
World: Etheria-2
Actual Age: 21
Apparent Age: 18
Quote: Hey, Adora~
Role: Snarky Kitty Girl
Species: Felinoid Etherean
Theme Song: Rihanna - 'Towards the Sun'
Voice Actor: Amanda Joy "AJ" Michalka


Catra was once an orphan, raised by a powerful expansionist army known as the Horde to be a soldier. At the loss of a friend, her insecurities would lead her to mask her emotions with blind ambition to fill the void in her heart. While relatively at terms with her feelings now that the Horde is behind her, she is still a snarky and sarcastic troublemaker with a bad temper. Her harsh upbringing has made her quite talented at deception and manipulation and her perceived laziness hides an surprisingly sound mind for strategy. Her feline physiology gives her a variety of physical advantages, such as enhanced strength, literal cat reflexes, balance, and agility, and associated sharp senses of sight, scent, and hearing. Her claws are wickedly sharp and durable, able to slice through metal. She also has imprinted on a magical illusion cat named Melog that responds to her emotions.


Cat's Grace: Graceful as a cat, Catra is fast, agile, and stealthy.
Catra, as a felinoid, possesses the physical advantages of a cat. She can jump, run, and climb faster than most humans. Her balance allows her to effortlessly navigate precarious terrain and her agility gives her an edge when she needs to maneuver in rapidly changing conditions. Her speed and reflexes are her main advantages, allowing her to dodge a variety of attacks and even block or catch arrows in mid-flight. Light on her feet, she's also quite good at moving quietly and being stealthy.
Cat's Claws: They are sharp enough to cut metal and help her climb almost any surface.
The nails on Catra's fingertips are viciously sharp and incredibly durable. The retractable talons can be used to climb solid rock walls or shear through many solid metals. The claws on her toes are much the same, and are invaluable in scaling cliffs and other vertical surfaces beyond their obvious combat applications.
Cat's Sense: Night sight, enhanced smell and hearing.
Cat-level senses. She can see in the dark and has enough sight agility to follow fast moving objects. Her ears can pick up smaller sounds, like rodents in the walls or someone seeking to get the drop on her. Her sense of smell is keen as well, making her capable of literally sniffing out clues or infiltrators.
Combat Training: Skilled at CQC, using simple weapons, whips, and her claws. Honed body.
As a former Horde soldier and Force Captain, Catra is adept in the brutal, oppressive style of combat she and her fellow soldiers were drilled on. In addition to her deadly claws, she is very capable with swords, staves, and stun batons as well as being adept in utilizing a whip in combat. Her strength surpasses that of an average human and her feline agility makes her a swift, mobile, and deadly opponent. Her training also bestows impressive durability for her more agile frame but she can't take the same kinds of hits heavier soldiers can.
Master of Snark: Her tongue is as sharp as her claws.
Catra can be manipulative and abrasive, and knows just how to modulate her tone and speech patterns for maximum effect. She can weaponize being mocking and sarcastic, verbally beating down and berating others. This also extends to her being able to face down dangers as well as flippantly disregard authority figures with firm confidence. Threats and posturing from common ruffians have little effect because she's been there before and done that before.
Fancy Parties: She is quite capable of navigating ballrooms.
Perhaps surprisingly, Catra is able to navigate formal balls and princess proms. She can handle herself in polite social situations if she needs to and understands protocol when addressing nobility. On top of this, she can and will use her natural agility and feline graces to ballroom dance, performing well and looking good while doing it.
Secondary Training: Of sound strategic mind and an aptitude with armored vehicles and field guns.
Despite her aloofness, Catra is capable of making sound strategic decisions. She can make large-scale military plans and prioritize targets based on their strategic value, offering up ground and using misdirection to confound enemies. If she needs to join a large operation, she is capable of operating vehicles from hover skiffs to heavily armed and armored tanks, as well as utilize their weaponry.
Illusory Magic< Feature Edge >: Melog can weave complex illusions and cloak objects in a wide area around them.
Melog is able to create complex illusions that look and sound real within about 100 feet of itself. It can warp and twist their shapes by concentrating on them but as super realistic as they look, they generally don't hold up to being touched. They also don't react autonomously, requiring their focus. Their magic can be used to shield others from sight, cloaking objects as large as small starships or making an infiltration group able to travel undetected. While it can maintain these illusions almost indefinitely, cloaked things are not intangible and the illusion can be disrupted with contact. It can create a handful of illusory people, able to mimic voices and conversation, but only up to a handful of people with limited realism, or one very good facsimile. Their emotional state is also directly tied to Catra's, meaning its powers can falter if she loses her cool for any reason. Extraordinary use of these powers, such as creating a larger scale lifelike scene, cloaking a much larger group or object for extended periods of time, or using these powers successfully during circumstances such as bad weather requires use of Edge. Illusions used with Edge can include a small crowd with minor conversational ability limited to one or two individuals at best. Edge-bought illusions can also be tangible but are still not substantial enough to cause harm.


Melog< Feature D-Tier >: Alien cat! Can spin illusions, weave invisibility, and is large enough to ride.
Melog is the sole survivor of an alien race, a being of magic from the planet Krytis. It is able to shapeshift but has taken to remaining in a mainly leonine appearance in size and shape, complete with a translucent mane with appropriate claws and jaws. Melog is large enough for Catra to ride on and is amicable to having her do so. It seems completely sapient but is only able to communicate with Catra through a variety of feline noises and often acts like a big housecat. Catra has imprinted on Melog and it is in tune with her emotions, changing colors based on her mood and can be playful and affectionate. It is capable of doing illusions, as covered by the above Illusory Magic perk. It also has some aptitude with telekinesis, able to retrieve small objects at illusion distance with ease, or knock back an adult human when close.


Insecure: "Why can't you just stay?" Slow to trust, quick to judge. Abandonment.
Catra has had severe trust and abandonment issues. She was raised in the Horde by a manipulative and abusive mother figure. The entirety of her life was spent in the shadow of someone close to her who excelled at everything and could do no wrong. Being left alone or passed by or cast aside were fears she hid under a mask of callousness and cruelty. Despite her coming to terms with herself and her feelings, these insecurities remain deep down. Worries about what could happen again are ever-present, and Catra doesn't want to lose the only person she's ever loved. Not again.
Blunt: "You're such an idiot." Freely speaks her mind and her opinion. Unfiltered.
She tells things as she sees them. Her filter only really applies to hiding her emotions from people. She's quick to point out flaws in a plan, make snarky commentary about a situation or someone's failure, or simply laugh in someone's face.
Tempermental: "Don't call me cute!" Aggressive and easy to push into lashing out.
Coupled with her insecurities, Catra is capable of lashing out violently when her buttons are pressed. In the opposite of running and hiding from her fears, she can and will be the one to strike first. She can be very aggressive when lost to grief or rage.
Hates Water: "I hate boats, too." Hates water. Doesn't like being in or around it.
Basic cat aversion to water. Spray bottles can be incredibly distracting. Boats don't make her sick but she is almost debilitatingly uncomfortable on them, with water all around.
Loyalty: "Don't hurt my... friends." Small circle of trust, people she'd die for.
Catra can be very passionate about her very small circle of friends. She will literally dive into fire to save someone close to her, and has braved the possibility of certain death if it means she could save the one she loves. This passion could be used against her, where deliberate misinformation or illusions can be utilized to place her in compromising positions. The flipside to this is she will trust direct information from said friends and value it over conflicting ideas.
Melog: "It gets me." Melog can give away Catra's feelings even if she's hiding them.
For good or ill, Catra has imprinted deeply on Melog. It can tell when she's angry or sad and projects those emotions across its body and with its actions. It can even read deeper emotions and betray them, such as showing affection or hostility to others while Catra is keeping her emotional mask up.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1131 Cat and Mouse...and She-Ra! Feb 02 2023
1127 Night City, Night Market? Jan 19 2023
1119 Night City Gun Show Dec 29 2022
1115 Adora-ble Problems Dec 22 2022
1114 Livin' It Up Dec 20 2022
1113 'Saka Secret Santa Dec 16 2022
1108 You've Got Moxie Dec 06 2022
1104 The Mad Ripper Nov 30 2022
1101 Big In Japan Nov 25 2022
1100 Night City Blues Nov 22 2022
See All 14 Scenes


Title Date
Give Me Back That Old Familiar Feeling Dec 20 2022
See All 1 Cutcenes