The World of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners-1

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners-1

The years is 2076, the planet is Earth. Megacorporations rule over the cities on a dystopian world with iron fists and humanity strives to achieve perfection through augmenting their bodies with cybernetic implants.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters


The year is 2076, on a technologically advanced Earth. Much of the world beyond the overgrown and overpopulated cities has been reduced to wasteland thanks to nuclear weapons and wars waged by the megacorporations that run the cities. Though the massive urban sprawl of the giant cities are considered multi-cultural metropolises, they are often beset and overrun with corruption, organized crime, and gang violence.

Cybernetic augmentations are the norm on this world, allowing people to modify their bodies for purposes both aesthetic and functional; and even the most un-augmented humans have implants that allow them to connect to their banks and the net. But this so called metal perfection comes with a price... And that price is called Cyberpsychosis; a mental illness that drives the chromed up residents of the megacities insane and turns them into a danger to themselves and others.

It is a world where outsiders are met with suspicion and distrust by the general populace, while the megacorps take a secret interest in offworld, alien, and foreign tech and magic in the hope of using them as a new way to control the people in their megacities.

Cyberpsychosis is defined as the collective term for the psychotic and anxiety-related personality disorders that are caused by cybernetic hardware and augmentations implanted into a human (or human alike's) body, along with any and all behavioral mods and software. Some people say it is a disease brought on by social inequality, while others say it is the price to be paid for an unhealthy love of tech, while others even disregard it entirely as a hoax...

What IS true, is that when a person trades off too much of their organics for machinery, it wears their personality down, even fragmenting their personalities as the victim begins to relate more to machines than people and eventually develop tendencies that make them extremely dangerous to people who cross their paths.

With the connection of Earth to the Tree, cyberpsychos are free to leave and potentially cause problems in other worlds that may be poorly equipped to handle them.


Megacorps run almost everything. From the news and simple media corporations to worldwide security firms, they are giant and transnational companies that WILL kill anyone that stands in the way of their development, growth, and profits. Corporations are usually seen as sovereign nations unto themselves and tend to use their power to change the world around them.

With the connection to the Tree, the megacorporations are free to spread now, possibly able to ply their insidious and venomous trade to other worlds in hopes of further growth and gains.