World Tree MUSH

Tea and Therapy

Character Pose
    Visiting the Mushroom Kingdom is always slightly surreal for those who live in less... stylised worlds. The sky is such a vivid blue, the grass such a vivid green, everything is so colourful and bright, and the air is simply abuzz with ambient magic. Even the sun seems brighter here.

    Peach's castle is as stunning as ever. There doesn't appear to be anything of note going on today - which is surprising given how full Peach's schedule usually is. The gate is guarded by two toad guards, but they don't actually give Rydia any trouble. She's an honoured guest, after all.

    Peach herself is in the garden, pruning roses. She has gardeners for that, but... Peach does enjoy domestic tasks.
    Being on the road to Zora's domain with Zelda and the others makes Rydia of Mist somewhat hesitant to break off from the group. But with the proper amount of nudging from the others to get her rest and actually relax the small Summoner is finally coaxed away from the caravan and through the nearest vine. She can catch up with them later, or even meet them along the way. But for now, she rides up to the castle on her trusty chocobo steed and climbs off the big yellow bird's back.
    Summoning Shiva took out a steep cost upon the girl; still looking sickly and pale. At least her eyes are no longer sunken in and she's able to move on her own now. So she leaves the big yellow bird at the gate with the guards to be stabled, before making her way to the garden. She watches, silent for a moment as the princess trims the roses, before clearing her throat to announce her presence.
    "I'm here, now."
    The princess is humming a carefree tune as she works. It must be nice to be able to just live in the moment and be so relaxed...

    When Rydia announces her presence, Peach looks up, before leaping to her feet with such exuberance than her straw hat flies off her head. She practically charges at Rydia and wraps her arms around the young Summoner. "Oh, Rydia, you came! It's so good to see you!" Spin!
    "Hi, Peach." No curtsey, no bow, no formality. It's a simple greeting from a simple girl as Rydia-- is caught, scooped up, and spun. "Huhwha--uwah!"
    It's a little dizzying, and Rydia is swung along for the ride! Though once she's set down, her arms do wrap around the princess to return the hug, albeit with a tiny huff.
    "It's been a while huh."
    "It has!" the princess agrees. "Although I think we were both present at the fire in Hyrule a few days ago, but we didn't really.. run into each other." Peach holds Rydia out at arms' length and studies her for a few moments. "...You look terrible. Come, let's go inside and have some tea."

    Peach then takes Rydia by the hand and leads her along. "I should probably get changed. This is not a suitable outfit for having tea with such an important visitor!"
    Indeed they were both present at that hellish inferno. Just bringing it up earns a grimace from the green-haired girl, it's easy enough to het her to follow.
    "I look just like how I feel." She says glumly. And to be fair, she doesn't look so hot, so right now tea sounds lovely.
    "I was a little uh. Distracted that day." Yes, distracted by her terrible and completely rational fear of fire.
    Peach leads her diminutive friend inside the castle. The decor is... very, very girly. Not that this is a surprise to Rydia, but wow - she knows two royal ladies, and the differences in their aesthetic tastes are so stark... "You were very brave, Rydia. To put yourself at risk to help others in a situation that... well, I know you're afraid of fire."

    Peach lets go of hand once they reach a drawing room. Peach opens a door which turns out to lead to a walk-in closet, which she steps into. She doesn't stop talking though. "I think you might be being pushed a little too hard, though."
    Zelda and Peach are like night and day. One being completely utilitarian and suffering from some pretty horrid post traumatic stress, the other bright as a spring day. Peach isn't the first person to commend Rydia on her bravery that day, but still it makes the smaller girl somewhat sheepish and quiet for a beat as she fusses with the hem of her tunic.
    "Mn, it always takes a lot out of me. Summoning the Eidolons. I can't really help it much. They tend to come when I'm upset or scared, too."
    Peach emerges from the closet wearing one of her traditional pink dresses, her gardening clothes folded up neatly in her arms. "It's not just that. I'm not sure it's really my place, but you seem to be... very stressed out. Not just due to mana deprivation." The clothes are set aside, and Peach takes Rydia by the hand again and leads her to a sitting room.

    There's a tea set and plate of finger sandwiches already there. Peach sets about making the tea while still chatting away. "If you ever need a rest you know you can come here, hm?"
    Once led to the sitting room, Rydia... Sits. Plopping herself down in a cozy seat, the little Summoner sinks right into the chair and slumps herself back.
    "There's a lot going on." She replies in regards to just how stressed she is. "Sheik is marching on the Zora's domain, she wants to start moving on Zant. I promised I'd help her kill him."
    It's a pretty grim promise from a girl who can't be older than seven or eight, but it's a promise she clearly intents to stand by as she picks up a cup of tea and starts slowly sipping. The sigh says it all, that's some good, relaxing, tea.
    "It just feels like there's never any time to relax."
    Peach sits down opposite from Rydia, and takes a sip of her own tea. "That..." Peach frowns a little. "Well. I don't know enough about the situation to really... give an opinion. Zant is... the person who conquered Hyrule, correct? And Sheik is leading the resistance movement..." Mmh. "I should see if I can get Parliament to step up the relief efforts. If an all-out attack on Zant's forces is on the table, then the impact on the civilians will be quite high I should think..."
    "Between the Twilight and the fire, the impact on the people has already been disastrous." Rydia points out, fingers circling the rim of her teacup. "Zant is a dark wizard. He's the cause of it all." She says before pausing. "We don't really have much for an all out attack. But we want to see if we can at least get help from the Zora people.
    Oh there she goes munching on a little sandwich.
    "Hmm. Zora? Are they the... fish-people I've heard some refugees talking about? Nobody's seen them in a while, I don't think. But they probably simply have their own problems to worry about, what with the Twilight and all."

    Peach takes another sip of tea. "Hopefully things go well and you can take a long rest."
    "They're the fish people, yes." Rydia confirms, with her own level of mild incredulity. She's never met a fish person that didn't want to kill her, after all.
    Damned sahagin.
    "Maybe they do have their own problems. That's what we're going to find out when we get there, what's been keeping them. ... And if we can help them with it maybe they'll join us."
    A long rest sounds nice, but the thought of it just makes Rydia sigh. "I don't think that'll be happening for a long while. But it's a nice thought."
    Peach nods her head as she listens to Rydia. "You know, dark wizards aren't exactly... uncommon in this world. One of the Star Children is one, even. But something about the situation in Sheik's world just feels so much more, ah... dark."

    She hmms. "You know you've got a warm, fluffy bed here with your name on it." Pause. "Ah, literally. I thought Toadella was -joking- when she suggested that..."
    "Star Children?" There's a curious note to Rydia's voice there, but she purses her lips briefly and resumes sipping on her tea. "Sheik's world hasn't had it easy for a long time."
    It's the mention that there's a bed available for her any time in the castle that brings another flush to pale cheeks once again as Rydia hides in her teacup. "Mn. Thank you."
    "Star Children. Seven blessed beings descended from the Heavens, holding within them the power of a Star, destined for great things. If all seven banded together they could change the world." Peach gives a little finger-wave. "I'm one of them. The others are named Mario, Luigi, Donkey Kong, Wario, Yoshi and Bowser."

    Rydia's shy blush gets a little giggle from Peach.
    Destiny. Fate. These are terms Rydia has heard all too well in her time travelling the tree. "Huh." She muses at the explanation, managing to stifle the color rising to her cheeks with the changing of the topic. But then Peach starts giggling.
    "Wh-what? ... Whaaaat?"
    Peach beams at Rydia. "You act so mature and old all the time. It's nice to be reminded that you're still a little girl at heart." She then pokes her tongue out, and begins to nibble on a sandwich.

    "Sometimes you act more mature than me. ... Some would say that isn't really that difficult, though."
    It's not an act. Rydia simply has matured by leaps and bounds, by virtue of harship. She's not exactly having the best childhood after all, being dragged to literal war after her home was burned to ashes.
    But moments like these... These quiet, peaceful moments. ... They do bring out a younger side to the child.
    Because Rydia of Mist is starting to fluster a little.
    Peach hides a playful grin behind a sandwich. Om. "So, what would you like to do today after tea? My entire schedule's open, assuming there are no emergencies... Oh Stars please don't let Bowser attack right when I say that..."

    Pause. Paauuuse. "...Okay, good."