Cyber Frost

Cyber Frost
World: Mortal Kombat: Forsaken-1
Theme Song:


Frost is a highly skilled cryomancer and ninja whose sole motivation in life is to become ever stronger. Arrogant to the extreme, she would sacrifice everything she has to achieve greater power including her allies and her very own soul. In her mad quest for power she betrayed her teacher and her friends, pledging her loyalty to a powerful being who gifted her an extremely advanced cybernetic body in exchange for her services. Now with all her abilities greatly enhanced, it appears that Frost has finally achieved her goal of becoming a literal killing machine. Even now, however, her hunger for power remains, and finding herself without a benefactor in the World Tree, she wanders in search of greater sources of strength- or perhaps something that will finally let her find the balance within herself.


Martial Arts: Knowledgeable in armed and unarmed kombat and pressure points
Even before she joined the Lin Kuei, Frost was already a hardened street fighter. She has extensive training with the basics of melee combat styles such as boxing strikes, grappling and kickboxing. Under the tutelage of Sub-Zero however, she honed her combat abilities to near perfection in the form of her preferred style; Tongbeiquan. This training has increased her ability to fight in melee extensively, far beyond just the basics of fist fighting. Frost is a master at maximizing the damage of her strikes by targeting joints, ligaments, vital organs, or simply, just attacking where her opponent appears the most vulnerable. If Frost doesn't immediately see openings she is very proficient in making them. 
Ninja Arts: Trained in stealth and silent kills.
As a ninja, Frost is an expert at mundane methods of stealth, capable of hiding in the shadows, going unnoticed around crowds of people, or even using her athletics to perch on ceilings and the like. When it comes to infiltration she's also very capable of slipping inside fortified buildings unnoticed, with her knowledge of pressure points and assasination techniques, she can break necks and rip out vocal cords, silencing sentries before they can give any alarm.
Cryomancy: Ice manipulation and resistance
Frost is capable of extending her chi into the air to manipulate water particles and freeze them in order to give them whatever shape she wants. In this manner, she can also harden ice considerably and make it very durable, enough that she can turn it into reliable weaponry such as swords, spears, daggers and even shoot ice shurikens. As a creature of ice, it's also difficult to damage her with cold based attacks.
Cybernetic Body: Superhuman physical attributes
Frost's cybernetic body grants her enhanced strength, agility and endurance. She can easily recover from injuries by simply repairing herself with her built in nanomachines, and there is a lot of room for upgrades, allowing her to potentially become even stronger.
Tricksy: Frost's fighting style can be very unpredictable and confusing
Frost was always a dirty fighter, but now that she has a cybernetic body she has taken it to another level altogether. She'll heavily abuse her technological body to make her highly unpredictable in combat, her feinting and underhanded techniques make her very difficult to defend against even for experienced martial artists. She'll spin her upper body in 360 degrees to deliver maximum impact strikes, she'll take off her own head to use it as a weapon, she'll detach her limbs to escape a grapple- and then make them explode if her opponent is still holding on to them. Frost's creativity is a weapon unto itself.
Network Connections: Can command willing robots or computers
Frost's cybernetic body allows her to connect to other robots or computers either by wire or wireless connection in order to command them. Frost is no hacker though and she was never good at technology to begin with, so she can only do this if whatever she's trying to establish the connection is willing, doesn't have any firewall protections, or someone has already hacked them for her.


All About Me: Egotistical and prone to jealousy
Frost's ego is monstrous in nature, to the point that it seems there's no other part of the kunoichi's personality other than how arrogant she is. Frost has an almost debilitating need to be top dog at all times, she easily gets jealous of people that show her up and it will drive her to do extremely dangerous things in order to seem like she's the best. It's not so much that Frost wants to be the center of attention at all times, she simply wants everyone to recognize how skillful she is and it can be grating to deal with. She's very much like a child throwing a huge tantrum sometimes.
Lust For Power: Will do anything to become stronger
Anger, jealousy and crippling feelings of inadequacy drive Frost to become ever stronger- by any means necessary, even if she has to sacrifice her soul, her morals, or even her so-called friends. Frost is easy to tempt and given the opportunity to become stronger she is very likely to go turn coat and switch sides. It would take an extremely strong friendship to get her to maintain her loyalties.
Easy to Manipulate: Frost is easy to control once you figure her out
Perhaps Frost's biggest weakness is just how easy it is to manipulate her. Praise and compliments go an extremely long way with her, and she can forget all about her duties if she's currently getting her ego stroked. While doing this mid combat in order to open her up might be difficult since she is likely to notice a false praise, it can accomplish other things, such as convincing her to go on a particularly dangerous mission, or help with a problem she would have ignored otherwise.
Fire: A cryomancer's natural enemy
Frost never cared much for fire. She can withstand hot temperatures well enough, but direct contact with fire makes her circuits melt and hits her beyond just her body, targeting her very core. In plain terms; it's super effective!

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1036 Flames and Shadows Jun 03 2022
1032 Bell In A Cell May 27 2022
1027 Hell's Bell May 20 2022
1024 Trespassing May 13 2022
1016 Suiren vs Frost, Fight! Apr 29 2022
1013 Footsteps of Destruction Apr 25 2022
1006 No Mercy Apr 15 2022
1002 Lost Colony: Betrayal Apr 12 2022
1000 Cyber Frost vs Luke! Apr 08 2022
998 Lost Colony: Finale? Apr 05 2022
See All 21 Scenes


Title Date
To Be A Villain Feb 06 2022
See All 1 Cutcenes