World Tree MUSH

Cleaning Up a Mess

Character Pose
    It's not far from the train station that heads to the nearest stable Vine that a small commotion happens! A loud crash, some shouting near the mercenary guild. It isn't IN the guild, so quite a few civilians see the commotion... and there is quite a lot of that!

    "Oh noooooo..." a certain catgirl is wailing, ears laying flat, but she's calming quickly as it looks like nothing delicate or super valuable was dropped. Just some ingots that further damaged a long crate of swords. They all have the logo of a 'BlackSteel Worldwide' on them, as does the girl's armband. "Oh good, none of the crossbows..." A curious thing to be concerned about, since she carries a sidearm.
Temulin Dotharl
Right around the same time as the commotion a big winged bird of prey drops out of the sky and onto the ground. A saddle and various bags packed on the bird's back, and a girl clad in black armour with a sword longer than she is tall strapped to her back jumps off. She's about to move to the guild when she spots the commotion, and the horned knight's curiousity is peaked, reaching out a hand to help the catgirl up. "Need some help?" Beat, "Reasonable rates."
Luke Gray
    Luke is usually on the move, simply scouting new places, meeting people, even trying local foods or finding jobs, pokemon trainers usually need more money!. This leads hte traveling kid towards the train station, flanked by a small 'panda' that is wearing a Jiangshi costume of some sort!, of course, the fact that hte panda is floatin besides the boy might draw some attention, same with the fangs and red eyes, but.... it must be harmless!. 
    Luke spots the bit of trouble happening and rushes to check the source of the noise, making sure to keep one hand around Pangshi's arm to keep it close, "Everything ok?" he asks, blinking at the bird rider and smiling, "Nice."
    "Eheh..." Jessica straightens up and gestures to the workers. "A little help would be nice, but it's their job... I don't really have much on me I could pay with. Unless you want to help out a few minutes for a meal at the local cafe?" That's to Temulin, whose armor gets a brief look, but whose features don't... at all, oddly.

    Luke gets a longer stare, but she's getting used to humans being more common here. His youth and his pet are even more of an eye catch, but she has a question to answer. "I think so! I guess there's nothing really dangerous in this shipment. I- um, I mean weapons are dangerous but nothing that will explode if you drop it."
Temulin Dotharl
Temulin raises her eyebrow at Luke's 'nice.' "Denhes is my companion, if you're jealous, go earn your own." She sounds a wee bit defensive about the bird. "Food is always nice, saves me a few gil." She begins to help, glancing over to Jessica. "I'm Temulin, of the Dotharl Tribe. Adventurer for hire." She introduces herself, "A pleasure to meet you."
    "Ah, hi! I'm Jessica! Um, that's right. BlackSteel Worldwide representative, a PMC attached to our client here, Rhodes Island Pharmecuticals. They're a medicine company!" Apparenly gearing up for a minor war, with all the weapons they're moving into the barraks to rent. She blithely continues though, "And Denhes is a very impressive companion!"
Luke Gray
    The boy seems taken aback by the... reaction from Temulin, certainly not something he tends to hear, so he just takes a few steps back, not wanting to get into any kind of conflict, at least not just for something like that!. He focuses on the cat lady, offering a friendly smile and a nod, "Need any help moving those things back into place?" he asks, glancing at the crates. The panda decides to float closer to Jessica, just casually doing a little loop around her, curious critter. "I'm Luke, by the way." he adds, as the others introduce themselves.
Temulin Dotharl
"PMC, that's one of them fancy words for free company, right?" Temulin asks, sounding uncertain. "Honest work, that. I haven't bothered signing with any myself, prefer to have more discretion on what jobs I take." She shrugs a bit at Luke's reaction to her attitude. "But if your employer ever needs some extra muscle..." She hands over a business card, "I'm usually looking for work."
    Jessica nods to Luke too. "A little help would be good! Eheh... I'm kind of new here, our world um... Blossomed? Pretty recently, so we're still getting used to things! I'm trying to be a good advance scout but there are only so many uninfected to send out." She's calming down with some help though, and looks satisfied that the two mean well. "Thanks for helping, it's just an accident thank goodness." A few blades to pick up, looks like.

    She takes Temulin's card and looks curiously. "Oh, yes! Mercenaries. I mean... BlackSteel does military work, mostly, but other jobs too. I'm just kind of a permanent attachment. Our world has lone mercenaries too!"
Luke Gray
     The boy nods a few times and decides, for now at least, not to get into arguments, he is not trying to be rude, just assumed Temulin prefered him to stay away, or not bthering. He quickly reaches to help gather the loose items, he even gets his Bewear to help straigthen up any crates in a bad position, and any extra swords left of course. "It's not problem, always happy to lend a hand.". After the mess is sorted, he smiles to Jessica, "I see,been around for a while, myself, a lot of places to visit." he seems intrigued at the mention of uninfected. "I usually do temporary jobs in most places I travel, so it can't hurt to learn of such companies, in case I travel there and need money."
Temulin Dotharl
"A pleasure, Luke." Temulin adds belatedly. "As you can tell from my armour and sword, my skillsets lie in the field of battle. But, I need to eat, and so I must need avoid being too picky about what jobs I accept. Delivering packages, collecting lost items, and so on. I do it all, for reasonable fees." She smiles, "Once I find my way back to my star, I'd be glad to introduce either of you to the adventurer's guilds of Eorzea."
    Jessica nods, "U-Usually most of our work doesn't involve shooting, but... umm..." She hesitates, but Luke did look curious. "With the worry of oripathy spreading, there's an embargo, which means smuggling, which means violence. It's really sad." She sighs, biting her lip nervously. She really comes across as a newbie like this, but when she directs the workers, she seems to know her stuff. "Let's get some food! I'm sure BlackSteel will expand outward, but we kinda have to know the rules."
Luke Gray
    The boy finally nods adn smiles to Temulin at hte introduction, "I'm a Pokemon trainer."he begins, pointing to the tall (7 feet plus) pink and black 'bear' helpin pick up things, and the small panda critter. "These are Bewear and Pangshi." he begins. "I mean, most of their abilities are for physical tasks or combat, but still they are happy to help any way they can, and so am I." he says. 
    There is a moment, "Adventurer guild? sounds really cool" he says, before turning his attention to Jessica, "That sound... hard... maybe you can find a cure in the tree for that sickness?" he begins, before both 'bears' stop at the mention of food, and Luke chuckles, "I think you said the magic word."
Temulin Dotharl
"It's mostly just chores, really. Deliver this package here, or collect some pelts there, or get this dude to come home. Especially if you're new in town and no-one knows you yet." Temulin explains to Luke, "There's some more dangerous stuff, but they usually want to make sure you're ready. They don't like sending novice adventurers to their death."

Then to Jessica, "Oripathy?" She asks, curious. "Food would be great. I'm hungry, and so is Denhes. Can you spare a cow or two sheep?"
    Jessica thinks, "Ummm... oh if it's just beef sure, I was thinking something more to snack on." Whut. She smiles at the 'easy' request and makes sure everything is all set before heading down the street, her tail swishing. "Yeah most of our jobs are like that! Um... well, I fight a lot but we kind of have to lately."

    The questions of Oripathy and a cure bring nods. "Y-yes, it's um... it's a fatal disease in our world. Apparently it isn't out here? Rhodes Island works on treatment for the victims, but the victims are persecuted a lot because people are scared. It's still not a good idea to let it out without people knowing the risks, but getting it is a lot easier if you handle certain substances that are really valuable. So... smuggling."
Luke Gray
Luke Gray nods a few times as he recalls his pokemon,a t least until they find a good spot to relax again. "Makes sense, I mean if you deal with dangerous things you rather send someone capable." he replies, "I did my fair share of 'help someone find a lot item' kind of things back home." he says, before he follows Jessica and Temulin away. "Very smart, thankfully there wasn't anything like that back at home, it sounds quite scary. They must really, really check who comes and goes ot your world then,"
    Sigh. "Well.... they try," Jessica mumbles. "But with the catastrophes, our cities are always moving around. We don't really have an easy time doing that. And... you can't blame the Infected for wanting to go somewhere they aren't treated horribly! A lot of my coworkers and friends have advanced cases!" She sighs, then smiles, "But let's eat, okay?"