The Mandalorian (Dropped)

The Mandalorian
World: Star Wars: The Mandalorian-1
Apparent Age: Adult
Quote: "I can bring you in warm. Or I can bring you in cold."
Species: Human?
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Pedro Pascal


An enigmatic figure shrouded in mystery, little is known about the bounty hunter known simply as The Mandalorian. Taken in as a child by the Mandalorians, he was raised from a young age in their society to be a cunning and deadly warrior. Versed in firearms, blades, hand to hand combat, as well as ship, small vehicle, and animal riding, he is a singular force unto himself, clad in highly protective armor forged from the rare metal beskar. A bounty hunter of great skill, no quarry escapes him once he sets sights on a target. But there is a side to The Mandalorian that precious few have seen. Though outwardly cold seeming, he places honor before greed; avoiding unnecessary conflict where he can. Oddly, always seen at his side is a small alien child that he is more than willing to protect with no small amount of force should The Child be threatened.


Beskar Armor: Incredibly protective armor, resistant to energy and projectile weapons fire.
Beskar is a rare metal found on the planet Mandalore and its moon. When properly treated and smithed it can be made into an incredibly protective suit of armor that is astoundingly resistant to both blaster and projectile fire. Beskar can protect the wearer from a high powered rifle at a distance, and close range blaster fire without even so much as being scuffed or scratched. The Mandalorian has full helmet, pauldrons, cuirass, and leg guards made of beskar, rendering him highly protected without hindering his movement.
Helmet Sensors: Helmet has night vision, heat sensors, directional mic, and a targeting scope.
Mando's helmet has a sensor array built in. It has night vision mode for low light scenarios, thermal vision and a directional microphone that can percieve through unshielded walls, and his helmet can link to the scopes of his weapons for more accurate shooting.
Weapon Skills: Mando is a highly skilled in blaster weapons, explosives, and hand to hand.
Mando is a proud warrior from a proud warrior creed. His people taught him how to be deadly with almost anything in his hands, especially with blaster pistols, rifles, explosives, as well as his bare fists or knives.
Riding Skills: Mando can pilot starships, drive vehicles, and ride tamed beasts.
The Mandalorian can pilot starships, drive most common land vehicles, and ride mundane tamed beasts with ease. Vehicles that require specialized training or exotic animals notsomuch, but Mando is comfortable in most seats or saddles.
Arsenal: Blaster guns, gauntlets, flamethrower, grapple hook, missiles, and explosives.
Mando always has guns on him at all times, always keeping an array of blaster pistols, rifles, and explosive charges on both his person and his ship. His gauntlets are weapons unto themselves. Equipped with a cable and grappling hook launcher and a flamethrower, his guantlets make for excellent utility and defensive weapons. However also equipped to his gauntlets are Whistling Birds; incredibly devastating micromissiles made from beskar that are as deadly as they are rare; capable of piercing most armor and causing massive damage to multiple targets when he is surrounded.
Phase-Pulse Rifle: Disintegrator sniper rifle that doubles as a high power cattle prod.
Mando's favored weapon, the Amban phase-pulse blaster rifle, is a long range sniper weapon that fires highly powerful blasts that can either cause devastating damage to or completely disintegrate most organic targets. It is much less effective against vehicles or heavy armor wearing targets, and can only disintegrate on a direct hit. It is single shot and must be reloaded every time it is fired, and prone to jamming at the worst of times. The gun also doubles as a high power electric prod to taze, shock, and disorient foes.
The Way of the Rising Phoenix: Mando is skilled in the operation of a jetpack. Capable of long range flight.
Mando has a jetpack. He uses it for combat jumps and maneuverability, and it is capable of long range flight (limited to the planet he is on only). It is about as fast as a normal speeder bike or motorcycle when used for longer distances.
The Razor Crest: Antique gunship. Has FTL travel, laser guns, and an onboard freezer.
The Razor Crest serves as Mando's means of conveyance and his home. It is capable of long range light speed travel from world to world, and is equipped with several blaster cannons. It is an old ship but it is still highly maneuverable and he counts on it aa being fairly reliable despite its age. It has an onboard carbonite freezer to freeze captured targets alive and store them for transportation.


The Child< Named Feature F-Tier >: Tiny empath. Telekinesis, healing ability and can choke people with magic.
A foundling child taken in by the Mandalorian at great peril. Though no older than a tiny toddler, adorable, and seemingly completely harmless, The Child wields what is essentially space magic in times of great need to help Mando and protect him when he thinks he is in danger. The Child is an empath and can sense strong emotions of other beings naturally. He capable of lifting heavy objects and creatures up to the size of a rhino, can create a protective telekinetic shielding aura that defends itself and others from deadly attack, and can even use this power to choke a target if it feels the need. With a touch, The Child can mend light to medium injuries and negate any poisons or toxins in another person's body. However every time The Child uses his magical powers it taxes and strains the little one immensely, usually resulting in the need to rest and sleep for upwards of a day to recover.


Bounty Hunter: He will get the job done. May turn on employers due to sense of honor.
The Mandalorian is a bounty hunter and part of the bounty hunter's guild that spans the galaxy he hails from, and his sense of duty will not let him see a job incomplete once he has taken it. Though the Mandalorian's sense of honor may cause conflict with such jobs sometimes, and when it does he may turn on his employers either by choice of by necessity. Doing so is not exactly easy and can tarnish his reputation as a bounty hunter or even earn him new enemies with his act of sudden betrayal, but more often than not he is not above taking jobs for money that involve hunting people or objects for cash.
Weapons Are a Part of My Religion: Always armed. At all times.
Mando always has weapons on him wherever he goes. If asked to disarm he will belligerently refuse, even if it causes problems.
The Child: Mando will go out of his way to protect the foundling.
The Mandalorian and The Child are a clan of two. As a foundling, the child must either be raised in the way of the Mandalorians when it comes of age, or returned to its people. The Mandalorian has been quested to either find The Child's people ad return him, or raise him, himself. Despite Mando's cold outward demeanor, he has grown fond of and very protective of little one, and threats to The Child's life or wellbeing will not be taken lightly, and are usually replied to in kind to the perpetrator with great prejudice. If someone so much as threatens The Child he will do everything in his power to ensure The Child's safety FIRST before swiftly enacting brutal vengeance.
No Droids: Mando has an excessive dislike and mistrust of droids, and mechanical lifeforms.
Due to trauma as a child, witnessing his home settlement destroyed and his parents slaughtered by separatist battle droids, The Mandalorian has an intense dislike of droids and similar mechanical lifeforms. He does not trust them and getting him to work with one results in grudging belligerence.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1030 In Vino Veritas May 24 2022
957 A First Step into a Larger World... Jan 08 2022
918 Il Grande Templare Nov 15 2021
908 The Foundry Oct 29 2021
862 Balmorra: An unorthodox bounty. Aug 23 2021
858 The Beacons are lit, Bartelomeo calls for aid Aug 12 2021
845 A Snake in Thief's clothing Jul 20 2021
843 Bastille Brawl Jul 13 2021
840 You Meet the Darndest People in Airports Jun 18 2021
835 Entanglements Jun 08 2021
See All 29 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.