World Tree MUSH

BioSys Doorbusters!

    A somewhat elite team of commandos is breaking through BioSys coporate's security! Oh no!

    A continuation of previous scene, may swap it with the Covert scene depending on interested parties and such. This involves the team that is assaulting the front door to distract, though they may find plot-relevant stuff themselves!
Character Pose
    While the other team is preparing to sneak in during the distraction, a small group of people have decided to... MAKE A DISTRACTION! That's this group currently in the street, seeing the front door of the fancy BioSys tower. It really is a tower, set up as the spire of this dome, the central support that is braced with the strongest materials. The front door appears to be glass, but it's almost certainly something stronger... and it has some armed guards, probably because a few of the 'zombies' are nearby, heads blown off.

    As long as nobody approaches, the guards seem to be relatively relaxed. Still on alert, but not on edge. The last attack was a while ago, and so far they've had little problem with the feral mindless husks. There look to be five of them and an armored vehicle, the guards carrying low-energy beam rifles and wearing protective riot-gear, though lacking shields.
    The small 'attack squad' really needs to just... make some noise. Jessica, while nervous at first, is realizing this. "So umm..." The catgirl's ears flick back. "Our objective is to keep them busy. So this means we... kind of just have to make it look like we're here for something. I um... I have an idea if you think we can do it. We just need to make them think we're the threat right?"

    Jessica checks her pistol. "We should avoid fatalities too. These guards are just being paid. But I can cover anyone who wants to smash in and just grab... like a briefcase or something that looks kind of important maybe? Don't make it too easy to grab, though. Does that sound like a good idea?"
    "Feels like I should be on trial for war crimes." Dante muses, as he dangles a collection of cortical stacks. He's -covered- in zombie bits, dripping from his coat. "I got this." He says, drawing his greatsword as he whistles sharply at the guards. THen he rushes them.

    "You guys waiting for a fight? C'mon!" He lunges at them in a burst of speed, moving faster than they can see as he swats at them with the flat end of his sword.

    Part one of the distraction begins.
    It is good that Jessica said to go easy on them, because the guards don't seem to be bad people in this particular case, even if they're working for a soulless megacorp. Good on you, Jess! That is, the guards snap up to attentiveness... and one of them is swat down with a grunt! Even with super strength, that armor can protect him against the flat of the sword, but it knocks him on his ass.

    The others yell out, "Looks like we got a crazy here! Subdue him!" Of the four remaining, two move in to try slamming the butts of their rifles against Dante. They are trying not to kill... but they aren't gentle, either. Good thing he's superhuman. The other two raise rifles just in case, stepping backward to cover their companions and the one on the ground trying to get up.
    "Mn, that works." Jessica reasons. She's not a stealth specialist or anything, but with a distraction like that, she quickly makes a break for the car, trying to use that as cover. She keeps her pistol ready, mostly because she... isn't actually all that good at close quarters combat. She IS very good at scrounging for things that she might need though, so she's going to make a break for the doors and when she has a chance, identify what she can use to make people panic.

    "I hope he's more reliable in combat than he acts out of combat," she mumbles, regarding Dante. He seems to be pretty handy at getting all that done though, and keeping their attention. If she's lucky, she won't have to shoot anyone!
    "Good luck with that!" Dante says, stowing his greatsword before he starts throwing hands. Combat wise, he's pretty giddy about doing that. He grabs a rifle out of one of the guards's hands, clubbing him upside the head with it before thrusting out with the stock. Drawing his pistols, he fires only to disarm the other guards, delivering fearsome pistol-whips and kicks.
    These men aren't much of a challenge for Dante, but they aren't incompetent! Blasts of energy lance out when Dante clubs one, but they're a low heat meant to cause an uncomfortable heatstroke. This ironically may work better on Dante than just shooting him, but it's also not as effective as it would be on a normal human... especially when one of them gets the rifle shot out of their hands! "HEY! Backup we need backup and tasers!"

    While they're calling for backup, Dante's big mess out front has given Jessica the chance she needs to dash into the entrance unseen by those guards. Sadly there are two inside who immediately draw pistols. "We've got a Terran here!" one calls. There's a reception desk whose occupant is immediately ducking under it, and a few side doors. It's a nice-looking place!
    Uh oh. Attention! That's not good. Well, it is good, but not the way she's getting it! Jessica still has her pistol though, and the guards seem to know what she is. Have they seen what Terran firearms can do, though? She snaps off two shots, aiming at something solid like a pillar or decoration that can be blown apart... something to keep their heads down while she picks a door that looks important and busts through, shooting the lock if she has to!
    "You need more than that." Dante says, headbutting one of the goons. He delivers a push-kick to boot him away. The burning sensation is pretty annoying, but Dante's pushing through it. Blasting away at the rifles to disable them, he follows Jessica in, dashing through and kicking a chair into the air toward the two guards. He opens fire with Ebony, blasting it to bits in one shot and causing a hailstorm of shrapnel. Hopefully the receptionist is hiding someplace nice and sturdy.
    The desk is pretty sturdy, thankfully. Though there's quite a lot of shrapnel, and the elevator opens to a storm of other guards pouring out. The ones that were out front are still picking themselves up, but these are armed with tasers, and other ionic weapons that blast out crackling arcs to try to stun people. However, once Dante breaks out the guns, the guards with pistols start to fire... after taking cover from Jessica's shots that utterly shatter a decorative pillar of stone with the powerful originium shots.

    While the armed security starts shooting back at Dante - now including some shots of lethal force - Jessica blows through the door's lock and busts into a small area of offices and meeting rooms. Probably nothing important, but there are palmtop computers, storage, and other office gear in here.
    Dante could've sworn he took a few bullets. Catching one in his teeth, he spits it back just to the side of someone's head. He rushes one of the guards sporting a taser, and steals it right out of his hands before zapping that guard asleep. "Just grab whatever, I got these guys!" He calls out to Jessica, before he pistol-whips a guard.

    This would've been so much quicker if he could shoot people. Oh well.
    "I know, I know!" Jessica is rummaging through the offices quickly, before finding a datapad-like device. That looks like it could look important! She grabs it up, then busts out of the room, shooting a DIFFERENT decorative pillar a few times and shouting loudly, "I HAVE THE DATA LET'S GO!"

    Gotta make a big scene, yeah? The normally-shy catgirl is definitely more in her element mid-ops.
    "GET THEM! They're getting away!" The guards are rushing, though a few stop to check on the one that Dante stunned. If it's a distraction that was needed, alarms are blaring all right, shots are firing, and some are zinging a bit too close to Jessica for comfort. Dante might even take a hit! It's utter chaos in the lobby right now, especially when the pillar just crumbles over and causes more confusion as they aren't sure if it's load-bearing or not!

    Then the pursuit stops. "No! This is a diversion, there's a group upstairs!" The shots taper off, and the guards are regrouping to figure out what's really going on. Looks like Group B was successful, so... mission accomplished?
    Dante grunts as he feels a stinging sensation. DId he just get tagged with one of those stun guns? In any case, he opens fire to cover Jessica, only moving towards the exit when she says they're good to go. Once the guards cotton on, Dante begins to bail with Jessica, covering her with some last shots, then runs after her.

    THis went way smoother than he expected.