World Tree MUSH

The Shadows' Favour

Character Pose
  It's evening over Snowpeak Garrison. The last tattered streamers of cloud are slowly losing the last of their colours. Behind them, a banner of stars has begun to unfurl across the dark of night, while a thin crescent moon picks out the snow in cold silver light.

With winter still raging strong in Peak Province, Snowpeak Garrison is the only proof against wind and weather. The hearths are still lit, and the kitchen fires are burning. Fire isn't a luxury up here; it's a survival skill, one Zelda's gotten pretty good at.

The evening finds Zelda in the kitchen. It's spacious enough to feed a garrison of soldiers, and the remnants of its original outfitting suggests it was made for someone with a more aristocratic bent: Snowpeak's original architects, perhaps. Now, it feeds the kingdom's ragtag party of loyalists.

Their new guest hadn't lasted long on her feet after rescuing, and had made most of the trip back up the mountain slung across Lynel's saddle: The Sheikah woman hadn't fared too well after her jaunt up and down the mountain. Her idiot captors didn't know how to care for a captive, and they would have unwittingly brought Zant a corpse. The party really did save her life.

By Zelda's own definition, the Sheikah were an enigmatic people sworn to the service of the goddesses; more importantly, to explain her excitement about finding one, they have served the royal family since Hyrule's creation. Barring a few catastrophic betrayals, their loyalty is about as close to absolute as it comes.

So, now, the princess is perched atop a wooden footstool in front of a lit stove in Snowpeak's spacious kitchen, and the whole of the room is full of the smell of hearty vegetable soup. She's industriously stirring a giant cauldron, almost lost in the steam billowing from it, pausing every so often to dump seasoning into it, stir, and taste again. It smells delicious, so maybe Zelda isn't a lost cause as a cook?

An iron tea kettle hangs over the fire behind her, though it hasn't started to sing yet.
Yumi Tachibana
    It's a bit late for Yumi Tachibana to be coming out to Snowpeak, but that's never really stopped her before. Life in Natsuto has kept her busy, but concern over the recent rescue has been parked firmly in the back of her mind the entire time. So as soon as she had a free evening, she saddled up her bike and came riding on up as far as she could make it before the snow cover got too thick to navigate.

    After that, her transformed state is the best means to get up the rest of the mountain; it's little surprise that, when she hauls open the door to Snowpeak, the magical girl is also dissolving her armor in a shower of gold-white sparkles. "Zelda, it's Yumi~!" she calls out, brushing off what snow clings to her boots before proceeding. It doesn't take her long to smell the food or hear the busywork, and soon enough she's leaning in the kitchen door, sniff-sniffing away. "Wow, what is it? It smells amazing."
  Zelda twists at the sound of the voice, but not in alarm. It's a voice she knows well, and one that hasn't visited the garrison in some time. "Yumi Tachibana!" The bubbling of the cauldron's contents doesn't drown out her voice, but it does muffle it. "In here." Somewhere in the midst of all that steam.

"Soup." Zelda half-turns on her stool, smiling. "I was preparing some for our esteemed guest, but I made sure to prepare enough for everyone."

She reaches up, fetching a stoneware bowl and ladeling some in. It's handed off to Yumi. "Taste that? It's almost ready, but I'm still adjusting the seasoning a bit. That's not too sharp, is it...?"
Yumi Tachibana
    "Wow, I brought some canned goods but I guess you can save them for another night," Yumi exclaims, swinging her backpack off her shoulders. Her in a nutshell, really; adding more to the castle's stock of food than she'd eat, but at the same time easily defeated by the smell of food. The redhead pauses in her task of setting cans on the counter, reaching over to take the bowl carefully, and then takes a moment to just enjoy the smell before tasting it. ", it's perfect the way it is," she decides. "That's a really interesting flavor, I like it." She finishes her sample, then turns to rest against the counter for a moment. "So how's she doing, anyway?"
  "They'll be used," Zelda assures her friend, over her shoulder. "Non-perishables are always useful here, especially when the blizzards come. It isn't always possible to get down the mountain easily, and the nearest Vines aren't close enough for a situation like that."

The Hylian eyes the cauldron as Yumi delivers her verdict, seemingly skeptical, but after a beat she shrugs and starts ladling another serving into a bowl; doling out two bowls in total, because it smells too good for her not to have one, too. "You can find out for yourself, if you like. This is for her. Would you care to accompany me up? Oh, bring a few of those cans, if you please. I'll keep them close at hand... I plan on being up tonight. I'm convinced there must be something useful in this goddesses-forsaken library."

Climbing down from her stool, Zelda gathers up both bowls of soup. "In the meantime, our guest must be hungry." The princess beckons for Yumi to follow. There are stairs involved. Snowpeak Garrison is fortunately not a tower, so there aren't too many of them. "How have things in Natsuto been?" she asks over her shoulder, balancing both bowls of soup and trailing steam. "I'm afraid I haven't been able to pay much attention to matters beyond Hyrule, lately."
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi responds with an emphatic nod and a firm, "Sure." She takes a second or two to decide, then grabs a couple of canned soups and falls into step with Zelda. "If she's hungry, that's a pretty good sign." Unsurprisingly, her steps are steady and brisk as always, not at all bothered even after biking most of the way up the mountain. She's always been fairly athletic.

    But the question comes regarding Natsuto, and there's relief in her voice when she replies. "Peaceful," Yumi says. "No new youma recently. Elizabeth's out of town again, so I'm the only senshi in the city. But as slow as it's been, they apparently don't see a need for more than that, so... well, I'm on solo watch for a while I guess." She can sense youma pretty much anywhere within the city, so only the most cursory patrolling is usually needed.
  "I believe any signs at this point would be favourable," Zelda comments over her shoulder. She's left her hair loose; a quick toss of her head clears it from her face. "To be honest, I was surprised to meet with a live captive, and not a corpse. Winter in these mountains is a death sentence, and the Twilight Messengers are not well skilled in keeping prisoners alive." Her fleeting smile is bleak.

Her footsteps echo down the corridor, loud in spite of the dampening rugs. "Peaceful is good." The words are spoken quietly, but with feeling. She of all people knows that peace is good. "Well, take care that your visits here do not interfere with your duties. I would hate to think the wind and weather here responsible for keeping you from them in times of need." She snorts, lightly. "I will be glad of all this nonsense to be over, and to resume control of the castle. Then, it would be a simple matter to ensure that Vines are safe and freely accessible. To all," she clarifies.

The door is closed, so Zelda turns a little, nudging it open with a boot while balancing soup bowls.

It's a standard guest room inside, looking like any of the others: Writing desk, modest bookshelf, empty; bed, rug, hearth, heavy curtains drawn over the window. It's all very utilitarian, except that what was salvageable of the Sheikah's equipment is neatly packed in a corner.

The Sheikah herself is sitting up in the bed, with a throwing knife pinched by its blade between two fingers, poised to throw. Those blood-red eyes are deadly serious; only recognition stays her hand. The knife is tossed aside.

The Sheikah woman's complexion is odd: Pale as the snow, hair stark white naturally rather than through age. Her eyes, however, are blood-red, and they settle curiously on Yumi. She looks tired; exhausted, but her eyes are clear and she seems quite lucid.

"I am to be understanding you were having a part in my rescue." She bows her head to Yumi, as best she can. "You are having my gratitude... and the favour of the Shadow Folk, what few of us are remaining in Hyrule."
Yumi Tachibana
    Even when they're supposed to be bringing someone in alive, that person's chances of survival are dismal... it only makes Zant's control over the kingdom using the Messengers all the more unconscionable. Zelda won't need to ask how Yumi feels about it; even if she doesn't speak on the matter, her expression is clear as day. But the topic of Natsuto is good for moving on to less galling topics. "It's fine. I can always just transform before I head back down." Her strength and sturdiness alone would get a transformed Yumi safely off the mountain in a blizzard. With her magic, the cold holds little threat to her at all. "But I'll definitely be glad when I don't have to."

    As they approach the door, Yumi grows quieter. She hangs back for a second or two, waiting to make sure Zelda doesn't warn her off... and in doing so, spares herself the danger of a thrown knife. "Um. Hi?" the redhead offers, giving the Sheikah woman a hesitant wave. Only once the woman appears to have relaxed does she step into the room, responding to the greeting with a polite bow. "Yumi Tachibana. Rescue and protection are kind of what I do. Especially for Zelda's allies."
  For her part, Zelda settles into a chair near the hearth, beside a second empty chair. She sets her bowl aside and busies herself with poking the fire back into some semblance of life.

She hums, vaguely, at Yumi's assurance. "That much is true, but you and I will both be glad when that proves unnecessary. Castle Town and Hyrule Castle are not so cold. There will be snow, in winter, but not like..." The poker flicks to indicate the window, "...this."

"Hello," the Sheikah offers, pleasantly. Her voice is a bit reedy, but that seems more from her ordeals than anything else. "I am glad to be meeting you during less exciting times. Well, I am being grateful you were being there, all the same, yes? I am owing you a favour. What and when, those are being your terms, Yumi Tachibana, but know that they will be there, when you are needing them."

"I am being Loremaster Yalai." There is an almost imperceptible pause before the title, as though she weren't quite used to it. "Of course, if that is being any easier, call me Yalai. We of the Shadow Folk are being an ancient part of Hyrule's history, yes?"

She pauses to empty half her soup bowl. Apparently she really was hungry.

"We are dealing in secrets as most are dealing in silver. Since ancient times we have been serving the royal family directly; answering to the royal women, yes? We serve also the Author of Law; the Goddess Nayru." Those red eyes settle on Yumi, calm like still water once more. "We are serving the royal family directly... and now that we are knowing that they yet live..."

Her smile is subtle, but somehow also subtly nasty. It says pretty much everything it needs to say about the whole Zant situation. "Well. If Her Royal Highness is having allies like you, perhaps all is not being lost, yes?"
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi settles herself into the chair beside Zelda, then passes over the cans she's carrying before folding hands in her lap. "I'll keep that in mind, thank you." She always feels a little hesitant to call in favors from other people like that, but at the same time, she knows it's important to the Sheikah woman.

    "It's a pleasure to meet you, Yalai." Yumi's smile is warm, the introduction met with a respectful nod. "It's the same on my end - knowing another servant of the royal family was out there was a piece of good news we desperately needed, I'm glad you're recovering well." The praise has her fidgeting, just a touch bashful. "I'm a solid front-line fighter, but neither my powers nor my temperament are really suited towards stealth and subterfuge. There's a lot of bases I can't cover, so having you here bolsters us quite a bit."
  The princess stows her soup bowl just long enough to grab a handful of cans, stuffing them into the empty bookcase shelves. They might just come in handy in the event of another blizzard. Which... it's snowpeak. It'll happen.

Chances are pretty good that Zelda is thoroughly sick of snow by now.

"You find yourself in possession of a rare and precious thing, Yumi Tachibana." Zelda's voice is soft. "While we have only stories of the Shadow Folk, their word is as much if not more binding than any Hylian's. Yes," she adds, calm and serious, "even mine."

"You were saving my life," Yalai points out, between mouthfuls of soup. Delicious! "It is being the least I can be doing. Just be keeping that in mind." She pauses, setting aside her bowl and fumbling through her things on the end table, before tossing one of her throwing knives to the floor. It seems a careless gesture, but it's one of care.

The knife skitters toward Yumi and comes to rest with the hilt facing her; an elegant weapon, slim as a needle, without the dramatic shape or flair of a kunai. Swift and silent. "Take this. Be keeping it with you, always. Perhaps after you are calling in your favour, I will be taking it back."

"In the meantime... thank you, yes? It is good to be recovering." The Sheikah frowns, before laughing softly. "That is not being my way. We of the Sheikah tribe are belonging to the shadows. We are using them: When we are having quarry... they are not finding us." There's a short pause. "Except this time," she concedes, with a sigh.

"Still, it is good things turned out fortunate, this time." Zelda peers at the Sheikah over the rim of her soup bowl, and tilts her head faintly. "Yumi Tachibana is correct. We needed some good news, and it was better than I had hoped it would be. Your skills may be useful to us, Loremaster; very useful indeed."
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi leans down and snatches up the knife, her movement smooth; the grip she takes on it for a second or two suggests the weapon skills that Zelda already knows quite well. "I can work with that," she replies, adopting a playful smile. Setting the knife down near her chair, the girl adds, "And that's good to know. Likewise, if you need heavy firepower, you know who to call. Pretty literally, in fact - my natural element is 'sun', which means light, heat and fire. I'm a close-range powerhouse. I'm up here pretty regularly, so if you make any plans going forward, you can consider me available as an asset." Pause. " you have any favorite kinds of candy? It's kind of become a tradition of mine."