World Tree MUSH

You Meet the Darndest People in Airports

Character Pose
Lian Kamoya
    Some inter-world trips through the Tree take strange, circuitous routes. Traveling from one sci-fi realm to another can take you through a 21st-century metropolis, around the outskirts of a lifeless wasteland... or straight into the heart of an elven forest.

    Lian can't say she minds. It's a beautiful place.

    Accustomed to travelers passing through, this particular elven town has adapted quite well to the Vine opening up into their midst. They have a bustling airship port that offers regular service to another town not far away, where another Vine leads offworld to a much more familiar sort of world for those accustomed to starships and blasters.

    The older Jedi is following her instincts in that general direction; but she's quietly glad of the chance to stay here and wait for the next airship flight. This place is beautiful - both to her eyes, and to her other senses. A vibrant forest, serene and majestic, stretches out to the horizon from beneath the airshi platform and the Force here absolutely thrums with life, with vigor.

    She could stay here for days, quite happily, but it shouldn't be nearly that long. Almost a shame.

    To others present, she could almost be a traveler from this world. A billowing, dark brown traveler's cloak; underneath, a sleeveless tunic, trousers and boots, all in shades of brown and tan. Over her left shoulder, she carries a traveling bag, and in her right hand, a walking stick a hair taller than she is, with a somewhat gnarled top end. To the eye, she doesn't stand out much at all.

    But to a certain child, she probably seems positively luminous. A calm, serene beacon, gently shining in the Force.
The Mandalorian
    A fantasy world is a great place to lay low. Between Imperial remnants and now The First Order being quite unhappy with his track record, a certain Mandalorian is here. Having payed the docking fee for the Razor Crest for the next couple of days to hunker down, re-supply and repair a bit The Mandalorian and The Child are doing what they try to do best and inevitably fail at.
    Keep their heads down.
    For the record, even in an elven fantasy city a man in gleaming beskar armor sticks out like a sore thumb. Especially with the small green youngling at his side.
    he youngling that is... Approaching some random stranger lady.
    He can sense her. He can sense her in the Force, and his natural curiosity draws him away from the beskar-clad bounty hunter's side to approach and stare right up at Lian, burbling softly.
    It is less than a moment later that his guardian appears, having swiftly noticed his ward missing.
    "No. No." He says firmly. "What did I tell you about wandering off and bothering people?"
    Probably a lot, but younglings tend to do as they please anyway.
Lian Kamoya
    The youngling's slow approach draws the woman's attention, even before he's come close enough for his soft vocalizations to be audible. She cants her head slightly, far enough to get a look behind herself - and then turns more fully, regarding the little child with a curious eye. "Well hello there, little one," she greets, a note of surprise mixed in with quite a good bit of warmth. Without so much as batting an eye, she crouches down, letting her staff rest on the ground and folding her arms across her knees.

    Of course, this leads to her having to crane her neck back a bit to get a good look at the child's guardian. "Oh, it's quite all right. When you get on in years, being approached by a youngling like this is a welcome diversion."
The Mandalorian
    A welcome diversion, huh?
    Nevertheless, The Mandalorian has caught his wayward ward, reaching down to scruff The Child gently and hoist him into the crook of an arm as that T-shaped visor stares impassively at the woman that the youngling seems so damned interested in.
    Interested enough that the little guy starts trying to wriggle out of Mando's grasp, but like any protective father figure, he just isn't having it.
    Funny. This lady doesn't look like she's getting TOO far on in years. Not at least like Juno is.
    (Not that Mando would say that to Juno's face, not all the beskar in the world would protect him from that.)
    "A diversion huh. He's more of a handful."
Lian Kamoya
    Oh dear. Caught by dad.

    Lian smoothly rises up to her feet, grabbing her staff almost as an afterthought. She's not as tall as the Mandalorian, but she's definitely above average. "I can see that. He's very spirited." She meets the child's eyes, then adds with a hint of a mother's tone, "Come now. He's just trying to protect you, there's no need for all that. We can talk from here, little one."

    Glancing up into the visor, she adds, "I'm Lian. Wandering seer, of a sort. Are the two of you making for the Vine out of here, or...?"
The Mandalorian
    That's right. Caught by dad. Though the little youngling doesn't stop his squirming, which prompts that T-visor to peer down at the burbling Child curiously. He's really trying to wriggle free, one tiny hand reaching out for the 'seer', which earns a sigh from The Mandalorian.
    "He's never acted like this with anyone, before." He notes. It's a curious occurrance, at least to the man in the beskar mask.
    At the introduction though he returns his attention to the woman. Notably, he does not give his own name in return.
    "We're just staying long enough to handle some re-supply and repairs and then we're moving on from here."
Lian Kamoya
    Something in what the Mandalorian says draws Lian's eyes down to the child again, then back up to the visor, her expression thoughtful. "There's quite a sharp little mind in that head of his. Unsurprising he's a bit stubborn." She shifts her weight idly; there's nothing hostile in the movement, just an idle change of posture, but something subtle in the way she moves seems to suggest the solid balance and economy of motion of a seasoned warrior. If anyone would spot something like that, it's a Mandalorian.

    "Well, I shan't pry into your story, but you've taken on quite the task, tending to a little one so spirited. Wherever your journey takes you, I wish the both of you well." For a second time, she meets the little one's eyes, and her own gaze grows... almost unfocused, for a moment. The message she sends to the youngling is more basic than words, a pair of mere formless impressions... but if words could be put to them, they would be something like 'he's a good man' and 'don't make his life too difficult.' She might be smiling, just faintly.
The Mandalorian
    The shift in Lian's stance and weight doesn't go unnoticed. But since it's non-hostile, Mando doesn't reach for his blaster or anything. There's simply a silent and very slight cant of the man's helmeted head as he regards Lian in perhaps a new light.
    When Lian's gaze meets The Child though, the youngling stills- quickly in fact, eyes wide and staring.
    And the wiggling stops.
    "..." The Mandalorian is silent for just a beat before clearing his throat.
    "He's never done that before for anyone else, either." He says, a note of incredulity in his voice as The Child turns his gaze up towards his now very baffled keeper.
    "You sure you're just some kind of 'seer'?"
Lian Kamoya
    "Well, it's not inaccurate," Lian replies, her smile now almost playful. "I do see a great many things, not all of them with my eyes." She turns, looking out over the forest again - indeed, letting her weight rest against the railing. In so doing, her cloak shifts, just a bit - and there's a glimpse of a leather-wrapped cylinder at her hip, a bit of technology that probably looks almost like something from 'home' to the Mandalorian. "I daresay he sees some of the same things. But no, for the life I'm leading, 'seer' or 'vagabond' will suffice, I think. More than that, tends to draw attention." A sentiment she suspects he knows all too well.
The Mandalorian
    "Hmmm..." Mando considers her answer for a moment.
    There's something about it that sits oddly with him. She 'sees a great many things' but 'not all of them with her eyes'. That T-visor stares at Lian for a good long moment now. If he saw the lightsaber, he doesn't comment on it; mayhaps he doesn't even recognize the fancy laser sword for what it is, but then something she says makes him look to the now placid Child.
    "... He sees the same things?"
    This spawns so many questions. But for now The Mandalorian dips his helmet in a slight nod. "We know what it's like to not like drawing attention." He says before clearing his throat softly. "We should go."
Lian Kamoya
    Lian turns to give the Mandalorian and his charge a nod in reply. "It was a pleasure meeting the both of you. Perhaps we'll meet again, if fate or chance deem it so. Be well."