World Tree MUSH

Be Not Defeated by the Rain

Pokemon Trainer Luke Gray and his companions get caught out in the rain. On the way to dry shelter they meet up with an acquaintance that isn't afraid to endure the elements.
Character Pose
    The blue of the sky fades into a darkening gray. Despite being post-midday, the azure hue of the beautiful sky above is filled with an increasing haze of humidity while the breeze begins to pick up because of it. Some direct sunlight does hit, rays streaming from behind the darkness that gathers, painting a dynamic picture of the wonder of nature as a backdrop. Standing alone, tall, arms crossed and head slightly lifted to peer toward the heavens, a lion person regards the change with a sense of stoicism. 

    The breeze ruffles the coat hanging from the beast's shoulders accompanied by the light rattling of chain, while the same motion tousles the feline's white mane. Vivid blue eyes focus on the gradients and the stalk of grass held in the person's mouth bobs a bit when words are spoken: "Ame ni mo makezu, kaze ni mo makezu."

Not losing to the rain,
not losing to the wind, begins the poem by Kenji Miyazawa.
not losing to the snow nor to summer's heat.
With a strong body
not fettered by desire,
by no means offending anyone,
always quietly smiling.

     The ring of a bicycle bell interrupts the near romantic moment of deep thought and a woman on a bike swerves to go around the pillar of cat taking up part of the sidewalk. She's in a hurry to get her groceries home before it begins to- A few droplets of water pitter-patter against the man-hardened ground and a few people comment and interject and begin to hurry a bit faster before it really begins to pour. The lion? The lion stands there amidst the increasing elemental fall and only lowers his gaze to watch those around him on their individual ways.
Luke Gray
    Several people were quite concerned about the rain, and quickly making their way down the sidewalk and the street, which mostly seemed to be people on foot or bikes, (cars were so rare in pokemon land that while there were streets, 9 out of 10 they were just used for pedestrian traffic, bikes, or the ocassional scooter!). So thankfully, even a giant lion standing still, distracted by clouds is not a huge issue, even if some folks pause to look curiously at the feline man.
    At least one of the people seems to be a familiar kid, joined by some of those curious creatures that he claims, were her friends and he trained. In particular, a small panda in a Jiangshi (chinese vampire) costume, that is perched on his head, also staring at the cloudy sky, and a large, round ball of a tiger that was rapidly trotting besides their trainer. "Come on, let's hurry up before either the rain starts, or they decide to give the training arena to someone else." a familiar voice calls, before a small thing bumps against the lion's back. "What..." then there is a pause, "Wait, you are that... Rez?" asks the same, slightly surprised voice.
    What rain does fall isn't super heavy yet, although the drops are quickly getting larger. "You should apologize when colliding with somebody," comes a voice in return, but it's not a greeting. It is very stern. With a slow turn, the eyes beneath the brim of a visor-like cap peer downward at the young boy. They move just a tiny bit side to side before they widen just a bit in recognition. "It's you. Are you out to watch the rain or are you also afraid of it?" 

    The use of 'you' in this case could absolutely be plural. The Bancho Leomon is just as likely to speak to other pokemon as much as he is to speak to a human. His arms uncross in a mote of relaxation, but one hand settles on his hip causing his elbow to push part of his coat out to the side. It won't be long until it starts pouring rain. That's how these weather fronts roll.
Luke Gray
     The boy shakes his head a bit, "Oh, sorry, I do apologize Mr. Rez." he says, unable to help the honorific and polite tone when the lion uses such a stern tone in return. There is a pause, and a nervous wave at the tall creature, "I was on my way to do some battle training and practice, and maybe get some food as well." he says, "I am not too fond of the rain myself." the boy explains, taking a step back when the arms move. The small pokemon on his head simply begins to float up, to get to Rez's face level and waves, while the large, round tiger thing offers a growl of greeting and shakes a bit as the rain starts to get more serious.
    "Mm," comes a vocal response, perhaps even with a faint nod of the head, as he hears the explanation of training plans. That's something he understands very well. "Ah?" follows shortly after that, in surprise at hearing the F-Word, wherein Luke gets a double-nod. "One should not train on an empty stomach." Neither should one eat too much first, but he leaves that part out. There's no such thing in his book. "There's nothing to be afraid of with rain, but if you have no time to be a part of it because you must train...there will be more rain to come should you change your mind." 

    In no particular hurry to otherwise move along, the digimon regards Gray, Pangshi, and Dynamo in turn as if something very important was skipped between them:

    "Konnichiwa," as Luke is given a nod of the head while bidding him a good afternoon.

    "Hajimemashite?" as a how do you do is asked of the Pangshi with another nod.

    "Genki desu ka?" is said to the Electiger with a nod, wondering if it is well. Formal greeting while being mostly informal. Yes, the rain is going to catch up to Luke and his friends without a doubt now. It's racing visibly up the street. No umbrella? Rez does have a large coat that could provide plenty shelter on the way...
Luke Gray
    While Luke doesn't seem to know much japanese, oddly enough, his pokemon seem somehow to understand what Rez says. The small floating vampire panda managing to bow respectfully, "shi!" it replies, in that weird pokemon vocalization that mostly only pokemon seem to understand. The round, fluffy tiger grumbles a bit at the question and shakes again, glancing at the sky, "Ger, elec." it grumbles, protesting on the rain and moving a bit closer, noticing the very dry looking coat. 
    Luke replies with a grin, "Hi, and nods, before chuckling a bit, "Would you like to join us?, I mean, we can get some food, and if you want to join in the training or something, you are completely welcome, you seem really strong." he says casually, as if inviting others to fight/spar was just a standard thing, "It's not too far." he explains, and points to a largeish building that looks like a... well, like one of those sport centers or gyms, "I rented a combat arena for the practice, and we can get a good meal there too." while he doesn't seem thrilled about the rain, at least he si not tryin to sneak under Rez's coat like Dynamo is.
    Inviting others to train isn't that alien of a concept to the digimon. Of course, the mention of food will almost always get the gangster-dressed lion's attention. There's a moment of thought on the matter marked by a short bout of silence and a stare between Gray and his companions. Every second spent allows the downpour to get ever closer. The heaviness of the rain starts to increase. "Okay. At the very least I can see how you handle sparring with your friends." Suddenly, with a snap of the arm outward, the Bancho Leomon's gaku-ran billows outward, half-draped over part of his arm, to use it as a shield over the three just as the rain really gets nasty. Wetness pours over Rez's mane and from his cap and down the exposed furry parts of his form. He doesn't look the least bit bothered. 

    Rez is no stranger to pokemon and pokemon custom for battling, but if asked he'll still insist that a trainer should be willing to try some kind of direct involvement rather than issuing tactical advice. It's no surprise to him that many Gym leaders do just that, in one way or another, but it's more complicated than he perceives.

    "Lead the way. I will remain close." The mini-rivers streaming down parts of the sidewalk to gutter down the sides of the street leave zones that might be hard to walk through without splashing.
Luke Gray
    The boy and the two pokemon are rather grateful about the chance to take shelter, with the electric type rubbing against one of Rez's legs, purring softly. "Honestly, it is not that interesting to describe, most of it is tactical stuff, talking with my pokemon, helping them practice their attacks, doing some exercise, playing together..." he says, "I think maybe Bewear might like to train with you." he adds casually, while he leads his friend to the large Gym. The doors are automatic, and the people there are polite enough not to stare at the wet cat as they come inside, "Would you like to eat first?" asks Luke, while getting some info at the entrance counter, the food court quite easy to spot from that area.
    The actual walk there might seem to take a little bit longer than it really does, but that's because the water is falling in sheets and wind is whipping mist up from the puddles and streams that makes it hard to stay super dry, even with an umbrella or a leomon's uniform coat. The end result, once there, may still require a towel. But for Rez? He's soaked through, no doubt about it. Even if available, a single towel wouldn't be enough. 

    "Your body is like an engine and all engines require fuel." Insert a very knowing nod here along with crossed arms as the line is spoken in the most matter-of-fact sense possible. Leaving wet footprints behind -- all in all a veritable wet mess that must be very hard to not stare at -- the Bancho Leomon heads toward the food court while Gray takes care of whatever it is Gray needs to take care of. So much rhetoric; a sparring fight can be a very simple and meditative thing if left alone to what it is.
Luke Gray
    There are some people approaching to offer towels, to help dry Dynamo at least, since the feline was a bit wet,and of course some special mats to rub shoes against, or even leave them if you brought spares. Thankfully, thanks to Rez, the boy and pokemon skipped the brunt of the rain!. A very nervous person approaches the wet lion man, and offers him some warm, soft towels, "D-do you want to dry up a bit?" the young man asks carefully.
    Thankfully, Luke's task at hte entry desk doesn't take long, so he is quick to catch up with the very wet, dripping mess of a lion, "There are some fur driers and similar things, if you wan to get dry faster." he muses, before chuckling a bit at the reply about 'fuel'. "Ok, you can get food, it's all on me.".
     The food court just has basic occidental food, pasta, burgers, steak, rice, eggs, nothing too complicated, seems more like a buffet than anything, there is even a section for pokemon food, involving raw meats, special berries and other things, apparently there was no issue if a trainer wanted to eat with their pokemon, or even take the food to the rented arenas, if they prefered a more quiet spot.
    The path to the food area is obstructed by an offer of towels. The words traded and reactions had may differ depending on how much exposure the locals have to digimon (or other talking pokemon or fuzzy outworlders). Honestly, the Leomon looks a little shocked. He holds his hands out, palms up, when the towels are offered, then gives a bob of his head with lightly stammered, "D-doumo," in thanks. "You have my gratitude." Towels placed upon his hands, he just stands there like that until Gray wanders over in catching back up. It's almost like he doesn't know what to do with them! 

    Awkwardly falling behind Luke and Company, still holding the towels as if he was carrying a stack of full egg cartons, Rez looks around at all of those present, for however as busy as it may be. Then again, with the outside getting very wet right now, indoor activities probably get a boost in business. "Whatever you think is best," says the lion to the young man. Simple customs can really throw the brawler off balance. Rather than toting about the folded towels everywhere, in passing a trainer and their Mightyena that look as if they got caught in the rain, too, Rez pauses to offer the towels to the 'yena in the same manner as they were offered to him.

    "Do you want to dry up a bit?" the Leomon repeats.
Luke Gray
    The trainer accepts the towels, even if he seems a bit confused on the person offered, and uses them to try to help the black pokemon feel a bit less wet. Luke tilts, "Aren't you bothered with all that wet fur?" the boy asks, seeming a bit curious about the situation, "Sorry if they made you uncomfortable, they just figured maybe you wanted to try to get rid of some of that water." he explains, pointing to the trainer gently scrubbing the poor dog. 
    "Anyway, give me a moment to help Dynamo get dry and we can get all the food you want." the boy says with a grin, moving a bit further into the gym, "This is mostly made for big, fluffy pokemon, or small groups of people." he explains, motioning to a rather curious thing, it looks like a large 'booth', where a rather large dog of sorts was getting dried. It seems a combination of warm air and infra red lamps is quickly heating up the wet dog, which goes from a lump of wet orange, black and cream fur to a ball of puff rather quickly. "It is safe, trainers use it as well, and easier than towels." he explains, while Dynamo quickly pads to join the already dry Arcanine, despite not being very wet.
    Turning back to follow Luke Gray, the tall feline's wandering gaze locks with a Machamp's. Rez's ears perk up as some unspoken force of nature sparks. Thankfully, they aren't trainers or else they might feel compelled to battle. This feeling is not so different, though: The Machamp flexes his arms, showing off, and, in turn, Rez returns the gesture. The bulging biceps show is brief, but it's enough to foster appreciation for one another. They both smile (possibly with some cheers from the Machamp's trainer for both) and Rez continues along behind Gray and Dynamo and the Pangshi. 

    The large special dryer comes into view and an introduction is given, Dynamo is quick to take the intiative to join the Arcanine, and the Bancho Leomon watches for a moment. His mane is very wet causing damp ropes of white to hang down and stick to the gaku-ran and his cap and face. Rez muses, "You asked if it bothered me. No. It simply is. Ame ni mo makezu. It is only water. A natural way to train. To let the rain bother me would be a weakness. Still..." Eyes fall upon the drying machine. If an Arcanine can fit, so can he. The Leomon waits for space to open up, removes his gaku-ran and drapes it over an arm (not a common sight!), before moving in to sit down, cross-legged, beside Dynamo. His eyes close.
Luke Gray
    Luke is pleased that Rez seem to be fitting fine in the gym, after the towel incident, even other trainers seem curious and cheering for the curious muscle lion!. "That's a machamp, they are really strong, at least in the physical sense, it varies a lot between different pokemon." the boy says, at least giving a name to the figure that seemed to connect with Rez just moments ago. 
    The booth is massive, built for groups of people, and even large pokemon, so there is plenty of room for the tall bipedal digimon, and the round tiger to share the spot!, and Luke simply nods as Rez shares that wisdom, "It's not weakness to try to be comfortable and healthy, I mean, I mean, unless that's the only thing you focus on all day I guess." he tries. The booth is radiating pleasant warmth, the Arcanine already returning to its usual fluffy nature even as they waited to enter. It is not long for Rez to feel the combination of the warm air and the special lights working on him, evaporating that pesky water and heating him up to the core.
     While that happens, Luke moves to try to get some snacks, more for the hungry lion's benefit than his own, he recalls the digimon being usually hungry!. He ends up returning with some steaks, some fruits and a burger for himself.
    In general, Bancho Leomon isn't very fluffy. He won't be winning fluff contests with Arcanine. The fur is short and dries with great ease. The longest fur had would be that white mane on his head and the brush-like tailtip. Of course, his pants and wrapping and coat can use the time to dry, too, so it's at least a productive bit of time spent sitting cross-legged doing mostly nothing while Trainer Gray goes about his collecting of things for consuming. 

    Rez's eyes are still closed, even upon Luke's return, and has said nothing to Dynamo the entire time. Is he...sleeping?
Luke Gray
    The booth seems to be working constantly, and by the time Luke arrives, the Arcanine is already dry and carefully stepping out, offering a friendly bump to the other feline pokemon that shared it with. Of course, Dynamo is a bit full of static, so that results in the poor thing poofing up dramatically, it is kind of comical really, even if the big fire type tries to keep its dignity and slowly walks towards a snickering trainer, who quickly works on brushing. 
    When Luke finally arrives, Dynamo seems to get a bit restless, so it rushes out, meowlng loudly at Luke, while the small ghost panda floats towards Rez, tilting its head at the silent, calm digimon, and waves a paw in front of it, "Pangshi... don't." warns Luke, while the small guy was reaching to try to 'boop' the dangerous feline. "Rez, I got some food, before the training, do you want some?" he tries.
    Barely any movement at all is had from the large lion. Even after words are spoken, there is not an immediate response. In fact, there seems to be some latency in reaction time, especially where food is concerned, knowing how much the big guy can really eat. 

    Eyes open suddenly with their piercing blue. Legs uncross from one another. Without using his hands, the beast rises and exits the drying machine, coat still draped over an arm. The Pangshi is passed by in this, but not in a means to ignore; there is a serious tone to the Leomon's face that remains no matter how many steps are taken to close the distance toward Gray. "I have something important to say," says Rez in a low yet clear tone of voice and volume.

    Without much warning, the lion grabs his coat with his other hand, lifts his arm high, then snaps the large garment to the side. With a casual turn in the direction of the billowing coat, the Leomon steps right into it so that it cradles his shoulders perfectly, yet then follows up by slamming a fist into the palm of his other hand. "Hah!" he interjects, pulling his arms back to his sides, bent at the elbows, with such ferocity that the impact of his elbows against the inner lining of his gamu-ran causes it to unfurl behind him like a cape.

    "The rain did not defeat me. Wakarimasu ka?" says the lion with a bit of rhetorical note to his question of being understood. This is all said with the level of sternness that one might have in speaking before that of a great rival or foe. "I am now completely dry, so it can be said that..." There is another moment of motion and the big guy strikes a sudden pose, one of intimidation and pride, as he exclaims, "I defeated the rain!" It's still raining outside, of course. A thick finger points toward the boy. "I defeated the rain not just of my own, but also the rain that would have fallen on you-" A swing of the arm points that finger at Dynamo, "You-" and again at Pangshi, "and you!"

    "After that bit of victory meditation, I feel pumped. Let us eat and then train while I feel this surge. You should battle the rain more often; maybe you would feel this rush, too!"
Luke Gray
The small panda pokemon ends up booping the snout of the Lion digimon, not so much on purpose, but rather the sudden, silent raise and movement from his part means that snout moves the final inch needed to bump it. The little guy just floats around the dramatic fighter, listening closely and even claps a bit at the pose, apparently finding it entertaining, even if he doesn't understand the full gravity of the dramatic scene.

    Luke also listens closely, having to look up as the large creature stands up and puts on that curious garment, half wishing he had a camera!. At least Luke avoids mentioning that, since he was the one with the idea of the booth and that guided the lion there, perhaps the credit should be shared?. Rez seems to be happy with himself, so he chooses not to, instead he smiles and nods, "Maybe you are right, even if I admittedly don't tend to enjoy heavy rain very much." he begins before adding, "I am quite thankful you offered to keep me and my pokemon dry, it was very generous of you." he says, holding up the tray with food. "Of course, a good meal for you, and then we will train."