World Tree MUSH

Consequences of Purpose

Character Pose
The aftermath of the spider cult left many cultists arrested or just plain lost, but mortal authorities could handle it. Things were a bit of a wreck, but Kiyohime's task had been fulfilled and now it was time to... face the music about what she'd done. What she'd had to do.

Well, at least Shin got a free lunch out of it. A private booth at the local cafe was good to talk at about private matters. It wasn't anywhere near the place where this had all happened, and Kiyohime was actually dressed in casual clothes, the lightweight t-shirt and a pair of shorts were just enough to make her look like a summer tourist... especially since she had a camera around her neck. Not even using a camera phone, a full on digital camera. Life goes on even post-cataclysm, and this was one of the few places where life was untouched and people could, for a while, try to be normal.
Shin Tokuyama
    "So." Shin says around a mouthful of burger. He'd ordered a bacon double cheese burger to soothe his hunger, since he was never one to say no to someone else giving him a meal. And inside Japan, burgers are a bit rare to eat. He stuffs some fries in his mouth a moment later. 

    "I guess this is the post-mission reconciliation of our first disagreement." Shin remarks it casually. The tone suggests he fully expects himself and Kiyohime to actually reconcile, which may let her feel a bit better about everything, "I wanna hear your side. I'm not mad or anything, just curious why you chose the stance you took. I wanna know more about you."
That statement does let Kiyohime relax. She's tense! Strange. She's gotten herself a nice milkshake, and is sipping that while her companion is eating. This is making it hard for her to explain, because even Counter Guardians are vulnerable to brain freeze.

Finally she sets down the milkshake to answer. "It is my duty to remove the influences from this world that threaten humanity. That is my priority. Humanity as a whole is what I must defend, and if that means wiping out the cult that worships those beings, then that is what I will do. I need to operate quickly and efficiently, I... don't have the luxury of being a good person and doing all I can to save everyone."

A small pause. "I'm not a good person anyway. I need help, but you some are too pure."
Shin Tokuyama
    "I'm not a good person either, so that's okay." Shin tells her point blank. It looks like, for the moment and perhaps for only this conversation, Shin has decided to forgo his visage as the eternal protagonist. 

    "I mean. I'm a homeless guy who wanders around, picks fights, tells people about my narrative, and then does what he wants." He takes another bite of the burger, musing the point over and thinking about it, "I can do good things, but my motives are selfish. And I act in self-interest a lot, even when I'm helping others."

    "So, I can't really be mad at you for doing what your mission is. In return, I guess I just want you to not be mad if my way of life means I have to resist you." He sets the burger down.
When Shin says that, a mixture of emotions pass over Kiyohime's face, causing some very weird expressions. She shakes her head at last, "No, I can't be angry at you for that. You're telling me... you're being honest. The only thing I hate is someone who lies."

Not technically true, but the rest maybe she isn't ready to share, as she looks away to the rest of the cafe. "I need people who can help me against all of the troubles we have, but I can't promise them we won't end up fighting. I /can't/."
Shin Tokuyama
    "We might end up fighting," Shin confirms for her as he leans back in his seat and watches her, "I'll help you with as much of what you are doing as I believe in. And I'll try my best not to interfere with the parts I don't unless I think you're really wrong." Shin says. It's the most he can offer her right now, sight unseen. 

    "And if we end up fighting, that's okay, too." Shin says once more, "I mean, you'd probably win, but hey. You know." He waffles his hand slightly, "I won't hold it against you if we gotta fight, And I won't ditch you or anything."
Kiyohime stares for a very long moment. Then, lifting her milkshake up, she takes a sip. "As long as you are honest in your feelings and doings, then I will not hold it against you if I must fight you. I will... not enjoy it, though. My existence is not important, but my purpose is."

She sighs, and finally lowers an empty milkshake. "There are too many problems in this world. But I think I can help more if I can find the source of them, and go to those worlds. In this way I can help you."
Shin Tokuyama
    "I'm supposed to be the one helping you, not you helping me," Shin replies, though his tone shows that he's joking as he slides half of his burger across the table towards the girl sitting across from him, "Honesty, huh? I'll do the absolute best I can to never tell you a lie. And if I do, you can punch me in the chest as hard as you want." 

    He crosses his arms and watches her, "Though I guess you're saying if you head to other worlds to find where the problems are spreading back and forth, you might be able to help your own world?"
"Mmmhmm," Kiyohime agrees, gesturing outside. "Those spiders. Where were they from? What do they do naturally? How many are in hiding here yet to be awakened? How can we find them? Another world has the answers."

Then she pushes the burger back. "It was a gift. Also, I need to watch my lithe, girlish figure." A thin smile.
Shin Tokuyama
    Shin takes the burger back and snags another bite out of it as he listens to her, "Good questions." He seems to at least be relaxing and going back to his usual, laid-back self as he dips the corner of the burger in some mustard and takes another bite of it, "So I've wanted to ask you something. But it's kinda personal, so feel free to not answer." 

    "Anchin. The priest." Shin begins, looking at Kiyohime, "I want to hear your side of that, since no one ever tells it."
Kiyohime freezes at the question, staring for far too long. When she finally lowers her eyes, it is without the pleasant smile she's been trying to put on even with the topic being so heavy. "That is... difficult for me to speak of." If Shin were her Master, perhaps her delusions would make her think something else, but...

"I was very angry," she says, finally. "The story is... mostly true. I was angry and felt betrayed. I will not lie. I intended to kill him. And I did. I love him."
Shin Tokuyama
    "And that's why you don't want people to lie to you. It makes sense." Shin doesn't seem to be judging her over it. Or rather, his opinion does not seem to have shifted negative. There's no subtly shrinking away or sliding his seat further from her. He watches her and seems to make his decision. 

    "Okay. No lies from me. I won't be like someone who hurt you in the past. And if I am, I deserve whatever you do to me."
The statement has Kiyohime staring again, then sighing with a heavy heave. Reaching out, she pats Shin on the hand. "Thank you. You are a forgiving person. I only hope that I can earn that someday."