World Tree MUSH

Strike First!

Frost teaches Suiren and Iona some martial arts before moving in with them for some extensive training.
Character Pose
Cyber Frost
Suiren had a lot of potential, but above all Cyber Frost had always been disgusted by weakness. All her life, those around who had too weak to survive had died, often rather horrendously. That wasn't the fate that Frost wanted for her new friend Suiren and her Pokemon. It was still a bit of a weird feeling, 'caring' for someone else that wasn't herself, but hey, Suiren and her seal Pokemon had somehow wormed their way into Frost's cold heart, what was a cybernetic ninja to do?

Cyber Frost decided to make good on her promise of training Suiren and her Pokemon. If they were gonna hang, Suiren needed to be strong, and Frost could use a sparring buddy honestly so this was all around a win/win scenario for her.

Frost had invited Suiren and crew to a park for some light sparring and training to see what they could do. It was early in the morning and off the beaten path meaning there'd be few people around to get involved. The cyber ninja wasn't even wearing her normal robotic armor, just her usual blue tank-top, jeans and running shoes. She was busy checking her processors and ensuring all her systems were working smoothly whilst she waited for Suiren to arrive.
     While Suiren had bigger plans for her life down the road in the area of Pokemon study, she knows, especially with the addition of other worlds to explore, that if she is going to realize her dreams, she is going to need to train along with her Pokemon, so that they can go pretty much anywhere and not worry about facing a situation they can't overcome. Before she would just be participating in Pokemon battles, the island challenge, and later the Pokemon League. While she still is interested in participating in these things, Frost has opened her up to a whole new kind of training, so she happily accepts the invitation. 

     As Frost is checking her systems, Suiren and Iona soon come into view, with the young Popplio riding on her trainer's shoulder, tail resting against the small pack Suiren is wearing today, and flippers hanging on over her shoulder. As they get a little closer, Iona waves with one of her flippers and gives a barking cry that sounds like 'Pop'. Surien smiles and chuckles a little. "I think Iona says hi." She says warmly, pulling her partner into her arms and giving a pat on the head.
Cyber Frost
It was perhaps the reason why Cyber Frost actually liked Suiren so much, they ironically shared very similar mindsets. Suiren realized if she was strong enough she was free to go wherever she wished without having to worry about anyone trying to oppress her through superior might. It was very similar to what Frost though, that she would become strong enough so that no one ever could order her around. It.. just so happened that Frost usually got carried away with her own ideals into 'might makes right' territory- but there would be time to learn from each other later.

As Suiren and Iona came into view, Frost actually was carrying one of her arms on one hand giving it an inspection. She looked up and grinned up at the trainer and Pokemon before attaching her own arm again. If there was any doubt from Suiren that Frost was a robot that should really clear things up.

"Well, hello you two." Smirked Frost and placed her hands on her hips. "Don't think I'm gonna go easy on you because you're cute." She joked over to Iona as she glanced over to Suiren. "So, anything in particular you want to focus on? What sort of matches give you the most trouble?"
     Iona seems to smile a little and gives a louder, confident-sounding cry. Suiren grins at this and gives Iona another gentle pat. "I think she is saying she doesn't want you to go easy on her. But let's not get overconfident either ok Iona?" She says as she sets her down next to her and thinks about Frost's other question. "Well, being a water type Iona struggles a bit more battling on land than in or around water, her abilities are more ranged combat-focused, and she's not as tough defensively as some Pokemon, so I guess up-close physical combat would be her weakness, and one that's not really going to go away as she evolves either unfortunately, so we need to mitigate it as much as possible. I could also catch some other Pokemon that would be better suited to that kind of battling, but minimizing Iona's weaknesses still feels like a good idea. Also, I don't expect that people I run into, especially on other worlds, are going to follow the Pokemon Battle etiquette of attacking the Pokemon, not the trainer, so maybe I should learn to fight some too."
Cyber Frost
"Heh! Hey, Iona has the right attitude, Suiren, you can't be a good fighter without being a little cocky." Cyber Frost smiled softly and listened to Suiren's request of where exactly Iona needed to shore up her defenses. It was honestly something that she was expecting, Iona didn't seem very durable up close and personal, and if she wanted to go into the vines and such, she was going to need to learn how to avoid getting hit from up close. That Suiren herself also asked to be trained was, on the other hand, surprising, but Cyber Frost had to admit that the little girl was right. Out there in the Multiverse no one was going to do the honorable thing and focus on just her Pokemon and they'd try to attack her as well.

"Alright.." Frost closed her eyes and thought for a moment. "I can work with that. The good thing about martial arts is that you can do a lot with just skill and technique. You two may not be very durable but it won't matter if your opponent can't land any hits on you." She nodded, making a mental lesson plan. "Okay, here's what we'll do to start. We're going to focus on learning how to parry and dodge." She gestured for Iona and Suiren to come closer with her finger, and once they did, Frost stomped her foot on the ground making a big cage made out of ice around them in order to simulate a cage fight sort of situation. "This way you can't just run away from me, hehe." The Kunoichi smirked a bit cruelly, she was going to have fun with this one way or another. "Ready?" Asked the bluenette as she got into her Tongbeiquan fighting stance, weight on her back leg, left arm in front forming an L and right arm by her waist to protect her midsection.
     Suiren nods and steps closer, with Iona following suit as well, and both eye the ice cage around them warily. Suiren takes a deep breath and attempts to copy Frost's stance, her only exposure to martial arts was watching TV and Movies, though also some Fighting-Type Pokemon emulate it as well, especially ones that have trainers with martial arts experience. Iona tries to stand on her tail and imitate the stance as well, and Suiren giggles. "Good try but I don't think that's going to work so well for you. Just watch Frost closely and try to dodge her attacks ok?" Iona nods and goes back down on her tail and both front flippers, eyes focused on Frost. Suiren nods and turns back to Frost as well. "Ready as we'll ever be I think."
Cyber Frost
Cyber Frost chuckled a bit when Iona tried to stand on her tail and imitate her Tongbeiquan stance. She had to admit the little seal was adorable and it was -almost- hard for Cyber Frost to attack her seriously, she'd never had to fight opponents that were cute before. Thankfully, this wasn't really Mortal Kombat, so in a way Frost could forgive herself by not going 100% serious on either Iona or Suiren, frankly, Cyber Frost didn't really want to hurt either them seriously which was all kinds of weird for her.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to start wailing on ya without telling you what to do." Said Frost as she smiled. "That'd make me a terrible teacher." Like Sub-Zero, Frost added mentally but refrained from saying that out loud, Suiren didn't need to hear about Cyber Frost's fallout with her old teacher.

"For this exercise I'm going to try and hit you with my right fist." She explained and shook the fist resting by her waist to point out which one was going to come at them. "Your job is to dodge it, but try not to just get out of the way, try and hit my elbow or my forearm to redirect the attack, that leaves the opponent vulnerable for a counter-attack, got it?" Said Frost as she adjusted her feet. "Okay, here goes."

Cyber Frost didn't say who she was going to attack though, that was part of the exercise, since fights in the Multiverse were going to be like this. The Cyborg stood there for a moment, her eyes shifting between Suiren and Iona. After a second or two of thinking about it, her icy eyes focused on Suiren and she launched herself to attack the girl with blurring speed. Just as promised, there was now a big meaty fist sailing straight at Suiren's face.


Cyber Frost wasn't so cruel that she'd straight up knock the girl's head off if she didn't dodge or block- this punch wasn't coming at her with full power, but if it caught her off guard it was going to smart for sure, maybe even knock her against the ice wall behind her.
     Suiren wasn't used to being the one getting attacked, but given that she asked to be trained because of that made this instance a little different than if some random person had come at her, especially since Frost had been kind enough to say which limb she would be attacking with. Still, the attack came fast, and it looks like Iona is having a hard time restraining herself from jumping in to protect Suiren. As the strike comes, Suiren is a little too slow and Frost's fist scores a glancing blow across her cheek, and Suiren staggers back into the ice wall, holding her face for the moment, that did still hurt even though it wasn't a direct hit. 

     "I uh... should have been looking for clues that your attack was coming and where I guess..." She comments on her failure while Iona comes over to check on her. She gives the Popplio a pat. "I'm ok Iona, let's keep going." She says as she gets back into the stance.
Cyber Frost
So strange, normally Cyber Frost's would grin with sadistic glee at scoring any kind of hit, even if it was training, and even if it was just a glancing blow. But when her knuckles collided, even just faintly, against Suiren's cheek, she actually felt herself frowning. That had not felt good at all.

Cyber Frost was a very skilled kombatant though, and she could stop one of her own attacks at any moment, as soon as she felt that Suiren was getting caught, she took all the weight off the blow to spare the girl the worst of it.

"Look at my eyes." She said, pointing to her icy eyes. "That's the key to know where your opponent is attacking. The eyes are the window to the soul- remember that, Suiren. It'll be hard to do that now because you are inexperienced, but eventually you'll be able to notice in a moment's notice when AND where your opponent is attacking. Remember, look at their eyes, if they flinch and harden that's when they'll be attacking, and you'll be ready."

Cyber Frost skated back to give Suiren and Iona some room to maneuver. "Normally I'd be pressing the attack but this is your first lesson so I'll give you some breathing room. Ready?" Cyber Frost reset her stance and looked at her opponents again. After a second or two she blurred forward as she had done before and threw a haymaker with her right fist, this time at Iona's face.

     Suiren and Iona both look intently at Frost as she explains how the eyes can be a tell for where and even when an opponent is going to attack, Iona nods and gives a bark after frost has given this part of the lesson. Seems that while the little seal might not be able to actually talk, she's still extremely intelligent and seems to understand the general idea that Frost is conveying. Suiren nods as well and focuses on Frost's eyes, and as it appears that Frost is going for Iona, she nearly calls out to her partner but decides this will be better training if she lets Iona learn to do this without her direction. Even in a Pokemon Battle, she won't always see the attack coming herself, especially not in time to warn her Pokemon before it's too late to avoid when every fraction of a second counts. 

     Iona shows that she's been doing some training since her spar with Frost, and quickly drops low to the ground, and the fist soars over her head. She tries to turn around and hit Frost's elbow with a Water Gun attack, but is too slow, and the blast of water harmlessly splashes against the ice wall. Suiren looks in thought for a moment after watching that. "I wonder if she could have done some kind of roll to avoid the attack and counter more quickly..."
Cyber Frost
Good, very good! Iona definitely had better natural reflexes that Suiren and Cyber Frost was pretty satisfied with how the Pokemon managed to avoid the attack, even if she was still a little slow on her counter attacking maneuvers. The Kunoichi was also pretty satisfied with how Suiren was paying attention to the attacks as well, the trainer might never be able to actually match her Pokemon in the reflexes department, but knowing how to observe a battle would make her a better fighter regardless, and a better Pokemon trainer at that.

Still, both of them had a bit of a way to go, and as Cyber Frost saw Iona's counter attack hit the ice wall behind it was now part for phase two of the lesson. "You have to time that parry!" Said the cyborg to the seal. "Do it just as you're dodging otherwise it's wasted if you're too far away!"

With once again blurring speed, Frost turned her whole body on her heel so that she was facing Iona again in an instant. "And don't drop your guard! YAAAAH!!" This was what she meant by pressing her attack. This time, Cyber Frost didn't let Iona reset her stance and attacked her again immediately, right haymaker sailing straight at her face, and this time Iona would have even less room to dodge since Frost had already closed the distance.
     Suiren was indeed paying close attention, trying to absorb as much of this as she could, to learn as much as possible in the moment here with Frost, but also to have better training sessions later when it's just her and Iona. Iona also still appears to be listening as Frost speaks to her about being faster, especially with the counter side of the parry maneuver. She has let her guard down though, not expecting another attack so soon as there had been a break between when Suiren and her were attacked. She lets out a pained cry as the fist strikes her in the head just above her snout, knocking her onto her back. Suiren winces at the blow hitting Iona unprepared, but in just a moment Iona is back up on her flippers and shaking it off. "Frost is making this somewhat realistic, we can't let our guard down, even for a moment." She says softly to Iona, who nods and turns back to Frost, awaiting what's next.
Cyber Frost
Oops, another accidental hit, but just like before with Suiren, when Cyber Frost felt her knuckles colliding with Iona's face she took all the weight off her attack to turn what would have otherwise been a lethal strike into a love tap. Not bad, but Iona and Suiren were soft still, they didn't have the killer instinct that someone like Cyber Frost had.

"Yep, better to sweat in training than to bleed in Kombat." Said the Kunoichi as she stepped back this time. She felt strongly compelled to continue her attack after catching Iona in the face, but she reminded herself that this was just training. "Never take your eyes off your opponent. Never give them your back, unless you're maneuvering, never lower your guard even after a successful block." She stepped back and paced in front of them while glaring at the two, like a drill sergeant.

"Ok, so good so far, at least none of you have died." She chuckled and joked around, though back in the Lin Kuei temple there was a very real chance of death for recruits. "How are you two feeling? Learning anything yet? I don't wanna make it look like I'm just beating on ya two."
     Suiren was glad to see that Iona wasn't seriously hurt, but it did seem like Frost was pulling her punches since this was just supposed to be training, if that had been a full-force hit it probably would have at least knocked Iona out in one hit. She nods at Frost's sentiment about the training. "Right, that's what makes training with friends good, you can help each other so that when things get serious later, you're ready for it, right?" Iona nods and gives a bark while balancing on her tail and clapping her flippers a bit. 

     "I think we're both learning a lot. Iona does seem to be grasping what you're teaching too, wasn't sure if she would, but she's certainly got a sharp mind inside that big round head of hers. I had read that the Primarina line were very intelligent, but it's still more impressive to witness it in person. What do you think we should do next?"
Cyber Frost
Friends... right. It still felt so very weird to think of Suiren and her Pokemon as friends. Cyber Frost had always been alone, even in the Lin Kuei temple all the other recruits hated her, and Sub-Zero always tolerated her more than like her, even if she was the best, even if she always performed so much better than everyone else. It made Frost's blood boil with anger at remembering, but that moment soon passed when Iona clapped with her fins and balanced herself on her tail. Friends... yes.. she could get used to this she thought.

"Mhm.." She silently agreed, momentarily lost in her own thoughts, Ioana and Suiren were rookies for sure, but she could already tell they were learning a lot, one day they'll be great fighters, particularly if Frost stuck around with them. "Next... huh.." She paused, thinking.. there was soooo much to cover, but it was best not to rush into things. "Let's take a little break, I already bopped the two of you, don't wanna leave you with bruises on the first class." Frost chuckled and sighed slightly.

"Say, Suiren.." The cyborg said suddenly with one eye open. "You live with yer parents, right? Do you know if your folks are renting any rooms out by any chance?"
     Suiren smiles and nods as Frost suggests they take a break, and heads over to take a seat on a nearby park bench, and Iona hops up to join her. She takes the small pack from her back and reaches inside, pulling out a large yellow berry with small red specs that looks similar to a pear. Iona takes it between her flippers and happily begins munching away at it. She looks back to Frost, hearing her name, then comes the question about renting a room at her place, which was certainly unexpected. She blinks at first, a bit flattered that Frost wanted to live with her, but not sure how to respond or what her mom would likely say about it. 

     "Um, I'm not sure, my mom hasn't really done that before, and there's not a ton of room left with my mom, sisters, and me each having a room. There is a small extra room my dad used as an office when he was around more, so... maybe? If not, I'm sure we can find someplace for you."
Cyber Frost
Dismissing her ice barrier, Cyber Frost went to join Suiren by the nearby bench. Naturally, Frost was way too -COOL- to merely sit down next to Suiren like a normal person. Instead, the cyber ninja hopped up and sat on the head rest of the bench, putting her feet where one's butt is supposed to go. Pretty much behaving like a local hooligan instead of the hyper disciplined ninja that she was supposed to be. Though then again, Frost hadn't been born into the Lin Kuei like her Sifu, she was very much a street fighter at heart and no amount of training and cyberization would pry that out of her.

She smiled as Suiren began to feed a pear to Iona. "Always prepared, aren't ya?" She chuckled and shook her head a little. "Yer such a girl scout." Suiren's answer didn't surprise her, it would be crazy to think that she could answer in behalf of her mom, but it wasn't outright a no, so maybe if Frost played her cards right she could still land herself a proper home.

"Well, lemme try talking to yer mom, if you don't mind? It'd be a pretty sweet deal for her, not gonna lie. I can more than pay rent, I can do chores, and hell, I can provide amazing security. No worries about -anyone- breaking and entering in her house, you can rest assured of that, heh!" Frost didn't know what was the crime rate for Alola, but hey, one single mother with three girls? Suiren's mom would probably appreciate having a Mortal Kombat tournament participant living in her house, right?

"Besides.." She added. "Free martial arts lessons for you. We could practice any time you wanted."
     Suiren laughs and watches Iona eat for a moment before turning back to Frost. "Girl scout huh? Well, any good Pokemon Trainer relies on their Pokemon to keep them safe, least I can do is make sure they're happy and healthy right?" The arrangement must work pretty well in general, or they likely wouldn't let pre-teen kids go traveling their home region mostly without any adult supervision, only their wits, and a starter Pokemon. "Anyway as for moving in, you do make a lot of good points there, but yeah, you'll have to ask my mom. Hopefully, she says yes, if not, I have another idea or two." She says with a grin.
Cyber Frost
It always surprised Cyber Frost how... infectious Suiren's laughter could be. The cyber ninja chuckled as well as the trainer looked at her and explained the totally legit reason for her to always be prepared. "Huh, you got me there, kid." She admitted, and yeah, it made sense to her, no way a normal thug would even try to take on a trainer even whilst armed. Iona might be weak in relative terms but she had stood up to Cyber Frost pretty decisively, and Frost had killed a -God- before, surviving even a mock battle with her was nothing short of impressive. Pokemon sure were fascinating creatures, but their trainers were just as intriguing as well as Frost was starting to learn.

"Alright then, let's ask mother dearest." Smirked Frost and clapped her hands, before rubbing her palms. "Hey, I'm sure yer mom would want to know her daughter's Sifu eventually, might as well be sooner than later, otherwise she might be concerned if you and Iona showed up one day with black eyes." At Suiren's little grin though, the ninja couldn't help but lean forward and peer at her quizzically. "More ideas, huh? You can be quite devious behind that innocent front of yours, Suiren. Heh.." She said hopping off the bench. "You'll have to tell me all about them."
     Suiren stands up as Iona finishes eating the rather large berry and seems to have been healed by eating it, not that she took too much damage in the training thanks to Frost pulling her punches. She chuckles at the comment about her being devious, most would agree she's a good kid, but she did have a mischievous side that peeks out occasionally. "Yeah, for now, I'll just say that I know the local Pokemon Professor was letting a friend and former classmate of mine stay with him while he was in Alola, you'd like Professor Kukui I think, he specializes in the research of Pokemon Attacks and Abilities. If that doesn't work, we could even ask the Island Kahuna if he knows of a place you could stay..." She pauses a moment and grins again. 

     "Also yeah, you're probably right that my mom should meet you and know that I'm doing some new intensive training before I go home with a black eye, wouldn't want to worry her." She agrees before picking up Iona and starting to head for the beach. "We can go there now if you like, Kaiko, my Lapras can get us there by water much faster than walking."
Cyber Frost
Oh, Cyber Frost could tell that Suiren very much had a devious side to her. She wouldn't be hanging out with someone that was completely innocent after all, they would be horrified by how ruthless Frost was. Suiren was definitely a good kid, and her morality was something that was starting to rub off on Frost herself, but there was that bit of mischief making that intrigued Frost greatly and there was a willingness from Suiren to punch up her weight that amused Frost. She didn't have that killer instinct yet, but it was definitely there and while it may never get to Frost's level of sheer brutality, it could certainly be nurtured to be something far more.. interesting. Frost was so very curious on Suiren's development now, it was almost like Frost's own personal science project at this point.

Still, Frost didn't want Suiren to lose her streak of goodness, and she certainly appreciated that she was so willing to help her out finding a place to live, to the point that she'd hook her up with some of her friends. "That does sound like a good deal, I could even help this guy with his research. I do specialize in Attacks and Abilities myself after all, hehehe." She smirked and got up as well, walking next to Suiren before petting her blue haired head. "But let's check on yer place first. I much rather prefer sticking as close to my student as possible."

Frost nodded in agreement, eager to get going. "Sure! Let's head out there. I've never ridden a Pokemon before, but if I don't fit I can always surf my way next to ya." Said the cyber kunoichi as she summoned her ice surf board from before. "It's how I've been getting around here."
     Suiren nods and smiles, the idea was growing on her, she just hopes her little sisters don't annoy Frost too much. "Well, even if you end up staying at my house I'd be happy to introduce you sometime. The Melemele Island Kahuna is Hala, he uses Fighting-type Pokemon." She explains while quickly walking down the beach and when they get near the shore Kaiko is nowhere to be seen. "He probably went to find some food or something while we were training." She says before whistling loudly toward the ocean. A few minutes later he appears, and is probably a larger Pokemon than any that Frost has seen so far, being the size of a small sailboat. Suiren climbs up onto his gray shell and waves on Frost to join her as she scoots over, making room.
Cyber Frost
Staying in Alola at all would be leagues better of any other deal that Cyber Frost could possibly hope to get. Still, best case scenario for her would definitely be staying with Suiren and her family, but she supposed she'd have to wait to see if she vibed well with her family- after all, Suiren's mom would have the final say on all that, so she was going to have to be in her best behavior. Boy, this was already rare form for Frost, she went from dealing with Time Lords to trying to impress someone's mom? Well, such was the change of life when one moved to different dimensions she supposed. "I'm sure I'd fit just fine wherever I end up." Frost assured her friend. "Fighting also happens to be specialty of mine after all, but let's worry about plan A for now." Smiled Frost. She rested her ice surf board on her side as she waited for Suiren's ride and when the Lapras finally appears she has to whistle in surprise as well. "Well, crap, this guy is huge! More than enough room for me." Frost dismissed her surf board and hopped up and sat behind Suiren, letting her take the lead.
     Suiren nods and grins a little at Frost's reaction. "Yeah, Lapras are pretty big, but they're docile, long as you don't give them a reason to attack you. People have been taming them for transporation over water for thousands of years. It was pretty much the only option before boats were invented, but even in modern times, boats may be a bit faster, especially the bigger ones, but having a Pokemon for your ride has other advantages." She explains before scooting a little forward as Frost sits behind her, reaching out and gently giving Kaiko a pat on the side of his neck. "Did you have some fun out there while I was away?" Kaiko calls back to her with a pleasant tone, and Suiren giggles a little. "Good, let's go home." Kaiko nods and begins swimming out into deeper water and starts to follow the edge of the island on the familiar route back to Suiren's house. 

     Along the way, Frost is likely to see more water type Pokemon, including some Wingull and Pelipper above, some Wailmer and Waillord as well as a group of Lapras in the distance, as well as some Magikarp splashing around, and a couple of Sharpedo chasing some Goldeen. Suiren happily stretches a bit and takes a deep breath of the ocean air. "Ah, isn't it great? I really love it out here."
Cyber Frost
"Yeah, I can see how it'd be very convenient to have one." Agreed Cyber Frost as she got comfortable on the saddle- so to speak. "It's like having a horse that can swim. Why not own one if you can afford to raise em?" After all, Pokemon might not exist in Frost's world, but people still very much owned horses even if they were wholly obsolete as methods of transportation. Riding a Pokemon seemed like a legitimate alternative as far as Frost was concerned.

The cybernetic ninja leaned back on her hands and enjoyed the ride, glancing about to the sides watching all the happy little fish Pokemon swimming by and playing with each other. It was a pleasant and serene scene that brought peace to her troubled heart. "Yeah, it sure is nice..." She had to agree. "I can see why you'd wanna be a Marine Biologist. This stuff seems pretty fascinating." The thought that she could help Suiren reach her dreams brought a strange pleasant warm sensation, for the first time Frost was feeling proud of something she was doing. Frost closed her eyes and felt the warm air on her cool skin and icicle like hair, feeling all the rage inside her sort of leaking out of her body. "This place is amazing.."
     "Yeah, there is a company here in Alola that will rent Ride Pokemon to people, so it's an even more common sight here, makes sense with this being an island region though, not as easy to get around as a more land-based region. Kaiko is mine though. My dad took me out into the ocean to go fishing on my eighth birthday, and eventually sprung the news that this wasn't a rental. Happy Birthday." She says with a laugh, giving Kaiko another loving pat. 

     "I was still too young to have a license as a trainer, but my dad had pulled some strings. I couldn't participate in official Pokemon battles yet, but we still spent lots of time traveling and meeting all kinds of water-type Pokemon. Of course, even getting my first Pokemon as an official trainer was different than most. I was supposed to go pick up my starter from Hala a few days after I found Iona, and with some help from friends from other worlds, rescued her from some Team Skull jerks who had surrounded her and were kicking sand at her and just all around being bullies. But I think that I rescued her and nursed her back to health has made our bond even stronger... And Iona has certainly learned at this point that most people aren't like those thugs." She says as she gently hugs Iona and then scratches behind her ears a bit.

     Before long, Suiren's house comes into view, it's a modest size single floor home that looks to have a Japanese architectural flair. Kaiko begins swimming towards the shore and stops near a set of stone steps leading up to the main walkway around the house. "Well, we're here!"
Cyber Frost
There was a sad sort of smile from Cyber Frost when Suiren told her the tale of how her dad bought her her first Pokemon for her eight birthday. Frost was happy for Suiren, she really, truly was, but it was a bittersweet sensation as it reminded her of her own horrible childhood. 'I never met my father' she wanted to say, 'and I killed my mother when I was twelve because she was going to sell me to some crime lord'. Her jaw clenched slightly as she recalled her own memories 'I joined a gang and started killing people for money in street fights when I was fourteen'. Frost twitched slightly. She kept her mouth shut and didn't say -any- of those things to Suiren. She didn't need to burden the girl with the weight of her own past. No, Suiren was giving her a new life, a new beginning, she could just unload all those horrible things and start anew in Alola.

"That's cute story." Is what Frost did eventually say, and she forced a smile. "And you're right. You saving Iona from those gang members made you both all the stronger. I'm happy that it worked out for you two so well. Not gonna lie, I'm kind of really jealous, heh.." Jealous of their life, their bond, their family, the place where they were born. Normally, Frost would resent all of that, but she saw quite a little bit of herself in Suiren. She had faced adversity and come out stronger, and one way or another that was something that Frost respected.

As they eventually do arrive to Suiren's house, Frost whistled again in delight. "Phew! Look at this place! So cozy!" Certainly the most welcoming place Frost had ever seen. Nothing in comparison to the Lin Kuei's grim temple, or even Kronika's eerie chamber of time. This.. was actually a home where people lived in..

Cyber Frost jumped off Kaiko easily with a no hands sideways flip and landed on her feet. She grinned up to Suiren after showing off her agility and then raised her hands offering to help the girl and Iona down from the Lapras.
     Suiren certainly had no clue about Frost's troubled past, and it would certainly be shocking to hear. Maybe one day when their bonds of friendship are stronger, there will come a time for Frost to speak about her past. Suiren watches and smiles as Frost nimbly leaps from Kaiko to the the steps, an impressive display of nimble agility for sure. Suiren wasn't about to try imitating her, especially with Iona in her arms. She stands and shifts Iona to one arm and takes Frost's hand with her now free arm, then hops off and climbs up the steps toward her house. 

     "It's cozy, and a little less busy when my dad is out at sea on his fishing boat, like now, but my little sisters never fail to keep things 'interesting', though they're mostly good." She says with a grin as she heads for the front door and opens it. "Hey Mom, I'm home! I brought a friend, hope that's ok." Her mother calls back from the kitchen somewhat absently while beginning to prepare a meal. "That's fine dear, will they be joining us for lunch?" Suiren thinks a moment, glances back to Frost, she herself feels a bit hungry after their training, and assumes Frost could probably go for some food too, and it'd give them time to talk. "Sure, sounds good."

     Just at this moment Suiren's twin younger sisters come rushing up to the door as Suiren steps inside and tries to make room for Frost to come in as well. They look like younger versions of Suiren herself and look a bit surprised when they see Frost, probably not having expected Suiren's friend to be an adult. "Hi, you're tall!" Says Ho, while Sui says "I like your blue hair!" Suiren laughs and looks back at Frost. "Meet my sisters, Ho and Sui." She offers before moving through the living room and making her way into her bedroom, which has a seascape painted along the wall, and several posters of various Pokemon, mostly water-types, including a Primarina, and the notable non-water-type exceptions being an Alolan Raichu, which looks to be surfing on its tail in mid-air, and the ice type Alolan Ninetales, looking quite majestic with the snowy backdrop of Mount Lanakila.
Cyber Frost
One day, perhaps. For now, Cyber Frost was simply glad she finally has someone she can hang out with.

The ninja's blue lips smiled as Suiren took her hand and descended to the stones leading her home and she followed her upwards into the cozy looking home. "Dad, mom, and two sisters? You weren't kidding about it being crowded." Hopefully that wasn't a problem, Frost certainly didn't mind having lots of people around, it oddly made her feel safer, but she knew that having three kids plus a guest could be a lot to handle. Well, maybe it could still work out, it sounded like Suiren's dad wasn't around a lot and they could probably use some help around the house. Guess she would see.

Suiren's mom sounded nice for sure as she immediatly asked if Suiren's friend was staying for lunch even without looking who it was. Frost's eyebrows raised in surprise as she was invited to eat with them just like that and she pursed her lips with amused concern. So far so good at least.

"Well, hello there." She arched her eyebrow as two little mini Suirens ran out to greet her! They looked like tiny versions of Suiren! Which was all kinds of amusing. "Nice to meet'cha, I'm Frost." She introduced herself to Ho and Sui, leaning down slightly to get a better look at the twins. "Thanks, I like your blue hair too." Chuckled the ninja, instantly liking the pair of mini Suirens. "You guys are adorable. Here's a little present for ya. Open your hands." Frost clenched her fists and dropped something that felt cold on Ho and Sui's hands. They were tiny ice sculptures of a Popplio! The sculptures were even balancing balls made of ice on their noses. Frost -loved- showing off, even with children. Actually, specially with children since they were usually very easy to impress. She hung back and played with the sisters whilst Suiren went to her room, trying not to be her usual brazen self and just going wherever she wanted without permission.
     The twins eyes light up at Frost's present is revealed. "Soo cool!" They exclaim in unision before running off to show their mother. "Look what Suiren's friend gave us!" Kairi smiles at them and takes a moment to look and see the pair of mini ice sculptures. "Oh, those are very nice. You two go play and try not to bother your sister and her friend unless they invite you." The twins nod and respond. "Ok..." Then, they head into the living room and play with their icy toys for as long as they last before they melt. 

     Suiren watches with a bemused grin from the entrance to her room, eventually waving Frost over and moving to have a seat at the desk she uses for homework, leaving her bed available for Frost who would probably have found the chair a bit too small. Upon the bed there are a couple of large Pokemon plushies, a Lapras and a Kyogre. "I think you've made a good first impression on my sisters, they are behaving better than usual today it would seem." She says with a grin and a light laugh. "So, what do you think?" She then asks with a gesture around the room.
Cyber Frost
Cyber Frost's satisfied grin was almost of cruel proportions at the exclamations of the twins. In fact, it was probably for the best that they ran off to their mother to show off their icy toys, otherwise they might have been a little creeped out by how absurdly satisfied Frost looked with herself. So far so good indeed.

She caught Suiren waiving her over to her room and approached a little hesitantly. She'd never been really invited to check out someone else's room before, but she figured it was ok since they were both girls and Suiren was just so much younger than her.

"Right? Not a bad first opener." Frost chuckled smugly as Suiren approved of her tactics. "I figured paying some kind of tribute was in order. I much rather have them on my side than against me." The twins were adorable, but there was no doubt in Frost's mind that they could be a hassle if left unchecked, it was better to bribe them to be friends as quickly as possible. Frost took the invitation to sit on Suiren's bed and looked around. Huh, so this was what a normal girl's room looked like. No weapons, no grim trophies of previous gruesome battles. Just plushies, and posters, and very cozy furniture. "It's nice, I like it." Said Frost approvingly as she checked out the numerous posters. "You really like Pokemon, huh? Guess I can't blame ya. Pretty cool critters, I know I'd have a couple if I had grown up here." Frost fidgeted a little and kept rubbing her palms together. Was she.. nervous of meeting Suiren's mom?? No way.. maybe just a little actually..
     Suiren chuckles, she had to agree that it was a good idea to win her sisters over early, and Frost had done a good job. As for her interests, she nods. "Well, I think you'll find it's a very common interest around here, even for many adults. I also like fishing, though you probably guessed that... Um... also music, and painting, and sometimes my friends and I go Mantine surfing, or play baseball. My best friend is really good at cooking, though I guess that isn't super surpising since her family runs a resteraunt. One of my other classmates is really into computers and technology, he's helped me with some of the communication to and from other worlds... Actually I do know one exception. One of my classmates is the daughter of the President of the Aether Corporation. She had some kind of tramatic exprience and now she's afraid to touch Pokemon... Anyway if you'd like to have a Pokemon or two yourself that is something that could happen. You're a bit old to be starting the island trial, but you could probably buy, win, or be gifted a Pokemon. I do think I should expand my team a bit soon, maybe we could go searching for Pokemon together."
     Suiren chuckles, she had to agree that it was a good idea to win her sisters over early, and Frost had done a good job. As for her interests, she nods. "Well, I think you'll find it's a very common interest around here, even for many adults. I also like fishing, though you probably guessed that... Um... also music, and painting, and sometimes my friends and I go Mantine surfing or play baseball. My best friend is really good at cooking, though I guess that isn't super surprising since her family runs a restaurant. One of my other classmates is really into computers and technology, he's helped me with some of the communication to and from other worlds... Actually, I do know one exception. One of my classmates is the daughter of the President of the Aether Corporation. She had some kind of traumatic experience and now she's afraid to touch Pokemon... Anyway if you'd like to have a Pokemon or two yourself that is something that could happen. You're a bit old to be starting the island trial, but you could probably buy, win, or be gifted a Pokemon. I do think I should expand my team a bit soon, maybe we could go searching for Pokemon together."
Cyber Frost
Since Suiren had offered her the bed, Cyber Frost decided to get a little comfy and she slid backwards until she could rest her back on the wall. Fortunately she was indeed rather tall at nearly 5'10, she was just shy of being six feet and so her feet dangled off the side without having to put her shoes up on Suiren's bed. Frost arched an eyebrow as Suiren listed her interests, those of her friends, and also mentioning that if Frost really wanted they could probably go catch a Pokemon or two for her. "Me? Having a Pokemon?" She said with amusement to her voice before seriously considering it. "Hmm.. I dunno, maybe. They seem very powerful and loyal companions, but they're also a big responsibility and I'm not.. the best.. at making life choices." If only Suiren knew the -extent- of how bad Frost was at making good choices.

"Maybe some time. I'm more interested in getting you and Iona in shape. What about martial arts?" Asked Frost. "You ever had to fight with your fists? Maybe one of those Team Skull punks? You mentioned that your Island Kahuna specializes in fighting Pokemon? Is there like local Alola martial arts or something like that?" Frost straightened up a little. "If yer serious about going out there into the vines, you and Iona are gonna need to toughen up fast. There's a lot of stuff out there that don't play nice."
     Suiren nods as Frost declines the offer of getting her a Pokemon, at least for the moment. "Was just a thought, and certainly not something someone should rush into, so give it some thought and let me know if/when you think you're ready. If you want to borrow some of my books about Pokemon to learn about them and maybe get some ideas on which Pokemon you might like feel free." She says as she gestures to a small bookshelf between her desk and the bed. It was packed full of magazines and books, many of them about Pokemon. "As for fighting with my fists, I haven't really had to do that, but there is a fighting dojo in town, where people train to fight and often train with fighting-type Pokemon. There's also some Professional Wrestling, with the local favorite being 'The Masked Royal' and his partner Inceneroar. Hala I think used to do Sumo when he was younger. He still looks big and strong, but usually lets his Pokemon do the fighting these days."
Cyber Frost
The topic of whether Cyber Frost would decide to get a Pokemon or not was far from over. Frost was absolutely no fool, and someone as power hungry as her knew that there was a lot of potential to be had from acquiring one of these magical beings, particularly if she could find one that complimented her well. In the same vein, Frost abhorred the idea of letting someone else do the fighting for her, and she was not good at sharing the spot light. If it indeed happened it would have to be a very special Pokemon that knew how to work with someone like her instinctively. Food for thought indeed, but Frost knew that she was in good hands. "Oh, for sure." She smirked her blue lips as Suiren motioned to her vast collection of books regarding Pokemon. "If I have any questions about Pokemon I'm certain you got me all kinds of covered." So much in fact that Frost would have to tread lightly, or she was certain Suiren would talk her ears off about Pokemon. "Maybe we'll run into one that'll intrigue me and then we can see from there. Since it looks like I'll be staying here maybe I can even get a water type." 

Alola was definitely looking like a good place to make her home for a while after all, in particular when Suiren confirmed that there was in fact a dojo in town. "Really?? A dojo? Here? Well, color me impressed." And there was even a local champion to boot, some guy named The Masked Royal. "Well, well, well.. I wasn't expecting competition. Maybe after a few lessons you, Iona and I can head over to that dojo and get some real martial arts practice."
     Frost was not wrong, Suiren would happily talk her ear off about Pokemon if she asked the right, or perhaps 'wrong' questions, especially if it was about water types and how they live in Alola. But she just nods and smiles. "Oh sure, feel free to ask me anything, and if it's something I don't know, I will probably know who to ask. As for the Dojo, would really be a great place to practice what we learn training with you, I agree. The Masked Royal isn't really the champion though, the master of the dojo is a native to Alola, a blackbelt named Makoa Kai. The Masked Royal usually does Pokemon Battle Royal matches, which are a kind of battle common here in Alola, where four trainers battle each other at the same time, usually taking place in a square ring like a wrestling or boxing ring, but a lot bigger than those."
Cyber Frost
Yeah, this was going to be an interesting journey for sure. Suiren and Iona were going to be unlikely companions, but dang it, if Frost really liked their company for some reason. Even if Suiren absolutely gushed about Pokemon to Frost for hours, Frost was just happy to be around someone that liked her for a change. Of course, that didn't mean Frost was just using Suiren's company to make herself feel better, the Pokemon trainer did have a lot of interesting things to say, in particular when she started mentioning the specifics of native Alola fighters. "I see..." The Cybernetic ninja rubbed at her chin. "Well, we can probably take on both of them just the same. I guarantee that after a couple of my lessons you'll be kicking Makoa Kai's ass and probably be champion of that Battle Royal. I'm -that- good, you better believe it." Frost was certainly a good fighter and she was very confident about her abilities, but this would be her first time training anybody so it still remained to be seen if her fighting abilities translated to being a teacher as well.

"Hmm.." She leaned back again on the wall and glanced sideways. "Wonder if yer mom might need help at the kitchen or something. I don't mind chopping up stuff or the like."
     It was a win-win that Frost enjoyed Suiren's company and learning about Alola, especially the more fighty sorts of subjects about the region, and Suiren also enjoyed being around Frost and knowing that Frost was going to help both her and her Pokemon get stronger. "Maybe we could have a double battle with the two of them. Even if you don't have a Pokemon by then, maybe you could just fight as yourself. I know Professor Kukui has contacts with The Masked Royal, so next time I see him I'll ask if he thinks The Masked Royal could find the time to join in for something like that." At the mention of Suiren's mother needing help, her little sisters poke their head in and announce together. "Mom says lunch is ready." 

     Suiren smiles and looks to Frost. "I guess not, shall we?" She asks as she stands up and heads out toward the kitchen/dining area, where the table is set with five places. There's a spring salad with a few options for dressing on the table, and for the main part of the meal, Poke, a traditional dish consisting of cubed raw tuna, sweet onions, tomatoes, Alolan salt, seaweed, and chopped kukui nuts. Suiren's mom looks up as they enter and smiles. "Oh, is this your frind? I expected a new student or something at school, but welcome! I'm Kairi." Suiren nods. "Yes, this is Frost, she's been helping Iona and I train lately. She's going to teach me to defend myself even without a Pokemon." She explains. Kairi's smile remains, though an eyebrow is slightly raised. "Oh, I guess there is a lot of new things you can learn from people of other worlds, and knowing how to defend yourself is important." She states with an approving nod. "Nice to meet you Frost, please have a seat and help yourself. I hope you like seafood. It's Poke, a fairly traditional meal in Alola, and one I always like to make when I can get some fresh fish."
Cyber Frost
"Now yer talking my language, kid!" Cyber Frost grinned widely as Suiren suggested that they could do a tag team battle. That was the kind of attitude she wanted to see from Suiren. The desire to go out there and get into fights! "Yeah! Absolutely! If you can somehow get that arranged you can count on me to be in your corner. Pokemon or not, heh." Frost's grin remained as she thought about it. "Frankly, I'd prefer to fight on my own even if I have Pokemon by then, I'm far better trained at Kombat that I am at Pokemon battle, but we will see. Either way- let's mark down for after I train with you and Iona for a while. I know I can make you two so much stronger." As the two talk plans for the future, the twins showed to let them know that lunch was ready. "Heh, ah well, maybe I'll get to show off my chopping skills next time." Frost smiled back at Suiren and summoned a sharp looking kitchen knife made of ice, twirling it about before dismissing it again. "Yeah, let's go. I'm actually kind of starving."

At the table, Frost was delighted with how good the food smelled. Boy, she could really get used to this and was really hopping she could sell the idea to Suiren's mom to rent out a room to her, but she'd wait her opportunity to spring that question. "Heya, nice to meet'cha as well, Miss." Frost shook Kairi's hand before taking a seat. She was certain that it was odd for a girl as young as Suiren to bring a friend that was about twice her age, but Suiren was an adventurer and she was bound to run into intriguing people in the vines- and so Frost didn't think it was too weird.

"Oh heck yeah, I love Poke!" Frost exclaimed in delight, actually recognizing the food. It was something that she had eaten before in her world. "Don't mind if I do. This all looks delicious." Frost kind forgot all about her plan of attack and focused entirely on the food. Grasping the chopsticks and getting ready to dig in as soon as everyone started. Good food certainly appeared to be a weakness for the ninja who could very easily get distracted by a good meal.
     Suiren smiles and takes a seat next to Frost and starts eating her salad first after adding a splash of a fruity vinaigrette dressing, likely made with some of the local fruit-like berries. The twins take their place which happens to be on the other side of Frost and begin eating from their notably smaller bowls with some more kid-friendly forks and spoons. Suiren grins as Frost digs in. "Well, if you like this I'm sure you'll like most of my mom's cooking." She says before taking another few bites to finish off her salad, washing it down with some iced tea, and starting on her own bowl of Poke. 

     The twins are staring intently at Frost as they eat, curiosity flowing freely. Eventually, one of them, Sui specifically, can't contain it anymore and asks. "Are you a living robot? You look like that ma... Magearna Pokemon Suiren told us about once." Suiren giggles a little while mother Kairi frowns a bit. She looked like she was about to say something but Suiren speaks up first. "That might not have been the most tactful way of asking, but this is the first time my sisters have met anyone from other worlds. I'm kind of impressed they came up with that comparison honestly since you look much more human than Magearna looks like a normal flesh and blood Pokemon, the steel-fairy type looks like a small robotic person with rabbit ears and a metal hoop-skirt."
Cyber Frost
Oh dang, yeah, the veggies. Cyber Frost could very much still be a kid at times, in fact her biggest problem was that she acted like a kid throwing a huge tantrum most of the time, and because of it she was already going for the fish itself instead of starting with her greens. Fortunately, she happened to glance at what Suiren was doing and copied what her young friend was doing and started with her salad. At the very least it seemed she had absolutely no problem handling chopsticks, even though she didn't quite look Asian herself. In fact, Frost's actual nationality was very much a secret as was her real name.

"I bet I will, hmm.." Cyber Frost heartedly dug in on her food and it was so absolutely delicious that it almost made her cry. A delicious meal, with pleasant company, and in a cozy house. Never in her life she had experienced something like that. NEVER! This was almost.. the happiest day in her life.

In fact, others might have been bothered by the twins' lack of tact at brazenly asking her if she was a robot, but frankly Frost loved that the twins were so interested in her. It was delightful, even if they kind of compared her to a Pokemon, which was weird, but hey, they were just kids after all.

"HAH! Oh, no problem. I'm perfectly aware that I look like some kind of living mannequin with all the doll joints I have." She assured Suiren as she took a few more bites of her Poke. "Long story short, yeah I'm what's called an android. Used to be a human, but now I'm a robot. In fact.." She grinned devilishly at the twins. "You guys wanna see a trick?"

Frost grabbed her wrist and -popped off- her hand out of her arm, no blood or anything, it looked completely mechanical, and in fact the fingers of the severed hand wiggled over to the twins. "Ta-da!" She cackled, hopping that Suiren's mom hadn't been too freaked out by that, but hey, at least she didn't pop her own head off.. which she could do.
     Suiren doesn't react too much at seeing Frost pull off her hand, as she's seen her do similar things enough times by now that it's not as shocking as it used to be. But, her mom gasps in shock and the twins just stare in awe for a moment. "Wow... you can just pull of your hands and arms and stuff, and snap them back on? So cool!" Ho comments, while Sui adds. "Does it hurt?" Suiren quietly continues eating her food, and her mom responds while still trying to recover from the shock of seeing Frost pull her hand free from her arm like it was nothing. "Well, that's not something I ever expected to see. Are there more people like you on the world you're from Ms Frost?"
Cyber Frost
Cyber Frost couldn't help but grin at the reaction from Suiren's mom and her sisters. She'd never get tired of seeing people react like that, never! And to be fair, it was a good reaction, they looked far more impressed than terrified which was not what Frost was going for. "Darn right its cool." Smirked the cyborg at Ho and she shook her head at Sui. "Nope, feels like I'm taking off a glove." Frost went and attached her hand back into her wrist, sneaking a few more bites of Poke before smiling at Suiren's mom. "There are some, but none quite as advanced as me. I'm the best there is from my world!" Frost's ego was catching up to her again, and she realized that she was getting distracted, so she cleared her throat and tried to get back on track. "Unfortunately, it's also a 'bud' as they say around here and I've been essentially homeless for quite a while." She started treading the waters, seeing if Suiren's mom might take the bait and maybe actually offer her room in her house. Frost was pretty sneaky not just in Kombat apparently.
     Kairi nods as Frost explains that she's the best example of her kind where she comes from, which although it is a very egotistical thing to say, considering the implications that Frost might have been created this way rather than born, it was a more plausible statement than for a normal person. Then comes the part about her world being a bud, and she appears to understand, but what kind of mom would she be if she didn't do some research about these vines and worlds her eleven-year-old daughter were traveling across. "So I guess you've been forced to wander to new worlds, and that's how you met Suiren then? Well, you would have a hard time finding a nicer place to end up than here I'd think, though I might be a little biased." She says with a laugh. 

     "I'm sure you'll have no problem finding a place and making a living with unique talents like yours... Actually, I could certainly use a hand around here, especially now that Suiren is sometimes gone for days at a time and watching a couple of half-size but three times as energetic Suiren's is a full-time job." She says with a grin and a chuckle while Ho and Sui try to look innocent and Suiren blushes a bright red at the comparison, but she knew from experience not to try and dispute her mom's assessment. Apparently, she was a lot like her little sisters when she was their age.
Cyber Frost
"Yeah, pretty much." Cyber Frost said with a sigh as Kairi assumed that she'd had it hard ever since she'd been displaced from her world, trying hard to look vulnerable in order to trigger Kairi's sense of compassion. It wasn't too difficult because Frost had genuinely been having a hard time ever since she had been essentially kicked out from her world, no matter how strong one might be, being dimensionally displaced was never an easy situation to be in- unless you had specifically trained for it which Frost hadn't. "Oh absolutely.." Frost continued as Kairi mentioned Alola being a good place to live. "I haven't been traveling the vines that long, but Alola is by far the top contender for settling in. It totally blows my old home out of the water." Which wasn't hard considering Frost's previous home was an old, freezing temple at the top of Himalayas full of stoic assassins.

"Ah, well.. it's funny that you mention that.." Frost grinned her wicked Cheshire cat like grin and turned subtly to Suiren giving her a wink, it looked like her mom had given her the opening she was looking for. Sneaky in combat and in conversations, that was the Ninja way. Even now Frost was teaching Suiren some moves. "Because you see.. I was wondering if you might have a room that I may be able to rent out. I could certainly pay rent, but more than that it'd give me the opportunity to give Suiren and her Pokemon martial arts lessons at any time. I could be like very own personal trainer." Frost smiled still and glanced at the two twins with a knowing look. "Of course, I would also be glad to also lend a hand around the house and I could help watching over the twins. Not to mention that no one would be breaking into your home while I'm around."

Personal trainer for her daughter, maid, baby sitter AND security guard. Plus she would be paying rent as well. Frost hoped that was too good of a deal for Kairi to pass up.
     As frost asks about a room, Suiren quietly gives her mom a look that spells out 'Please!" and one look at the exicted expressions on the twins was all you needed to guage how they felt about the idea. Kairi thinks it over for a few moments, then nods. "We've got an air mattress you could use, either in Suiren's room... or maybe the office would be better though I'd need to use the room sometimes. If you can help with the food budget and with some of the work around the house we can call it a deal. How does that sound?" Suiren looks a little surprised, she hadn't thought about sharing a room with Frost, it was an interesting idea.
Cyber Frost
Excellent. All was going according to plan, even befriending the twins before was working to her favor as they quickly jumped to Frost's aid and started pressing their mother to accept Frost's request. So.. they would more than likely rope her into some wild adventures, but it was a trade that the cyber ninja was very willing to make. Frost grinned a winning smile as Kairi made her offers and the blunette simply offered her hand out. "I think we got a deal, Miss Kairi." All those options seemed fine with Frost, and she certainly wouldn't mind sharing a room with Suiren as long as the other girl was ok with that decision. Though she figured they could hash out the details after dinner like sleeping arrangements and how much Frost would actually have to pay for rent.
     Kairi nods to Frost, shaking her hand, catches Suiren smiling, and smiles back at her daughter before giving a quick wink. "Alright, we can work out the details later, no need to rush that. For now, just make yourself at home and let me know if you need anything." Having finished her food Kairi gets up from the table and starts cleaning up. Suiren gleefully looks over at Frost and holds her hand out for a high-five. "So uh, did you want to share a room? I'm fine with that, but I'll warn you now, Iona may wake you up early and demand to be fed." She says with a laugh.
Cyber Frost
Frost had to admit.. she loved it when a plan came together, and it was good that something FOR ONCE IN HER LIFE was going her way. "Oh, I don't need much of anything. The company of your lovely family and your food are already quite a treat, Miss Kairi." Grinned Frost who genuinely truly meant it. She of coursed noticed the wink that Kairi shot her daughter, and she had to wonder if she was just doing it to please Suiren, but it didn't matter in the end as Frost had gotten what she wanted. "Yeah!!" She laughed and returned the high five to Suiren. She was honestly surprised that Suiren so readily offered her the room, thinking that the girl might want to think it over first. Frost blinked a bit before grinning widely, excitement being felt in her chest for what felt like the first time in a long, long while. "You know what? Sure, let's be roomies. And it's fine if Iona wakes early, because that's when practice is gonna start, kiddo!" Oh yeah, Suiren better not think that Frost wasn't doing this mostly because she wanted to teach Suiren martial arts. At this point, the cyborg ninja was comfortable enough that she pulled Suiren towards her by wrapping an arm around her shoulders and gave her a noogie.
     "Uh oh, did I just sign up for training boot camp by having you move in?" Suiren asks with a tone of mock protesting as she tries to worm her way out of the noogie, finally winking at her. "Honestly I'm often up early myself anyway. There are some Pokemon that are way easier to find, or even only appear, early in the morning, and if we're going to be ready to challenge that dojo anytime soon, I guess we'll need to be doing lots of training. So I'm totally down for that!"