World Tree MUSH

In the Junkyard

Ayla and Demi find out that Junkyard Day is a very dangerous day.
Character Pose
Ayla had already been in a nightmarish city-scape once before, when she found herself in a Cyberpunk-esque world with Blues and Ash, however this time, it was different. Nothing could have prepared her for what she was about to face... Detroit.

While this place was advanced a fair bit from contemporary standards, it still looked like a bomb had hit it--as rust-belt cities tended to. Nothing but broken concrete, rust, decay and scrap for miles to see--sucking the optimism out of even the hardiest adventurer.

Currently, the plucky cavegirl was wandering down the streets along the shoreline, Zug Island steel mill center and industrial waste repository loomed in the water on the horizon. Now, Ayla had been around nasty, gray, disgusting cities before, to be fair--however this one was... seemingly nearly deserted, at least the area she was in. She wandered down a sidestreet till she reached the end--then decided to scale the barbed wire fencer there. She managed to climb it easily--however wound up with a rather nasty cut on the cheek as she scaled the top--cursing under her breath in her own language.
Wren had told Demi about the Great Collapse but even it didn't sound as what happened here. All of this once pristine technology laid in ruin. She wondered if anyone still inhabited this place, she couldn't imagine that most lifeforms would stick around or be able to survive. She's tried to repair but what she could but there's only so much she can do without working parts. At this point she's trying to piece together various parts together into one working vehicle. It would make getting around and aiding those in need faster. Her sensors suddenly pick up a sound other than her wielding, was there someone else her with her?
There is the sound of clinking, clashing rubble and scrap--and Ayla would jump down from atop a mighty heap of garbage--comprised of what looked like an old Ford and Toyota stalked atop a mound of old electronics that didn't wind up at the recycling center. She'd heard of a place like this, even been to it--the future world that Cro's party had run into, it was sort of like this--she remembered. But even she hadn't been prepared for this level of decay. At least there weren't monsters or weird mutants out trying to suck her blood.

Which is the thought that made her jump when she wound up face to face with Demi--jumping back with even the gray cat-tail scarf she wore flicking up in the air with her movement--jumping back from her.

"Ahhh, who you?!" she jerked her head to the side frantically and grabbed a large car bumper, hefting it like a club.
Demi's a bit surprised as she wasn't expecting the person who was watching to have been above her. The other woman was considerably taller her then again most adult humans were. She notices how little Ayla is wearing and wonders if she's from around here. She then notices the car bumper she's wielding as a weapon and remember she's holding the wielding torch. "My name is Demi. Please calm down, I'm not here to hurt you." She carefully places it down to show to the cavewoman she's not a threat.

"Is this your home? I apologize, I didn't mean to trepass." She does her to try and sound calm without going into a monotone.
In truth, not only had Ayla not been watching Demi from above--she had stumbled right into her. Ayla was actually kind of freaked out a bit by Demi's appearance--at least at first. As she began to speak in that tone the car bumper sunk down, as she relaxed her grip on it, and Ayla let out a large sigh of relief.

"Phew--Ayla thought you were crazy mutant, or bandit--I am Ayla!" she let the car bumper fall completely from her grasp, crushing some busted electronics off to the side of her with a crash of broken glass. Ayla's eyes shot to it directly afterward, her brows raised with an 'oops' sort of sheepish expression.

"What? Ayla not live here! this place is creepy--what you doing here?" she asked, pushing aside some trash with her gray furred boot and stepping aside it, closer to Demi. She still had that slice on her cheek, though it looked like it has crusted over.
"Crazy mutant? I guess my hair color would be unusual on some worlds." Demi never did ask why Wren pick green-white. "Sadly I believe the owners of these vehicles are long since deceased." It's not stealing if there's no one alive to claim it. "And the place is a bit unsettling, I agree. I'm trying to see if there's anything that can be salvaged from here. It would be waste not to use functionable technology."

She lifts her head a bit as she hears the car bumper crush the electronics "It's a pleasure to meet you Ayla, you're rather strong. Maybe even as strong as Master Wren." She actually sounds a bit surprised at that. "This may not be the best place for organic life to be." She sounds a bit concerned for the woman.
"No hair color is fine--you just so short!" Ayla shrugged, stepping closer to the very short android femme. Femmebot--would probably be more appropriate, just with less negligees and machine gun breasts.

"Vehicle...? huh, I see," Ayla seemed to take a moment to grasp what Demi was talking about, before nodding slowly. Weird, if people made all these things--why would they just leave them lying around here??

"Even sky seems gray all the time, it make Ayla depressed," she sighed, before approaching Demi now--the size difference was obvious. She even held a palm flat above Demi's head just to measure--comparing it with her own.

"Ayla don't want to be here--but the road ended, and climbed over a wall," well, more like a chain-link wall with razor wire at the top of it.
Demi's a bit sensitive about her size, "Well, it's not like I can get any taller and I would have trouble interfacing with Nurvus if I was the same size as you! She pouts a bit at that. She looks up noticing the cut on Ayla's cheek, "I'm sorry for not noticing sooner are you hurt? You climbed one of those fences? That could get infected!" It didn't look that severe at the moment but still it was better to be safe than sorry.

"Please hold still a moment. I promise won't hurt you." Her chest suddenly opens up and photonic energy begins to discharge from it aimed at Ayla.
>> GAME >> Demi spends an Edge for: Using medical power to heal the cut to Ayla's cheek.
Ayla looks a little surprised at how upset Demi got--not realizing it at first, wincing a little apologetically--and as she did so remembered the cut on her face where the razor wire of the fence nicked it.

"Ow--yes, metal cord cut me," she started--then Ayla looked quite surprised. Demi's chest was... opening up and a bright light spilled out--literally flashing the cavewoman. She was too surprised to be afraid or alarmed at this--shutting her eyes. Ayla suddenly felt super tingly and warm--and the scab over the slice on her cheek began to crumble away--the skin rapidly healing and shedding the dried blood there.

"Ooh! how you do that?!" she started again, once the light had faded, if it did--assuming Demi could... shut her chest again. That was weird.

"You not human?" she tilted her head, curiously.
Demi's closed her chest back up, "That's correct, I'm an android. I look humanoid on the outside but I'm actually a robot. I can use photonic energy to heal organic beings. You should be more careful. Where are you from originally, Ayla?" If the cavewoman wasn't from here how did she end up in a place like this?" Demi couldn't but to compute. She's assuming she's either from an early civilization or a post-destruction one.
"And... what?" Ayla's expression became one of hapless confusion, brows furrowed and lips drawn back, but still pursed--she wasn't sure exactly what Demi had just said.

"Robutt? So... like Robo?" she tilted her head yet again, much like a cat that has no idea what this strange thing is it is seeing.

"Ayla from her village, Ioka--it's not around here, I don't think..." she shook her head, looking up at the pitilous gray sky above. Probably acid rain brewing in those clouds, at that.

"No Dinomen here, but weird old buildings and lots of icky stuff--you not from here, either?" she stood back up, hand brushing some of the dried blood off her face, looking at it. The wound was definitely gone--but the remains of the cut had still been there. She was mystified by it.
Demi looks up at the sky, "On second thought, it might be best if we both leave or at least find shelter." Acid rain isn't good for her complexation not to mention her internal parts. "I'm not from here either, I'm from a world called Motabia. I've never heard of Ioka village but there's a 99.8 probability it's not on the same planet." She hasn't met many people who dress as casually as Ayla after all. "Dino-men? Like a fusion between humanoids and dinosaurs?" She wonder if that's biologically possible.
"You heal Ayla--Ayla not run into many that can do that--Ayla owe you," the cavegirl's reasoning was perhaps simple, but still sound. "I see--Ayla not heard of anyplace like that... different world, yeah! Portal take Ayla here--and you too," she nodded, sussing that one out, apparently.

"Dinomen--scaly people, live long time before Ayla's people, they strong, we fight," she caught Demi up on the current events of her own world pretty quick, before starting to make a path through the junk and rubble.

"Yeah--we go, find shelter, get out of this place," she was already huffing as she began to clear a path for herself and the tiny robot lady. Despite not being that much taller or muscular than Demi, Ayla had some kind of supernatural strength, it was plain to see--she was grunting and pushing cars out of the way and toppling things over to clear a path.

Soon they would be out of the junkyard--but would they be any better outside than in...?