World Tree MUSH

Shipping Not Included

A not quite legal deal tries to go down.
Character Pose
    Something is definitely weird about the shipments coming through. As much as the groups involved tried to hide it, there are a LOT of cues, and pushing it down sort of just drew more attention to things. This is especially bad with the diverse cargo, which could have tipped anyone off that something was going down. Purchases of weapons, of various contraband magical materials, you name it. As the syndicate involved had gone through some less than legal means to do so, there were plenty of opportunities to stumble upon this... not to mention an anonymous payment posted to certain boards looking for someone to stop this shipment.

    It is also in a city with a train station, so it's quite possible that someone could be here, though the local time is very late, creeping into the wee hours. There's clearly something up because the trucks at this platform aren't the ones used by the local station for loading normally, and there are a number of nondescript men carrying various weapons. Late 20th century firearms, in this nondescript place between formal Blossoms.

    There are also three masked men here, the masks being... gasmasks? The central one is obviously in charge, and watching the trucks pull up, flanked by two more men in similar masks carrying what look like very complex crossbows. No train yet, but it does look like they're waiting for one.
    "Rhodes Island control, this is Hawkeye, I'm in position on overwatch of the station. Confirming multiple contacts on site. Sending visuals to you now." says Uni, leaning around a pillar atop a nearby building. She nods to her Shinki, Bravette, who starts taking pictures and uploading them via local signals. "Waiting for greenlight to engage. They seem to be waiting for their transport, we might not get a better chance than this."
Renya Rimehart
    Of course someone like Renya Rimehart doesn't have a problem with the profession of smuggling in and of itself. It's a fairly standard part of a pirate's trade. But being successful at smuggling means 1) knowing what is considered valuable or important to a location and 2) doing it without drawing attention to the process. Someone didn't pay attention to #2, and the best way to discover #1 is disrupt someone else's operation and see what they're trying to move.
    That and there's purportedly big lumps of money being put towards halting the operation, which just sweetens the pot. Getting paid for stealing from someone else already engaging in criminal activity just makes it look good for them.
    "Aye, there they be. Unloading those cargo craft, no sign of a bigger transport yet." Renya murmured to herself as she used an angled spyglass to peer around the corner of a structure. "Wearing gas masks. That ain't never a good thing."
    "Won't stop me from putting a slug between their unseen eyes." But before Magnum can move he oofs as his sister grabs the back of his coat collar. "Not before the Captain's ready." "Yeah, I know. Trigger finger's already itchin' though."
    "Listen to ye sis," Renya murmurs to the raccoon twins behind her. "There may be a big reward on this but gotta be sure it ain't gonna be a fool's errand trying to collect it." She's got a hunch they're hardly the only people that have been attracted by the anonymous postings.
    Homeless, masterless shinki tend to... Roam. Homeless, masterless shinki tend to cluster and set up small cities hidden under the streets, living in the shadows under society's feet, hijacking rogue power flows to eke out an existence away from the eyes of the larger folk. At least most do.
    Alty, otherwise known in darker circles as 'The Angel of Death', does not have the luxury of being welcome into shinki cities, her bogeyman-like reputation always preceeding her far enough to be a hassle. She's not here because she's heard of bad deals going down, or weapons purchases, or contraband. She's here because she strayed too far from the one place she can call a safe haven, and had to hunker down for the night, on a rooftop, hijacking into the building's power for a charge and hunkering down under a small cardboard box.
    The fact that there are so many men with weapons, and creepy people in gas masks all about, she keeps her head low, stealing the occasional peek out, only to realize... She's not the only person on the roof.
    Scarlet eyes peek out from a hole in the box and stare incredulously at Uni, before she pops back down out of sight, making the box shift and rustle faintly.
>> SUMMARY[Alty] >> Just a box.
    Morrison's intel with the job was pretty solid. Dante stands perched up high with Uni as he observes the trucks. He seems fairly unconcerned with the infection around here, as he's not wearing a gas mask at all. Whatever this syndicate was smuggling, it must've rated some serious security given the hardware these smugglers are toting. Hard to tell if they're as dangerous as any demon Dante's faced, but Dante's still wary enough to hold off for the moment.

    Popping his neck, he eyes Uni and the box Alty's hiding in. "How do you wanna do this, Uni?" He asks, nonchalant.
    Bravette is mostly in Observer Mode, and so when the box moves, her head snaps in that direction. She doesn't immediately call out, but drops to the roof and approaches cautiously, summoning an SMG from her Slipway and nudges the box up. "Who go--- Alty...?" the Zelnogrard says, blinking incredulously behind her visor.

    Uni, while this is happening, looks to Dante and says, "We're waiting on our contact. She should be around here somewhere. Hold until then, or things get dicey... you good to take the front while I cover you?" When Bravette speaks, Uni glances down, and looks just about as incredulous as Alty did in hiding back at the Angel of Death.
Serrah Delany
Serrah is sticking with Dante at the moment, in lieu of going home with Diana right away, because this seemed slightly more interesting and because this way, she isn't wandering around the World Tree unsupervised while Vincent doesn't have bigger fish to fry.

A shadow right by Dante moves unnaturally, flickers, and then coalesces to form Serrah, wearing a black dress, blue jeans under the dress, and a sports bag at her hip stuffed to the gills with baseballs. She doesn't have a gas mask either, on the assumption that she's dead and doesn't breathe, so an "infection" doesn't bother her. "I'm pretty sure countesses aren't supposed to participate in mercenary work," she says, in an amused tone which suggests that she doesn't care one way or the other.

She peers at Alty's box, but lets Dante and Uni take the lead. She ... doesn't want to spook the poor thing. (Just because she doesn't like the fact that people are afraid of vampires doesn't mean she's going to try to poke too hard against this with someone she knows is already skittish.)
    The various smugglers look... human, but this is a place at a crossroads, so there are two lanky elves among the group. They all look pretty rough around the edges, though. That's typical of smugglers! Whomever this 'Rhodes Island Pharmecuticals' group is though, they're VERY interested in stopping the deal, and pay well. Those who actually asked about it did get the statement to NOT touch the cargo arriving via train though. 'someone would come by to safely pick it up' was the statement.

    >>> [THOSE ON RADIO] >>> "Hold tight, one of our regular mercenaries will be on-site... she should be there now actually..."

    Just then, one of the crossbowmen stops and tilts his head. The hood slides away to show... a fox ear? The rest of his build suggests human, but the lumpiness at his back might suggest more than just ears. But that's going to be secondary for in another second there's a huge *CRASH* from near some of the empty crates. A girl in cat ears and tail tumbles out, rubbing her head. "Owww...." She does look like she isn't a passerby though... because she's dressed in full tactical gear.

    Of course right then the platform lights come on, ringing as they signal a train will be arriving soon. Not loud enough to stop all the smugglers and the two crossbowmen to immediately turn and lift weapons toward the poor girl.

    Well, nobody else has been spotted, that's for sure. That's good, because one of the smugglers was motioning for another to climb up to the roof. Could have been bad but there's a small reprieve now!
    Uni hears the callback, "Copy that, I'm seeing mov--- wait..." a catgirl in tactical gear crashes the party. "I think I see her... going loud." Uni glances to Alty a moment, then pops out and takes aim. "Dante, get in there. I'll cover you. Try and take out those bowmen first... I don't like the look of those bolts they're using."

    Uni racks the slide on her rifle, shifting to Lightning bullets, and lets off a few shots into the alerted smugglers, trying to drop them with the taser-like bolts of Share Energy.
>> SUMMARY[Uni] >> ... well crud, going loud! Firing into the smugglers to try and tase 'em, bro.
    Bravette nudges up the box. Of course Alty is under it, and for a beat she locks up, freezing completely as she's caught, a small hologram screen popping up above her head with a single character on it:


    "Weh!" She blurts, caught. Up come both hands. "Don't shoot, I surrender!"
    For the bogeyman of shinki-kind, she sure is pretty spineless. Also pretty clueless about what she's blundered into with the operation and the situation below.
    "I was just trying to get some sleep, what are all of you doing here?"
    Then Uni starts shooting.
    Alty immediately hides back under her box, lifting it just enough for her boots to poke out from beneath as she starts trying to scamper away.
    Just a box on legs. Just a box.
    She bumps into a wall and squeaks.
    So pro.
    "Yeah me too." Dante doesn't even wait to get orders as he leaps off the roof, Rebellion in hand. He dashes with superhuman speed, sprinting towards the goons as he whistles sharply at them. "Luggage inspection!" He calls out with a laugh, before leaping towards one of the bowmen to slice his weapon in two, then delivering a vicious push-kick to the man's chest.
>> SUMMARY[Alty] >> Just call me Little Boss?
Renya Rimehart
    Well would you look at that. More than human around here after all. The ears a hint, and nobody notices a tail being hidden like someone that also has a tail. But not being hidden. Why would she hide one of her best features? And floofiest.
    Renya dislikes not knowing what potential treasure is actually being hidden away, but the sudden disruption going on draws her attention away from that. Tsk. Someone failed their stealth.
    "Looks like it's a rescue mission too, now. Avast and aweigh, mates!" True to form once the time for being sneaky is over Renya is anything but, the white vixen stepping out into the open. Looks, more animal people!... even more animal like in comparison to the locals, but she's fine, that makes her more distinct. Of course at the same time as she's striding out Renya draws her calisabre and fires, aiming a bit low to freeze the ground around some of the smuggler's feet.
    Magnum is right with her, leveling his larger firearm and taking a shot at one of the crossbow wielders.
    After both of them have taken their shots Maven bolts between them to get in front, bringing up her boiler-hatch shield to prepare for the inevitable retaliation.
Serrah Delany
Serrah gives Alty a sympathetic look. She reluctantly turns back to the mercenaries, though ... and immediately lets out an exasperated groan at the catgirl's clumsy arrival. "Good grief ..." She melts into the shadows when Dante jumps ...

... and almost immediately pops up at right near where he landed, as if she'd teleported, holding a baseball. Which she immediately hurls at the third bowman at fifty miles per hour.
Renya Rimehart
>> SUMMARY[Renya Rimehart] >> Pirates doing pirate things. Including stealing the show (at least in Renya's mind). Cue ice hazards and gunfire, and a defense on standby.
    Bravette blinks at Alty... then facepalms as the spineless valkyrie tries to scamper off and smacks into a wall. "We're on an operation to stop some smugglers from moving some really dangerous stuff." she explains as Alty recovers from her close encounter of the wall kind. "... We could use your spear, if you'd be willing to use it... It would help a lot of innocent people."
    "UP HIGH!" one of the smugglers shouts when bolts start raining down. They are not incompetent men(and a few women, just to be clear), but they're by surprise and they also aren't highly-trained elite soldiers. A few crumple to the ground already. Two dive behind one of the trucks, because this isn't X-Com and they won't explode, turning their pistols up to pepper the rooftop around Uni with fire. Chunks of tile spatter around, thumping on the side of Alty's box and probably sounding a lot like a war zone to her!

Renya freezes the ground, making footing treacherous for the smugglers, and the crossbowman has to dive for cover with armor taking a wing to the side. It's going to get a lot worse though, because he makes a loud, gutteral snarl as the baseball from the side(Serrah) slams into his off-balance body and topples him over the platform. A clawed hand, scaly and reptilian, grabs ahold of the edge just in time, but he won't be shooting back until he can climb up.

    "YAH!" The catgirl screams, diving for cover as the place where she was a moment ago is riddled with bullets. A little blood shows she may have been clipped, but the chaos kept too many from shooting her way. Her pistol comes up, shooting a snap shot back... and missing the leader of the smugglers, instead blowing a hole clean through the truck panel nearby with a loud and very strange-sounding *CRACK* noise.

    Dante rushes right in! The crossbowman he goes after tries to lift it up in time, while the leader of the trio of masked men is drawing a sword. The leader dives away instead of toward... a good idea, because the crossbow gets sliced clean in two. It was loaded, though, and that makes all the difference. The loud *BOOM* blasts the crossbowman backward, and shatters the cement beneath when the blade causes the odd bolt to explode on contact!
    Uni ducks behind the pillar and grunts as return fire comes her way. A chunk of shrapnel scores across a cheek, drawing a red line that doesn't bleed, but shows some angry, broken code beneath the skin. "These guys are pretty good..." she grumbles to herself, glancing to Bravette. "Keep her safe or get her out of here." she commands, referring to Alty, then she darts off to change position. "Hawkeye in transit to new position, ETA 10 seconds. Overwatch is offline." she relays. "Train's coming in, we need to end this, fast."

    Uni skids to another rooftop, takes aim and fires into the group of ranged combatants again, the same spread of lightning bolts.
    "Are you kidding?" is Alty's initial reply to Bravette as debris patters all over her box and she huddles beneath it again. But that doesn't mean she isn't considering.
    It could help innocent people, sure.
    But more importantly it could help people who have helped her out before, in her own time of need.
    There's a flash of white light from beneath the box, before it's lifted up and tossed aside. The cowardly Altines has donned her armor, glinting black and menacing as she flips down the skull-faced visor over her eyes.
    A deep, steeling, breath... And she lets herself fall off the side of the building, a glinting red blade in each of her hands, and larger red blades in the extra hands her armor provides her, as she free falls, arresting her momentum with a sudden burst from her thrusters as she hovers beside one of the smugglers that had been shooting that catgirl.
    Wait wait wait.
    This was a bad idea.
    This was the worst idea. And it dawns on her immediately.
    The shrill cry of terror might be mistaken for valor as she lunges forward and takes a few slashes at weapon-wielding hands.
>> SUMMARY[Alty] >> Bravette has, somehow, convinced the littlest Vanguard to deploy.
    Dante slices through the bowgun, only to find out it's...awfully explosive. He does however have a defense against this, as he blocks it...with his sword? Somehow, he moves to defend against the blast and squares up, scorched but otherwise unharmed. "Man, that's the fifth coat I've ruined this year." He grumbles, before he gets back to fighting, he charges the swordsman and rushes with his blade thrusting out as he makes contact. "Let's dance, buddy!" He says, as he begins swiping Rebellion at the sword wielding smuggler.
Renya Rimehart
    It doesn't take long for the situation to turn into chaos, which is pretty much how Renya prefers it to be. With the addition of other various adventurers here to claim the payout, though she sees a familiar face or two amongst them as well. "Cover me, mateys." "Aye Captain!" Though by the time the Twins have responded the vixen is already moving, so they just get to it, Magnum using Maven's shield as cover as he fires off a few shots off high, just to keep the smugglers' heads down and disorganized, because his gun is really loud and that's disruptive enough.
    True to form Renya saunters towards the platform with all the swagger you'd expect from a dastardly pirate captain, giving her gun/saber combo weapon a famboyant twirl in her hand as she does so.

    "o/~ Call they all and all they fall And call they all today. All the men they meet their end And on the rope they sway
    Yo HO! Yo HO! Come on mate let's play.
    Call they all and all they fall... Come ride the hemp today! o/~"

    You are not hearing things, she really is singing as she swaggers up the platform, and lightly skids across the icy patch she made to come, and twirls her weapon back up into a proper grip and holding it as if just daring someone to come try and stop her theatrics.
Serrah Delany
Serrah jumps away from the explosion in a way which somehow seems to defy gravity and at least one of Newton's laws of motion. "What the ..." Dante's swift recovery, however, gets barely a second glance. Yeah, that seems like something he'd do. Instead, she glides over the ground and floats over the edge of the platform to the dangling bowman. "Uh ... careful you don't fall!" she says, grabbing at his crossbow with the intention of simply tossing it aside away from him. She glances over at Renya and Dante's theatrics. "... yeah, y'know what, I don't do snappy one-liners, jeez."
    Yep, complete chaos. That's about what it looks like now. Who is surprised? Not the catgirl, despite apparent panic. Now that she's out of the line of fire - directly anyway - she's showing that she can actually hit things with that pistol. One of the smugglers is already down, and the others are going for cover as well, given that the pistol seems to be packing a lot more punch than it should for its size.

    Unfortunately for them, Renya has decided to mix it up, and Uni is still up there with a new position. ONE of them tracks her with a few shots... and it's this one that Alty comes screeching toward. "AAHHH! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" He topples right over in surprise, which is lucky for Alty!

    The head of the smugglers shouts, "It's just a Shinki, it dies like anything else!" He's losing men fast, and with Renya just mocking him he curses, yanking a shotgun out and stepping from behind cover to fire off a slug at the fox pirate. He seems pretty worldly so the vulpine appearance isn't a shock at all.

    Serrah goes after the crossbowman, and the crossbow. He lets her have it, but scrambles up quickly, a glimpse of a short reptilian tail swishing from the coat before he rolls onto the platform. "STAY AWAY!" He sounds panicked for some reason!

    The one Dante is charging whips his own sword into position... and knows how to use it. The lack of firearms should make this unsurprising, but he dances back, flicking the blade in an elegant way. Up close, Dante can see this one's features, at least a little. The mask covers most, but the hair has feathers interspersed.
    All this is happening while a bright light comes into view. The train is approaching fast, and it will be here shortly. Of course they would still need to unload or load it...
>> GAME >> Uni spends an Edge for: Transform to Black Sister
    Things are getting a little serious, as Dante duels with the swordsman with expert skill. "You're not bad, shame we can't stick around and play longer!" He says in-between swordswipes and parries, laughing with delight as he shows off.

    With the approaching train, he thrusts his sword toward the smuggler's middle. If that blade hits home, it's not hard to imagine what comes next. And this dude isn't a demon by any measure.
Renya Rimehart
The head hoodlum pulls out his shotgun and opens fire. Despite her flaggarant strutting Renya is paying attention, and as soon as he's drawing and firing she jumps, kicking off the side of one of the truck and landing on top an opposite one. There's a few tatters of cloth in her wake where the bullet caught her coat and cut across the leather corset underneath. That's going to be a nasty welt in the morning, but nothing she and a few mugs of ale can't handle.

Renya skips across the truck's cab, directing her motion towards the man that fired on her, snapping her calisabre out and forward with the parkouring lunge.

Not to drive it into the man, but into the barrel of his weapon. Between toughness and the icy effect of the blade, that shotgun is probably not going to be very useful anymore.

Followed by Renya leaning forward smugly as she pushes down against the shotgun. "Ye might just want to give up now, while all yer fingers are still intact."
    Bravette blinks as Alty just goes charging off. The Zelnogrard hops up onto the lip of the building, drives a pair of anchor spikes into the brickwork then summons a large(for a Shinki) Gattling Cannon. She takes aim and begins strafing the Smugglers. "AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. CRY SOME MOOOOORE!" she bellows... in a completely deadpan tone.

    Uni then dismisses her rifle, summons a power-symbol and speaks. "Processor Unit. Set!"

    A blast of light that rivals the train's headlamp emits from the sniper's position. A moment later, the black-haired girl is replaced by a white haired girl with twindrills, and a very large railcannon. "Now I'll show you the true power of Lastation's CPU Candidate!" she roars, her voice a little deeper now. The railcannon begins spitting out hypersonic bolts at the smugglers, aiming to just rip up their cover, when they're not using actual cargo crates, she's not crazy enough to possible set off a chainreaction of something really dangerous.
Serrah Delany
Serrah ... recoils from the lizard-man's recoiling. "... shit." She draws back away from him. "Damn it ..." She turns away, a vague dejection on her features. Seems she doesn't like it when people are afraid of her, even here-and-now enemies.

She looks back at the rest of the battle. She takes a deep breath, even though there's no relief tied to the action, and reaches for her sports bag. "Stop the World!" she exclaims --

-- and then suddenly, as abruptly as a video skipping ahead ... she's in a noticeably different posture, a dozen baseballs are flying towards different smugglers, and she's halfway through muttering, "--lieve I'm just shouting out the name of by power ..."
Serrah Delany
>> SUMMARY[Serrah Delany] >> If there's one vampiric trait Serrah can't resist, it's being dramatic as hell.
    Nope. Nope nope nope. Nope.
    Alty has used up her bravery quota for the week. And when the smuggler she lunged for goes toppling, she doesn't press her attack. Scrambling in the air for a moment, she wheels around and zips off.
    --Right for that catgirl.
    Who, in the next moment, is sharing cover with the Altines, huddling with her hands over her head. She can barely believe she just did that but then realizes where she is and who she's with.
    "Uh. ... Hi."
>> SUMMARY[Alty] >> ._./
    The smugglers aren't stupid or incompetent, but they don't show any of the training that the three masked ones have. Yes, even the two that were swiftly disarmed seem more dangerous, just caught by surprise. Uni's shots are tearing the trucks up, also cutting off their getaway, and return shots cease altogether as the group begins to drag one another to relative safety and start surrendering left and right. The one Alty went after is blushing furiously at having been taken down by a little robot, but he isn't stupid enough to go for his weapon with a sniper like THAT above him.

    The smuggler head tries to track Renya for another shot, but his shotgun ices over. "SHIT!" He drops it, stepping back and looking at the others... before raising his hands.

    The two crossbowmen are scrambling, both disarmed, but the swordsman? He's... really good. Dante is better, the blade skittering along the man's own but opening up a deep gash. He's good enough to stop it from being lethal though, and as the train screeches to a halt at the platform, he leaps, bleeding, onto the side and shouts for it to start up again. The trade was blocked, but the cargo is still on the train, and he could get away if nobody stops him.

    When the various smugglers go down thanks to the baseballs and the savage fire of a powered-up Uni, the catgirl pops up. She's... staring at Alty, but manages to shout, "Stop the cargo from leaving! Don't shoot it!" She turns her pistol to the disarmed bowmen. "I don't think she's Infected, just some kind of Caster. Please surrender."
>> SUMMARY[Jessica] >> One guy might get away, but so is the train.
    Dante's blade cuts deep, but the swordsman scampers away on the train. Rather than be disappointed, he just grins and swipes his blade clean as he salutes the escaping goon. "Lucky you're not the target, slick!" He calls out, before taking off towards the train at his highest speed. Lunging, the Devil Hunter tries to grab on the end of the train.
    "Train Operator. If you start moving I /will/ shoot you. Stand down. YOu're all under arrest." commands Uni as she floats down from the roof on her pair of pixie-like wing Processors. "Bravette, overwatch."

    Bravette levels her Gattling on the train cab as well. "Overwatch, aye aye." she says, a little holographic window opening beside her, showing a stylized open eye icon. If the train starts moving, the cab gets a burst of high power slugs rain down on it.
Serrah Delany
Serrah glances between the catgirl and the bowman. "What ...?" Oh, great, some kind of wacky misunderstanding due to the different way things work between Blossoms. The kind that led Diana to think that a wooden stake versus a Hartford vampire was a stun-setting.

She shakes her head and shrugs, and timestop-teleports to the train cab. "You'd better do what she says," she growls, standing a safe distance away so that Uni doesn't have to worry about friendly fire. She casually tosses a baseball up into the air a few times. It's probably a bit difficult to casually toss a baseball threateningly, but maybe she succeeds!
Renya Rimehart
Renya Rimehart smiles smugly as the leader gives up, though she's not as foolish as to not kick his dropped weapon away to be safe. Then the train shows up, with someone jumping on and yelling at it to go. An ear swivels in that general direction, even though Renya doesn't take her focus off the man she has at bay.

She doesn't need to, because there's other pirates here to do something pirates do best -- board things that don't belong to them. Maven charges over to the side of the train, then turns and holds her shield up over her head. This is to make a platform as Magnum sprints up behind her, jumps on the shield and towards the train. The boarding-axe affixed to his gun in place of a bayonette is put to use, digging into the side of the train so he can brace himself up to one of the cab windows, already pulling a smaller pistol from his belt with the other hand. "I suggest you do what they say matey."
    "PLEASE be careful!" The catgirl calls. "That cargo is very toxic if it isn't properly packaged! Also sometimes explodes." She waves a hand frantically, looking skittish and panicked. The other hand has her pistol, which maintains perfect and rigorous trigger safety.

    However it looks, the bleeding man grunts, "That's just not fair." But he drops his sword, staying right there and letting himself be surrounded. The train does not pull out, which is good. That means... mission accomplished.

    The catgirl rubs at her head. "Eheh... sorry for the mix up everyone. I'm Jessica, it's nice to meet you. Looks like we got them! Yaaaay!"
    Alty is staring right back. This is awkward.
    Flipping the skull-faced visor back up, she rubs at the back of her neck.
    "... What's in that cargo, exactly?" The Altines does ask, as all efforts go into halting the the train.
    No, she will not address her cowardice.
    Don't make her panic again!
    "Oh." Dante was hoping on an exciting fight sequence on the train. Oh well, there'll be other times.

    He hops off the train car and gives sword boy the fingergunts and a wink, before approaching Jessica. "Call me Dante, demon slayer. I got the message about this gig and figured I'd see what was up." He says, seeming pretty nonchalant about the toxic cargo. "So what's in the box, exactly? We talkin' bog-standard smallpox or some weird mutant killer virus?"
    Uni, or Black Sister, keeps her railcannon trained on the cab. "Out. On the platform, hands behind your heads where we can see them. Move." she commands, glancing at the raccoon. "That includes you too. Noone on the train until we can secure it and ensure the cargo is safe."

    She radios out. "Rhodes Island, Hawkeye. Station and cargo secure. All operators accounted for, no casualties for friendlies. Requesting medical team for the smugglers and containment for cargo, out."

    Bravette floats down on her hoverpack, dismissing her gattling and moving over towards Alty. "You did really well." she offers praisingly.
Serrah Delany
Serrah stands down, and puts away the baseball. She saunters off the train. "Nice work," she says, glancing around. She heads over to Dante and Jessica. "I'm Serrah Delany." A brief pause. "Countess Serrah Delaney of House D'Ambrosio, technically, but I'm not there willingly, so I'm chilling out with guys like Dante and, like, straight-up actual vampire slayers." Beat. "I'm a vampire."
Renya Rimehart
That is that. Mission success, now they just need to get paid. Well, and make sure proper people know who they have to thank for for the help.

The calisabre is twirled and then sheathed at her side. So she can instead use that hand to grab her tricorne hat and pull it off, then sweep it forward and across her front as she makes a grandoise bow towards the jittery cargirl. "Renya Rimehart, Captain of the Polar Vortex, at ye service." She leaves off the more nefarious 'Pirate Princess' rambling of titles to avoid making folks nervous again.

Then as she stands she gestures a wave towards the two raccoons. "An' those are me machinists, Magnum and Maven."
    "O-oh," Jessica says. She breathes out in relief. "Thank you for the short notice. We're not sure how this slipped out, but we think it came from Ursus... um. I work for BlackSteel Worldwide under contract with Rhodes Island Pharmecuticals." She gestures at what Uni just said. "They deal with oripathy sickness caused by exposure to originium. That's... what's in the cargo. It makes people sick if you aren't careful. B-but probably not vampires. And humans seem pretty resistant. Just don't get too close just in case."

    Looks like the smugglers and their contacts are being rounded up with only minor wounds all around. Jessica smiles, "Thank you for the help, Captain, Dante, and others. I'm still a little new to this... new world thing that's happening, but I've been briefed!"
Renya Rimehart
Magnum pulls his boarding-axe off and drops back onto his sister's shield. Holds his hands up. "I wasn't gonna do anything else with it, honest!"