
World: Fate/interrupt-1
Quote: "True love is worth pursuing to the ends of the earth, no matter how much they protest!"


Kiyohime is a Counter Guardian: the spirit of a legendary being brought back as a construct of magic, in order to protect her world with her supernatural powers. Kiyohime's legend is that of a young, lovestruck girl determined to have her lover join her. When he refused her and lied to get away from her, Kiyohime became so enraged that she chased him down, turning into a dragon in the process, and burned him to death for his betrayal of her heart. Now reincarnated, she retains her draconic abilities and fights for 'love' and as a guardian of her world. Empowered by the planet, she is stronger and faster than before, wielding dragon breath and a naginata with deadly efficiency. While polite, sweet, and the perfect wife, Kiyohime is dangerously jealous and obsessive, which makes her a risky ally. All she really wants is happiness like any young lady should have, is that so wrong?


DEFIANCE OF DESTINY: Kiyohime is very lucky and resists fate manipulation, especially when stalking
Some call it luck, others call it telling fate to take a hike. Whatever the cause, Kiyohime's focus and determination alter probability in her favor and resist probability-altering effects, causing destiny and fate-related manipulations to slide off of her. It also makes her extraordinarily 'lucky' and gives her opportunities through pure chance. This ability is much more effective when she is pursuing someone, giving her an uncanny ability to stalk and pursue a quarry across any terrain.
BURNING MAD PASSION: Jealousy makes her superhumanly powerful and resists mind control
When entering a state of true anger, Kiyohime becomes hyper-focused and much faster, stronger, and tougher than normal. This state of 'Mad Enhancement' is a significant power boost that applies across the board, no matter what form she is in at the time, and makes her already superhuman abilities even more powerful. Her insanity also makes her effectively immune to most forms of mind control or unnatural influence... aside from things that make her angry.
UNSTOPPABLE DRAGON OF LOVE< Edge-E >: Kiyohime can shapeshift into an Asian dragon, a snake, or a snakewoman.
Thanks to her legend of turning into a dragon, Kiyohime can shapeshift into a large constricting snake, or a halfway form of a woman with a serpent's tail. When she is using Edge to boost her combat prowess, she also has the option of turning fully into a large, serpentine dragon, a form that grants her flame breath perk extra potency.
COUNTER GUARDIAN: Superhuman speed and power, minor magic resistance, and feeds on magic
As a being made of prana, Kiyohime is superhuman in strength, endurance, and especially speed in a way that sets her far above the norm. She also has a minor resistance to mundane magics to shrug off small enchantments and the like, and can sustain herself by draining magical energy that is not bound up in a spell or other effect. This cannot disrupt spells unless the spell is being fed by an external source of magic she can tap into naturally.
STALKING: Kiyohime is very, very good at stalking and tracking people.
When pursuing a person, Kiyohime has a relentless and uncanny ability to keep following them, no matter the terrain. This allows her to reasonably guess what activities they were engaged in along the trail, with accuracy increasing as she draws closer. This is supernatural in nature but not infallible, and usually tells things like 'they stopped at this cafe and met with someone' and not who they met with or why.
NAGINATA: Kiyohime can summon spearlike weapons and is very skilled in using spears
A pole with a large blade at the end, this is something like a slashing-based spear. Kiyohime's signature weapon(aside from her dragon breath), this is still a relatively normal item which, aside from being made of solidified mana, has no supernatural powers. Kiyohime can summon multiple naginata at a greater energy cost to be used for more impressive attacks. She is extremely skilled in all aspects of using the naginata or any other spearlike weapon, even as a short-range thrown weapon, and can also use it in performance and dance.
ETIQUETTE: Well-versed in matters of polite society, especially ancient Japan
As a young lady of ancient Japan, Kiyohime takes great pride in manners and proper etiquette, and is well-versed in many forms of social cues and mannerisms.
CULINARY ARTS: Kiyohime is an excellent cook!
Kiyohime is an excellent cook, including the ability to take a dish and make it look presentable. This is simply an expected skill of hers, and while mildly supernatural in nature, it makes normal, good-tasting food.
FIERY TONGUE: Kiyohime can breathe fire or lightning
Calling upon her draconic nature, Kiyohime can let loose blasts of flame or lightning. This ability is only available when she's under the effects of her BURNING MAD PASSION Perk, so it usually results in burning everything. This ability is stronger when she is in full dragon form.
LIE DETECTOR: Can sense when someone is lying.
Kiyohime has a supernatural ability to tell when someone is lying, though this comes with some caveats. Firstly, she must be able to observe the person directly and be nearby - doing this through cameras or radio does not work, although she need not actually SEE them so long as she can hear them and has met them at least once before. She must also focus on using this ability, it is not 'always on' or anything like that. Finally, she can only detect lies, not simple untruths... in other words, the liar must believe what they are saying is untrue on some level. Excellent liars cannot avoid this detection, but magical deception may baffle this ability, if it is strong enough.


VERY, VERY ANGRY: Kiyohime gains power from her anger, so she makes bad decisions.
No matter how sweet and polite she may seem, Kiyohime has a temper, and that temper is what gives her power. Any slight, imagined or real, leads to seething glowers at best... and screaming rampages at worst. She's incredibly easy to set off, and like anyone on a rampage of anger and hate, she doesn't exactly have the most rational of thought processes when she's like that. This is great if you just want her to destroy something, but not so good if any level of subtlety is called for.
HATES LIES: Obsessively punishes liars and despises untruths.
Kiyohime was horribly betrayed by a lie, at least in her mind. This has hung with her for her afterlife as well, and if she sees any evidence of a lie she will likely fly off the handle and invoke her anger complication. If she feels betrayed, she will likewise attack with single-minded devotion. Unfortunately she doesn't always do full fact-checking before deciding someone has lied to her...
DRAGON HERITAGE?: Kiyohime is considered a dragon by most effects.
Despite not being born with dragon blood, Kiyohime's legend is so closely associated with dragons that she is considered to be a dragon for the purposes of any wards, banes, or specialized spells intended for such beasts.
COUNTER GUARDIAN MISSION: Kiyohime seeks solutions to her World's problems. Straying weakens her.
As a Counter Guardian, Kiyohime's mission is to hunt down problems that could threaten her World, determine if they are related, and either find a solution or eliminate them. Pursuing her own selfish goals for more than a few weeks will weaken her, preventing her from spending Edge on the task and, if continued long-term, weakening her further. This conflicts with her natural desire to travel and see the world, and it makes it difficult to form attachments unless with the express purpose of gaining allies for the battles at home, or to lead her to solutions. Her decisions can be forced into being extremely pragmatic. For the most part, this happens only if she herself believes she may be abandoning her mission, but if no progress is made for a long period even self-delusion will not prevent this weakening.
OBSESSIVE: When Kiyohime takes an interest in something, she focuses sharply upon it.
It isn't just love and truth that Kiyohime obsesses about. Those are her omnipresent concerns, but when she takes an interest in someone or something, she begins to focus upon it to an unhealthy degree. A person will be stalked or have creepy, personal questions asked of them frequently, while an object or activity may hold her attention inordinately long, distracting her from important matters.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
814 Into the Spider's Lair Mar 27 2021
696 Black Tide Over Kyoto Jul 16 2020
361 The Ice Queen, the Hobo, and the Dragon Nov 28 2018
311 The Land of Poison Oct 28 2018
207 The Forbidden Valley Aug 02 2018
189 A Distortion in Brighton Jul 15 2018
126 The World of Titans May 25 2018
118 Of Mice and Militia May 19 2018
95 Consequences of Purpose Apr 29 2018
92 Cult of the New Beginning Apr 27 2018
See All 15 Scenes


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