World Tree MUSH

Making Friends and Growing Stronger

Character Pose
Deciding to stick around in Bewul's world for a while, Miwa has made her way down to the lake and is enjoying a nice swim to give herself a bit of a workout. She pushes herself to swim around the lake at top speed for a while, testing her endurance. As she starts to eventually grow tired, she catches a couple of the fish in the lake and beaches herself on the lakeside before trying to eat them to see what they taste like. "Not bad..." She comments, before eating the other fish and laying out on the grassy lakeside to catch her breath a bit and soak up a little bit of the warm sunlight.
    Bewul told Miwa about the lake, while he and one of his friends decided to finish cleaning his house and take care of the meat plantation. At least the lake was close enough that Miwa had no issue finding it!. The lake seemed quite calm, only fishes visible at first, but a keen eye might have noticed an odd shape moving down the very bottom, seemingly just watching Miwa!. The mystery guest waits until she finally takes a break and begins eating, before casually resurfacing!. 
    The mistery critter turns to be a small, white seal with purple markings, a... mohawk? nad long claws on the flippers!. It bobs over the surface of the water, and approaches the resting Primarina and claps the front flippers, "That was really nice!" he casually chirps, no introductions, or anything, as if poor Miwa was supposed to know who he was, or that he was there the wholetime.
Miwa is surprised when she hears the splash of a creature surfacing in the lake as she hadn't noticed anything besides the fish. She quickly sits up on her tail and looks at the sealion-like Digimon as he speaks to her, relaxing a bit as his tone and demeanor seem to indicate that he's friendly. She giggles a bit at the compliment and smiles. "Thank you, didn't realize I had an audience. My name is Miwa, I'm a friend of Bewul's. Nice to meet you.... Um, what should I call you?" She asks after the awkward pause in realizing she had no idea who or what she was talking to.
    The sealion tilts its head a bit at her apparent confusion, casually floating to the edge of the lake, carried by what seem a small group of fish, handy!. He seems to realize what happens and chuckles, "Oh, we met!, I am Gao." he says softly, trying to wag that odd stubby tail of his, waddling on the grassy land. "I didn't mean to scare you, I thought Bewul told you about me." he says softly, chuckling a bit. "So you are like that all the time?" he asks curiously, unaware of how pokemon worked.
Miwa laughs as the Gomamon explains who he is, shaking her head a little. "Well, I do remember Bewul mentioning a Digimon with an appearance like yours, but he didn't really go into the specifics of what your other forms were, unless I totally missed or forgot it somehow... So you can control the fish? That's pretty neat." She admits with a smile. "I can manipulate water by singing in certain tones and melodies. But to answer your question, I am like this all the time, at least now I am. Pokemon do have different forms that they evolve into as they grow, well, most do. But, once we change, we can't go back, except for a thing called Mega Evolution, which my species can't do, well, at least not until someone discovers mega stones for Primarina, assuming they even exist."
    The smaller seal pokemon waddles all over, curiously looking at the pokemon, and listening to the explanation politely, "i bet he forgot." he says softly, "He can forget things." he says with a chuckle, shaking his head. The question about the fish gets a nod, "I can, only small ones." he says, raising his head and trying to puff his chest proudly. He blinks in surprise as he hears of the singing power, "That sounds neater than my own attacks." he chuckles a bit. "I can't do much with water, except create a barrier bubble." he says softly. He glances at the water and some of it seems to rush at him, encasing him in a small bubble, he slides on the ground a bit, "Can be a bit hard to control where I go in it." he mumbles inside. "Actually, sometimes it works like that for us." he explains, "That makes sense.".
With a nod, Miwa demonstrates her abilties in turn, creating a large bubble and riding atop it, singing in melodic tones to control it as it floats up into the air and over the lake. She then uses Hydro Pump to blast a torrent of water skyward, which rains down harmlessly into the lake. Finally she ups the volume of her singing, causing small orbs of water to rise from the lake, she then uses water gun to shoot the orbs, causing them to explode. 

Finally she pops the bubble she is riding and dives into the water before swimming over to Gao. "That's a few of the things I can do. I can also harness the power of the moon into an orb of energy or a blast of light, but that's a little more destructive and I don't want to risk hurting anyone or blowing anything up by accident."
    The digimon watches in awe as she shows off the things she can do, clapping a few times, still encased on that bubble, sliding back and forth. As he sees the small water bubbles raising from the water, he calls the small group of fish to jump out of the water to try to burst them, playing with the targets, but otherwise, seems appropiately humbled by the display. "That is really cool, like this i can just do this bubble thing, call fish, and hit things with my fins." he chuckles softly. "Don't worry too much about being destructive, we are all very tough." he says, trying to reassure her as the barrier pops and he floats to bump on the bigger seal. "So you are going to stay around for a while?"
Luckily she was just showing off and wasn't trying to make the attacks she was using strong, instead leaving them with similar potency to what she'd be using in a performance. Any fish that jumped into one of the exploding orbs of water would just be knocked back into the water without any real harm. As Gao compares her abilites to his own, and compliments how cool they are, she smiles brightly, getting an idea, particularly when he adds how tough Digimon are in general. "Well yes, I do think I'll stick around for a while longer, I like it here, and it's nice to spend some time in a place that's 'different' if you know what I mean. While I'm here though, if you're really so tough, what do you think of having a friendly spar with me? It'll be fun, and I could use the practice anyway."
    The gomamon lazily slides next to Miwa as the display ends, and smiles when he mentions staying longer, "Cool, not many that like to swim around here." he chuckles, rolling onto his back to just drift on the lake. Of course, bringing up 'Spar' gets his attention and he quickly rights himself, moving closer, "Sure, I can always practice." he says softly, smiling brightly and jumping gracefully onto the grass.
Miwa grins at the implication that she was one of those 'not many' who like to swim around, for at least as long as she stayed, not that she would not be back to visit often either. "Well, if you're looking for someone else that likes to swim, I'm your girl. I love swimming almost as much as I love singing, which is to say, a lot!" She says as she slides herself back into the lake and begins lazily swimming along with gentle kicks of her tail, mirroring how Gomamon had been swimming as she ponders who should start off the spar. "Are you ready? Should I start us off?"
     The gomamon looks at the pokemon curiously, trying to size her up a bit perhaps, while he finally inches away to one edge, trying to look 'ready', puffing his chest and shaking his head a few moments, growling cutely, "Ladies first." he says playfully, "Plus I want to see how strong you are."
Miwa nods, then swims around the lake a bit as she thinks for a moment how to start things off. Deciding on Moonblast as it is one of the strongest attacks she has, and it is one she didn't use with Bewul. A moment later she takes aim at Gao, singing a prolonged moderately high note which seems to solidify the water below her and allow her to rest atop it briefly. Suddenly the pearls holding her hair in place vanish and her light blue hair spreads out behind her in several directions as an image of the moon appears over her. An orb of pink energy forms in front of the Primarina's mouth, quickly growing to a little larger than a softball, before taking off in Gao's direction, growing a bit more as it flies.
     The small seal digimon was not really expecting something like that, watching the attack form and tilting his head a bit. He blinks a bit when the moon appears, clearly impressed at how flashy it was. At lest he has the common sense to see the glowing pink ball as an attack, letting out an adorable squeak, "Bubble barrier!" he exclaims, hastily forming a bubble around him, but even then, he tries to slide out of the way of the flying orb. It smacks on the bubble, easily pushing against the barrier, deforming the thing and bumping against his side, before it pops with a loud burst, but he manages to mostly dodge the thing. "Wow... you ARE strong." he exclaims, looking more impressed than anything. "My turn then!" 
    The small seal glows brightly, and is replaced by a large blue akita with a scarf... and weird... gloves on his forepaws, "Spiral blow!" he barks, opening his mouth as he releases a vortex of wind towards the Pokemon.
With Gao mostly avoiding her attack, she knew she would need to find a way to catch him off guard so he wouldn't be able to dodge as easily or have time to put up the barrier. When he Digivolved back into the form she knew from before, she also knew he was not messing around. As she sees the Vortex coming, she quickly dives into the lake to try and avoid the wind, but as the vortex begins sucking up some of the water, it forces her to dive all the way down to the lake bed to avoid being pulled up. 

Once the vortex has passed, she pushes off the bottom of the lake with her tail and shoots toward the surface, kicking her tail to pick up speed. She suddenly launches out of the lake, quickly turning toward Gao as she spots where he is, and blasting a powerful torrent of water in his direction, this was Hydro Pump. A careful eye would also notice that the pearls were back, holding her hair tightly as if they had always been there.
    PErhaps vortex was the wrong word, it was closer to an horizontal, spiraling blast of wind, but indeed, it was hard to dodge. He blinks as the misting water clears and the pokemon is nowhere to be seen, curled tail wagging!. He growls and sniffs the air, looking around for where the seal ran of to!. He was moving towards one edge of teh water, when Miwa emerged, ears up, and tensing up at the powerful blast of water aimed at him. Rather than dodge, he tries to show off, underestimating the move, that weird scarf bending like arms, crossing in an attempt to 'block' the powerful blast of water. For a moment, looks like he might pull it off, even if he is pushed back by the pressure, before he yips, and the 'arms' are pushed aside, getting smacked by the water blast and tossed aside!, wet dog shifting on the ground, "Ouch.".
Miwa was happy to have scored a hit, though she hoped it didn't hurt Gao too much. She didn't let up just yet though, remaining at the surface, she began to sing again, a beautiful melody with a rising pitch. As the pitch of the song rises, so does a large orb of water, and once again, her hair is freed to flow behind her as if blown by an unseen wind. The orb of water is the size of a large beach ball when it rises above Miwa's head, and suddenly she hits a high note, launching the sphere of water toward Gao, which was ready to forcefully explode on contact.
    Gao seems dazed, slowly getting up, "Who smashed me with a truck." he mumbles, ears swiveling as he hears the gorgeous singing, picking himself up and shaking some of the water from his fur, he looked so... funny, all wet and thin. The large bubble of water catches his attention, crouching as he suddenly begins to charge ahead, perhaps not realizing the true nature of the move!. As the sphere is tossed his way, he tries to bat it away with a powerful swat of his paw, "Rush double cl.." the rest of the name is lost as the bubble bursts right in front of him, right next to his snout to be precise, harming and dazing the big dog that misses the jump and splashes right in the lake, mumbling about bubbles and not poking them.
Miwa winces as she watches Gao try to knock away the ball of water with his paw, only for it to blow up in his face. At this point, she legitimately felt sorry for him, taking two of her strongest water attacks back to back, and pretty directly at that. She swam over to where he landed in the lake and offered a flipper of support. "You alright? That looked pretty bad. I guess my battle style is a bit unique and not really something you were expecting. If you don't want to keep going, that's ok." She offers, having started to like Gao before the spar, and not wanting to beat the stuffing out of a new friend.
     Gao seems a bit dazed, paws wriggling on the water as he floats on his side, "Pretty bubbles." he mumbles, before he seems to snap back into the reality and realizes the water type was right next to him. He tries to right himself, stand proper and proud!... and proceeds to sink, leading to some panicked flailing, he is not going to salvage that humilliation. He eventually calms down, "It's fine, you are really strong and took me by surprise." he says softly, chuckling a bit, "I might need a little break... my nose hurts from that bubble explosion." he adds softly.
She almost laughs as she watches Gao try to stand proudly in the lake, only to sink, but restrains herself, moving to help hold him up so he didn't continue to sink. When he accepts her offer to stop here, to at least take a break, she nods apologetically and begins swimming toward the lakeside to sit and relax, pulling Gao along if he decides to grab her offered flipper. "The first blast of water is an attack called Hydro Pump, one of the strongest water type attacks any Pokemon can learn, and the exploding orb of water was Sparkling Aria, the signature attack of the Primarina species."
     Gao takes the offer, hoping no one else was watching, holding onto the flipper and awkwardly paddling to the shore, soaked to the bone!. "Thanks for the help." he says, "And for not laughing." he adds, grinning a bit before chuckling. "So you fight from a distance... I am more of a short range fighter, then again, I might do better if I don't try to take the hit, or smack away an explosive attack with a paw." he says with a grin. "I think you heard the name of my wind thing, "It's pretty strong, so I am glad you dodged it... then again maybe you would have handled it fine."
Miwa nods, smiling warmly at Gao as he thanks her. "You're welcome. I like you, and was starting to feel sorry after those last two attacks, since I didn't want to really hurt you, though I guess that is bound to happen sometimes." She admits as she gently pats Gao on the back with her flipper. 

"As for the wind attack, it did look pretty strong, but I figured I'd be safe underwater so I went for a dive, and fortunately I was right. Though, as for handling the attack anyway, I might have been able to. I'm not really sure how Digimon attacks will effect me yet though. Against other Pokemon, Primarina in general are able to take hits pretty well from special attacks, the more elemental type attacks, but against more physical sorts of attacks, we are much weaker. Does that make sense to you?"
The digimon shakes himself and leans into the patting from the flipper, the wet dog suddenly glowing brightly, and being replaced by a small seal again, rumbling contently. "It's fine, I admit I was surprised... and yeah, that happens, when you spar, as long as you know when to stop, I don't see any issue." he replies. 
     The seal nods at the explanation, a look of deep thought coming to his face, "I think I get what you mean, are pokemon also weak against certain attacks... like some pokemon weak to fire or wood or water?" he asks curiously.
When Gao changes back to his seal-like form, Miwa gently rubs her flipper against that strange mohawk on his head. "Yes, knowing when to stop is key, though I guess that means knowing your own strength and that of your partner, two things I'm still learning, so best not to over do it. Anyway you are exactly right about the other weaknesses, though again, I'm not sure yet how that translates on other worlds." 

"Even on my own world, for example, Fire Type Pokemon are weak against Water Type attacks, but on the same token, most can handle rain, or even being underwater just as well as a human, it doesn't cause them any significant harm. I am a dual type Pokemon, Water and Fairy, the latter being what that pink orb attack I used earlier is from, Moonblast. I am weak to Poison, Grass, and Electric attacks, immune to Dragon, and resist damage from Fighting, Bug, Fire, Water, Ice, and Dark types."
     Poor Gao tries to follow the explanation of typings, but seems the more technical bits go over his head after a while, chuckilng as his mohawk is ruffled, trying to bat the big flipper with his own, his tail giving twitches in an attempted wag. "That's really neat, guess it is kinda similar then." he manages to reply. "I don't think I know anyone with electric or poison around here, so you are safe." he says with a grin. "And, yeah, same here about water and weather things, it truly is a bit odd."
Miwa begins to play a game where she tries to pet Gao while avoiding his attempts to bat away her flipper and keeps moving to different spots. It wasn't easy, as he is smaller and her big front flippers are big targets, but she still had fun trying. "So, Digimon attacks come in different types too?" She asks curiously as she looks back at Gao. 

"Good to know though that nothing around here is likely to exploit one of my weaknesses, well, the elemental ones anyway. I do have other weaknesses, though the biggest ones are that I'm not quite as equipped for getting around on land, though I suppose that is rather obvious. The other might have been good to bring up before we started sparring just in case... You may have noticed that I use my voice for a lot of my attacks. Well, if I take a blow to the neck the wrong way, or something like that, well, I think you get the idea..."
     Gao seems to get into the game, even if his flippers are a bit too short to properly bat at Miwa's, it looks quite cute really, chuckling and relaxing a bit, nodding eagerly at the question, "Yeah!, and digimon are divided in three main kinds, virus, data and vaccine, I'm a vaccine, so I am strong against virus, and weak against data." he begins, "And virus is strong against data, and weak versus vaccines... that is not to say you can't fight, just... your hits are weaker and you feel the attacks more.". 
     He grins and nods, "For the most part, most digimon try to just try to fight regardless of weakness or types." the mention of not being good on land gets a chuckle, "Same with me... I don't tend to wander too much, even when I can turn into Gaogamon." The mention of that particular 'weakness' gets a whimper from the small seal digimon, "Point taken, but in general, I'd say going for the throat is a bit... rude for a spar, unless you are super sure your partner can handle a hit there."
Miwa feels like relaxing a bit more and lays back in the grass, rolling onto her side to look at Gao. "Only three types huh? That's nice, much easier to keep track of. I know what I'm strong and weak against, but I'm not even going to pretend to know every Pokemon Type matchup as there are eighteen different types. It's a lot to keep straight in your head really, and since my trainer never really used me in any serious battles, it just never mattered much to me. Though now that I'm starting to realize that knowing how to fight is important, I'm realizing maybe that was a bit short sighted. Maybe I should start watching the Pokemon League events on TV." She muses for a moment. 

"As for strikes to the throat being rude, well, yeah, I guess you're right, but accidents happen too." She says before taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly as she stretches her tail and front flippers. "I can really see why you guys like living here, it's nice, and peaceful."
    Gao is not quite good at rolling on his side, but rolls on his back, wriggling to get comfortable and smiling, "Sounds quite complicated." he admits, chuckling a bit, before he tilts his head, "You did mention... humans on your side usually make pokemon fight a lot... so might be a good idea, just to be safe." he says gently. "Wait, they show those fights on television at your world?, I'd love to see that." he says. He chuckles, "Humans on my world usually don't know we are real, I heard there are games and stuff, but I have never been to the human world, Bewul did tho, he got some cards to show us." he chuckles gently. 
     He glances down at the lake at the mention of peaceful, "That it is, and my friends are around, if we feel like rough housing or training a bit." he replies, "I hope to get strong enough to keep the Gaogamon form for as long as I want, then I might explore more places." he says. "You are welcome to visit anytime."
"Well, some trainers use their Pokemon for battles, others enter contests where it's more about putting on a great show with your Pokemon and their abilities. Sort of similar to my performances with the musical theater, though, now that I think of it, there usually isn't any singing in the contests, and maybe there should be!" Miwa says with a chuckle, imagining herself competing in such a way for a moment. "But it was a worry for Kaleo, my trainer, about me leaving on my own that someone might try to take me as their own. Since I can talk, most would probably respect my wishes and not try to take me by force, but not all Pokemon trainers are kind and respectful, unfortunately." She admits with a frown. 

"But anyway yes, the way it works in my world is a trainer builds a team of up to six Pokemon, and then travels around battling at designated 'Pokemon Gyms' to earn eight badges to show they have proven their ability. They are then able to enter the Pokemon League Tournament for their region, the winner of that being declared the champion of said region. Most of the Pokemon League battles above the preliminary round are televised." She explains before following Gao's gaze out to the lake and listening to him talk about the disconnect between this world and the human world.

"That is an interesting difference between this world and mine, and I guess, maybe it's for the best in some ways. In my world, humans are used to having Pokemon around, so despite the fact that Pokemon are very powerful, people don't generally fear them. I'm sure the human world of this realm could reach that point with Digimon someday, but it would be a long and delicate process, and would only take a few bad incidents of Digimon acting against humans to ruin it for all of you..." She says with a frown, then shakes her head. "Sorry, that got a little more depressing than I was intending..."
     Gao listens curiously, tilting his head as she explains quite a bit of how the pokemon things work, "Well, I know there are people working on how to handle that, so I am not too worried." he says, trying to cheer her up, "You seem plenty strong, so I am sure you won't be in much risk of being grabbed." she says before smiling, "But can always come spar with us, it is good practice, I think my other friend might be a better match, he is good for distance stuff." he replies. 
     As if on cue, a couple of digimon appears!. One is a familiar lizard wearing a foxpelt, the other seems new tho. On a first glance, one might confuse it with some kind of statue made of lego (or duplos), or similar toys, given the blocky look and the mismatched colors on the frame, yet it moves casually, apparently chatting with Bewul. They are carrying a basket with some snacks it seems.
Miwa nods, smiling now. "You're right, and really most of that bad stuff I've heard about happened in other parts of my world. The Alola region is generally much more laid back and peaceful. There is a team of thugs known as Team Skull, but compared to the criminal organizations I've heard about in other regions, they are really just a nuisance at best. So I'm not terribly worried. Still, never hurts to be prepared, so I appreciate the offer to spar with you all more in the future. Also, glad to hear that there is work being done to form relations between your world and the human world. I hope it works out for the best." She says with a nod, gently petting Gao a bit as she turns to look toward the approaching Digimon. She greets them both with a flipper wave. "Hey Bewul, this must be that Digimon you mentioned on the beach when we were talking about Sandigast and Palisand. Oooh, and you brought snacks too!" She exclaims happily as the smell of food reaches her nose.
     The small seal digimon nods and stretches on his back, seemingly feeling lazy, "Anytime, you are nice." he says softly, letting out a cute cooing noise when he gets petted, not noticing the others approaching until he heard Miwa mention them!. He seems to panic and tries to roll onto his flippers again, but seems it is a bit tricky, so he ends up just flailing for a while, "H-hi!, glad you came!" he mumbles loudly. 
    Bewul blinks a bit and chuckles somewhat at the situation, moving closer and joining them on the ground, "Yeah, sorry we took so long, had to clean some things and make sure the food was ready." he explains, before smiling, "Ah, this is that wolf we were playing with, he is Toy agumon." he replies. The 'plastic' looking digimon nods and walks closer, "It's nice to see you again, Miwa." he says happily, before looking back at Bewul, "You went to a beach?".
Miwa smiles at them as she fully sits up on her tail, her stomach suddenly growling a bit. "Hmm, guess our spar worked up an appetite in me." She says with a grin directed at Gao. She then nods at the Toy Agumon. "Nice to see you again too, glad to stick around and hang out for a while. You all are pretty fun to be around." She admits happily, eyeing the basket and wondering what was inside. She decides to go ahead and answer the question about Bewul going to the beach however and let them surprise her with whatever food was there. "Yes, Bewul came to visit my world, and I live on the coast of a tropical island. There are lots of beaches there, with different colors of sand, the one near where I live is black."
Bewul chuckles a bit more and smiles as he hears that, "IT was a really nice place, for sure." he says softly, opening the basket to show a couple apples, some steamed buns and even a bit of candy. "She even showed me her place, and went diving for a moment." he says softly, wagging his tail. He eats one of the buns, revealing they had meat in them. "There are a couple with fish inside, since you said you like that." he points at a couple with a smiley marked on the white surface. 
     The toy agumon looks at the lake and moves back to sit, grabbing an apple and somehow taking a bite, one has to wonder how that works. "So you had a spar?, neat!, who won?" he asks happily. Gao mean while seems to blush a bit, but settles near the mermaid sea lion, "I'd love to visit and take a swim sometime."
Not wanting the others to feel left out, particularly after what Bewul added, Miwa offers an invitation to the other two Digimon. "You guys are welcome to come visit me too if you want. I'm used to being around a lot of people, so it gets lonely sometimes now that I'm out on my own. I'm glad I met you all and I look forward to becoming great friends with each of you." Smiling warmly as she says that and takes an apple and one of the fish steamed buns, beginning to munch on the bun as the toy agumon asks about the spar. "Well, it was a good spar, but I think Gao may have underestimated me a bit, and after a while we decided to take a break, and ended up just relaxing by the lake for a while." Miwa tries to answer the question while attempting to spare Gao some dignity.
     Bewul grins and nods to Miwa, wagging his tail, eating another bun, "So she kicked your tail then?" he asks teasingly, causing the poor Gomamon to squeak and shake his head, "No, no, we decided to take a break." he repeats, before the plastic digimon chuckles, "He is teasing, calm down." he reassures his friend. The offer to visit the beach makes both the seal and toy ones look at Miwa, "We'd like that very much." they say in stereo, enjoying a bit more of the food. "I think we should just relax for now, later we can plan what to do, sounds good?" he asks, before casually talking about some details of the human side of his world, about the toys, cards and the merchandise, he seems amused at that.