Benedicta Cornell

Benedicta Cornell
World: Maho Wars-1
Actual Age: 20
Apparent Age: 16
Quote: "No, you're not imagining things sometimes I wish I was though."
Role: Magical Girl
Species: Human/Anthro Horned Rabbit
Voice Actor: Kelly Baskin


Benedicta lived a normal life until a few years ago. Her hometown of Miillibrae suddenly came under attack from a mysterious monster. The whole event was staged by a creature known as a pucchu named Mephy. Unaware of this; Benedicta become a magical girl that could transform into a humanoid horned rabbit. This was because of her love for animals and kind but snarky nature. She also had the ability to invoke the features of other animals. Her rival, Sybil, took advantage of this to catch Benedicta off-guard while transformed. She stole Benedicta's transformation mirror from her. While possessing the mirror; Sybil split her human form into a separate entity forcing Benedicta to switch between the two in order to change form. This has led to a new set of problems while she tries to protect her world from evil.


Embrace the Beast: Being a beast mahou, Benedicta can gain limited traits of animals.
Benedicta can magically add a feature to her body from other animals besides rabbits in both forms. These include traits such as wings, scales, tentacles etc. This has its limitations, it has to be able to fit on her body, and she can't significantly alter her size or mass. She also can't alter her basic biology so she can't do things like breath fire, generate poison or shoot webs. Due to her magic being split in two she can only gain one addition at a time.
Killer Rabbit of California: Being a humanoid rabbit Benedicta has a number of natural defenses.
Being a magical humanoid rabbit, Benedicta has a number of ways of defending herself. She has sharp claws and can kick quite hard. She also has a horn on the top of her head that's quite sharp and she uses to channel magic. Her fur also provides a degree of protection especially against the cold.
Bunny Hop: Benedicta's legs provide her with extra agility when it comes to moving around.
Benedicta is quite agile and is able to travel through different environments quickly. She can leap quite far both vertically and horizonly, She can also run fairly fast and even wall jump between close surfaces.
Enhanced Senses: Benedicta has heightened senses and is able to notice quite a bit.
Benedicta's able to notice quite a bit that a normal human is unable to. She can hear noises from quite a distance away along with being able to pick even faint odors. She can also detect the presence of magic with her horn.
Twin Soul< Edge >: Benedicta's has two bodies, one human and one of a magical humanoid rabbit.
Benedicta's soul has been split into two from Sybil invoking the power of her transformation mirror. One of these is of a human teenage girl and the other is that of humanoid rabbit. While she's able to swap between the two at will she needs to be in close proximity to her other body. It's possible for her to summon her other self to switch forms if necessary. This takes great deal of effort on her part and she has to burn a point of edge to do so.


Split Soul: Benedicta has two seperate forms each with their own limitations.
It's quite difficult for Benedicta's to shift between her human and al'miraj girl form unless she's near her other body. Each body has its limitations as well. When in human form she's only able to take on one animal trait and loses access to the rest of her abilities.
Snarky: Benedicta's not exactly the most tactful person.
Benedicta's rather embarrassed by her powers and her current situation. She can get quite defensive and lash out when mocked. She's not above poking fun at herself and others either. Despite this she does wants to help people which can make her come across as kind of a hypocrite.
Easy to Startle: Benedicta tends to lock up when she's surprised by a situation.
Benedicta partially has the instincts of a rabbit regardless of which form she is in. Surprising Benedicta will make her briefly freeze up and unable to act. In combat this leaves her unable to defend herself and open for attack.
Magical Creature: Her Al-Mir'aj form is weak against heat, anti-magic and stands out.
While being in her Al-Mir'aj form gives Benedicta access to her full power it also has weaknesses of its own. Anti-magic spells, artifacts, and fields hurt her a great deal. She's unable to handle hot temperatures very well since she's covered in fur and unable to sweat. It also tends to stand out more since humans are native to a lot more places than humanoid rabbits are.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1176 Writhe In Pain Oct 09 2023
1166 Due East of Morley Aug 15 2023
1165 The Whales of Bristol Aug 08 2023
1158 With Ashes Blowing Away Over The Town 2 May 01 2023
1156 With Ashes Blowing Away Over The Town Apr 24 2023
1150 Fishing For a New Friend Apr 02 2023
1139 Chiaroscuro Mar 08 2023
1125 A picnic at Night(City_ Jan 10 2023
1097 Something Shocking this way comes Nov 08 2022
1067 Menacing March of the Mechanized Minions Aug 12 2022
See All 54 Scenes


Title Date
The Aftermath Sep 16 2019
The Hornet Queen's Court Oct 22 2019
Breakdown Nov 02 2019
A Shining Light in the Darkness Nov 08 2019
I'll Be Home for Christmas Dec 18 2019
The Knight's Opening Gambit Mar 30 2020
A Battered Bunny Apr 10 2020
The Knight's Horrible Curse Jun 14 2020
Sybil Alouette and Mirage Aug 21 2020
Mass Chaos Oct 04 2020
See All 22 Cutcenes