Shin Tokuyama (Dropped)

Shin Tokuyama
World: Original


Trained from childhood in the Geiha Genkou-Ryu style of martial arts, Shin Tokuyama is a martial arts genius. Unfortunately for everyone around him, Shin is also fully aware of his natural talent. Headstrong, brash, loud and overconfident are all great words to describe the young man known as Shin Tokuyama. He left his school for the first time in his life and has taken to wandering, stating he is on a quest to travel and observe the Way of the Fist that others study. This usually involves him showing up places and getting into trouble. Despite his personality failings, Shin is still an incredibly skilled martial artist and it does not take much interaction to see he is a wealth of untapped potential. If only he were patient enough to actually utilize it.


Martial Arts Genius< Copy-N >: Shin has a lot of ki, learns new things quickly, and has learned multiple martial arts.
Shin is, put simply, an idiot savant. It is clear from any prolonged exposure that his aptitude for martial arts is nigh-limitless. He has an incredible reservoir of spiritual energy, is naturally inclined towards learning moves and techniques, and is incredibly adept at analyzing opponents and their styles. He is almost universally compatible with techniques and styles, though more esoteric fighting styles may take him more training than others. Often times, when fighting opponents, Shin will learn or emulate their martial arts techniques or some aspect of a move they use to fold into his personal style. Seeing an opponent who can fly using ki might inspire him to develop a ki-powered jump, or an opponent who can split the ground with a punch might lead him to try to infuse his own fist with energy and punch the ground. Learning anything too far outside his existing toolbox requires an upgrade app and he mostly stays within his wheelhouse of 'Fancy Martial Arts'.
Enhancements: Shin consistently uses ki to buff his natural attributes to above-human levels.
A portion of Shin's natural spiritual essence is persistently attuned and internally focused. By permeating his own body with energy, he is able to enhance his physical attributes above normal levels. He can hit harder, move faster, take more damage and heal more quickly. He does this subconsciously and persistently.
Geiha Genkou-Ryu: The Heaven and Earth Warcry Fist focuses on heavy offense and ki mastery.
The Heaven And Earth Warcry School is an ancient and elite school of martial arts. Users trained in it focus on swift attacks meant to overwhelm defenses using only their hands and their spiritual energy. The offensively-focused style forms the core of Shin's martial arts knowledge and is the basis for his fighting techniques and personal style. At the master level, a user can harness ki for feats such as striking ghosts or ki projectiles, as examples.
Amazing Chef???: Shin uses martial arts theory to cook weirdly well.
Shin's bizarre mastery of martial arts seems to extend his philosophies into cooking. Through a belief that achieving inner balance is the key to success, Shin is able to create delicious meals from improbable ingredients and serve them to people. No two versions of the same meal are ever identical for him, nor can he recreate the foods he makes. He rarely gets to demonstrate this ability, because who would honestly trust him in a kitchen?
Shin's Backpack: Shin carries around a backpack with some basic supplies in it.
This backpack and its contents are the only possessions Shin has. At any given time it contains three changes of clothes, enough food and water for 2-3 days (if he's lucky), fire starting tools, and a thick blanket. It contains whatever money he has at the time, as well.
Foreshadowing Power: Can you solve the mystery?!
Here's a list of random and unrelated facts about Shin. First, no matter where he goes, the weather immediately around him is always mild and temperate (Consent Required). If you cut off one of his toes, it will eventually grow back, but he will be compelled to kill whoever did it until it does. If you counted every freckle on his body, there would be 117. Tigers can't stand Shin, and react to him violently, but he has this problem with no other animal.


Am I The Protagonist?: Shin thinks he is a fiction protagonist and treats the world around him as such.
Shin is kind of a spazlord. He acts like he's the protagonist of a martial arts movie, mostly because he really wants to be. This makes him an abrasive and dangerous person for multiple reasons. Firstly, he believes that most dumb decisions he makes will resolve for his benefit, and this can have catastrophic results at times. Secondly, he attempts to press gang people into playing parts for his self-dictated narrative. Thirdly, he will occasionally self-narrate, revealing plans in-action before they have been completed. And finally, he can be easily provoked by leveraging tropes against him.
Easily Bored: DO NOT LET SHIN GET BORED. Nothing good happens for you when Shin gets bored!
Shin's mind wanders and his attention span is minimal. In any situation where he is not sufficiently stimulated, he will attempt to entertain himself in any way he can. This usually manifests as him provoking a fight, trying to goad something into happening, or flaking off from whatever thing is boring him at the moment. He's not great at stealth (but can be passable if you duct tape his mouth shut) and his attempts at diplomacy can go very poorly.
Karate Hobo: Shin is virtually dirt-poor and is usually scrounging for cash.
A lot of Shin's personal 'Wandering Martial Arts' sage is him trying to make the best of being actually, factually, dirt poor. He is almost always strapped for cash, he usually eats lean, and he's almost always trying to find a way to make enough money to sleep indoors for the night. This leads to him freelancing, accepting questionable free food, and being all too eager to take people up on their hospitality. He also illegally fights for money, often putting him at odds with local law enforcement. He also eats highly irregularly and can't really afford most nice meals.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
431 This Mortal Coil Feb 25 2019
409 Badder Than Bad, It's Good Jan 23 2019
392 The Defense of Haven Jan 06 2019
361 The Ice Queen, the Hobo, and the Dragon Nov 28 2018
326 The Crash Site Nov 07 2018
301 Stag Cluster-2 Oct 20 2018
207 The Forbidden Valley Aug 02 2018
126 The World of Titans May 25 2018
95 Consequences of Purpose Apr 29 2018
92 Cult of the New Beginning Apr 27 2018
See All 21 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.