World Tree MUSH

Poke Kombat

Frost and Suiren have a Pokemon battle in the beaches of Alola
Character Pose
Cyber Frost

Another warm and cool morning in the beaches of Alola as residents and tourits alike flocked to the sands to catch some sun rays and maybe some waves as well while they were at it. Some people appeared to be far more intense in their surfing than others in fact, while there were plenty of professional surfers in Alola that were pracicing their wave riding, today there was one woman in particular that seemed leaps and bounds beyond anything could bring to bear- even the already mentioned professionals. The crowd stood in complete awe as young, slender woman with spikey blue hair rode the waves with a surf board made entirely out of ice. She surfed completely on the side, almost as if she was glued to her icy surf board, and weaved and bobbed through the waves and even other surfers alike. She soared over their heads, made total somersaults over them, and sometimes even knocked them off their boards with cheeky hip bumps. Though somewhat malicious and smug looking the crowd was loving it and when the bluenette finally made it back to the beach she was immediatly surrounded by a cheering crowd- all wanting to know who this mysterious woman was. She made no attempt to try and push off her admirers, the young lady simply putting one hand on her hip, shifting her weight on one leg and flexing her quite toned bicep, very eager to show off her body currently wearing a one piece blue bikini. She was more than simply very comely, she was also very athletic looking and she knew it. A text book definition of if you have it flaunt it.
     Suiren is dressed in her midnight blue one piece swimsuit and had been out on the beach training Popplio earlier, and now the pair take a break to go swimming. The girl and her Pokemon really seem to be enjoying themselves, but soon Suiren is distracted by the woman on the icy surfboard, watching with a curious expression, and after a moment Iona the Popplio surfaces next to her, curious why her trainer stopped swimming. Clearly this woman was an off worlder, either that or she has an ice type Pokemon capable of creating a frozen surfboard, which would be quite the feat. 

     When the woman heads to shore and is surrounded by a crowd, Suiren also swims to shore and cautiously aproaches with Iona following close behind, taking note of the interaction between the woman and the beachgoers.
Cyber Frost
There were very high probabilities that a woman like this was an offworlder, her ice powers, her unnatural agility, and more strikingly, all those doll like joints in her body implying that her body was artificial in nature was unlike anything that could be seen in Alola. However, like Suiren, some of the residents got the feeling that she was perhaps in someway Pokemon related, either a Pokemon herself, which would indeed be quite a feat but not necessarily unheard of, or what was more plausible was that she was some kind of trainer. After all, someone -this- cool had to be a trainer right?

It was not long before an upstart trainer challenged her to a Pokemon battle and the blunette simply gave a confident smirk and a shrug of her shoulders. "Sure.. I'll fight you~" She said playfully.

The trainer and the blunette stood at opposite ends as the crowd formed a circle. The trainer called out a Blastoise and the blunette called out... nothing? "Oh yeah, I don't use Pokemons to fight. I hope that's ok~." It was an unorthodox choice, particularly because what could a human possibly do to a Blastoise--

"BLAAAAAAAST!!" The turtle Pokemon cried out in surpise and agony as the woman rushed him and punched him in the sternum with such force that it actually cracked his shell. Staggered, the Blastoise held his wound trying to recover-- but the woman was absolutely merciless. She -PICKED UP- the Blastoise, flipped him upside down, and SMASHED him head first into the sand with a devastting piledriver that knocked the poor Pokemon completely out.

"Oops~ I think I broke him." She chuckled maliciously and dusted her hands as the terrified trainer called back their Blastoise. "Anyone else~?" Asked the blunette as she looked around the crowd.
     Suiren hadn't been able to see the signs of the woman's body being artificial from a distance, but up close she started to notice them, which reminded her just a little of some of the more mechanical looking steel-type Pokemon. She tries to get a spot where she can see as the crowd forms around her to watch the coming battle as a trainer issues her a challenge. She winces at the sickening crack of Blastoise's shell, and then the piledriver that makes it faint. That Blastoise is certainly going to be needing a fair amount of time at a Pokemon Center to recover from that. She now notices Iona cowering behind her and scoops the Popplio up into her arms, gently rubbing her head. "I know the lady is scary, but it's ok, I'm here." She says softly into the blue pinniped's ear. She looks around to see if anyone else was going to challenge this lady, she certainly wasn't rushing to raise her hand given how that battle went and assuming that Blastoise was probably stronger than either of her Pokemon. "That was an interesting style. I've read about martial artists that battle with fighting type Pokemon with their bare hands, but I haven't witnessed it in person." She comments to Frost, and a few of the people on the beach turn to look at her, murmur and nod.
Cyber Frost
The blunette placed her hands on her hips as she awaited more challengers. "Really? No one?" She asked out in wonder and shrugged, hardly able to blame them for their caution- maybe she should have taken it easier on that Blastoise, but dang it, was it hard to pull her punches when she was that strong. Upon closer inspection the woman's body is certainly not normal, her limbs have clear joint parts to them, giving her something of a 'living mannequin' type. Given that she was wearing a bikini very similar in fashion to that of Suiren, now that everyone was closer to her it was far easier to see her almost doll like structure. Was an offworlder or a steel type? It was quite mysterious indeed. "Hmm?" The woman looked down to Suiren as the girl perked up and wisely pointed out that this lady was clearly using martial arts. The blunette smiled, clearly liking that Suiren seemed to know she wasn't just a simple brawler, but a martial artist. "Very perceptive." The blunette smirked down at Suiren, shifting her weight on her legs again, sticking her hips to one side. "But I battle with more than just Pokemon. I fight all kinds of monsters, beasts, and devils. My martial arts are unmatched." She boasted, piercing eyes staring down at Suiren and her Pokemon. "Waddaya say, little girl? Want to Test Your Might against me?"
     Suiren appreciates when Frost compliments her perceptiveness. She is a smart and well studied little girl and had long ago decided this woman was not a Pokemon, as the fact that she could also talk looked more humanlike than any Pokemon she'd ever heard of, and fought with such might and precision, it was all too much to be a coincidence. Besides, there's no way she could be a steel-type, fighting-type AND ice-type, right? That would be unheard of indeed. 

     As the woman challenges her since no one else was stepping forward, her eyes go wide and she swallows hard. "Me? Um, I guess I could, but I'm pretty sure that trainer and their Blastoise were stronger and more experienced than me and my Pokemon, so, be gentle?" She asks as she sets Iona down and takes a step back. The trainer of the Blastoise smiles at Suiren and steps forward, offering to be re referee for this match.
Cyber Frost
It looked like the jig was up! Not that Frost had ever been pretending to be a Pokemon herself, she just enjoyed the wary and confused looks that people were giving her. She liked it when people percieved her as a fascinating oddity, the more eyes on hers the better after all, and who could blame them? She was after all, cool as hell!

She grinned fiercely as Suiren accepted her challenge, on the condition that she took it easy on her. What an intriguing notion. 'Be gentle' she said. "Hm, I usually don't pull my punches." She admitted, the whole idea of 'taking it easy' in a fight seemed an entirely alien concept for her, after all, she was used to fighting -to the death-. When you come from a world when even simple sparring could be deadly, it was difficult to take it slow. And yet, she seemed intrigued by Suiren, no one else in the crowd had been able to guess that she was using martial arts, and Frost wanted to experience what this little girl could bring to bear. It wasn't often she ran into people, trainers or otherwise, that were aware of the extent of her abilities.

"Alright, I'll play nice~." The blunette decided with a grin and she skid backwards to put some distance away from her and Iona. The sand froze underneath her essentially allowing her to glide backwards.

"Ready when you are." Said Frost as she took a Tong Bei Quan stance, palms open and close to her center, weight resting on her back leg ready to spring forward.
     Suiren took a brief moment to think as Frost accepted her request and assumed a fighting stance, letting her make the first move. She wondered how effective water would be against this woman, considering her ice powers, but unfortunately, the Blastoise battle was over so quickly it didn't really answer any questions to that end. 

     Only one way to find out for sure. "Iona, Water Gun!" She calls, and her Popplio nods, doing her best to be brave, and sends out a powerful blast of water toward the blunette woman. "Watch her movements too, try to avoid getting hit." She warns after a bit of further thought.
Cyber Frost
Aggressive! Just like Frost liked her opponents. The thing was that Suiren quite right in her assesments and Frost shared her views. That battle had been too quick to learn anything, and although Frost was already at the pinnacle of her abilities, there was always more to learn. Unfortunately, she couldn't learn anything if she just obliterated her opponents in the first round without letting them do anything. Perhaps this would be a learning experience for both of them, if Frost allowed the Popplio to attack then that meant she could actually use some of her defenses for a chance. Even as a cyborg she could get rusty if she did nothing but attack.

"Hmm.." The cyber kunoichi backed up a bit when she saw Iona charge up an attack. Wow, someone was actually attacking her for a change, it felt as if it had been so long that for a moment Frost didn't seem what to do. This was what she wanted to avoid- growing complaicent. She hated the idea of becoming weak and soft because there were no challenges...

"Cryo Barrier!" At the last moment, Frost remembered some of her abilities and shot an energy barrier from her chest that absorbed Iona's water blast. This woman was certainly not human, there was an opening in the center of her chest that glowed with a blue light, as if she had some kind of battery jammed in the upper part of her chest- and considering she was wearing a bikini it was quite clear it was grafted into her body rather than just piece of jewelry.

"Unibeam!!" Despite everything, Frost loathed sticking to only defensive manuvers- she was an aggressive fighter by nature. As soon as she had blocked the water gun, she shot her own beam of ice, once again from her chest, and it sailed towards the Popplio trying to freeze her in place.
     Suiren is not entirely surprised that Frost avoids the attack, it's how she avoids it that is surprising. She's never seen a cyborg before and is left gawking a moment. The incoming attack though snaps her back to her senses though and she cries. "Iona, dodge that and use Pound." Iona was already preparing to leap out of the way, and while her tail flippers take a graze hit, causing a bit of ice to form, she shakes it off and begins to run toward Frost, not terribly fast being a pinniped on land, but before long she leaps and aims to slam her front flippers into Frost.
Cyber Frost
Interesting, Frost seemed pretty impressed by the ability for this seal looking creature to dodge. She assumed that with those flippers and the tail, Iona would not have the best mobility in land, but she still somehow managed to avoid the worst of the attack and only get grazed. Even more surprisingly, what part of the seal's body did get frozen she was able to easily shake off. Apparently, using ice attacks where Not Very Effective against the Popplio. Even now she is still learning match ups- and that's what made one a true warrior, never stop learning.

On that note, Frost made use of previous fighting experience to recognize what the seal was trying to do. Ah, the ye ol ground pound to try and knock her off her feet. Well, unfortunately for Iona, while she's left floundering about in the sand, her opponent is actually very swift. Frost jumped high up in the air to avoid the ground pound, flying up a good solid 9 feet up in the air which would seem like a bit of overkill.. except for the fact that it was actually part of a counter attack of her own.

"You got too close, baby!" She cackled up in the air as she appeared to have grabbed.... her surf board?? Apparently, since ice attacks had difficulty damaging the water type, Frost was going to for a physical attack. She heaved her ice made surf board and careened down to the ground trying to just SLAM the surfboard on top of Iona's head with a heavy overhead blow putting monstrous strength into the attack.
     When Suiren sees Frost leap into the air, she has a feeling something is coming from that, and quickly calls to Iona. "Quick, make a balloon! Then try again!" The Popplio looks up and begins to form a large water bubble from her nose. She then lets it fly upward toward Frost while trying to get out of the way of the surfboard slam, and follow up with another pound attack aimed at the woman's back, trying to strike before Frost can launch another attack.
Cyber Frost
Well... that's... certainly an usual technique. "What the--!?" Frost had to say, in all her years of Mortal Kombat she had never seen anyone block an attack with a balloon! So shocked she is in fact that the Kunoichi slams her surf board onto the water balloon out of sheer confusion, thinking that perhaps she could just muscle her way through it and hit Iona anyway. The problem with that strategy was that attacking the balloon at all was a mistake, even if she could tear through it, swinging at something other than her intended target gave the Pokemon enough time to get out of the way. Once Frost landed, she was fully vulnerable to getting slammed on the back by a pair of flippers. "Aggggh!!!" Oh.. that... stung! And wouldn't you know it, Frost didn't like getting hit, particularly from an opponent she percieved as weaker.

In that moment, something inside Frost snapped, while the attack had hurt her body, it had hurt her pride more than anything. This little creature dared to damage her!? She forgot all about taking it easy and spun on her heel, quickly throwing a roundhouse kick aimed at Iona's head. No more pulling punches, Frost's heel was going to slam hard on the Popplio's temple with the clear intent of dealing some serious damage. Considering that she had casually cracked a Blastoise's shell before, this kick was going to really hurt if it landed on Iona's dome.
     "Jump!" Is all that Suiren can get out before the swift kick from Frost comes. Iona once again kicks hard with her tail and springs up into the air, but this time, while it's enough to avoid a blow to the head, the kick instead strikes her body and sends her flying and then tumbling in the sand. Now laying still with flippers sprawled in various directions, the trainer who agreed to referree goes to check on Popplio while Suiren bites her lip nervously. Iona hasn't fainted though, and after a moment she is back up on her flippers. 

     "Are you ok Iona?" She asks, to which the Popplio nods and rinses the sand off with a light spray. "You still want to battle huh? Alright, let's try Water Gun again!" She calls, but Popplio is serious now too, and an entirely new move is used. She is suddenly enveloped with rushing water, and then suddenly rockets toward Frost in a sort of tackle, the flow of the water around her propelling her forward with both speed and power. Suiren blinks in surprise. "That was Aqua Jet... Iona you learned a new move!" She cries happily.
Cyber Frost
"Hehehe..." Not only aggressive but also a sadist by nature as well, Frost couldn't help but grin in satisfaction when her foot landed square on the Popplio's body. Perhaps it was not on the head where she wanted, but she'll take a body blow too, after all, the satisfaction of feeling the Pokemon's bones buckle under the pressure of her kick sent a rush of pleasent energy through her body. Ah, now this was more like it. The gory glory of close quarters Kombat! Frost liked throwing energy beams and all but nothing felt better than landing a solid blow to her opponent. In Iona's defense at least she didn't get ripped in half from the kick, and perhaps Frost took a -little- power off the blow as she made contact. She wasn't that evil, and she had agreed to take it easy, she would lose a lot of face if she went back on her word.

She adjusted her stance again thinking that the Pokemon was done for and her trainer would call her back, but was pleasently surprised to see that Iona still wanted to fight. "Oooh! You got some warrior spirit, I'll give you that much." Grinned Frost as her eyes sharpened and looked straight to her opponent once she attacked again. Water Gun again? Well, she was just going to put her shield and block it-- except this was an entirely new move and the Popplio launched herself at Frost and tackled her straight in the gut. "Ooof!! Alright then.." That had surprised her, and Frost skidded backwards from the blow. However, just as Iona could shrug off ice attacks, Frost was very used to physical blows and she simply toughed out the tackle. She dug her heels on the sand to keep upright and brought her arms around Iona's body to try and grab her into a fierce neck hold.

Iona wasn't the only one that could throw confusing attacks, this move Frost had planned was going to be a real doozy.

Frost's upper body started spinning planning to take Iona for a ride. If it wasn't clear before, now everyone in the crowd would be certain that Frost was some kind of robot. Her feet remained planted firmly on the sand whilst her upper body spun rapidly in 360 degrees, essentially putting the Popplio in a blender attack. Frost spun faster- faster- and faster! Reaching mach speeds until she threw Iona to the side, aiming to send the Pokemon skidding on the sand until she hit a palm tree.
     Suiren is feeling pretty good as the Aqua Jet attack lands and seems to surprise Frost, so far this battle is certainly going better than expected. But then Iona lets out a cry as Frost grabs her around the neck. She flails and kicks with her tail and front flippers in an attempt to land a blow that would make Frost let go, but the little pinniped has fairly short reach so the flailing probably doesn't accomplish much. 

     Suiren's eyes widen in shock as Frost's upper body starts spinning in a manner that no living creature that she knew of could possibly match. Iona is looking rather dizzy even before Frost sends her flying, and her body indeed skids across the sand, and impacts a tree with a thud. The little water type wasn't getting up from that one, and so after a brief check, he signals that the battle is over. "Popplio is unable to battle, so..." He realizes that Frost never actually introduced herself. "The uh, blue-haired surfer lady is the winner.

     Suiren gives a bow of respect to Frost for being the winner, before heading over to Iona, giving the still unconscious Popplio a gentle pat. "You fought very well Iona, have a good rest." She says as she holds out Iona's Pokeball and presses its button, and Iona returns to her Pokeball, which Suiren clips back to her waist before turning back to Frost. "You have some... interesting talents. I'm Suiren by the way. Probably going to go to the Pokemon Center at the end of the beach and get Iona healed up while I have some lunch, care to join me?"
Cyber Frost
Frost almost felt a little bad when the Popplio started flailing around in her grasp. She had such short reach with those flippers that her tail that she basically had no hope of getting out of a choke hold. Anyway, key word here was -almost- felt bad, and Frost was more than willing to end that fight once and for all. It had been amusing while it lasted but she needed to assert her martial superiority over these people and their Pokemon.

As the other trainer called the match, Frost simply raised her fist up in the air as a sign of victory. "Downloaded.." She chuckled softly to herself before frowning when the trainer simply called her the blue-haired surfer lady.

"Frost." She corrected him with a glare. "The name's Frost."

The kunoichi looked down to Suiren when she approached her. She had to admit, Iona had put up more of a fight than the Blastoise from earlier. Sure, Frost technically had taken it a little easier with the seal Pokemon, but she could feel a lot of potential in this girl and her Popplio- they'd go far. "Thanks, you did good too, kid." Frost said with a smirk, never one to turn down compliments.

What took her by surprise was Suiren inviting her to get some lunch with her. That.. was quite unexpected, kindness was something Frost was not used to at all, and for a moment she didn't know what to say or do. In fact, she recoiled slightly, as if suspecting Suiren was trying to pull a trick on her. Was it maybe a joke?

The kid looked serious though, and for whatever reason Frost shook her head before shrugging. "You know what? Sure, why not. Tell you what? I'll even make it my treat since I won."

Interesting.. Frost never expected to make... friends..

Wait, what? FRIENDSHIP!!?

This was going to be an interesting journey.