World Tree MUSH

Visiting the paradise of Alola.

Character Pose
     Miwa decides that today is as good as any to go through with her offer to bring Bewul to visit her home world, or more specifically, the island where she lives. After meeting in the serene branches of the World Tree, Miwa leads Bewul toward the portal that leads to the part of her world she calls home. On the other side, the portal drops them onto a sandy beach which was mostly empty due to it being early morning. There was something different about this beach though, the sand was black as coal. Looking out into the ocean, there were several small islands just off the coast of the main island, protected from the harsh ocean by a barrier of large rocks further out. Even further on the horizon, one could just barely make out the next major island in the chain. 

     Looking in the other direction the beaches gave way to grassy fields and patches of forest, with a few homes visible in the distance. The large volcanic mountain in the center of the island though, dominated the view. With a smile, she turns to Bewul to see his initial reaction. "Welcome to Ula'ula Island. This is the quieter side of the island, there is a city on the other side, while further out to sea in front of us, among the little islands, there is a small grotto where I've been living as of late."
     The digimon seems a bit nervous when going through the portal, just excitement over visiting a new world!. He seems to decide he wants to be on his larger form for the moment! And thus, the lanky fox with a snout that is larger than it should, stands right next to the big seal mermaid!. He seems stunned by the sight of the beach, his four paws kneading on the black sand curiously, curling and digging into it, as if it was a brand new thing for him!. He glances at the sea, "Is this a beach?" he asks curiously, in a soft, awed tone, ears perked.

    After a moment, he begins to wag his tail and pads closer to the sea, dipping his paw on the water, looking a bit like a puppy. "Never been to a beach before." he finally admits, turning around to look at Miwa, and the lovely fields and forest. "It's a really beautiful island." he says happily, before returning to Miwa's side, "I really like this place."
     Miwa can't help but giggle as Bewul asks if they are on a beach. "You've never been to a beach before? Well, then I guess the special black sand this one has is lost on you. It's because it's made up of ground down rocks from the volcano behind me. Most beaches are yellow or white, but here there are even some that have a sort of gold-ish green sand. Anyway, enough about sand, since you're my guest, I'll let you decide what we should do first. I can show you my home and get something to eat, I can take you for a swim and show you some other Pokemon, or we can just have some fun playing at the beach. Or if you have another idea, feel free to make it known."
     The big fox seems rather cublike, running around the dark sand for a moment, before listening to the explanation, "Yeah... never been to one, I mean, on the level of my digital world there are no beaches, and there were none in that human city I was either." he explains, long tail wagging rapidly as he brushes against the big seal's side. "Playing or swimming sounds good, we can eat a snack later." he says with a grin.
     Miwa grins happily as she watches Bewul run around the beach like an excited puppy. "Well, lots of people come to beaches to swim in the ocean, collect sea shells, make castles out of sand, or even just lay in the sand, basking in the warm sun. Speaking of sand castles though, be careful if you see one with a shovel or something similar sticking out of the top... That would most likely be the ghost/ground type Pokemon Sandygast, or its bigger evolved form, Palossand. They aren't terribly friendly, and if you grab their shovel, you fall under their control." She warns as she slowly walks out into the breaking surf and lays in the sand, relaxing as the waves wash over her. 

     After a few moments pause, she looks back to Bewul. "I have a question that's been tugging at my curiosity. Here Pokemon sometimes fight in the wild, but those who have joined with trainers are often seen battling with each other to see who is stronger. Though some lean more towards less violent 'contests' which are mostly about who can put on the best show using their abilities along with dancing and even costumes. Is there anything like that where you come from? Do tamers fight with each other at all?"
Bewul nods a bit adn tilts his head, "So a sand creature!, neat!" he seems utterly non plussed at the idea of sentient sand, "I don't think there are digimons like that, but I have a friend that is made of plastic blocks." he says, "But, he does not mind it much if people play, as long as they ask, and don't lose any." he says with a chuckle, stretching a bit and watching what the seal mermaid was doing. 
     He seems to busy himself by digging and trying to make some kind of sand mound at first, before stretching, "What kidn of things do you do to play around here, besides swimming I mean." he begins. The question seems to get his ears to splay, "Well, that can be a thing, it depends on the tamers... it can be a bit dangerous, especially for the humans." he muses, "But we try to keep them out of danger." he replies. The description of a contest gets his attention, "Oh, that soudns quite fun, but I don't think there had been anything like that near the place I lived." he muses. "Tamers sometimes do fight, either for training or even for bets."
     Miwa smiles as she watches Bewul play in the sand. She decides to answer his question about what things you do around here, before continuing with the subject of battling. "Well, sometimes I look for pretty shells or pieces of sea glass, though since it's a lot easier for me to move around in the water, I usually look below the surface just a bit off shore. Some people do the same thing on the beach. I once helped a little boy make a really big sand castle. Sometimes I sing, whether or not anyone is here to hear it. Some people go fishing for Pokemon or do casual battles on the beach." 

     "Speaking of that, it's sort of why I asked you about whether Digimon do battle against each other. You see, now that I'm on my own, I think I might need to defend myself sometimes, and though I have some abilities that could be used as attacks, I've really only used them for decorative purposes in my performances. I guess what I'm saying is I think I need some practice and training."
     The big fox seems quite happy to be on the beach, wriggling on his back on the ebon sand and kicking around some more, gathering some of the displaced sand in a mound and trying to mold it into a castle, while he hears the explanation. "All of that sounds fun, I like shiny and pretty things, so maybe I can help." he says, "I am not that great at diving tho" he adds, "You have a pretty voice." he adds as a random remark. 
     The mention of battling gets his attention, "Well, I like to think I am ok at battling, especially in this form, so if you need any help, or even someone to spar or try things with, I am your digimon." he boasts, long tail twitching.
     Miwa nods and sits up on her tail, watching Bewul make a sand castle. She's happy to hear that Bewul is willing to help her learn how to fight better. "Well, maybe we could spar in a bit, maybe after you're done with your sand castle if you're up for it, might even be fun." She says with a smile. Also if you like pretty things, you'll have to check out my collection at my home later when we take a break for lunch. 

     For now, she decides to put on a little show for Bewul. She begins to sing a nice song about the ocean. It's technically a lullaby, but she increases the tempo a bit to liven it up some. As she sings, orbs of water begin to rise from the water at the end of the beach, they take on different shapes like stars and sea shells, and even a few smaller Pokemon as they rise into the sky before eventually exploding into a shower of mist that sparkles in the morning sun, only to be replaced by more rising water shapes as the cycle continues through to the end of the song.
     The fox tries to do something with the sand, managing some weird mounds and trying to make the walls, but claws are not the best tools for it. He pauses as he hears that singing voice and splays his ears, glancing between the big mermaid seal, and the very pretty display on the edge of the water, getting up, and moving to inspect the different bubbles, poking his nose against one and smiling, "This is really nice, no wonder you were in shows." he says softly, tail trashing behind him again, sending black sand flying as he sits down until the song ends, "That was amazing." he cheers, paws kneading on the sand. "Thank you." he says, smiling, "I think I'm done with the sand castle for now."
     Miwa does take notice when Bewul stops working on his sand castle to watch her little performance, but you wouldn't know it, as she stays laser focused on her singing and the accompanying control of the water rising from the ocean. When the song is over and she hears Bewul's praise for how good it was, she does blush a little. 

     She rises up to fully stand on her rear flippers, taking a bow before lowering herself back down to sit up on her tail in the sand. "Thank you, thank you." She says with a smile. "Any Primarina can sing and control the water, but I'm really good at shaping the orbs of water into different things, and as far as I know, the only Primarina who can sing with words." She pauses a moment before changing the subject. "So, would you like to have a spar? We can have lunch first if you prefer."
Bewul waits until the song is over, and all the water forms fade away, his ears splayed still, before he slowly turns around, wagging even faster. "So your kind doesn't speak normally?" he asks curiously, getting up and shaking a bit to dislodge that sand from his rump if he can. "That's an amazing ability." he says, "I wish I had any flashy power like that." he replies with a little chuckle. 
    He seems to consider the question, before he shakes his head, "I think we should spar now and then have lunch, I tend to burn my energy quickly when I am active, even staying like this is a bit hard, but trying to get used to this form." he explains.
     Miwa shakes her head at his question. Most Pokemon can understand a bit of what humans are saying to them, but can't talk. Some can speak using telepathy, and there have been Ghost types that have possessed people and spoke through the possessed human's body, but there have been a few very rare cases of a Pokemon learning to actually speak with their own voice. I don't think all Pokemon even have the vocal ability required, but for me, being a Pokemon who can sing, that gave me a bit of an advantage there, though it still was a lot of work to learn, taking years to get to where I am now." She explains before turning to face Bewul. 

     After a moment of thought, she decides if she is trying to learn to defend herself, maybe he should attack first. "Anyway, if you want to spar first, I guess we can get started now. Why don't you try attacking me first, I want to see how well I can do as it is now. You don't really need to hold back anything either, since there is a Pokemon Center just up the road, if you beat me up too bad, they can patch me up like new." She says with a slightly nervous chuckle, wondering what Bewul was actually capable of.
     Bewul tilts hsi head and nods, he does not seem too freaked out at the mention of ghosts, "Huh, interesting, most of my kind can speak normally." he mentions, still shaking black sand from his fur and the 'belts', "Ugh, the sand is getting into them." he says with a chuckle, "Still, sounds like you worked really hard to be able to speak." he says with a 'grin'. 
     The big fox thing slowly paces around the soft sand, listening curiously, "I still would prefer not to send you to one of those." he muses, "But if you are really sure... I won't use my other form for this, just this one.". He decides to start 'easy' regardless!. "Then, here I come!" the fox yips, before opening that long maw wide, "Blast coffin!" he somehow yips, before a dark purple blast of energy fires from his muzzle towards the mermaid pokemon.
     Miwa nods. "Even after first learning to speak, I've continued to work hard to speak better and expand my vocabulary because it would make me a better singer, and allow me to write my own songs, not to mention better communicate with humans." She adds to her explanation, then gets ready to fight Bewul, hoping she wasn't biting off more than she can chew, she didn't want to end up in the Pokemon hospital either if it could be avoided. Would kind of put a damper in their lunch plans. When his attack came, she quickly tried to duck under it, flattening her body against the sand as best she could while shielding her head with her front flippers. 

     The blast still grazed her, ruffling her hair, creating a small tear in the fin on her head, and she felt some pain in her flippers. She pushed through though, rising up again and firing back with Ice Beam. What appears something like bright blue lightning fires from her mouth, freezing anything it touches in a layer of ice.
      The digimon seems glad the attack was dodged, ears splaying for a moment, he had no real idea of how strong his friend was, and was afraid he might hurt her!. He flicks his tail in a short lived wag as he sees the attack, growling softly and trying to jump aside!, he dodges for the most part, except for his tail, which ends partially covered in ice, thankfully, said limb is mostly fur, so it is not a dangerous situation, but it does affect his balance somewhat!. "Cold!" he yips, his tail going limp with a 'thunk' as it bumps on the ground, trying to wag it again. "Good move!" he praises, before he begins to charge towards her!.
     Miwa watches as Bewul dodges most of her attack also. She smiles as he compliments her move, nodding and adding. "You too." Before preparing for his next attack. As he began to charge at her, she could tell by his gait that his balance was a little off. She didn't try to move out of the way this time, instead, she would stand her ground, waiting for a moment where he was close enough, at which point she would use Pound, striking downward with both of her flippers at the same time.
     The fox seems to growl and rush even faster, that darn tail thumping around as he tries to keep steady!. He suddenly jumps forward, flashing those wicked claws of him, slashing ahead, "Snipe Steal!" he yaps loudly. He seems to swing slowly, and miss by a mile really. Then Miwa's hair comes suddenly loose and he is holding those pearls in his muzzle, when did he even pick them up?. "Hah I..." then he gets bonked by pound and dunked to the sand, "Ow."
     Miwa feels her hair fall loose across her back and looks around a moment, wondering what happened to her pearls, having missed seeing them in Bewul's mouth before she pounded him with her flippers. This will probably give him a chance to get away. "Hey! What did you do with the pearls in my hair?" She questions, still looking around the beach as she tries to figure out what happened just now. It seems they are important, as she's more interested in finding them than continuing to fight.
     The fox grumbles and shakes his head, slowly picking himself up, the pearls dangling from his jaws, "I got them." he says, sitting up and waiting for her to look at them, "I didn't know they were that important, I was just playing around." he replies. "I'm very swift with my paws." he explains, wobbling the claws in the air and juggling a seashell somehow. He seems to be sitting upright, all four paws on the ground, but each time the shell threatens to hit the ground, it's sent up with a soft 'thunk'. If miwa looks down, might notice a hint of movement on a paw. "It's good for disarming people.".
     Miwa blinks a bit as Bewul gets up and the pearls are in his jaws. Finally she laughs a little. "You really are fast. I didn't even see you move even close to where you would have had to be to take them, I just saw you charging toward me the whole time. But yes they are important as I've had them ever since I evolved, and finding replacements would not be easy. I just wanted to be sure they weren't lost. That move does seem like it would be very useful. Anyway for now, do you want to keep going? Or stop and get something to eat?"
     The fox keeps juggling the small seashell, seemingly without moving, and offers the pearls back to the water pokemon, "I apologize, was just being a bit silly, testing your reactions." he replies casually, frozen tail giving a few twitches, causing his rump to wobble. "It can be fun to use." he admits, "I am good at juggling." he replies with a grin. 
    The fox considers for a moment, "Perhaps a little pause for food and some fun?, you hit really hard." he says with a chuckle.
     Miwa nods and smiles a bit, accepting the pearls and fixing her hair back the way it was. "It's alright, honestly since I didn't see you even move to take them, I had been worried that something else had swooped behind me and snatched them while we were sparring." She said in an attempt to show that she wasn't at all mad at him. "Primarina aren't exactly known for their speed, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you're faster than me, but I think you might even be a good match for a Jolteon with a swift move like that. It's an electric type that evolves from a fox-like Pokemon called Eevee. But anyway, before I ramble too much, lets get something to eat." 

     She makes her way back to the water, and wades in till her tail is submerged and looks back to Bewul. "Hmm, do you think you could climb on my back and hold onto my waist?"
     The fox looks at the seal with a smile, trying to wag, more 'thunk' noises from the frozen tailcycle twitching behind him. In the end he nods at the explanation and grins, "Sounds cool." he rumbles, slowly following her to the edge of the water, and blinking a few times at the mention of climbing, "I might be a bit biii... oh wait.". He seems to get a sudden realization moment, as he suddenly glows brightly, and returns to his gabumon form, the pelt wearing lizard chuckling, "I think I can manage now." he muses, splashing into the water, his tailtip oddly frozen still! He ends up trying to climb on the seal and hold carefully, as if a bit nervous.
     Looking back and seeing that Bewul's tail was still frozen, she blushes a bit. "Oh, sorry, let me fix that." She says before a stream of warm water comes from her mouth toward Bewul's tail, melting the ice in a few moments. "If I ever find the right TM, I could learn Scald, making that hot enough to burn, but for this purpose, warm enough to melt ice is good enough." She says with a grin as he climbs onto her back. 

     "Be sure to hold on tight, don't want you falling off." She warns before pushing off against the sand with her tail, then beginning to swim out from the shore towards the small islands. As she swims from the shallows into the deeper ocean, she does a very good job keeping everything more than a bit above her waist above the water, having done this with humans as part of a performance sometimes.

     Turning her head to look back at Bewul, she asks how he's doing. "How's this? You're not the first I've given a ride like this, honestly, you're smaller and lighter than the woman in the theatre troupe who I'd do this with in shows, though, not for as long as this. Just a bit further and we'll be there. You ok with holding your breath for a few seconds? The entrance to the grotto where I live is underwater, but inside there is air and places to sit above the water."
     The small digimon holds firmly to the waist of the 'mermaid', wagging his tail happily and simply admiring the massive body of water he was being carried through, "Thanks for that, it's fine, I am sure it would have melted away on it's own anyway." he begins, before tiltin ghis head, "Spitting water like that must be quite handy." he says with a happy rumbling noise. "As long as you don't get tired of carrying me around, I don't mind how long it takes." he says contently. 
     The Gabumon turns his attention to the approahcing islands, ears perked up, "Can't wait to see it." he says with a grin, wagging a bit faster the closer they get. "I think so, sure!" he replies, "Just tell me when and I'll do it."
     Miwa grins a bit at Bewul being happy to be carried around as long as she doesn't get tired. "In that case, we could probably go to the other side of the island, or maybe even the next island entirely before I'd really need a rest." She says with a chuckle. "As for spitting water, it really is useful, even if it's a pretty standard water type ability. Some of the strongest can send out a blast with such high pressure that the stream of water can cut steel. I'm not quite on that level of strength, but maybe if I train hard enough, one day I can manage a Hydro Pump attack with that much power." She explains as they are now getting close to one of the small islands. 

     "Ok, right here, take a deep breath!" She says to Bewul, taking a sharp breath herself and waiting till she hears Bewul do the same before diving under the water. Moments later she would emerge inside a small cave with a running up to a flat rocky area along the edge. Above, there was a break in the roof of the cave, allowing sunlight to shine in from above. Miwa carefully slides up onto the smooth stone beside the pool, and curls her tail under her for balance as she waits for Bewul to get down. Inside the grotto, there is a small cooler, and another plastic tub next to it where she keeps her food. Otherwise the whole cave is decorated with shells and pieces of sea glass in all different shapes and sizes.
The digimon grins and pats the side of the water type as he hears about that water move, "I am sure you will, you seem pretty strong!" he praises, chirping happily as he even bounces a bit, making sure to hold on tight. "That sounds pretty strong, for sure." he adds, glancing at the islands and nodding at the warning. 
     He takes a deep, exaggerated breath, he looks kind of cute with his cheeks puffed up, clutching tightly and closing his eyes!. He remains holding his breath and still even as they come to a stop, waiting a few more seconds, before opening one eye to peek and finally exhaling, "That was fun." he says happily, carefully sliding down the lovely 'mermaid' and admiring the cave, "Thank you for the ride." he says, before moving towards the lovely shells and sea glass collection.
     Miwa smiles as Bewul pats her on the side and tells her that she seems pretty strong. "Thanks, maybe that day will come sooner than I think. I sure did better in our spar than I expected. Maybe I'm not as unprepared for a fight as I thought I was. Of course, when it comes to self defense, there is always room to become better, at least that's what I saw in an add for a martial arts dojo." She says with a giggle. "You were pretty strong too! That first blast you made sure seemed to pack a wallop, I'm glad I was quick enough to avoid most of it." She compliments Bewul as she moves over to start getting lunch out. 

     From the plastic tub, she pulls two bags. One was full of sandwiches, the other malasadas, a donut-like pastry popular in the Alola region. She pulls a couple of sandwiches out for herself, which were made with a Pokemon food customized for her specifically by a local shop. The rest of the sandwiches were assorted, different kinds of meats, some vegetables, and one filled with local berries. "I hope you like sandwiches. I wasn't sure what you would like, so I got a little of everything." She says as she offers the bag to Bewul. She then blinks a bit. "Oh! Almost forgot the drinks." She turns around and opens the cooler, pulling out two bottles of pineapple juice. She hands one to Bewul. "This is fresh from a pineapple grove on the island. It's the best!"
Bewul rubs the back of his head, "If you thought that was strong, you should see what my other form can do... it is quite tiring so I can't really do it very often, at least for now, but I think a little display later can't hurt." he says with a grin. The digimon admires the seashells for a moment, not noticing the lunch at first!, it takes her offer to rush around, and reaching for the meat sandwiches, grabbing a random one, "Thank you, they smell amazing." he offers with a bright grin, even taking a small bite, and reaching for the bottle, the small digimon sniffing, "I never had pineapple, but I am sure it'll be great." he says cheerfully, taking another bite of the food and gulping it, "What are you eating?"
     "Oh, so you're a lot stronger in your other form, but it wears you out faster? Interesting, guess it makes sense though. Is there a way you can increase your endurance and be able to stay in your stronger form for longer?" Miwa asks curiously before taking a few bites out of her sandwich and washing it down with a gulp of the juice. At the question of what she is eating, she smiles, appreciating his curiousity. 

     "Well, it's a sandwich like yours, but the ones I got you are actually the kinds that humans around here eat, though I've certainly also seen Pokemon eat them too. The sandwich shop I got them from also makes sandwiches specifically for different Pokemon. The one they make for Primarina has a mixture of fish and crab, though mine also has sliced cheese and Tamato berry, adding a little spicyness to the flavor." Then, having noticed him admiring the shells and sea glass, she adds one more thing. "I saw that you seem to like my collection, so I think after lunch, you should pick any two pieces from this cave, and you can take them home with you."
Bewul nods a few times, "I see, makes sense, you are differnt from humans, so you might eat other stuff" he replies, before chuckling, "I think for the most part we eat the same as the humans... or at least, our food is just fine for humans, I mean digimon food." he replies, finishing the one sandwich with a couple hungry bites. "Indeed, I am trying to work on that... that's why I was a fangmon earlier. I need to get used to the strain of even holding a form, before I can learn to do more... difficult things with it, I am pretty used to Fangmon, but it still takes a bit out of me." he says softly, his tail twitching slowly. "It makes me really hungry." he says with a little chuckle. 
     He seems to perk at the mention of spicyness, "I like spicy, sometime I should try that berry thing." he says with a chuckle, his gaze turning to the collection nearby, "It is really pretty... thank you." he says happily, "I can't wait to show you my home and perhaps for you to meet some digimon."
     Miwa nods and chuckles a bit. "So I made a good guess in getting you sandwiches off the human menu. I'm glad. Of course, in my travels, I've eaten my share of human food too, but of course, food that is designed for my nutritional needs is obviously better for me, and while there are some human foods I like, such as what I got us for dessert, I find the food this shop prepares for me quite delicious. Speaking of which though..." She turns and grabs the bag of malasadas, and offers a couple to Bewul. "These are very good. They are coated in cinnamon and sugar." She says before grabbing one for herself and taking a bite out of it. 

     "Back to your stronger form, if there is anything I can do to help you with getting better with it, definately let me know. Friends should help each other get stronger right?" She asks as she leans back against the wall of the cave, relaxing a bit. At the mention of visiting Bewul's world and meeting some more Digimon, she perks up again and smiles. "I'm so excited for that. Though I should show you some more Pokemon too before you go."
Bewul smiles and finishes the sandwich with a happy growl, and then another one!, seems he did feel a bit hungry, "Great food, Miwa." he says happily, wagging his lizard tail slowly, licking his lips. The offered delicious, sugary treat is enjoyed as well, his muzzle, and the muzzle of the fur coat covered with sugar and cinnamon! messy. 
     The question about his form makes him nod, "I'd appreciate that." he says with a grin, "It is just trying to get used to the effort... to increase my endurance." he explains, twitching his tail, "I can potentially even get stronger than that but... that's something to dream about at this point." he chuckles. "I can barely fight in that form, anything harder and I don't know what might happen.".
     He grins, "Most digimon I know are small like me, but i do know a couple bigger ones, or strong ones!. I know a particularly strong one, but he is supposed to remain on his region at all times, so if I want to see him I need to travel there.".
     The mention of other pokemon gets his attention, "I'd love to meet your friends." he begins, "Are they friendly like you are?, anything I should be aware?"
     Miwa doesn't fare much better in eating the malasada, the area around her mouth and the front of her body getting a dusting of cinamon and sugar. "These things really are as messy as they are delicious." She says with a laugh. The further explaination of how different forms work for Digimon makes her think for a moment. "That's really interesting. Can't really say I can relate to that much though. As far as temporary changes, some Pokemon change forms due to the weather, or other environmental effects, and there is Mega Evolution, but I can do neither of these, and the latter requires a trainer, and a special pair of stones, one which the Pokemon holds or wears, the other is kept by the trainer." 

     Speaking of small though, another Pokemon comes to join them, likely having heard the pair talking. It looks like a dark blue sea lion with a light blue frill around it's neck, it also has teardrop shaped ears, a white muzzle ending in a pink nose, similar to Miwa's. Miwa grins a bit seeing him as she looks back to Bewul. "Well, it seems the Pokemon come to us! This is a Popplio who has been getting rather friendly with me since I started living here. Might be because I feed him, and the fact that we're from the same evolutionary family. Yup, this is what I looked like when I was young, before I evolved even once." She offers the Popplio some of the remaining sandwiches and malasadas, which he happily begins munching on.
     The Gabumon chuckles, "At least I guess I can wash up with the water." he says happily, amused by her own mess, and reaching to finish that pineapple drink, rumbling loudly, "Indeed, might have to get some to take home." he says softly. The mention of trainers and some special details gets his ears to perk up, and then to fall down, "Y-yeah... there is stuff like that on my world... digimon paired with humans that can do amazing things... but not many digimon are lucky to find such a human partner." 
     He turns around as he notices a visitor, taking the chance to drop that subject and instead wag his tail, offering a wave with a messy paw, "Hi there." he says softly, tilting his head, "Nice to meet you, I am Bewul." he says gently, "Glad to meet a friend of Miwa." he says gently, "You look cute." he praises, either directly to the Popplio, or more as a compliment to Miwa.
     Miwa nods and moves towards the water's edge to rinse off the mess before looking back and smiling at Bewul as he introduces himself to the Popplio. The little water type claps his flippers happily and excitedly exclaims "Pop! Popplio!" He then playfully uses Bubblebeam on Bewul, showering him with little bubbles of water. Miwa laughs as she watches. "I think he likes you. I haven't really had any visitors here besides you and a few local Pokemon. I guess he's happy to see someone new. To answer your question from before, most of the Pokemon around here are not unfriendly, with a few excpetions, but they're all wild, so Popplio here is more friendly than most I would say. Though, I guess that's pretty normal for the species anyway."
Bewul tilts his head as he is splashed by the bubbles, chuckling and playfully covering his eyes, "He is really nice." he says, before shaking himself and moving closer to gently pat his head, "Do you understand what he says?" he asks curiously, "Thanks for the water." he tells the little guy. The mention of being careful and visitor nods, "That sounds similar to the situation back at home." he admits, "At least I am glad to hear about how you feel they won't be dangerous."
     "Yeah, he is being rather playful, he never quite did that with me, but like I said, I think he likes you. It's probably partly due to curiosity. He basically said hello, and also that you are a strange Pokemon." Miwa explains, as Popplio begins to move toward the water. Before jumping in, he turns to Bewul and Miwa and waves a flipper. "Popli Pop!" He says before jumping in the water and swimming away. Miwa waves back and smiles as she turns back to Bewul. "Well, that was goodbye, guess he had to go somewhere. What would you like to do now? Go see more Pokemon, spar some more, relax on the beach and watch the sunset?"
     The Gabumon smiles to the smaller guy and makes sure to wave as the seal dived away, "Take care!" he says, chuckling still at being called strange, "That I am." he says gently, turning back to Miwa afterwards, and moving close to lean on the bigger water type, "I figured that from context." he adds playfully. The question of what to do makes him rub his chin, "Perhaps we can meet another pokemon and relax on the beach afterwards?" he asks.
     Miwa grins at Bewul and sticks her tongue out playfully. "Figured that out huh, I guess it wasn't hard." She laughs, reaching over to gently pet the Gabumon's back with one flipper as he leans on her. "Sure thing! I can take you for another ride, and we can go a bit further this time." She offers before taking a moment to clean up after their lunch, then moving back to the edge of the stone platform by the water. "If you're ready to go, climb on like before." She offers happily with a smile.