World Tree MUSH

Double Dragon II: Wander of the Dragons

Character Pose
Shin Tokuyama
    Since the Scrapper Hunt and after the Burning of Baron, Shin has been a solo guest party member. He's also been grinding profession levels pretty hard. 

    That is to say... he's still at the Inn that people originally brought Rydia to in order to recover. And, in fact, he's actually been working there for small amounts of pay, free room and board, and the ability to cook.

    The one catch is that no one gets to order. They just get SERVED. It's usually good, though. Right now, he's dropping off some soy-marinaded grilled fish over white rice with a miso soup to a table.
The young lady that is waiting at the table is a familiar one. No naginata this time, but she is dressed in traditional kimono, looking... old-fashioned, really. Her eyes do light up at a rather 'normal' meal... for her, anyway.

"Ah, thank you. The wandering ronin, was it not?" Kiyohime says in a pleasant tone.
Shin Tokuyama
    Shin seems a bit surprised to find the girl he saw a few days prior here in his inn! What a crazy coincidence that she would just show up here! "Oh wow! It's the fire-breathing spear girl. What are the odds you'd just randomly wind up here, haha?" 

    "Yo Boss. Takin' an hour break." He shouts before sitting down across from her.

    "No no! Not a ronin! More like a wandering Sage! Of martial arts! I don't have a sword! So like... not a ronin!"
"Ah, how romantic~" Kiyohime says, neatly snapping chopsticks down the middle so she can work on her meal. Delicately. "This is the inn with the best food, I am told. At least for the time being. I must be moving on soon, though. I have responsibilities~"
Shin Tokuyama
    "Romantic? I dunno..." He seems to ponder it, scratching the side of his head, "It's more kind of a pain in the ass. Fun too. I travel a lot, trying to learn new moves." 

    When she talks about the inn food, he grins, "Hah. That's cause of me! I'm cookin' for em so I can stay here and get a free room."

    He tilts his head at her, though, a moment later, "Responsibilities, huh? Serious stuff? What's your story?"
Kiyohime points out, "Romantic as in the literative sense, not as in the relationship sense." Funny that SHE should point that out. She looks at her meal and takes a bite, chewing fully and swallowing before she begins speaking again.

"My world is under siege from other worlds," she says finally. "And I am to find a way to stop this, or allies to stop it, or a husband to join forces with."
Shin Tokuyama
    "Huh. Well. That's a doozy of a thing!" Shin says in regards to her objectives and her goals here on the tree. He seems to rock back onto the back legs of the chair and then balance as he considers it, "Alright, so." 

    He takes a scrap of paper and a pen out of his jacket and jots down some numbers on it, "This is my cell number. Give me a call if you wind up in a jam and need my help. I'll come give you a hand on your world as a wandering protagonist." "Shin Tokuyama, by the way. Like... Tall Virtue Mountain. Use those characters. Nice to meetcha.
Kiyohime considers. "Tall virtue... ah, you are from modern Japan then?" She sounds more curious than anything. "I was gifted some knowledge of the modern era, but it is not my element." Just because she's been given the knowledge doesn't mean she isn't more comfortable with her time period. "Fortunately, that includes knowing how to use a cell phone. And you've just given me your number, mmm..." She smiles widely. Oh dear.
Shin Tokuyama
    "I am! From a modern Japan, that is." He confirms for her, grinning a bit and clapping a couple times, "I bummed around Akiba and Tokyo a bit, but I'm from a pretty small little mountain village originally, where my master raised me." He then nods, seeming to not question her time-transplanted ways and believe her story at its word, "Yes! Of course I gave you my number. Networking is important in the job of a hero."
"Mmmhmm, mmhmm..." Kiyohime scribbles on the slip of paper, and then looks up. "Oh, how interesting! Tokyo is... Edo, yes? That sounds right." She nods, writing further, and then asks, "And your blood type?" Because that's...

Important, right?
Shin Tokuyama
    Shin furrows his brow a bit. Not in annoyance, he just almost never needs to get a blood transfusion! He's very sturdy and his injuries heal naturally most of the time. 

    "Blood type... I think it's O. That was what the doctor said to me."
Kiyohime scribbles that down with a brighter smile. "Wonderful. This is what I was looking for. It's a date then, you can come save my world with me. I'll consider that courtship if you wish. For now I should finish this excellent meal while it is still warm!"