Piera Forta (Dropped)

Piera Forta
World: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood-1
Actual Age: 25
Apparent Age: 23
Quote: Requiescat en pace. May you find peace in the next life.
Role: Fledgling Assassin
Species: human
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRtBNjfTzPg
Voice Actor: Benedetta Ponticelli


A young, fledgling assassin, only a few months into her training, versed in fighting with a short blade and with the trademark hidden blades of the order. She uses stealth to eliminate targets and her agility to evade retribution in the wake of her strikes. She is still headstrong, very impulsive and often takes the first course of action, even if others are available. This stems from her early life as a thief, relying on only herself and her own abilities. She joined the Brotherhood to right the wrongs commited to the lower classes, the injustice of a family torn apart because of someone else's greed.


Assassin: Blades and Brawling
An Assassin has many tools at their disposal. Hidden Blades in their bracers, short daggers for close combat and throwing, swords. Pistols hidden in their gauntlets and reinforced gloves for brawling as well as training in how to use them in single target duels or against multiple opponents at once.
Assassin's Agility< Edge-E >: Hopping across rooftops, leaping from high places
Assassins are trained in how to climb and move swiftly through any terrain, climbing and vaulting over rooftops, through windows and over obstacles. They can also survive high falls by using a technique known as a Leap Of Faith, aiming for piles or carts of soft material to break their fall with. By focussing more intensely(Edge), greater feats of agility can be attained. These include bursts of speed bordering on the superhuman, and landing safely from great heights without a safe landing place.
Social Skills: A blade in the crowd, hiding in plain sight and picking pockets
Assassins can blend into the crowd, creeping closer to their targets unawares, or vanishing into the throng to escape after making a strike. Assassins are also trained in picking pockets, lifting valuable or important items from an unaware target, small items, like a key or documents.
True Sight< Edge-E >: The ability to see the unseen, track the untrackable.
All Assassins are special in some way; mostly being very adept physically. Some, however, possess an almost supernatural ability to see small details where others would miss them. Clues hidden in faint marks. Text or messages hidden in other writings or patterns hidden in seemingly random arrangements of things. This doesn't let them see the invisible or supernaturally hidden things. By focussing(Edge) on a single thing, more detail can be discerned, or by expanding awareness, an entire area can be observed for broader details that one cannot see from a closer perspective.
Assassin's Support: Distractions with money, smoke or noisemakers.
Assassins carry money to throw as a distraction, bringing people and guards out of position to sneak past. They also carry smoke bombs and other minor explosive devices to distract unaware targets, or break contact from a conflict they can't win.
Kinetic Bracelet< Edge >: Affects objects within a limited range for movement, strikes, or shielding.
An artifact that allows manipulation of kinetic forces on objects within a limited radius of the user. It passively creates a shield that can deflect and dissipate projectiles fired from range, but not melee strikes. At a distance it can be used to move objects, or directly strike things using focussed kinetic impacts. It takes a lot of effort to use the active portion of the artifact.


Aquila< Named E-Tier >: An agile helper robot, with blades, lasers and high speed.
An MMS Type Eagle, Raptias model of Shinki, a kind of small helper robot. She stands at about a foot tall, is clad in light-weight armour to aid agility and mobility. She is an Air Dominance variant, meaning her flight unit is much more powerful at the cost of less armour. She wields a bident-style spear, two laser blasters and multiple smaller crescent blades for combat. Her combat suite allows her to predict incoming attacks by a second or two, giving a window to evade or counter.


Impulsive: Hot headedness can lead to trouble
A young woman raised by the streets from a tender age. Every decision being made in the snap of a split second has led to an adult who takes the first action they come to, lest they be bogged down by indecision. This is often a cause for problems, since the snap decision isn't always the right one and can get uninvolved people hurt.
Goal oriented: Sometimes, the end justifies the means, right?
Being new to the Order, the full weight of what they stand for hasn't sunk in yet, leading to more loose definitions of a 'good job' than others may have. The quickest path is often the most dangerous to those around, and the goal often comes first in her mind. This can cause innocents to be harmed, or cause long-term problems by rash, short-term decisions.
The Creed: Understanding purpose can be difficult, doesn't listen to others well.
The Creed reads simply: "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted." Realizing what this means is the make and break of every Assassin. Piera often mistakes the creed as an invitation, doing things as she pleases, and disregarding others orders or knowledge. If nothing is true, what good are others words? And if everything is permitted, why do what others want you to do? This causes a lot of friction especially with more strict or discipline-oriented types, both inside and outside of the Brotherhood.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1106 The Mysterious Qi Dec 04 2022
1068 Colliding Spirits Aug 15 2022
1066 The Corrupted Hero Aug 09 2022
1056 Like An Assassin in a Haystack Jul 26 2022
1055 Cut Off The Head Jul 23 2022
1030 In Vino Veritas May 24 2022
1004 Drogo vs Piera Apr 13 2022
995 Tournament Arc! Mar 25 2022
986 To the Victor, the Spoils Feb 26 2022
984 Into the Mists Feb 18 2022
See All 52 Scenes


Title Date
We work in the shadows Dec 11 2020
After Action Jan 24 2021
This is our Way. Our Creed. Feb 21 2021
Servitore Mar 05 2021
Eagle Rising Apr 08 2021
A Youma, and an Assassin May 03 2021
Decoy Nov 17 2021
In Passing Dec 23 2021
Disipline Jan 07 2022
I hope it's worth it May 24 2022
See All 10 Cutcenes