See to your own troubles first, and perhaps if our paths cross again, there will be better stories to tell."

    Vivian rises as Zelda readies to go. "You should leave at the same point you entered... whereever that may be. Good luck in your travels, Queen Zelda. I have a feeling that you will need it, before too long."