World Tree MUSH

Preliminaries=The beginning of the tournament!, the first fights and opening events!

Character Pose
Luke Gray
    It's finally the day!, a lot of work from many people, including Luke, finally paid off!. The opening ceremony for the first world tree pokemon tournament finally starts!. There is plenty of media coverage, the talk of off-worlders coming to visit, let alone even participate draws quite a crowd of people, and even local pokemon!. There is a fancy display of fireworks with pokemon related shapes, alongside flying pokemon flying around with banners and advertisements!. 

     All around the grounds, there are plenty of concession stands, and gift ones, even some carnival games!, several pokemon 'pet zoos' with hand picked pokemon to show off to visitors, with pokemon professors and local trainers around happy to explain!, several booths where people can inscribe their teams, themselves, or even arrange to 'rent' a pokemon. Luke has been lingering along the later, happy to help his friends with the paperwork on the inscriptions, and guide them around!. There are several 'rings' set up, with the biggest one in the middle of the grounds, with tv screens above, ready to display hte most important fights. The screens seem to be showing random clips of important gym battles of the past, Luke might show up in one or two.
Ysuran Auondril
Ysuran probably doesn't look as out of place as he thinks he does. Or, well, he wouldn't have if he'd just come in his normal attire. Because right now he's sitting in the stands with a hooded black cloak over him, probably looking more suspicious than incognito. But he lacks the Disguise skill -- he's just trying to cover up his ears in a world that he hasn't seen a single elf in so far.

But nonetheless, he sits in the stands, with a large black-bound book in his lap. The book is open, and he appears to be making notes in it. Or, at least, he's prepared to make notes. He has a quill at the ready, and is preparing it by notching the end slightly, so that it will both accept the ink more readily and also deposit the ink on the page more precisely.
Aurelia Argent
F    Aurelia has opted to enter the tournament with a rented pokemon. With Luke's help, the pokemon she has obtained is a larvitar. She's presently lugging the nearly 160lb pokemon towards whatever place the entrants are supposed to be. 
    "You've really been eating your Wheaties, huh little guy?" Aurelia says to the pokemon, noting she has a pocketful of poketreats she bought from a vendor outside the stadium. "You could win just by sitting on 'em until they cried uncle." The young woman grins.
    "Larvitar?" Though Aurelia can't understand him, the pokemon is wondering if Aurelia is making fun of him.
Emily Nyx
Emily is hanging out with Luke at the moment! She's taken the form of a Hex Maniac with glowing purple eyes and hair so black it looks like a rip in space or a graphical glitch. Also, she's wearing a silver dress instead of the usual dark purple one, and there's this sort of ... gleam to her appearance.

... She's a Shiny Hex Maniac.

"So anyway, thanks again for our chat," she says, and there's an uncharacteristic earnestness to her demeanor. "I'm still ... I still haven't worked through it, I mean, I'm gonna want to talk to some other people about this, just so everyone else is on the same page. But. Yeah."
    Preliminary registration has Uni showcasing her weapon skills, and the less-lethal settings on her guns. Bravette, meanwhile, is sat on the judges desk, waving a little black flag with Uni's symbol on it.

    Uni tracks a target, and fires a blue beam from the modified Assault Rifle. "E-X Multiblaster!"

    The CPU Candidate turns and bows to the registrar officials, bowing formally. "I am certain my abilities are well within the tolerances for these amazing creatures. I will not be using my Goddess form, so do not worry." she asserts before dismissing her weapon to her Inventory.
Luke Gray
    Luke nods to Emily, and pats her shoulder in a friendly gesture, "I like your outfit.". Some people took pictures, there might have been an hex maniac coming over to ask how she managed such effects as well!. "Seems peopel think you are cool!" he mentions, smiling. "Anytime Emily, I am happy to talk." he muses, slowly moving towards the outer battle places. 

     Some of Luke's pokemon are out and about, namely, a certain small cream kitten with a coin on it's forehead is seen lurking near the stands, ready to nab any loose shinies, while Pangshi, Luke's 'vampire panda' is seen moving around the stands not too far from whree Ysuran is!, seems most people find it adorable and offer it snacks, which it gratefully accepts. The small panda certainly draws attention when it floats around and casually phases through a stand, or distracted visitor!

    The judges fill in the paperwork, and more than a geek/tech enthusiast in the area is fawning over Uni's display, taking a video and all that. The judges/officials are certainly very impressed, "They are quite impressive!, and we are rather happy to see offworlders willing to participate, we are entering you on a senior rank, since you seem strong and experienced, remember you can ask for surrender, if things get out of control." they mention, even as they offer her the paperwork to sign.

    The Larvitar wriggles a bit quite excited to be in a battle again, and Aurelia is led to the jr rank, for the less experienced trainers. Of course, she had been given a crash course of what to expect, and what the pokemon can do, and reassured no matter what, the Larvitar and opponent will be safe!. She is led to one of the outer arenas, where a young kid... younger than Luke! wearing a red cap is waiting!. Next to him is a bug with a couple mushrooms on it's back?. "Paras!." calls the bug, waving one forelimb in greeting, while the kid grins, "So you are the first opponent?, don't think we will take it easy on you just because you are a visitor, right Paras?"
Ysuran Auondril
It's probably not the sight of the ghostly thing that catches Ysuran's attention, so much as the sense of the necrotic about it. Ysuran IS a necromancer after all, and must surely be familiar with deathly/ghostly energy. Whatever it is -- that or maybe he caught a glimpse of the movement -- he looks in the direction of the ghostly panda.

If his face could be seen past the hood, it would be a very comical expression indeed, cyan eyes wide, expression one of surprise and interest. "...Well..." He has a high voice, raspy and a little nasally -- like if he were to cackle, it would be the perfect cackling villainous cliché. He is, to note, not cackling, and his voice holds no malice.

He closes the book, looking at the floating panda. "Are you one of these... 'Pokemon'?" He's unfamiliar with the word, but one can't go five steps in this world without hearing it. Either from people in town talking about Pokemon, or weird guys who won't let you walk into the grass until you prove that you can defend yourself from Pokemon.
    Uni signs off the paperwork. "That's just like the Battle Arena back home. Thank you very much." she remarks, handing the forms back with another bow. "I hope to put on a good show at least... I hope I can make my big sister proud."

    The CPU Candidate then joins the waiting area for the senior ranks, looking around at the trainers and other offworlders, paying special attention to the pokemon with gun-like attributes.

    She gravitates over towards a trainer and their Blastoise, eying the water cannons on its shoulders. "Those look powerful, I bet it could knock a wall down with those." she comments.
Emily Nyx
Emily beams at the attention, and manages a much more sincere smile now. "The trick," she says cheerfully, "is to be a magical shapeshifting robot from another dimension, who can project holograms. Not much else to it!"

She follows after Luke, and regards the participants. "Oh, there's Uni," she remarks. "Should probably get her on the conversation." She pauses, peering over at Aurelia. "She was at the ball, right? I could swear I saw her at the ball." She glances at Luke. "Y'know. That ball. The only ball that's been on my mind in recent memory because everything else got pushed out of my mind by 'D'."
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia looks at the kid, setting the dense larvitar down. She feels a bit insulted since she probably could have brought and entered Zero instead of renting a pokemon. She kneels down and whispers some stuff to the Larvitar. "Start with a Brick Break, then Bite it. Follow up with Rock Slide then Stomping Tantrum so the rocks mash it some more."
Luke Gray
    The Pangshi's attention is drawn by the mysterious, cloaked figure talkign to it and of course, floats closer, tilting it's head and makign a curious, "shi?" noise, waving one paw and finally, nodding as he hears the question about it being a pokemon. It IS a ghost type, so chances are, it does have... otherwordly energies about it. The panda tries to float closer to look at the book, friendly ghost!. 

    The boy seems to be in good spirits, and as the battle starts, the small bug walks into the ring. The judge raises both arms, "Since both trainers are ready, the battle... begins!". The larvitar is quite speedy for a small, chuby monster, and charges towards the poor bug, landing a solid punch on one of the mushrooms covering it's back. There is a cloud of spores covering both!. The tyranitar starts to sneeze and sniffle, backing away from it. "Haha, we got it we wanted it!, Paras, Absorb!". The little bug screams 'Paras!' as red beams shoot from the two mushrooms and land on the tyranitar, seemingly drawing power from it.

    Luke smiles to Emily, chuckling even as the 'fan' walks away, a bit confused, "Yeah... I think she was." he says, smiling, "Maybe you can go talk to her as her battle ends?, I need to get ready for my own fight.". The boy gives Emily a hug, and heads to the same arena Uni was using!. He wastes no time, since he releases Dynamo next to him before even getting to the stage, "Wait... I am going to battle you for the start?" he asks, smiling and waving.
    Uni glances over at Luke as he enters. "I guess so?" she murmurs, glancing at her roster. "Huh, yeah. Should be a good opening match." she adds, then summons her weapon from Inventory. "Don't worry, I'll make sure I don't overdo it." she adds confidently, racking the slide on her weapon and causing the little energy lines to pulse to a bright yellow, a crackle of electricity skittering across the barrel as it 'heats up'. "Ready when you are!"

    She shifts her stance, legs spread for balance, rifle brandished in a ready position. She's not using a pokemon, obviously.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia grins as the Larvitar is affected. She paid attention to the briefing she got, and knows larvitar's attack capability increases when it's suffering a status effect. "It's okay, push through and get with your chompers!" She's trying to encourage the little guy.
Ysuran Auondril
Ysuran doesn't seem to be at all afraid of the thing -- well, obviously -- so he doesn't startle when the panda comes closer. The book has... a lot of weird writing it! And complicated mathematical formulas, too. Might not quite be understandable, not due to their complexity, but because that's the nature of the spellbook of a wizard from Faerun.

"Hello there," Ysuran offers quietly. He doesn't want to disturb anyone. "You're an unusual one..." Of course he's not being judgy. He's curious, in fact! And starts writing in the book as he observes the Pangshi. It's weird elf-script!
Luke Gray
    The rock guy growls loudly and pounces on the poor bug, energy drain or not, and chomps into it with ferocity, starting to shake the poor bug around like a dog with a toy, or maybe a wild animal trying to kill something, more spores floating in the air, mixing in colors. "Oh no, Paras! time for our secret weapon... counter!" The bug chitters loudly, suddenly engulfed in an orange aura/bubble that glows more intensely where the rock pokemon is biting, before it bursts in a bright blast, dislodging the bug from the Tyranitar and causing severe damage. Paras lands on the ground, looking rather damaged and unsteady for a moment, "We almost did it, hang in there!". 

    The Pangshi is a rather friendly guy, used to friendly reactions, so it just assumes everyone likes him, peeking curiously at the scribbles, not that it can read of course. The friendly greeting gets it to turn around, and offers one paw, Pangshi saw humans greet like that, "Pangshi!" it offers, tiny tail wobbling happily as the jiangshi panda wobbles in the air.

    Luke smiles and nods to Uni, "Same to you, let's hope this will be a fun show.". The big, round tiger walks into the ring and stretches, static building up on it's fur, and finally, Luke gives a sign to the judge to begin the match. "Ok, let's not waste time... Dynamo, Shockwave!". The Electiger roars as electricity builds quickly around it, before it is gathered in a large blue orb in front of it, building up for a few moments, before it gets released in a zigzagging beam aimed at Uni!.
Ysuran Auondril
Ysuran chuckles at the happy greeting from the Pangshi. "Quite friendly... the ghosts where I'm from are not nearly so happy to see a living person..." he observes with a smile. That's probably what he's making notes about. This is odd for where he comes from.

Oh it should probably be mentioned that he's also kind of radiating some weird magical energy himself. Not just the whiff of the necrotic, but whatever passes as shadow, and maybe a little demonic -- 'Dark', perhaps? Well, either way, once he's done making his notes, he reaches over to pat at the Pangshi experimentally.

He is, however, watching the battles! He's a little confused, though. Not at what's going on, anyone can see that. But these creatures are powerful enough to get away from these humans, he suspects. So this must not be like dogfighting -- do these creatures enjoy this? Of course he's not going to ask any of this out loud. Certainly not HERE.
Emily Nyx
Emily smiles faintly, watching Luke for a moment. Glancing around, she spies Luke's Pangshi with Ysuran, and she opens up a staticky portal which takes her to the stands. "Hey there," she says, sitting next to Ysuran and leaving the portal open -- which effectively gives a front-row-seat view of the fight. She manages to put her typical amused and faintly smug smile back together. "Enjoying the show?"
    Uni watches the tiger build up power. When it unleashes the beam cannon she dives aside, letting it pass by, though the sheer force catches her and slams her into the ground with some force.

    The goddess bounces, leaving a crack in the ground and a few 'mistings' of red as damage spiderwebs across her body, showing the broken code underneath. "Pretty fancy shot... how about this one." She levels her rifle, and the 'barrel' splits open, revealing a glowing yellow core. Electricity surged between the newly formed railgun prongs, building up a charge just within the tips. "EX Multiblaster. Mode: Empress!" she aims, and the beam builds up, before spilling forth in a glowing golden radiance, the recoils making the black-haired girl skid back a few feet, heels digging up the arena floor.

    Anyone that's watched a Gyarados fight would probably liken the attack to a Hyper Beam.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia pats the battered larvitar on its headfin. "I've got a bag of poketreats for after the match. Right now let's see how Rock Slide works out." She points the larvitar towards the paras. The young woman thinks the other pokemon might be on the ropes.
Luke Gray
    Dynamo seems surprised the attack missed, but then again, Uni was not a pokemon, perhaps it doesn't quite work the same!. The electric pokemon seems to grin wider at the challenge, electricity arcing from it's fur as it allows Uni to aim and charge, "Dynamo, be careful!" comes out of Luke, the pokemon growling in defiance, and as the beam shoots, the electric pokemon does his own defensive maneouver, "Light screen!". Energy gathers around the tiger, before it forms a yellow 'glass' screen in front of it. The beam smashes against the energy wall, which struggles for a few moments, dissipating most of the blast, before it shatters, letting the rest of the energy through, slamming into the tiger, that is sent back several feet, bouncing back from the blast. It certainly looks roughed up. "Great attack!" comes from Luke. "Dynamo, get close, try wild charge!". This move is not very fancy looking, the big cat just charges forward, snarling, engulfed in electricity, apparently hoping to take Uni by surprise!. 

    The battle with Aurelia seems to be coming to a point, with Larvitar, looking rather unsteady, nodding at the command and roaring at the poor, equally unsteady bug, slamming the ground with it's tail, causing a rock to emerge from the ground, launched might be a better term, in front of it, which then the little rock type punches, sending it flying towards the poor bug/grass and squishes it under it!. Thankfully, the boulder breaks and the bug appears, unconscious and covered in some scrapes, but not too badly. "Paras... no!!!" says the kid, moving ahead to check on his pokemon, while the Judge raises a black flag. "Paras is unable to fight, Larvitar wins.". The small guy growls happily, bouncing a few times, before it suddenly goes 'urk!' and freezes mid jump, landing on it's side, completely paralized. "You might want to visit the medical stand to get him healed." offers the opponent trainer, smiling.

    The Vampanda ends up trying to sit next to Ysuran, nodding a few times and reaching one paw to pat the curious human... maybe not human?, feels off. The guy is certainly a bit curious, and leans eagerly into the petting, solid enough!. There is some cheering as Luke begins the battle, seeming rather excited about it!.
Aurelia Argent
    First, Aurelia walks over to the kid and offers a hand to shake. "It was a good battle, I'm happy to have fought somebody with talent." She fishes out a fistful of poketreats and offers them to the young bug trainer. "For your paras when it wakes up, huh?"
    With that, she oofs as she picks up the larvitar. "Come on little guy, let's get you fixed up and then time for some treats." Aurelia wishes she wasn't slacking so much in PE, this little guy is heavy.
Ysuran Auondril
Ysuran pauses as Emily sits next to him. "Ah, hello there," he offers with a smile. The question gets a nod. "I'm a bit confused about it..." he admits, "but this is my first time seeing such an event." Probably natural for him to be confused, then.

No indeed, Ysuran isn't a human. He 'reads' as too 'bright'. But also too 'dark'. Somehow. It's weird. But there he is, contradiction and all. Though the Pangshi getting nearer, its small size probably allows it to see under his hood better. His ears are pointed. So probably not a human.
    Of course they'd try close combat...

    Uni thinks as the capacitor on her rifle recharges, disabling the weapon until it reaches a stable level again. She discards the gun, which vanishes in a flarge of voxels. A pair of machine pistols takes its place, the young looking CPU waiting for the last possible moment before flipping backwards, and bringing her weapons to bare at the peak of the flip. The bullets that lash out are beanbag-style rubber ones, meant to hurt like hell but not pierce or do significant damage outside of some bruises.

    She doesn't go unscathed, however, the electricity arcing off the tiger lashing out and drawing jagged lines of damage across her as it charges in. Likely even landing the 'impact' of a charge as she lands.
Emily Nyx
Emily smiles and nods. "I'm Emily Nyx, an artificial being created to --" She stops, hesitates slightly too long, then shrugs. "Anyway, I'm friends with Luke. He's down there going head-to-head with that goddess over there." She gestures towards Luke and Uni. "Or ... goddess candidate. The little dude making nice with you is Luke's Pangshi."

She watches the fights going on. "... I'm gonna level with you," she says, "I'm not a hundred percent on this either. But I can guarantee you that this wouldn't be happening if the pokemon were against it."
Luke Gray
    Luke seems quite pleased with the battle, truth be told, smiling brightly, glad that this is turnign to be quite an spectacle for everyone!. The change from energy to a physical projectile weapon does grab some concerns, as while that odd 'mirror' image does still linger in front of the tiger, the bullets seem to push through without resistance, the electric type growling loudly as they shower along his side, not one meant for physical style of battling... this won't last for much longer!. Electric moves don't seem to be as effective as he hoped, so time to try something else. "Dynamo, Hyper voice!". The big cat inhales deeply, before it opens that admitedly large muzzle, roaring incredibly loud, sending blue energy shockwaves from it, towards Uni!, loud kitty!. 

    The other kid joins Aurelia in the trip to the healing tent and perhaps rambles to it about other battles, and of course, thanks her for the snacks, giving her random hints that might apply, or not, given Larvitar different type.

    The vampanda seems quite happy for sure, waving to Emily and moving close to give Luke's friend a hug, tail twitching happily, it does look happy to such a battle for sure, nodding a few times as Emily tries to explain.
Ysuran Auondril
Ysuran nods to Emily's introduction. "A pleasure to meet you. I am Ysuran," he offers in return. "And thank you for the information," he offers honestly. He blinks, though, at the mention of a 'goddess candidate'. "...I wasn't aware it worked like that." Pause, and he rubs his chin. "...Then again, the ascension of Vecna..." He trails off, shaking his head. Not important, elf!

Though he addresses Emily's mention of his own worry with the events, with a nod. "That was... a concern, yes. Though these beings are certainly powerful enough to be able to break free if they so chose, from my observations. I do find it odd that a type of creature would expressly enjoy being pitted against others of similar types. But, this is not my world. I Assume things work differently here."

And he looks to the Pangshi as it seems to be nodding. "Oh? That's the case? You all do enjoy these bouts?" he inquires of the vampire panda. Again, nothing judgy. "Well... I suppose they must be harmless enough... these beings do look and feel quite powerful..."
    Uni lands, skids back a couple of feet, then gets blasted backwards off her feet by the roar. She skips across the floor a couple of times from the sheer force of that sonic attack, ears ringing and red damage code spiderwebbing across her body.

    She doesn't get back up again, and the adjudicator announces. <Uni is unable to continue battle!> awarding the win to Luke and his Eletiger.

    "Did anyone get the license plate of that horsebird?"
Emily Nyx
Emily shrugs. "I don't know how goddesses work in her world, either!" she says cheerfully, reaching over to ruffle Pangshi. Whatever funk she's been in, she's starting to settle down now. "All I can say about my world is that it's a halcyon remnant, and I haven't seen any gods there in the six hundred and sixty-seven years I've been active and alive."

She smiles. "And different worlds have different things that allow people to go out on adventures, it seems," she says. "I'm not sure I qualify for the position of 'hero', myself, but ... eh." She shrugs vaguely. "In Uni's, it's the power of the gods." She pauses, watching Uni go down, and then shrugs. "... In mine, it's magic and technology. In this world, it's these mysterious creatures called pokemon, who form emotional bonds with humans."

She gestures vaguely, and in a swirl of what appears to be silvery glitter, a second pair of arms materializes, and she leans fowrard as she catches sight of his ears. "In yours, Ysuran," she says, "I'd guess it's probably magic and the sword?"
Luke Gray
    Moments after the attack hits, Dynamo coughs and meows in a raspy voice, seems doing somethign that loud must really mess up it's voice!. It will sound like a faint kitten until it gets healed!. Luke is quick to rush to the arena, both to give Dynamo some healing berries as first aid, and then reach around to help Uni back up, "Hey, are you ok?" he asks, "I hope that wasn't too much." he mumbles. Dynamo slowly pads closer, looking like a kitten caught doing somethign bad. 

    Pangshi of course nods, vocalizing several times as if trying to explain something, even making motions with it's 'arms' but it's really hard to understand, suffice to say, it agrees on 'enjoys the bouts' and what Emily mentioned about adventuring. The Panda returns to Ysuran's side, and leans against him, finding the odd energies from the 'elf' intriguing.

     When Ysuran mentions being 'powerful' the Vampanda puffs his chest, raising his little paws as he forms a tiny energy sphere of sorts, a look of fierce determination and clearly a struggle to manage, before 'tossing' the attack, which moves forward a foot, then begins wobbling like a bubble, before popping. Yep, mighty.

     Other ghost types seem to lurk around, a large black ball with a scary face floats around, surrounded in what looks like a purple aura. IT tries to approach people, showing a rather unnerving 'cute' face, before they turn away and move. Behind the Ghastly, outside view, is another ghost, this one dark purple, this oen more menacing looking, spiky, with 2 dissembodied hands, holding a sign that says 'stay away from him, that purple thing is sleeping gas'. The other 'ghost' hides the sign whenever the Ghastly looks back at it.
Ysuran Auondril
Ysuran winces a bit at Uni's knockout. That looked painful! "...I do hope she's all right," he remarks quietly. Emily begins to explain about the differences in worlds, and Ysuran nods. "I see," he notes thoughtfully. As for 'hero'? "That... is a difficult thing to determine. I will make no illusions as to whether I am qualified to make that determination about myself, let alone others."

He pauses though, as the extra limbs appear. Well. Now. If that's all right with people his ears probably won't cause much in the way of ruckus. So he pushes back his hood so he can see properly. He's a pale one, with bright cyan eyes, and midnight black hair. Emily's assumption gets a nod. "Generally, yes... magic and steel in the hands of mortals. When gods get involved, things get... messy."

He does chuckle at the Pangshi's attempt at explanation. And at the leaning against him! That gets a gentle pet. He's not sure how tough this particular Pokemon is, so he wants to be careful. He watches the bubble attack, fascinated! And he's making notes in his book as he observes the bubble's behavior. "What sort of energy is that?" he inquires. Not necessarily of the Pangshi, but of anyone who might be able to answer.

The other two ghosts floating around do indeed get his attention, and he looks at them, as if confused. Though he breathes a quiet laugh at the antics of the one with the hands. He's still going to observe this though. Because this is interesting behavior! Ysuran is a litle confused as to how much of 'animals' these creatures are, and how close to 'people'.
    Uni grudgingly accepts the help, summoning a healing item from her Inventory. It looks like a glass bottle with a stylized N on the label.


    She unscrews the cap, and downs it like an adventurer would chug a healing potion. Instantly a large portion of the damaged red code lines seal up, and she looks much better. "I'm fine... that was a really powerful attack... guess my Burst weakness shows against attack slike that, huh?" she comments, kneeling down to give Dynamo a gently pet along his back. "You did good. I accept this defeat."
Emily Nyx
Emily shrugs, and with four arms, there's more to shrug.. "I'm just in the habit of saying I'm not a hero," she says. "I just do whatever I want, mostly." Suddenly, her smile briefly takes on a more sinister shade. "Nothing to stop me, since the humans I was created to serve went extinct before I was even activated."

Her expression goes back to normal at Ysuran's confirmation of her guess. "I thought so," she says. "It's usually like that, in worlds that elves are from, in my experience. I'm assuming from your ears."

She peers down at Pangshi's antics. "Well, if I was guessing," she answers Ysuran, "I'd say it's Ghost-type energy, if I know my pokemon-types." She snickers at the Gastly and the Haunter. "If you're wondering about their intelligence, Luke tells me that some of them are fully sapient. I can't make any judgments on individual ones, but." She shrugs again.
Luke Gray
    The big electric tiger leans into the pat, and lets out another faint raspy meow, "That was a good hyper voice, glad we learned that move." he offers, patting the tiger too, happy round tiger. "That was a great battle, was kind of worried." he says, chuckling. "Want to come to the medical tent?" he asks. 

    While Pangshi can't quite answer, seems a person on a labcoat decides to chime in, having come chasing the two ghosts roaming around, "I think that was an attempt to use shadow ball, which is a ghost type attack." says the guy, adjusting glasses, "Pokemon have several types, and produce many kinds of energy, some of whihc are more unusual than others, fire... water, electric.. bug, plant... and most of them are humanlike in intelligence or quite similar, some even smarter" he begins to explain, pausing as he spots the two roaming ghosts.

     "Where were you two?, you were supposed to hang around with the other ghosts for the exhibition!". The Ghastly stops doing that weird 'cute' face, and turns to face the visitor, trying to 'argue' back, while the ghost with the sign laughs loudly. "Ghastly, you know you have to stop trying to trick visitors into walking through that gas... just be glad Haunter decided pranking you with that warning sign was more fun than helping you.". As he says that, the Ghastly blinks and turns around instantly, it's face just... moving from one side to the other, the Haunter pausin mid laugh, caught with the sign. The round ghost screams, it's tongue extending to a surprising length, and slaps the Haunter with it. The 'bigger' ghost, drops the sign and begins to float away, chased by the angry Ghastly. "No!, stop!, please come back to the exhibition!... don't go to the..." cue screams in the distance, "children petting zoo for visitors... sigh."
Ysuran Auondril
Ysuran does blink a little at Emily's more sinister smile all of a sudden. "I... see." He's not sure how to feel about either the smile or the statement. He's not even sure if he should express condolences or not! There's a lot he doesn't know. The mention of his race and his ears, that gets a nod. "That's correct," he confirms. "Moon elf, to be more specific." He doesn't sound haughty about it, though. There's been a distinct LACK of haughtiness from Ysuran for this whole conversation, in fact.

"'Ghost-type' energy? I wonder if that is anything similar to necrotic energy?" he muses. Holding a hand up, he pauses to concentrate a moment, and the hand suddenly seems to... well, there's a very strange sort of 'negative energy' aura around it that saps the heat from the air around it. He holds this hand WELL AWAY from anything he would ordinarily qualify as 'living', however. And away from Emily because he doesn't know the difference. Oh but that probably sensed/read as some WEIRD STUFF.

He lets the energy fade, and then remarks, "Some are sapient, others not? A variance in the species... that makes some sense..." He pauses as SUDDENLY LABCOATED PERSON! And actually jumps a little. The explanation, though, gets a nod. "Ah, thank you." Though he smirks at the antics of the Ghastly and the Haunter. "...Very much like mischievous children, it seems," he observes.
Emily Nyx
Emily nods; she doesn't seem to notice any level of haughtiness or lack thereof. "Nice," she says. She leans away from the negative-energy-aura, before leaning in interestedly. "Well, there's probably some similarity," she says, smiling lopsidedly at the scientist who suddenly pops up to give an explanation. "Heh. Well, I've never seriously interacted with any children for any length of time except Luke, so, you'd know better than me, I guess?"

She stands up. "Well, I think I'm gonna wander off, now that my friends' fight is over," she says, waving with both her left hands. "Got people to see, things to do, and all that." She manages a smile that almost looks enigmatic before she ruins it with a bit of cheekiness. "Most likely, we'll see each other later, Ysuran. Ta-ta!"
Luke Gray
    The 'professor' nods, wanting to answer Ysuran before chasing after the ghosts, "Well, from what we heard, they are usually far beyond 'animal' in many aspects, they understand language, comunicate with eachother, most of them seem sapient, or pretty close." he says. There is another quick scream, "If you excuse me, i need to take care of that before they fire me, or they hurt someone." the professor exclaims, bowing politely and starting to run towards the ghosts. 

    Pangshi seems rather curious about the energy, floating closer to the hand, and reaches one paw, as if intending to touch it, but pauses just before contact, offering a clap at the display. Seems Ysuran has found someone to keep him company for the time being, at least until Luke comes around looking for it!
Ysuran Auondril
Ysuran nods to Emily's assessment of the necrotic energy. "Possible," he notes. He's put all the energy-draining stuff away, now, not to worry. And then she makes her farewells; Ysuran replies, "Indeed. Take care."

He's also going to start wandering around, though. He wants to get an idea of some of the different types of Pokemon. And a 'petting zoo' indicates that they may have some on hand, in close proximity. So he'll pack up the book, quill, and ink, and wander over in that direction! He wants to see the pouch beasties too!