World Tree MUSH

Looking for Home

Character Pose
     "It's probably a fruitless endeavor, but I'd like to at least try to find my home."

These were the words that set Martin off on an adventure with Krystal through the World Tree, searching the Vines for any sign of his world. They've had no luck so far, as obtuse as the very concept of the Vines can be, but he is determined to at least find some /trace/ of his home, or maybe one of his friends. Even if he's happy with Krystal, there's still that unfinished business to take care of...

Today, they emerge on a dirt road, well worn from years of use. There is a forest some distance to the east of the road, which appears to wind around a safe distance from the edge of the trees, and a grassy leading to green hills in the distance on the west. To the south, the road stretches on until it's swallowed by the horizon, while to the north the tops of some huts can just barely be seen. It's a bright and sunny day, with a pleasant breeze rustling the grass, pockmarked with patches of flowers.

Oh, and there's a group of three mounted men in faded green brigandines, just a few meters from Martin and Krystal. Very human men, unfortunately for Martin, and the brown tombstone-like insignia sewn onto their chests does not appear familiar to either adventurer. Each is armed with a lance and a sword, and they don't seem particularly happy to see the pair as their horses agitatedly chuff and kick at the dirt.

"Oi, wot's all dis, den? Coupla witches, come t'steal our crops, eh?" one of them speaks up, hefting his lance threateningly.
 With some help from Martin, Krystal had dressed in clothes that would fit in on his world. Unfortunately, while they also fit in rather well on the world they ended up on this day, the fact that neither of them are human draws even more attention than likely her more futuristic clothing may have. She still has her staff, but unless inspected pretty closely, it just looks like a very ornate staff. 

Her fur bristles a bit as she picks up on the agitation of these men at seeing her and Martin, she didn't need to be a telepath for that. "We are merely travelers and don't wish to take anything from you. We will be moving on before you know it."
     Martin is simultaneously surprised and disappointed to see the men, as it means another dead end as well as what appears to be a fight in the making. "It is as the lady said. We merely took a wrong turn, and do not wish you harm."

"Well! 'Ear that, boys? Dey don't means us no 'arm! Guess we orter let 'em go, eh?" the lead soldier says to his two partners, before the three of them enjoy a hearty guffaw. After a few moments, he points his lance at Krystal and continues, "I weren't born in no barn, missy. Beastmen's outlawed in dese lands, 'specially magic ones. Only reason you'd be 'ere is stealin' da baron's crops, or dem rebels got you workin' for 'em. Either way I sees it, da baron's gonna wanna have a little talk wif you two... in 'is dungeon!"

The other two soldiers fan out to surround Martin and Krystal on either side, lances pointed menacingly at them. "Come quiet like, an' maybe we won't skewers ya afore we take ya to see 'im."
 So much for the diplomatic approach. Krystal lets out a sigh as she thinks to herself. 'Why does it always come to fighting.' Watching as the men move to surround them, she knows it's only a matter of time before these men move in to disarm them before taking them prisoner. As much as she doesn't want to fight with these locals, escaping and recovering their weapons later if they go quietly now is likely to be harder despite the fact they're currently outnumbered. She sends a telepathic call to Martin. <Probably best if we fight now and get away than let them capture us, at least in my humble opinion. If you agree and are ready to fight, swish your tail up and down.
     "Our humblest and sincerest apologies, friends. We are from a land very far away, and we did not know of the local customs before coming here. We will leave right away." Martin says, while his tail slowly, subtly moves up and then down, easy to mistake for a simple reflex gesture to those not in the telekinetic know.

"Oh, sure, sure, and den I suppose you'll run back to yer rebel pals and wait 'til we're gone, right? Stealin' food, spyin', don't make no difference. May's well end ya right here afore ya become trouble." the lead soldier gruffly declares, raising his lance to prepare to strike. "Just 'old still now. Would be a real shame if I missed."
 In the blink of an eye, Krystal suddenly drops low and pulls her staff from her back, thrusting the tip into the belly of the horse nearest her, hoping it would cause the steed to at least back up, if not throw its rider, then swiftly turning toward the man who has his lance leveled at Martin and she swings upward to deflect its path. "What's truly a shame, is that I really didn't want to fight you all, but clearly you have your minds made up so you left us little choice." She replies as she moves to put herself back to back with Martin so the men would have a hard time surprising either of them.
     The horse nearest Krystal rears up as she thrusts her staff into its underside, throwing its unprepared rider off as it bolts away into the trees. "Augh! Dat's it, you're gonna get it now!" the fallen soldier grunts as he scrambles to get back on his feet, thrusting his lance at Krystal.

The lead soldier, in the meantime, has his lance knocked off its path by the staff, the tip just narrowly missing Martin's head as he ducks, then retreats while pulling his sword, back pressed up against Krystal's. "Three against two. How will we handle this?" he asks her, deflecting a blow from the third soldier.
 By the time the man she had knocked off his horse was back up and attacking her again, she has turned to face him and is ready for it. This time she strikes down on the top of his lance, trying to deflect it toward, or even into the ground. As she does this, she also leaps forward, shifting her weight onto her staff and in turn, the lance, as she aims a jump-kick at the soldier's chest. 

To the men, it might appear that she's ignoring Martin's question, but since they already thought the pair were witches or sorcerers or some nonsense, she didn't see any harm and continuing to use private telepathy. <You ask as if you've never been outnumbered before, but I know that's not true. Take them as they come, try not to let them gang up on either of us. These guys seem to be standard patrols which don't see much action beyond the odd uprising of the common folk, so we're probably the first actual warriors they've faced in a while. Let's show them just how out of practice they are...>
     The soldier attacking Krystal has his lance buried in the dirt as a result of her parry, and ill time to avoid the kick to his chest that comes after. Winded, he falls to the ground, groaning in pain.

"Heh. Never hurts to listen to advice, even so." Martin responds to Krystal's telepathic message, as he darts into his assailant's personal space and slashes at the soldier's wrist. It's not deep enough to be a fatal wound by any measure, but the sudden sharp sting of blade on flesh, and the warm trickle of blood running down his hand, causes the soldier to drop his weapon in surprise.

Martin quickly follows this by leaping onto the horse and bashing the rider in the temple with the hilt of his sword, knocking him senseless onto the ground, before quickly jumping down to let the beast run off. Leveling his sword at the lead soldier, he gives the man a death glare. "Very." he answers Krystal's last sentence in a flat tone.

"Seasoned fighters, are ya? Well..." the lead soldier seems to be trying to taunt the two, but as he realizes his companions have been incapacitated, his words die in his throat. "Well... da baron's gonna hear 'bout dis! See dat village over yonder? Betcha ain't gonna feel so smart after 'e sends a regiment to torch it to da ground!"
 Krystal moves to join Martin and matches his expression, resisting the urge to grin at the fact that they had trounced these soldiers. "Guess I have the advantage that I could tell from their boastful thoughts that these guys were more bark than bite, not to mention how they were going to strike before they moved a muscle." She addresses Martin before turning her attention fully on the lead soldier in the unit. 

"I can also tell that trying to convince you we're not from here is a waste of my breath, and I won't have others be punished for our presence, so go ahead and tell your baron that if he wants to torch that village, he's making some new enemies in the process." She retorts, hoping she isn't putting words in Martin's mouth, but knowing his personality she didn't think so.
     The soldier, sweat beading on his brow, swipes his lance through the air angrily. "Fine! Dat's 'ow ya wants it, dat's 'ow it's gonna be! Just youse wait, it'll all be ashes afore ya knows it! Every man, woman, an' child, an' it'll all be on your 'eads!" he shouts indignantly, before turning his horse toward the south and giving it a kick in the flank to get it going... a bit harder than necessary, all things considered. A few moments later, the two other soldiers pick themselves up and stumble off after their leader, calling after him to wait up for them.

Turning to Krystal, Martin sighs and says, "Honestly, I would've said much the same. No matter what we do, that village is in danger now because of our presence. To make matters worse, I get the distinct impression that this 'baron' will make good on his soldier's word."

Sheathing his sword, he starts walking in the direction of the village in the north, talking as he goes. "I also have a feeling he is not a benevolent ruler. If he is anything like Tsarmina, then I expect the village to be in dire straits as it is. We should at least warn them, and perhaps... see if there's something we can do to help, if needed."
 Krystal nods and sighs as well. "Considering the confidence he was speaking with on the matter even after we wiped the floor with him and his men, and the way he talked about the village and its people being put to the torch like it's a foregone conclusion I think you're right. This baron is likely a tyrant that's been oppressing the people long before we got here, so I have a feeling if we're going to stop him, we're going to need the help of these rebels the soldiers thought we were with."
     "Everywhere I go it seems to be the same. Those in power abusing their position for their own gain, at the cost of everyone below them. We haven't found my world yet, but a tyrant is a tyrant just the same." Martin says with an edge of anger to his voice. "I suspect we'll find information on these rebels in the village, all the more reason to check up on them."
 Krystal knows all too well, considering there's no shortage of tyrants and scumbags in the galaxy she comes from. She just hopes Martin is luckier than she was when it came to her homeworld. "Well, I guess the sooner we get there the better. I just hope they don't take us for witches too..."