World Tree MUSH

Into the Woods

Character Pose
Aurelia Argent
    The Woods is actually a restaraunt in El Camino al Atardecer. It is, in essence, a bonsai tree write large, the branches and trunk grown to create the spaces of the restaraunt over a patient century of careful magical manipulation. The tree used to be a humble scrub oak, the low trees that resemble bigger brothers to bushes and used to be everywhere in California's Central Valley. There's a larger space near the crown of the tree forming an ampitheater, which is what interests Aurelia tonight.
    Aurelia pulls Luke along, smiling. "I heard tonight's show is going to be awesome."
Luke Gray
    The boy is happy to follow Aurelia along, even if he is tempted to call oen of his pokemons to join him!. He is aware that outside his world... most people find animals wandering around everywhere to be a bit of a sanitary issue, or at least not welcome, so he made sure to ask Aurelia what the... etiquette for such was in this place!. In any case, he is rather impressed by the tree restaurant, "What kind of show is it?" he asks curiously.
Aurelia Argent
    Given the variety of inhabitants of the Sunset Road, nobody would bat an eye at Luke's pokemon. There's fish-people, turtle-people, weirder things that sort of resemble ghosts. Most of the staff appear to be uplifted moths. There's a lot of humans sure, but they're also varied in appearance because they can be in their transformed state without raising a fuss while in the Sunset Road.
    "A magic show of course." Aurelia says. "The Magnificent Monda and her Beautiful Bugs." There's a poster for Monda and her bugs at the entrance, advertising the showtimes. "Did you want to order some food before the show?"
Luke Gray
    Luke allows his pokemon out then!, soon there is a crowd of cats and bears around the young kid, with Bewear and Dynamo seemingly taking the role of helping herd the group around. Every pokemon seems in awe at the several... inhabitants, with a certain thieving kitten looking very interested in dissapearing into the crowd, only to be picked up and hugged by the Bewear, "Sorry Konya, no coin taking tonight, I will get you something shiny for you later." he offers. 

    The fire bear, Pangshi and the bell cat all suddenly turn to Aurelia at the mention of food, the dark cat especially trying to charm their new best friend for some free food, making a series of musical chimes as it walks around. "I think food would be a great idea, I think they might want some meat and some fruits, just to share, while we enjoy the show.".
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia goes over a menu with Luke to order things the pokemon will like. There's plenty of fruit variety and plant-based food seems to be the house specialty. There's a kind of kebob platter that might be best for the group of pokemon though. It's pricey but it's meant to be a feast. 
    "Whatcha think, Luke? Is that one enough to feed them all?"
Luke Gray
    Luke checks the menu, wincing a bit and wondering if he should have left them at home, but chuckles, "Oh well, can't hurt to spend some money now and then, I think that kebob thing would work." he begins, glancing at Bewear and the others, "Do you think you will behave and share, if I get you this?". The big black cat inmediatly begins to rub itself against his legs, purring and swinging that bell tipped tail in an oddly pleasant melody, "Yes, yes I figured you'd agree.". The bears nod, and the other cats seem to aprpove, even if the kitten continues struggling for freedom.
Aurelia Argent
    "You really like cats and bears, don't you?" Aurelia reaches down to pet the one rubbing against Luke's legs. She puts the order in, paying for it with large coppery coins. "It's on me. I don't really spend the obols the Beacon Society pays me, so they've kind of just accumulated over the last three years." She also buys tickets for herself and Luke for the show. 
    The cashier just says that familiars get in free after looking at all the pokemon that Luke's got milling around him. "But... I mean... never seen so many. Should I..." There's a shrug as the young scarecrow-like man comes to a conclusion. "Above my pay, go ahead. We'll bring your food to your seat when it's ready."
Luke Gray
    Luke laughs, "It's not really that, it's mostly what I ended up keeping... I should really get more pokemon, when I get the chance." he says, "I mean, guess I ended up with a theme." he says, reaching to pet the different cats, even giving the struggling kitten a shiny coin from a different place, which seems to appease it. "There you go, keep being good and I will get you more.". 

    The pokemon all nod politely to the cashier, even if the bewear seems confused at the term fmiliar, but nods politely and offers a friendly noise, helping the others get settled. "Thank you." the boy adds, "I promise they won't cause trouble."
Aurelia Argent
    The ampitheater is clearly set up for people to eat, with large tables and comfy looking chairs. The tiers are formed by large oak branches, giving the stage focus at the bottom of the bowl (so to speak). The audience is milling about, eating appetizers, discussing what they think the show will be like. Aurelia helps Luke get the pokemon settled in around the table just as the very large platter of food is set down in the center of the table by a large owl. The smell of grilled veggies, fruits, berries along with the grilled seasoned meat makes Aurelia's stomach growl. 
    "Ah, I'm gonna grab a kebob before you guys dig in." And she snags one quickly, before Luke's coterie of creatures dive into the massive food platter.
Luke Gray
    The group of pokemon is polite enough to let Aurelia get some food first!... well, most of them at least, Pangshi just starts to nibble even when Aurelia grabs a bit of the food, and after their generous host takes her snack and pulsl back, they dive into the meal, not tooo wildly, but certainly they seem hungry!. Luke chuckles a bit, "Come on, calm down, they won't take your food away."