World Tree MUSH

Down to Brass Tacks

Valerian Railton and Zelda discuss potential business opportunities as each learns a little more of the other's situation.
Character Pose
  The Kingdom of Hyrule isn't in the best shape. After a coup years ago the central government has collapsed, and strange monsters roam the countryside. Business opportunities for monster hunters are booming, but it's not a very safe place to be, and certainly not one to live. Settlements are small and scattered, and the people in them are suspicious. There are trails up into the heights, home to the ominously-named Death Mountain, a quiescent but smoldering volcano. Higher still lies Peak Province, where the snow lies deep and few dare to brave the elements. Supposedly it's abandoned. Except that one haunted fortress.

The fortress isn't really haunted. When she'd left the group, she had left directions with Valerian on how to follow a Vine through Peak Province and up to Snowpeak Garrison. A soldiers' fort built and later abandoned by the royal family, it's been fixed up as a base of operations not for soldiers but for the liberation of Hyrule. Those who oppose the Twilight King Zant, usurper of the royal throne of Hyrule, have hidden themselves away here.

It's not bad, either. Most of the fort looks like it's been rebuilt. Pretty spacious place. Room for beasts of burden or vehicles to park in the courtyard, and kept immaculately clean.

Most importantly... it's warmth and shelter when the snows begin, and they've already begun for the season. Today it's a break in the flurries. Cold shadows creep over the fortress walls as the sun sinks behind the mountains. A lone figure stands outside the main gates, patiently sweeping snow off the step -- a familiar figure, maybe, wearing the same hooded black robe. 'Sheik' hums quietly to herself as she works.
Valerian Railton
    Despite the cold setting in, Valerian is not dressed any differently than he was in more temperate climates as he approaches the fort. He was not too scared of travelling through Hyrule, relatively certain he can handle himself if he ran into an errant guard or bandit that wants trouble. 

    And so he does approach that fortress while wearing the bundle across his back that he wore the first time he had met 'Sheik', which contains his signature weapon. Boots crunch through that thin coat of snow on the ground as he approaches the front gate. The young man adjusts the bundle and then continues walking, marching up to the figure at the front gates.

    "I'm surprised you called me so quickly, but even for the short time I've been here, I can kind of see why." He says as he stops in front of her, holding out a gloved hand towards her and offering a handshake, "But I won't say no to good business. And I consider a lead that stems out of a prior mission to be reliable."
  The hood lifts at the sound of footsteps. A hand rises distractedly to sweep it back and reveal the same elfin young woman. She blinks owlishly before remembering to be polite, clasping the proffered hand. For someone so fragile-looking her grip is pretty strong. Her smile is a little resigned.

The estate's scale suggests it was originally the sprawling estate of filthy rich nobility. Or maybe built by filthy rich nobility. It could go either way. At least the current residents seem to be keeping everything clean and tidy, and most importantly, warm. Warmth and light beckon from within the open doorway.

"To be honest, I did not expect you to accept my invitation so quickly. Please, come inside, Mister Railton. I can offer you coffee, tea; water or wine. We've hot food, as well, and a spare room if you have need of a place to stay after we've concluded our business. Winter in Peak Province is a dangerous time of the year, and not just for the weather. I'm sorry to say that Travelling Hyrule's roads has not been safe for years."
Valerian Railton
    "I do not like to keep my clients waiting. In this world we live, a day or two can be all the difference. And... You really don't need to call me Mister Railton. I prefer Valerian. Where I come from, the people who go by 'Mister' tend to be real scumbags." He admits to her as he follows her towards the interior of their fortified position. He is happy to relinquish his weapon at the front gate, if so asked by any guards, or keep it with him if no one stops him and makes him give it up. 

    "I see you seem to be making the best of it, regardless of how dangerous the world is. People here are warm and fed, which says a lot. We'll see how long our business goes and what you need me to do, then decide if I stay the night or not. I won't say no to a coffee, though." He's at least polite enough not to spoke indoors, or in front of a client on a negotiation meeting, which is what he expected this was.

    "If I may ask you a bold question, maam..." He says, bowing his head a bit in respect as he begins to piece together that this is someone of no small import, "Which side of my operation do you have business with? The part that deals in exotic monster reagents, or are you in the market for a 'Hero for Hire', so to speak?"

    "And... with all due respect," He adds as he states, "I would like to cast aside formalities and speak in a less formal, more relaxed tone for negotiations. If you are more comfortable with formal speech, that is acceptable, however."
  "I can appreciate punctuality." The elfin woman tips her head in accord. "Valerian it is, then, if that is what you prefer."

There are no guards. In fact, there don't seem to be any other living souls here. The garrison is empty. A few animals are in the stable, and smoke rises from the chimneys, but there's nobody around. When 'Sheik' closes the gates behind them, the thud as they swing home and the clunk of steel hardware echo in the silence. So do her footfalls.

The kitchen is pretty big, obviously meant to service a large manor. It's also devoid of staff. 'Sheik' is the only one here to light the stove and put a large kettle on, straining under the thing's weight, but there's a capability to her movements that suggests she's used to this.

"I am, but this place is not representative of Hyrule. Indeed, most are unaware of this place's existence. Snowpeak Garrison was built in my grandmother's time and later abandoned. Most assume it stayed that way. I do all I can to perpetuate those rumours." She tilts her head, regarding Valerian from the corner of an eye. Coffee? "Certainly."

She busies herself with preparing two cups as she speaks, although one of them is coffee; one is tea. Valerian's bold question earns little more than a glance over her shoulder. Turning to face him once she's prepared the cups, she wraps her robe more securely around herself and folding her arms tightly. It's warmer than outside, but it's not exactly warm in the kitchens.

"Both." Her answer is simple as she turns to regard him, her stare cool and level. As the kettle whistles, she takes it to pour two cups' worth, swirling. The movement is graceful; practised. "By all means, speak casually, if that is what makes you most comfortable. I'm afraid it does not come so easily to me, though."

"I am not a handmaiden of the royal family, and my name is not 'Sheik.'" She leans over to regard the cups, gauging them. "For your safety and mine I cannot tell you who I am, exactly, but know that I mean no harm, and my interest in doing business is quite legitimate, I assure you. There are a number of rare reagents I would like to gather. While the reagents themselves are largely harmless, the places they are found are not."
Valerian Railton
    No matter where she takes him, warm or cold inside the castle, Valerian seems about the same level as he was when he was outside in the snow. It's entirely possible (And, for the sake of ease, it very much is) that he is entirely unaffected by environmental heat or cold. He does seem slightly guarded from being in an unscouted location. But at the same time, his body language does not give off the stance of someone who feels threatened. Just someone who is always a little bit hyperaware. Something that Zelda can likely relate to after everything she has been through. 

    "Both," Valerian confirms as she answers his question as to what she needs, "I can do both. It would not be the first time I had helped someone overthrow a government that was oppressing them. Or helped supply that rebellion with ingredients they needed." The blonde man admits to her as she prepares the coffee.

    He seems to adjust his posture when she gives him permission to speak more casually, "I'll be honest with you, because I figure you're smart enough to figure it out by now. I'm not exactly a normal human. What I am is really unimportant, but before I did this whole thing..." He points to himself as if to indicate their business and what he was doing, "I was a full-on Mercenary. Like imagine if that Dante guy worked for a Government."

    He drops into a sitting position, sitting down on a provisions crate in her kitchen, "I won't ask who you are. I just want you to promise me that, in the situation you're asking me to step into, you're the hero. You're the one doing good. You're not just another bad guy waiting in the wings for a despot to fall. That's what I need you to give me your word on."

    Then he's back to the core of their business, "No matter how dangerous it is, if you can tell me where to find it, I can get it for you. I just have one stipulation about it..." He notes, giving a long pause as he scratches the back of my head, "If there's an ancient dragon involved, one of the really old ones, I get to kill it. I need it for personal reasons."
  If she notices the signs of one as wary as she, Zelda makes no comment on it. Chances are it wouldn't be polite to point it out, and more importantly, he probably has a good reason for being that way. It's entirely feasible his line of work would make him that way.

"In your line of work, I'm certain that you do." The Hylian reaches up to clear loose hair away from her face, reaching down to stir her own tea. "However, calling what remains a government is unduly charitable. Zant has taken over Hyrule, yes, but I believe he has no idea how to hold what he has captured." Once satisfied, she lifts the cup, wrapping long fingers around it.

Her expression twitches slightly at mention of Dante. It's a subtle reaction, one she partly stifles, but there's enough for someone as perceptive as Valerian to pick up.

"I assumed that you were not." A normal human, that is. She tilts her head as she listens, watching him through the veil of steam from her cup. "I expect that you assume the same of me, as well." The cup is set down, and she folds her arms, regarding him levelly. "I can give you my solemn word that everything I do, it is for the sake of Hyrule and her people. However... I will also understand if that is not enough for you. I would ask more than faith, in your position."

She listens to his conditions, picking up her cup again. Ancient dragons, really old buggers, he gets the kill, personal reasons, check. Zelda takes a long sip before she speaks.

"It was ages ago that dragons passed from Hyrule's history and into the mists of legend. A living serpent has not been seen since my grandmother's time, and she was but a child at the time." She shakes her head. "I am sorry, although if I hear of any in neighbouring realms, I'll be certain to let you know." She pauses to take a sip. "May I ask why? You are, of course, free to refuse. I am in no position to make demands I cannot reciprocate."
Valerian Railton
    Valerian calmly picks up his cup of coffee and sips it as he listens to her, "I believe you." He states flatly, believing her when she says she is genuine, "When people are lying, the heart rate increases, they cannot easily keep a gaze, and they would be unable to so consistently show a level of concern about the welfare of the entire world as you have shown." He tells her all of this in a completely even tone, sighing a bit. 

    "Bummer to hear about the dragons," He says, calmly rotating the coffee cup in his hand a few times to swirl it in the container, "Ancient ones are a pain to find." And then Zelda asks the question that anyone would ask in her position.

    "The short version is there's a special way people from my world can get power," He calmly unbuttons the front of his shirt to expose his chest. Aside from the muscles one would expect, there's what looks like a harness of some sort underneath it, "You inject something to gain power. Most people choose drugs and burn out and die after a few years. I chose dragon blood. If I get a gallon of it every year or so to flush out my systems and replenish the supply, I never burn out and I basically become... well..." He waves his hand vaguely, "You've seen. We're called Juicers. I'm a Dragon Juicer."

    As he buttons up his shirt, he smiles a bit, "So that's my big secret. I need dragons to live. Dragons tend to not like giving up their blood, so I have to keep track of where they can be found in case I need a top up." He laughs in a grim sense, "Hence starting a business about sustainable sourcing. I don't like being a bad guy, but sometimes they make it really hard so I had to come up with a solution."

    "Anyway, yeah. You got it. If you need someone to take on an army by himself, or you need someone to hang out in a volcano to get you some rare lava slug hearts or something. You have my card, just gimme a call and like 3 days notice and I can make it out here to give you a hand." He finishes up his cup of coffee, "Something in my gut tells me that I can trust you. It's your eyes, I think. You have the eyes of someone who has seen how much of a mill the world is and wants to prevent it from grinding people up. There's a weight behind your eyes."
  "Thank you." The words are soft but genuine. To the dragons, Zelda only tips a shoulder in resigned acceptance. "Perhaps so. I should have liked to see one of them, yes?"

Blinking owlishly, she arches a brow as Valerian starts to unbutton his shirt, and the other lifts as she looks over the harness. "Goddesses." The proclamation is soft. "Yes. I remember what I saw. Your prowess is..." Kind of scary. "Impressive. I suppose if you must choose some manner of patron spirit, a dragon is as good a choice as any."

"Must the dragon be slain? Perhaps if you could find a way to harvest the blood by sedating the beast, it would be somewhat more sustainable." She looks briefly troubled at the word 'secret,' but swallows and smiles gamely. "I see. I wish you success in your purpose, then, Valerian. If I can help you in any way, you need only ask, even if only to stay here for a night or two during your journeys. I am willing to offer that much."

Mention of armies and volcanos earns a nod. "An army. Yes. I will have need of those services, too, but not yet. I have too many preparations to make, still. This task will be part of them." Zelda drains her cup and sets it aside.

When she looks back, though, she's silent. There's a quiet sorrow behind those summer-blue eyes; the look of someone much older than the early twenties she looks like she must be.

"This world is grievously out of balance, and it shames me to say that I had a hand in the cause. I must atone for my mistakes. Saving Hyrule is the only way for me to do that." Her smile looks forced. "But that is a conversation for another day. In the meantime, is there anything I can give you for the road, before you leave? Rations? Clean water? Medical supplies?"
Valerian Railton
    "Honestly, I'd be over the moon if I could find a dragon willing to part with a gallon of blood once a year for me willingly or through sedation." He laughs a bit grimly, "Most of them try to kill you or take too long to sedate and it's a whole... thing." He sighs a bit and shakes his head, "Anyway. Trust me, I'm trying to figure out a sustainable solution." 

    She does get a faint laugh out of him, "Patron Spirit is a neat way to put it. I never saw it that way. It's always just been like..." He flexes his hands some, "I dunno, a steroid? Your version sounds nicer. I might use it from now on, I like it."

    But as he stands up, the man shakes his head to her, "Naw. I don't need anything for the road. You need everything you have far more than I do. I have a few ration packs, I regenerate, I can drink most water without getting diseases."

    He gives Zelda a genuinely soft smile, "Keep what you have and use it for your people. It'd be decidedly un-heroic to take it from people who need it."
  "I would imagine so." The young woman looks thoughtful for a moment, before shaking her head and sighing. "Pity Hyrule's dragons are gone. They were protectors; they might be persuaded. Depending on the size of the dragon, a gallon in the course of a year sounds reasonable enough to me."

She tilts her head a little at his appreciation of the term, and her mouth twitches in what's almost a smile. "I am a servant of the Goddesses. I can tell you that much. It seemed like the most appropriate term to me at the time. Thank you."

Zelda considers his smile and words, somber. At length she shakes her head. "On behalf of Hyrule's people, I thank you. I will tell you the truth in time. I think you are a good person." She clasps her hands in that ritualistic bow, inclining forward. If she's an aristocrat, she's an uncommonly humble one. "I will not keep you from your business any longer. May the Goddesses watch over you, Valerian Railton, and keep you safe on the road."