
World: Super Mario-1
Actual Age: 32
Apparent Age: Mid-twenties
Quote: "Why did I help? Because I could. Because I had to. Because it's fun, even. Do I really need a reason?"
Role: Princess-Regent of the Mushroom Kingdom
Species: Star Child (Human)
Theme Song: "Inside the Castle Walls" -


The crown princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, Peach is a kind and friendly girl with a bit of a mischievous side. Her status affords her a great deal of leisure time and the money to capitalise on it, resulting in Peach being skilled in an unfair number of activities, from baking to go-karting. Unfortunately, being a monarch has its downsides, chiefly being responsibility for the lives and wellbeing of thousands of subjects. She possesses powerful magic that allows her to heal the wounded and cleanse curses, although this - and her carefree nature - makes her a bit of a magnet for kidnapping by nefarious individuals.


Star Child: Peach is a child of destiny filled with the power of the Stars above.
The power of the Stars coursing through her body gives Peach strength, speed and endurance far above that of any normal girl of her build. She can crack bricks with a stomp of her heels, leap half again her own height straight upwards, and has the stamina to run a marathon (if not actually the patience). She can lift a grown man above her head, and could hurl the same man several yards. She is, however, dead last when compared to other Star Children, as her power mostly went towards her magic.
Princess: Peach is the Crown Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom.
Princess Peach of the Toadstool Dynasty is the ruling monarch of the Mushroom Kingdom. While not an absolute ruler - she has a parliament to contend with - she still has quite an amazing amount of power within her borders. She has the authority to collect taxes, and can propose new laws while also retaining the right to veto any laws her parliament passes that she doesn't like (up to a point, at least). She is, theoretically, completely immune to Mushroom Kingdom criminal law. Outside of her kingdom, she has diplomatic immunity in any country that officially recognises the legitimacy of the Mushroom Kingdom, and can quite easily insinuate herself into any high society event she likes. She has an easy time getting the ears of other rulers who respect her authority.
Star Magic< Edge >: Peach is skilled in the arts of magical purification.
With the power of the Stars, Peach can burn away impurities and leave things closer ot their idealised, pure self. In practice this mostly involves making things clean and hygenic, but it does work to make things 'spiritually' pure for ritualistic purposes as well. She can purify salt, for instance. Another minor aspect of her power of purification is that it allows her to ease aches and pains and heal minor injuries - essentially magical first aid. With great effort - and an expenditure of Edge - she can purify someone of an unwanted curse or transformation, but this takes a lot out of Peach.
Sportsgirl: Peach is surprisingly skilled in athletics and sports, for a princess anyway.
Peach enjoys many athletic and sporting activities. She can compete with the best of them in many athletic events such as running, swimming and gymnasyics, and could probably compete in the Olympics if she were allowed to actually enter. As for sports, her favourites are kart racing, tennis, golf and soccer, and she's very proficient in all four despite them requiring rather different skill sets. She can, given enough time to practice, learn to play most ball games fairly decently.
Assets: Peach owns a castle. And a lot of other things.
It's not a small castle, either, featuring two olympic-sized swimming pools (one heated), a tennis court, a go-kart track and sprawling gardens, as well as of course a banquet hall, throne room, sprawling kitchen and a multitude of guest rooms. Peach also owns several vehicles - her own personal go-kart and motorbike, of course, but also several other cars, a simply gigantic yacht (with a castle on the deck) and her own private jet. She also, of course, owns more outfits than she can count, and can easily outfit any guests she happens to have over with proper attire fit for spending time with a Princess.
Spending Money< Edge >: Peach's discretionary money isn't limitless, but she can still afford things.
Peach can afford to eat out any day she wants, and can decide to travel just about anywhere on short notice. If she can solve a problem simply by throwing money at it, she won't hesitate unless the demands are absurd. She could probably get away with buying a car, but buying out an entire business would probably be unreasonable.
Levitation: Peach can levitate, arresting any fall, although she can't truly fly.
Peach can float harmlessly to the ground from any height, or even focus her power to suspend herself in the air for several seconds before starting to fall again. Her maneuverability while airborne isn't very good, and she can't actually go upwards, but she can 'slide' around in the air about as fast as a brisk jog.
Domestic Hobbyist: Peach has servants, of course, but she likes to do domestic chores for herself.
Peach has become rather proficient at sewing, embroidery, and cooking. She is especially skilled at baking, and often likes to wow friends with her gastronomic masterpieces. She can make practically anything taste good, which can come in handy when she ends up stranded on a desert island or something.
Fast Learner: Peach's Star Power also energises her mind, so she learns at an impressive rate.
Peach picks up new skills shockingly quickly, which is the primary reason she has so many darn hobbies. Show her something, and chances are in under an hour she'll have the basics down and in a few days of practice she'll be resoundingly average at whatever it is she's been practicing. There is a downside to this fast paced learning, however - she tends to forget new skills just as quickly if she doesn't practice them a lot, leading to her rotating through various skills rather than ever becoming a master of everything. Her specific interests are politics, magic, cooking and sports, although if something is interesting enough she's very willing to branch out.


Castle Staff< F-Tier Basic >: Peach employs several Toads to tend to the needs of her castle and its grounds.
Peach employs cooks, maids, gardeners, event organisers and all sorts of other staff at her castle - as well as a crew for her yacht and her plane, and a driver for her cars, of course. They aren't at all useful in a fight but they at least help make life easier for Peach and her guests.
Royal Guard< D-Tier Basic >: Peach's bodyguards aren't very strong, but they're... there, anyway.
The Royal Guard are mushroom people who wield halberds and sometimes even wear armour. They don't have firearms, even though such weapons are actually available - they cling to tradition more than is probably wise. They're not very strong or tough, but they can at least keep the riff-raff away from the princess - when she's not ditching them to go slumming it with the commoners, at any rate. Despite this, they're fiercely loyal!


Responsive: Peach hates to see people in need, and is compelled by empathy to help.
Peach has a deep empathy for all living things, and if someone is in need she will always do her best to render aid. It doesn't matter how major or minor the hurt, or how much it costs her. She'll blow her cover on a stealth mission to heal an injured enemy soldier, or wander off from her entourage to pitch in at a soup kitchen. A country under tyranical rule? She'll be there, with words and political maneuvering, or with a sword. Thief snatched your purse? She'll run him down herself.
Heavy Lies the Crown: Being the ruler of a country comes with a tremendous amount of responsibility.
The prosperity of her kingdom comes first. This can cause conflict when she has to put her kingdom above her friends - were one of her subjects to request her aid at the same moment as a friend, she would have to side with her subject first, no matter what. She also must always think about how her image impacts her kingdom - she can't simply go around toppling dictators left and right, for instance, and some villains simply have too much social currency for her to tackle head on.
Naivety: A life of pampering and ease has left Peach something on the childish side.
Peach can certainly pull off acting like a responsible adult in matters of state and politics - sometimes. Usually, however, Peach has a carefree air about her, putting no heed to potential consequences and just taking life at her own pace. Her affections are childish - she gives hugs, and cake, and drags people on shopping trips and sports outings at a moment's notice. She responds to villainy directed at her personally by simply pouting and stomping her feet, trusting other people will save her more often than not. She dislikes people acting all stuffy and self-important, which results in quite an alarming number of pranks on her part. Pranks that, thanks to her disregard of consequences, can sometimes get thoroughly out of hand!
Monster Attack!: The world Peach comes from has a lot of monsters. Sometimes they follow her.
Not a day goes by when there isn't some sort of emergency SOMEWHERE in Peach's world. Monsters can attack at short notice for entirely petty and trivial reasons - to kidnap Peach, for instance, or simply to cause mayhem and destruction. Sometimes they even follow Peach to other worlds! Or maybe the weight of her destiny simply attracts them?

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
687 What A Horrible Night Jul 02 2020
678 Summertide Jun 21 2020
672 Tea and Therapy Jun 11 2020
668 As The World Burns Jun 07 2020
474 Don't Worry, It's Not Mushroom Cake May 01 2019
317 Where Chocobos Fear to Tread Oct 31 2018
304 Maniac Mummy Mystery! Oct 22 2018
284 Studying as always Oct 08 2018
253 There Will Be Cake Sep 22 2018
250 Super Peach Tennis Sep 21 2018
See All 18 Scenes


Title Date
Toadly Admonishment Mar 14 2018
A News Report Oct 23 2018
See All 2 Cutcenes