World Tree MUSH

Old Friends, a New Idea

Miwa and Luke meet up again for the first time in ages, and Miwa poses the idea of becoming the first Pokemon to be a Pokemon Trainer. The two later meet up with Professor Kukui in hopes of getting his blessing so they can go through the Alolan Island Challenge together.
Character Pose
Miwa had finished getting a check-up at the Pokemon Center a little earlier, and after taking a nice swim around her favorite beach on Ula'Ula Island she has crawled out onto the sand under the shade of a few Alolan Exeggutor, just relaxing with her eyes closed until she heard footsteps coming closer. She opens her eyes to see a couple of children coming toward her with a familiar-looking paper bag. 

"You're Miwa right?" One of them asks and she nods. Then they both comment in unison. "We love your singing, these are for you. Promise you'll do another concert soon so we can see you live, we didn't get to go last time but we saw some on PokeTube and you were amazing!" Miwa blushes a bit and smiles. "Sure, it's about time I did another, fans like you two really warm my heart. She gives them both a stylized card with her likeness on it, and a small lock of her hair taped to it, at which their eyes both light up and they scamper off after saying "Thank you so much!"

Miwa finally looks in the bag and finds it's full of malasadas. She grabs one with her mouth and holds it between her flippers as she munches on it. "Mmm, still warm, those kids were as polite as they were adorable."
Luke Gray
    The young trainer was just trying to finally have a more... normal moment, something simple, at least for this world, something not involving evil forces or destruction or whatnot. He picked Alola because, while not his home region, he was fond of it, who can say no to a beach?. 

    Thus, Luke is finally wandering around the Ula'Ula island, simply hanging out with one of his pokemon, when he hears rumors of a familiar Primarina visiting a beach, and even runs into a group of happy kids waving around an autograph... of sorts, asking them where they got it, and finally finding the beach!. He approaches the distracted Primarina slowly, as if trying to surprise her, but the pokemon that was next to him, seems to get ahead of him. One moment, Miwa is eating from a bag of snacks, the next, a familiar white and black face phases through the paper bag, letting out a loud, "shi!." at the mermaid singer.
Miwa blinks, a little startled and nearly drops her malasada but thankfully manages to hold onto it. Her expression quickly turns to a warm smile however, as she notices who's come to join her in this shady spot on the beach and has a chance to swallow her last bite of yummy malasada. "Hi Pangshi, and Luke! Great to see you! How are you both doing?" She asks with a bright and happy tone as she nudges the bag of malasadas closer to Luke. "Also I'm happy to share, too many for me to eat by myself."
Luke Gray
    Thankfully for the snacks, teh ghost was not messing with the contents, at least for now, even if the panda's hungry attention turns to the Masalada that almost falls down, offering a cheerful chirp and hugging the Primarina, emerging out of the food, happy bear, it makes a grabby motion to the bag!. 
    Luke chuckles, "Pangshi! you don't do that to anyone, you might get hurt, or hurt someone!" he chastises, even if he loosk rather amused, slowly moving to sit down by the shade and reaching for the snacks, "I'm very glad to see you too, I was a bit worried something happened."
Luke Gray
    A bit later, the boy chuckles, "I'm doing well, besides some of the usual world tree crazyness, still training around, wondering if I should stop focusing on just three pokemon and work on the rest so they can battle better."
Miwa quickly finishes off her malasada as she watches Pangshi and listens to Luke, frowning a little as he expresses having been worried about her. "I'm sorry if I worried you. I just... Needed to take some time to figure things out, so I've been doing some traveling around the world a bit. Met a lot of people, especially trainers, some great, some I wouldn't mind if I never met again... But it got me thinking about a crazy idea. Promise me you won't laugh if I tell you." She says with a grin. "I kinda want to sort of become a trainer myself. Make some long term Pokemon friends that can share in my journies on this world and the others, maybe even help me some with my performances. I'm not sure what the Pokemon League would say, since I don't think this has ever happened before, but I want to try."
Luke Gray
    Luke gives one of the large snacks to Pangshi, that bites on it with those cute vampire teeth for a moment, as if trying to drink the blood, making soft playful growls, before etingit properly, hungry vampanda. Luke meanwhile, is more focused on what Miwa says, nodding slowly, "I hope you are doing ok." he says softly, smiling gently, tilting his head to one side, "Laugh?" he says softly, confused, but nodding. "Go ahead, I promise to listen.". The young teen is silent during her explanation, before smiling brightly, "Well, I mean I have no issue with that, I mean... likely you might hve to ask to the authorities, if you ever wanted to have proper... papers and such." he says, "But, that might work!". 
    Pangshi opens it's eyes wides as if listening to something shocking, a pokemon training other pokemon?, is that allowed?. The small panda waggles that cotton tail and nods, cheering Miwa.
Miwa nods, smiling warmly as Luke seems to be OK with her idea, having much the same thought as her about what she'd need to do if she was to make it official. At Pangshi's cheering, she grins and gives the vampanda a gentle pat with her flipper. "Well, I guess I'd have to pay a visit to the Police Station in the city to get an official trainer ID, which may take some time if they need to get the approval of the Pokemon League. I'll also need some Pokeballs... In any case, I guess I could battle as myself until I catch my first partner, but was planning on trying to charm my new friends to join me before resorting to battling anyway. Any thoughts?"
Luke Gray
    The boy considers for a few moments, "PErhaps ask for advice to a pokemon professor about this?, i am not an expert on the league rules." he says, rubbing his chin, "But, asking for the I.D at the police might help as well." he says. "As for getting a starter pokemon, I figure htat is a good idea, I mean, I don't think anyone will mind how you got it, as long as it is not stolen at least." he says, smiling. "Guess maybe you have a bit of an advantage on that area, able to convince pokemon like that." he chuckles.
Miwa smiles at Luke's ideas and comments. "I do think being able to communicate directly with Pokemon will have some advantages and make certain things easier. I probably wouldn't be able to use Pokespeak in a battle, that would be a bit unfair against a human trainer, but for the training itself and winning over wild Pokemon, it'll certainly be handy. Anyway, as for talking to a professor, I do sort of know Professor Kukui, so we could go talk to him, and maybe he can even help get things rolling for getting me a trainer ID. Surely having the endorsement of the local Pokemon Professor would carry some sway with the league, don't you think?"
Luke Gray
    Luke grabs one of the snacks and takes a few bites, he did get a bit hungry, but is quick to reply, even if he ends up coughing a bit, "Yeah, I think the biggest point might be about making sure you don't battle... I mean, when trying to act a sa trainer." he says, chuckling, "I'm sure the professor would help you a lot more htan me, even if just because he might know the rules better." he says, "If he agrees and offers some sponsoring, that would be great, wish I would help with the professor back at my home region, Professor Alder, but I haven't seen him in a while." he says, chuckling. "I do bet he might be intrigued to meet you, but no promises on sponsoring you as a trainer."
Miwa thinks a moment and nods. "You're right. That would on one hand give me a really unfair advantage since I wouldn't be relying on a trainer's commands like the other Pokemon, but also, if I was knocked out, I'd basically forfeit the entire match since I clearly wouldn't be able to continue with my next Pokemon in that state. So when I'm in an official battle, I'd have to just use my partners, Ok... Anyway, as for the professor, we're in luck, his office maybe all the way out on Melemele Island, but I heard he's helping with some trouble in Tapu Village, which is just one route over, though it is going to require some swimming."
Luke Gray
    Luke hands the rest of his Masalada to the hungry panda, who by now was a mess of crumbs, greedy critter!. At least the small pokemon was interested in the conversation, even if it was unable to pitch in due to the fact it was busy chewing!. The boy nods, "Yeah, that and general safety, I mean, without a trainer to recall you or such." he muses, "But, like you said, as long as you respect that ruling, I don't think there should be much trouble for you." he say with a grin. 
    There is a small pause as she mentions visiting the professor right then adn he smiles, "Let's just hope we won't be interrupting anything important, but I am sure he'll be delighted to see you and give you a hand.". The mention of swimming gets a chuckle, "I need to get a ride pager one of these days."
Miwa makes a slight grimace and nods at the scenario of a battle going too far with no trainer to call her back. "Right... I guess the referee for the match will call it when either side can't go on, but that doesn't always happen before one side is seriously hurt... I'm still a little new to all this." She admits but then is happy for the change in subject as Luke jokes about needing to get a ride pager. "Well, I'm not sure riding me would work too well, but if you'd rather not swim I can make us a bubble to float over, just will be a little slower since the wind seems pretty calm today." She offers as a plan B as she begins to make her way down the beach toward the watery Route 15.
Luke Gray
    Luke notices Miwa's sudden reaction and reaches to gently pat her side, "Don't worry, it's not really something to happen as much as just safety precautious." he says softly, before chuckling a bit more. "I guess that would work well, I still feel abd you have to go through all that trouble to bring me along."
"The water's nice this time of year though... But I guess you don't want to get your clothes and backpack wet..." Miwa says as she was hoping to swim it, as it would be faster, but after thinking a moment, she gets an idea. "I know, I'll just use ice beam and we can ice slide our way across, it'll be even faster!" She says with a happy spring in her step as she continues along, approaching the water, the sign indicating the route just a bit further.
Luke Gray
    Luke laughs, "I am just not htat great at swimming, and yeah I am still bringing my stuff." he says, rubbing his chin and following the pokemon mermaid to the edge of the water, "You can always make a bubble nad push it with me inside." he says!. There is a pause, and he chuckles t the mention of the ice path, "That sounds fun." he says, while his pokemon makes fun at Luke for not swimming.
Miwa blinks, giving a mock look of shock. "Not a great swimmer? Well then, perhaps I'll have to help you with that sometime. I mean, you don't have to be competition class, but if you're going to be hanging around Alola I feel like you should at least be competent enough to enjoy some time in the water." She offers before finally reaching the edge of the water, already having worked up the chilling energy inside her, preparing for an extended use of Ice Beam. A glowing blue orb forms in her mouth before blasting out at the water, freezing it solid in a path toward the other side. She can't reach all the way, but enough that after a running start she leaps onto the ice slide she just made and when she starts to near the end, another ice beam is fired to continue the slide as they go.
Luke Gray
    Luke is happy to wait by the edge, letting Miwa work on how to freeze a path and claps a few times as she makes the first leg of the journey, the boy carefully climbing on it and starting to slide after her, Pangshi perched on his shoulder, babbling in agreement with the Primarina. "Before you say something, remember you can't swim either." Luke offers, chuckling.. Finally, the offer to help him with his trouble... gets a grin from the boy, "Learning to swim from a water type, would be fun!."
Miwa looks back toward Luke with one eye while the other is sorta focused on what's ahead of her, as she calls back to him. "Honestly when I was younger I wasn't sure how humans managed to swim with those clumsy arms and legs you have, but over the years I think I've learned... as much as one could from observation, as an excellent swimmer personally. So I think I can help you with having the proper form in your strokes, and once you have that down, the rest should come naturally... Then again I've never really tried teaching anything before, so what do I know?" She admits with a laugh, then as the ice slide is about to end, she leaps into the air and creates several bubbles below her, cushioning her landing, and also giving Luke something soft to crash into.
Luke Gray
    Luke chuckles a bit as Miwa explains about learning from humans, "Well, I will take your word on that, like I said, might be fun to try!" he replies, quite content with the idea of such classes. At least for now he seems to be handling the sliding well, even if at times he seems to get a bit too close to the edges!. There is a loud yelp as the ride finally ends, and he lands on the bubbles, chuckling some more, "Thank you, I am sure that might have been quite painful.". Pangshi just ends up thrown ahead, floating a few feet, but stopping itself before hitting anything solid. "I'm sure you will be a great teacher."
Miwa grins, looking back at Luke as the bubbles all begin to burst into a fine mist of water. "Of course, can't have you and I going splat when we get over here. I planned ahead. Anyway, I appreciate the vote of confidence for teaching. I guess it's a fair trade if you show me the ropes of being a trainer. Maybe we can go on a journey through the region, take the Island Challenge. What do you think?"
Luke Gray
    The boy quickly gets up, at least before teh bubbles burst, shaking himself a bit and stretching, "That would be nice, maybe we can do it together!" he says excitedly, "I will be very happy to teach you about being a trainer."
Miwa smiles brightly hearing that Luke liked the idea of them both doing the Island Challenge together. "I would like that very much, both learning from you about being a trainer, and doing the trial together. Have you started yours at all? Don't we need some sort of amulet?" She asks as she begins walking along the path toward the abandoned village where Kukui should be found if luck is with them today.
Luke Gray
    The boy shakes his head, "I haven't, I was doing the league back at my home region, but that is a more... standard thing, with gyms and badges." he says, "I am kinda curious about this, plus maybe I can get some of those Z stones thingies." the boy says, rubbing his hands. "Perhaps Kukui can help us get started?, I mean he is the guy that hands starting pokemon to new trainers, right?" he says, following Miwa closely.
"Ah, ok, that's fine though, means we can both start from the beginning together right? It is pretty interesting to me that the rest of the world has such a different system than here in Alola. I wonder if they all had different traditions before they standardized with the Pokemon League. Anyway, I'm sure Kukui can point us in the right direction, but I think it's actually the island Kahuna who gives out the starters, maybe the amulet too? I heard some young trainers talking about it once on the beach." Speaking of which, Miwa suddenly spots Kukui walking toward them, coming down the route in the other direction. "Professor!" she calls, waving a flipper. "Can we have a moment of your time please?"
Luke Gray
    The boy looks back, "Really?, back home it is usually the professor handing those.. but then again, there is no ritual attached to it, so I figure that makes sense." he says, rubbing his chin, moving a bit closer to the Primarina and smiling, "I wonder, heard some gyms are a bit different, but all of them follow the badge thing." he adds. There is a pause as he spots the professor, his first time seeing him in person!. He smiles and waves, "Hi Professor!" he says happily, a bit nervous, "We were wondering if you would help us with something."
Professor Kukui suddenly stops and looks toward Miwa and Luke as he hears them both calling, a smile quickly forming on his face as he briskly walks over to meet them both. "Of course! What can I do for our resident songstress from the sea and her friend?" 

Miwa smiles and gestures to Luke. "This is Luke, he's a trainer visiting Alola. I have an unusual request. I want to become the first Pokemon, Pokemon trainer. I thought since you have connections with the Pokemon League, being the founder of the Alolan league, you would be able to help in finding out if that would be allowed, and letting me know what to do next. Luke would like to participate in the Island Challenge, and I hoped to join him as well."

Kukui blinks, clearly shocked by Miwa's request, but quickly recovers and grins. "You weren't kidding about it being a strange request, but while I'm not sure what the league will decide, I personally love the idea. I'll forward it up to the main league and see what they say, but you have my blessing to go through the trials of the Island Challenge and participate in the next conference of the Alolan Pokemon League once you've passed all the trials. Of course, you'd have to talk to one of the Kahunas to actually get started. I'd recommend Kahuna Hala on Melemele Island. I think he would be the least likely to have objections to Miwa taking the trials, but I'll let him know you're coming, and also work on convincing the other Kahunas. I guess you also don't technically need a starter Pokemon, but you can talk to him about that too I guess."

Miwa smiles brightly and spontaneously hugs Kukui. "Thank you, Professor, I really deeply appreciate it. I guess I'll go talk to Hala and get my trainer ID as well, and keep in touch for any further updates. Hope your work in Tapu Village is going well."

Kukui nods and smiles. "I'm excited to see how you grow as you brave new seas as a trainer. As for my work, it has. Pretty much have it wrapped up now. Was a territory dispute between some Rattata/Ratacate and Sandshrew/Sandslash. I guess I'll see you both back on Melemele Island." With that, he waves goodbye and continues down the route.