
World: Redwall-1
Actual Age: Forgotten
Apparent Age: Young Adult
Quote: "A sword is a tool for war, nothing else."
Role: Warrior
Species: Anthropomorphic Mouse
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Ewan McGregor


Martin is a human-sized mouse from a world of anthropomorphic animals, hailing from the Northern Shores of the Mossflower country, similar in many ways to the Great Britain one might know. Having lost his family and tribe at a young age, Martin fought his way out of slavery and became a respected leader in a resistance group dedicated to liberating Mossflower from its tyrannical ruler. His already formidable skills with a sword were further honed by training with Mossflower's greatest military force, and his father's sword reforged from a piece of metal from a fallen star. By far his greatest asset, however, is his steely determination, willing to push himself to the brink of death if necessary. This can easily be a double-edged sword though, and he can lose sight of other priorities in pursuit of his own personal grudges, something that once cost him the love of his life.


Swordsmouse: Martin's skill with a sword is peerless in his world.
A born fighter, Martin has spent much of his life with a sword in hand, honing his abilities through his travels. However, he did not truly become the legend of the blade that he is until he received training from Boar the Fighter, Badger Lord of the mountain fortress Salamandastron, and his Long Patrol hares. Having learned how to push himself to the very peak of swordsmanship, he has found himself without peer, displaying skill and control with his blade like no other in his world. It is as much a part of him as his tail or whiskers.
The Sword: A family heirloom, reforged using metal from a fallen star.
Martin's sword is an heirloom passed down to him from his father, Luke, who in turn received it from his father, Martin the Elder. After the blade was broken, Martin had it reforged by Boar the Fighter, one of the greatest metalworkers in Mossflower's history, from a piece of meteorite that had landed near the mountain fortress Salamandastron. Although the sword is very simple in appearance, it is a flawless blade in all ways. Its balance is perfect, it fits comfortably in the hands of all but the smallest or largest individuals, and its blade never wears, rusts, dulls, or bends.
Charisma: A natural at getting others to listen to him with few words.
Martin's force of will and quiet intensity make him hard to ignore, for better or for worse. He has a knack for making others listen to what he has to say, and he has shown an aptitude for leadership and authority.
Iron Will: Never bends, never breaks.
Martin's willpower is his most defining trait. He has always been very headstrong since he was a youth, with few ever able to command him. Although he has become considerably less reckless in the years since, Martin is still known for being steadfast, loyal, and overwhelmingly tenacious. More than one tyrant has tried to break his will, but he has held strong, never giving an inch.
Mighty Mouse: Possesses great strength and resilience.
Martin may not be the tallest around, but he is built strong, every inch packed with power. At times in the heat of battle, he has been known to throw beings larger than himself as if they weighed little more than a feather pillow, and he has cleaved shields and their bearers in twain with a single stroke of his blade. He has also been known to take absurd amounts of punishment without falling, though grievous wounds still catch up to him once the adrenaline wears off.
Martial Skills: Also skilled with staves, bows, slings, pikes, and unarmed combat.
Aside from his famed sword skills Martin has displayed competency with a variety of other weapons, including slings, staves, bows, and pikes. He is also capable of fighting unarmed with reasonable skill in a rough grappling style.
Survival: Knows first aid, foraging, and shelter techniques. Can sense weather changes.
Martin has picked up several skills in his travels that help him survive in the wilderness, and can be beneficial to others. He is adept at fishing and foraging in multiple environs, such as woodlands, the rocky northlands, swamps, and the open sea. He is also an able cook with anything he might find or catch, though he is limited by the ingredients available. He has also learned how to patch up wounds with bandages and poultices made from cloth and/or whatever vegetation is on hand, and knows how to set broken bones. Finally, he has a sense for the weather, and knows how to create shelter when needed, if he has the materials available to do so (or can find a convenient rocky outcropping or the like).


Unforgivable!: Personal grudges often override common sense.
Even though he has matured, Martin still holds grudges with a passion. He is a firm believer in giving as good as he gets, and while petty wrongs or misunderstandings (like stealing his sweetroll) can be easily forgiven, more serious acts of antagonism against him or those he cares about (harming them or their dignity, for instance) will draw his ire with a laser focus, and that anger can smolder for weeks, months, or even years. When vengeance is readily within his grasp, he has a disturbing singlemindedness about it, easily losing sight of other priorities to settle his own personal scores.
Bitter and Sad Reward: Traumatic past leads to awkward social life.
Throughout his life, Martin has rarely been able to protect anyone truly close to him. His father went off to avenge his mother and never returned, he got his grandmother killed by slavers as a direct result of his own willful nature, the love of his life was killed when he led a slave revolt, and he was forced to leave his mentor to die.

Because of this, Martin can easily come off as distant and unsociable even among friends, metaphorically holding them at arm's length to avoid becoming too attached to anyone. He enjoys the company of others, the warmth of friendship, but the thought of losing anyone else is simply too painful to bear. And if you try to dig too deep into his past, he just gets buried even more in his own misery.
Chronic Hero Syndrome: He simply cannot abide letting innocents suffer.
A warrior is someone who uses their strength to help those weaker than themselves. Martin sticks closely to this belief, and will go out of his way to render aid when others are suffering, even if it delays him from another task. This is especially true if it involves an innocent being taken advantage of or bullied, as Martin strictly does not abide abuse of power if there is the slightest thing he can do to stop it. He will even help those he would otherwise consider enemies, if he feels they are suffering an injustice.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1166 Due East of Morley Aug 15 2023
1165 The Whales of Bristol Aug 08 2023
1089 An Embarrassment of Riches Oct 26 2022
949 The Silvyr Tower Dec 30 2021
939 Paper Boats I: Angular Momentum Dec 08 2021
817 The Easter Texas Massacre Apr 17 2021
667 Jib Jig Jul 04 2020
619 Looking for Information Apr 11 2020
613 Looking for Home Feb 04 2020
597 When Artists Meet Nov 26 2019
See All 14 Scenes


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