
World: Phantasy Star IV: Decade of Dissonance-1
Actual Age: 314
Apparent Age: 13
Quote: I'm ready. I'm up to it! Master, you just watch me!
Role: Caretaker of Motavia
Species: Android
Theme Song: Cybernetic Carnival remix- I Fight You In My Car
Voice Actor: Junko Iwao


Diminutive Freyna-Class Android, or Demi's main purpose is to assist in maintaining the planet Motabia's environmental systems. She was constructed by Wren, an android who was tasked with the same role after the destruction of Mother Brain. Her main purpose is to make sure the planet remains inhabitable for Palmans as long as possible since their home world was destroyed. She's a cheerful and helpful robot who's knowledgeable about a variety of subjects especially guns and technology. Demi's also quite obsessive about maintaining and discovering new guns and technology. She has quite a few different functions, including the ability to heal herself and others, stun and disable opponents, and create a barrier to protect against magic and techs. She's a bit sensitive about her appearance. She knows she was made small to interface with technology that would be difficult for Wren to do so and look non-threatening. Still people shouldn't underestimate what she's capable of.


Medical Power< Edge >: Demi through the power of photonic energy can heal and awaken organic beings.
Demi was created to protect the residents of Motabia and that includes making sure they're healthy. As a result she can generate photonic energy in order to ensure healing on a cellular level. It can also awaken those who've been knocked unconscious but won't have any effect on the dead. This only works on organic beings as a result and has no effect on her or artificial beings. Due to the large amounts of energy required she can only do this a handful of times without going into sleep mode to recharge her systems.
Technology Expert: Demi is knowledgable about tech especially when it comes to Motabia.
Demi has knowledge of a great deal of the technology that's ever been used on Motabia. As a result using is second nature to her. She can also easily repair it as long as she has the proper parts on hand and it's intact. This naturally includes herself as long as she has the photonic energy to do so.

As far as other worlds go it's certainly possible as long as she's given time to familiarize herself with it and not incompatible with her systems or programming. Still it wouldn't be effective as using weapons and equipment from Algol and in order to use it though it has to be human-sized, she has little use for something designed for a mecha for example. She can't reprogram other sapient cyborgs and robots or other advanced technology since that would mean completely rewriting their code.
Built to Last: Demi is quite durable and is less affected by the same problems as organics.
Demi doesn't require food, water or oxygen at all to survive. She also only needs occasional rest unless she's damaged or has expanded too much energy. She can handle hot and cold climates quit well, but she'll still melt or freeze if the temperature gets extreme enough. She's also able to auto-repair damage she receives slowly over time as long as she's not taking completely offline.
Short Fighting Robot Demi: She has built-in weapons which can stun or damage along with making a barrier.
Demi's armed with her Impacter rifle and a number of built in weapons. She can unleash photonic energy damaging and destroying other robots with her Spark Shot. Her Statis Beam allows her to stun organic beings and she can create a barrier of photonic energy to protect herself and others from magic and techniques.


Not a Magic Girl: Demi has little use for items or weapons with magical or psychic enchantments.
Any sufficiently advanced technology may be indistinguishable from magic but that doesn't change the fact that Demi doesn't have much use for the latter. She has no magical aura or psychic energy due to being an android. While she can use items that reproduce the effects they'll be less effective than normal since she zero capability with them to begin with.
Tech Fanatic: Given what Demi was built for it's no surprise she likes technology.
Of course being knowledgeable about technology is a double-edge chain-sword for Demi. She's spend days tinkering with guns or machines without realizing until she checked her internal clock. Unless she's already doing maintenance on Motabia's environmental systems or it's an absolute emergency. Sticking a new gun or pilotable vehicle or something that needs to be fixed in front of her is bound to get her attention.
An droid, the droid -- whatever: No matter how much Demi tries to conceal it she stands out in a crowd.
Demi tends to stand out a bit. For starters she has sensors sticking out of her head where her ears should be. Her voice has a faint computerized tone no matter how much emotion she puts into it. There's a soft metallic sound when she walks and she doesn't breathe at all. The fact she tends to favor large noisy weapons in combat also tends to be a dead giveaway if she's forced to fight. She's also looked like a short teenager girl for over the past 300 years which makes her a bit sensitive about her appearance.
Mechanical Maiden: Electric and corrosive attacks are the best way to bring Demi down.
While Demi is made out of durable materials she's certainly not indestructible. She's quite vulnerable to electricity being powered by a CPU, circuits, and other mechanical parts. Not to mention being made of metal she's quite a good conductor of it. Being made of metal also means corrosive weapons and acid rain will easily melt through her skin as well.
Guardian of Motabia: Protecting the control facilities on Motabia is Demi's #1 priority.
Demi's main purpose is to make sure the planet of Motabia remains inhabitable for Palmans. As a result attacking any of the facilities needed to do so especialy Nurvus is an easy and quick way to get her attention if she's not already present. While she can place them on lockdown if she's not present or feeling overwhelmed that will only buy time at best.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
818 One (1) Singular Robot Apr 13 2021
621 This Iota scene will get a better title later Feb 19 2020
602 Valley of the Fallen Star Dec 05 2019
545 Rainy Day Shinki Blues Jul 22 2019
478 The Majestic Yet Terrifying Machines of Horizon May 10 2019
431 This Mortal Coil Feb 25 2019
392 The Defense of Haven Jan 06 2019
387 Decondamination Dec 19 2018
253 There Will Be Cake Sep 22 2018
150 A real Potboiler! Jun 10 2018
See All 14 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.