World Tree MUSH

Looking for Information

Character Pose
     It doesn't take long for Martin and Krystal to come to the village's rather modest idea of a gate: A simple wooden fence, only waist-high with a swinging plank pallet that works as a makeshift door. It's clear it was never meant to do much more than keep livestock from running too far. Next to the "gate" is a wooden sign that simply reads, in crudely painted lettering, "WeLcome To WoodHurst".

Beyond it, the duo can see a few wooden buildings with thatch roofs, some chickens and rather skinny-looking cows, pigs, and sheep milling about here and there. There are even less people, and the ones that can be seen are all either older women or young children.

"Whatcher want, then, eh?" one of the women asks from a rickety chair by the gate, glowering at the two. "Saw yer fightin' the baron's men down the road, aye. Yer wit d'rebels then, eh? Damn fools causin' more trouble'n they're worth, takin' what men the baron ain't already got to. What else yer want, then? We ain't got nothin' but roots an' half-formed eggs fer food. Nothin' worth stealin' either, so don't even think about et. I knows how yer furry folk is."

"Peace, marm." Martin says with a raised hand, keeping it well away from his sword so as not to upset her further. "My friend and I here are but humble travelers, though we heard of some trouble with the baron and thought perhaps to ask more of the situation. I am Martin the Warrior, and my friend here is... well, it would be rude of me not to let her introduce herself."
     Krystal was walking beside Martin as they approached the village, and as they got close, while you'd have to be blind to not notice the village wasn't exactly prosperous, the fact that she didn't even sense the thoughts of any men in the village beyond what she could see gave her a bad feeling. 

The woman didn't give them much better of a welcome than the soldiers on the road, but at least she wasn't trying to fight them, though honestly, it didn't look like there was any fight left in this poor village. She nods after Martin introduces himself and leaves an opening for her to do the same.

"Krystal Alysia. As my friend said, we're travelers, both rather far from home. We didn't want to get involved here but the soldiers didn't give us much of a choice, and we're not about to turn a blind eye to the baron causing more trouble around here. So the men that remained at this village joined these rebels then? Must make life around here rather difficult. We may need to have a word with these rebels, but is there anything else we can do to help your village?" She offers in a kind, sincere tone.
     "Oh, aye, I'd like ter have a word wit 'em too, an' lay me switch on their fool backsides!" the old lady declares, slapping her knee to emphasize the point. "The more they fight the baron, the more he demands we make up fer his losses, an' we just ain't got nothin' left ter give."

"I am terribly sorry to hear that, marm." Martin says with a polite bow of his head, then asks, "Might we know this baron's name? Moreover, we would like to ask around the village if possible for more information. Perhaps we might learn something of value that could point us in the direction of your village's men, and perhaps give an idea of how to bring them back in one piece."

The old lady spits at the ground. "Otto Landgrave, his name is. Took power five years ago, after d'old baron up an' died o' 'mysterious circumstances'. Pah, everyone knows Landgrave stuck a knife in his back, just nobody has the courage to say it to his ugly mug." A dismissive wave later, and she adds, "Ask around all yer like, ain't gonna make a damn bit o' difference."

"Many thanks, marm. We won't be long." Martin says with another bow, which the lady simply responds to with a derisive snort. As he heads deeper into the village, no doubt followed by Krystal, he keeps an eye out for anyone who seems like they might know something. "Landgrave, huh. Seems a fitting name, and it would explain the insignia those soldiers were wearing, certainly. Krystal, perhaps you can see if any of these people are thinking something they aren't coming forward about?"
     Krystal goes quiet and lets Martin do the talking, since he was doing such a good job with it she didn't really have anything to add. She doesn't bow but gives a nod and apologetic look before following after Martin. "I've had a fair amount of success working diplomacy, as being able to know what each side isn't telling you or each other usually helps, but it would take a miracle to bring together this tyranical baron and the people he's milked dry to the point that every able male has joined a resistance force..." She comments, then lowers her voice and leans closer to Martin. 

"That little boy ahead of us and to the right, he seems to know where the rebels are hiding, and is debating on if he should tell us or not."
     Martin nods at that. "I've met more than my fair share of tyrants. They are the same, all of them. They only care about lining their own coffers with the product of others' hard work, and bear no compassion for the people they trample underfoot." he says with a fiery edge to his voice, his mind filled with images from his own past as both a slave and a prisoner to such corrupt individuals.

At Krystal's whisper, however, he pushes aside those thoughts and approaches the boy with a casual wave. "Ho, young man. We are in search of information on the rebels, and how we might join their fight against the tyrannical Baron Landgrave. Perhaps you know someone who could point the way?"

The boy, startled at first, nevertheless holds his ground, hands shoved down the sides of his sackcloth shorts in lieu of pockets. "Who? Me? W-well sir, I don't know nuffin' 'bout dat stuff. My big brudder defin'ly didn't join up wit 'em, no sir. Ain't no secret trapdoor in der woods behind der village, nope. I didn't tell yer nuttin'."

Blinking in surprise at either how easy that was or how bad a liar the kid is, Martin glances at Krystal. "Krystal? Picking up anything?"
     Krystal holds back a chuckle at the boy's fake lying, but still grins a bit. "Oh... Well I guess it can't be helped, if you really don't know anything then I guess we'll have to ask someone else or just go looking ourselves. Thank you anwyay." She replies to the boy with a quick wink. She then turns back to Martin and nods. "I've met two tyrants, and as far as I'm concerned, that's two too many, especially as one of them was the 'take over the entire galaxy' sort of guy... Anyway, that was pretty easy, boy is telling the truth, or at least what he believes to be the truth, shall we go pay these rebels a visit and hope they are more welcoming than the old woman and the soldiers? I'm not going to hold my breath but a girl can dream."
     Martin can't help but break into a laugh, though he's quick to stifle it as he grins at Krystal. "Yes, I suppose we have no choice but to go looking in the woods behind the village, eh? Such a pity we couldn't get more information out of him." He starts making his way toward the rear half of the village then, tapping a finger on the pommel of his sword. "I guess I can say I'm thankful I haven't run into any tyrants more ambitious than simply trying to take over the local countryside. Though I'm sure if they had any of the technology or magic from one of the worlds we've visited, they'd certainly try it."
     Krystal gives a grim nod as she makes for the woods with Martin. "Technology and magic are incredible things that can be used both for incredible good, and terrifying evil. I'm sure if Andross succeeded in taking over the Lylat system, he'd then move on to conquiring the next one, and wouldn't be satisfied till the entire universe was under his thumb, as impossible as that goal sounds." She replies, then falls quiet and reaches out for any thoughts from the rebels.

"Wonder if it would make things better or worse if I telepatically told them we're coming and we wish to help?" She asks for Martin's input, but would also do a little digging to try and figure out the answer if she senses any of the rebels.
     "From what you've told me, that would take a very long time to accomplish. I suppose if he were immortal, and really I wouldn't put it past someone like that at this point..." Martin starts to say, but as Krystal asks for his input, he nods and changes subject. "Yes, it may be a good idea to let them know ahead of time, if you can reach them."

"That will not be necessary." comes a voice from behind a tree as the two heroes enter the woods. Stepping out into view is a man obviously of higher birth than anyone in the village, despite his scruffy red hair and beard, and the cracks in his face which show his years. He's wearing a suit of green-painted armor, the same shade as the leaves of the trees, and at his side is a worn but well-cared-for bastard sword. "We saw- and heard- you coming long before you entered the village. Our scouts are well hidden, and very good at their jobs."

"You're with the rebels then, I take it?" Martin asks the man, hand still resting on the pommel of his own blade.

"I am. Joachin the Honest, they call me." the knight, for clearly a knight he is, introduces himself with a bow. "From what I am told, you two are no friends of the baron, though your beastkin lineage would make that obvious enough at a glance. You may stay your weapons, for we seek no quarrel, only to ask your business with us."
     Krystal is a little startled by the voice behind the tree, a bit on edge perhaps after all she and Martin have been through so far, but she is not surprised the rebels knew they were coming, impressed would probably be a better word, maybe matters here weren't as hopeless as they seem. She moves to introduce herself and answer the knight's question. 

"I am Krystal Alysia, and yes, we're no friend of the baron. Though we're not from around here didn't know a thing about the baron before his men accosted us on sight, and at first attempted to take us prisoner before changing their minds and figuring they'd just kill us instead... It was quite the welcome wagon."
     "You are from another world, then, I take it? Our wizard has spoken of such things. He is skilled in the mystical arts, albeit not in matters of battle. I should say he is more of an... oracle, who sees things others cannot, and shields us from the view of others who wield like powers." Joachin explains, gesturing toward his head. It seems he knows of the existence of thought-readers. "I would apologize for such a cold welcome to our land, but my position as of present would make it quite the hollow apology indeed."

Martin, staring hard into the woods, finally speaks up. "I count four among your number, hidden in the trees. Doubtless more in places I cannot find so readily. If you had wanted us dead, I have no doubt you could have made us look like hedgehogs with your arrows."

With an impressed look, Joachin lets out a small, polite chuckle. "Hohoho, so you have some experience. No mere travelers, you two. Come, let me show you to the true entrance to our hideout. The trapdoor in the grass is as the word implies- a trap, designed to trip up the baron's spies."

As the old knight fades into the trees, Martin leans in close to Krystal and whispers, "I'm beginning to think the boy's lying was more clever than we gave credit for."
     Krystal blinks as the knight asks if they are from another world, and she wonders how many others came here before them, and how much this baron has had contact with other worlds. "Very astute sir, though not from the same, fortunately for Martin's sake. My world was mysterously destroyed. When I returned from work on another world, it was completely gone, and I know of no survivors. No one even knows for sure what happened, who or what caused it. I have suspicions, but nothing I can prove, yet..." Krystal explains, grinning after Martin points out some of their men in hiding. 

"The baron's soldiers mistook us for such, let's just say they came to regret that assumption." She offers with a chuckle as she follows the knight, grinning and nodding at Martin. "He's well trained, surely."
     "I am truly sorry to hear that, although I cannot say there is much I could have done were I in a position to help." Joachin says in response to Krystal's story of her world's destruction. He first leads them past a conspicuously square patch of yellowed grass only a few dozen meters past the forest's edge, pointing it out so that the two know to avoid it in future. "That is the trapdoor in question. It leads to nought but a cage, and can only be opened from outside. Our men check it regularly, for it is not only the baron's spies who find it."

"At least prisoners aren't killed immediately in there." Martin notes, carefully sidestepping the trapdoor. "It would surely be a tragedy if one of the village children fell into the trap."

Most assuredly." Joachin agrees, then continues to make some small talk for another fifteen minutes or so of walking, taking seemingly random turns through the forest with no obvious indication where he's going.

"A common tactic of such groups. Take a winding path to disorient newcomers, so that they cannot remember the way easily. These rebels are hardly wet behind the ears." Martin explains to Krystal, though he doesn't admit that even he's feeling pretty lost. She can pick up on it in his thoughts easily enough, though.
Krystal wouldn't be surprised if wild animals sometimes had the misfortune of falling into the trap as well, but a child would certainly be more tragic. She smiles to Joachin's condolences about her lost homeworld and nods. "I appreciate the thought anyway." Otherwise, she follows as they are lead to the hideout in such a way that it would be nearly impossible to remember the way. She picks up on Martin's thoughts and feels just as lost herself. Part of her regrets not bringing some sort of location tracker, but another part of her decides maybe it's best that they respect the privacy of these people. If she did track the way and that information fell into the wrong hands, she'd feel quite horrible about it. "You folk take few chances. How long have you been in conflict with this baron?
     At last, they come upon a seemingly inconspicuous tree stump, felled long ago not by axe or saw, but by lightning, considering its jagged edges. The trunk itself has long since been cleared away, likely by the village... or the rebels, perhaps. Joachin stops beside it in any case, and knocks in a strange pattern upon the bark. A few moments later, the dead wood in the center disappears, revealing a hole leading underground with a simple rope ladder. Clearly an illusion of some sort.

"We are here. Please, climb down first, and I will come after you. Forgive me, but you will find that the guards trust you less than I. Please do not fight them should they choose to take your possessions; I can promise you that they will be returned promptly once things are... settled, down there." Joachin explains, and Krystal can sense that he is indeed speaking truly. At her question, however, he gives her a grim frown. "Too long."

Martin, in the meantime, decides to take the first plunge. "I know that feeling all too well." he remarks, carefully making his way down into the darkness... or is it?

Actually, once the eyes have adjusted, the underground tunnel is reasonably lit by orbs of magic light, revealing that the entrance is only barely higher than a man, and wide enough for two to walk side-by-side if they embrace. Several more tunnels branch off from the main one at various points, though the pair of leatherclad guards who approach the newcomers will likely grab more attention.

"Right. You an' yore friend, 'and over yore weapons for safekeepin'." one of the guards says in a bored tone, biting into a green apple after he's done speaking.

"More for yore safety'n ours, heh." the other remarks, gesturing toward a large wooden chest nestled against the wall. "Just dump 'em in there, eh? We'll be pattin' yew down after to make sure there ain't no surprises."
Krystal echoes Joachin's frown before her gaze flickers to Martin as he responds. She then follows after Martin, descending down into the hideout. Nodding to the guard, particularly after having been warned, she takes her staff and places it into the chest. She finds the comment about it being 'for their safety more than ours' peculiar, though she at the same time can't help but agree that it would be rather foolish for her or Martin to try anything while surrounded by the rebels as they are, being that it is their base. The guards would find she has no further weapons.
Martin likewise places his sword into the chest, albeit hesitantly, which Krystal can sense has some sentimental reasons behind it. Then again, he's probably told her about it being his father's originally by now, so that might not even require psychic powers to figure out. In any case, he takes a deep breath and leaves it for now, as well as a small dagger he's kept hidden underneath his tunic and a sling he uses as a belt.

"Righto, then. Yore all ready to go, so let's get a move on, eh?" the first guard says, still munching away at his apple. With him in the lead and the other guard bringing up the rear, they lead Krystal and Martin down the tunnel a ways, turning down the third side tunnel on the left and walking for what seems like an eternity through the magically lit dimness, winding and descending through more and more branches.

"I wager most of those other tunnels are for further misdirection. Dead ends or loops, most likely. This whole place is probably a labyrinth if you don't know exactly where you're going." Martin comments, which prompts the guard in front to chuckle a bit.
Krystal may not have as much of a sentimental attachment to her staff like Martin and his sword, but she really does hope these guys keep their word about giving them back because it's still not like she can easily get another one like it terribly easily. As she walks along behind Martin, she keeps both her ears and telepathic senses alert to what might be going on around them in this base. When Martin comments about the other tunnels being for misdirection, she smirks. "I'm rather impressed Martin, I guess you've been around groups like this one before..."
Martin nods as they continue further, Krystal's senses picking up a lot of chatter about... what you'd probably expect, really. How much the Baron sucks, menial discussions about what they had for breakfast, something about mudcrabs? And one or two small rooms where more... personal matters are taking place.

"Yes. The Corim- that is, Council of Resistance in Mossflower- had a similar base of operations in my world. The entrance was a door built into a great tree, and I am told it was once home to the great badgers of the Brock family, long before Tsarmina's tyrannical reign." he explains, but then the group stops before a rather nondescript wooden door set into the stone, a third guard standing beside it who regards them with mild curiosity.

"Right, well, we're 'ere." the apple-munching guard says, signaling to the door guard to let Martin and Krystal through. Inside, there is a set of stairs leading down into a significantly more comfortable cavern, lit more brightly and with another pair of guards at either side of the door on the inside. They give Martin and Krystal a slightly suspicious look, but don't move an inch, their mail armor and halberds reflecting the light better than the leather of the other guards.

"Ah. There you are. I had heard of your coming. I hope the trip down wasn't too long?" greets the person who likely has the two heroes' attention, sitting upon a simple wooden throne at the other end of the chamber, a long stone table with a large map atop it standing between him and the entrance. Perhaps more interestingly, he appears to be an anthropomorphic lion, wearing a suit of red-painted armor with a white cape, mane carefully brushed back and held in place in a series of braids.

"Arthurius, former duke of this stretch of land." he introduces himself, standing to bow to the two. "I am the leader of the rebels, and I welcome you should your intentions be pure."
Krystal blushes for a moment and tries her best to cut herself off from the thoughts of more personal nature as she swiftly regains her composure. Regarding the sturdy, guarded door, she assumes something or someone of importance is on the other side, and she would be correct. After entering and being greeted by Arthurius, she smiles and offers a small bow in respect.

    "My name is Krystal. Martin and I were really just traveling through when we had the misfortune of encountering the Baron's welcome committee. They were quite convinced we were rebels ourselves and wouldn't be convinced otherwise. After they left us little choice but to fight, they promised to retaliate by torching the village. We may have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time, but we couldn't just continue on our way when our mere presence had come to threaten innocents."
Martin nods as Krystal speaks, after bowing respectfully to the lion. "It is as she says. Our arrival has caused the people of that village to become endangered, and we wish to make amends... by helping put a stop to the Baron's terror, if at all possible." he adds.

"I see. I had heard the reports, but still it warms my heart to see others like me, even if you are not strictly of my kind. I had thought I would never again see a beastkin after the baron had so many put to death, and so many others had fled this land. But I should not allow such feelings to cloud my judgment." Arthurius says, settling back into his seat with a heavy sigh. "It is true that times are hard. We have made little progress, for the baron has advantages we do not."

"What sort of advantages?" Martin inquires, and Arthurius furrows his brow. It would seem that, although the mind-reading block has been lifted on most in this place, the lion's is still firmly in place, leaving Krystal in the dark on that front.

"Apart from a larger military force, he has been in league with... a strange gentleman, whom we believe to be from another world." Arthurius answers, folding his hands in front of him and resting his chin on them. "This man has brought with him weapons that surpass ours in every respect. These... strange devices, which resemble crossbows yet fire bolts of light rather than steel. They are not magic, so we have no way of detecting them, nor have we been able to penetrate the armor his persnal guard now wear. However, as outsiders yourselves, perhaps you may have knowledge which can help us."
Krystal nods, giving a frown as the situation is explained. "Superior numbers and technology, that would make for a rough fight indeed." She admits, taking a moment to glance at Martin before her attention returns to the lion. "We are both from another world yes, but from what he's told me, the technology available where Martin comes from is similar to that of this world. On the other hand, I come from a place where weapons like what you've just spoken of, and travel between planets and even galaxies, is not only available but commonplace."
     Arthurius looks at Krystal with some measure of awe. "Surely you jest? And yet, I could believe it of late. If such technologies became available to the baron, then matters would grow only more dire. I fear we may not have much more time before he wipes us all from the face of the map, and then who knows how much further he may go..."

Martin speaks up now, folding his arms across his chest. "All the more reason, then, to deal with him as soon as possible. Sir." he says in a matter-of-fact tone, tail lashing behind him. Krystal can practically sense his impatience.

"Yes. Perhaps you are right... And if you know what sort of technology he is using, fair lady, then perhaps your advice may yet turn the tide. If we know what we are dealing with, and how to deal with it, then we still carry the advantage of stealth and knowledge of the land. The baron has rarely left his castle in all his life, and most of his men are barely more well-versed, or from other lands entirely. It is the only thing that has allowed us to hold on for so long." With a deep breath, the lion finally nods and adds, "Yes. One swift, decisive strike may be our only chance. But first, we must see to the safety of the village. Should you two require lodging, it will be provided to you whilst we prepare the defenses. You are of course invited to join in as well, as your knowledge may be needed."
Krystal nods, though feels a little torn. Part of her wishes she had the finances to arm these rebels with weapons that would match or perhaps even outclass the ones the Baron's men have gotten their hands on. Another part of her can only picture the horrific massacre that would likely result. It's a moot point though, as she is by no means wealthy, and beyond a few emergency blasters back on her ship, she has little to offer. Ultimately she nods though. "I am willing to help however I can. If the Baron and his men are as green to travel as you say, there has to be a chink in their armor that we can exploit. If not a physical one, then perhaps a psychological one."
Martin nods as well, feeling much less torn. "Indeed. Once the village is taken care of, we will render whatever assistance we can to you, in the name of freedom." he promises, and Arthurius gives the two a broad, warm smile in response.

"Thank you, my new friends. Hopefully it will go that well. Now, please, I must call an emergency meeting for this village matter. We should have some hours yet before the baron's men arrive, so do with the time as you please." the lion says, as the guards take that as their cue to usher the two out.
Krystal smiles and nods in agreement with Martin's offer, then gives another bow as she turns to leave, not requiring much ushering from the guards though they surely do so anyway just the same. Once they're both on the other side of the door, she glances at the guards, and then to Martin. "Well, guess we have some time to kill now, unless these guys are going to invite us to pass the time with some games of cards or something..."
Martin chuckles a little at Krystal's words, nodding. "Yes, though I think perhaps we should take up on the offer of lodging. Some rest would be nice if we are to join a battle soon, don't you think?" he asks, as one of the guards from before approaches them. "I just wonder how comfortable the beds are here. If they even have beds."
Krystal giggles a little and nods. "You're right, some rest would be a good idea before we have another battle, let's hope they don't just sleep on the floor, though even if they do, they'd have to have something to make it a bit more comfortable, right?" She asks as she glances to the guard. "I assume you're here to escort us to our room?"
Martin laughs a bit at that. "I've slept on worse, trust me. It would still be nice to have some proper cushioning though." he remarks, then nods to the guard, who simply shrugs and mutters an affirmative. "Alright then, let's not waste any time I guess."