
World: Cyberpunk: Edgerunners-1
Actual Age: 24
Apparent Age: Teen
Quote: "My information is always accurate, just like this Techtronika rifle prototype. Don't ask how I got it."
Role: Blackmarket Fixer
Species: Human (Exotic)
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Maryke Hendrikse as Rebecca Lee


A seclusive and shifty fixer from Night City, 'Twintail' is a slowly growing name in the black market underworld. Despite her young appearance and biosculpt fox ears and tail, she has a reputation as a cold-hearted fixer that doesn't have time to mess around, doesn't budge on her prices, but at the same time knows just what people want and how bad they need it. Her services include information, people, places of interest, but her specialty lies in illegally smuggled weapons and cyberware. The goods aren't just for clients, for Twintail will sometimes take herself into danger for her own personal gains, packing smuggled corporate high-end weapons and lock breaking skills from a life before the dark underworld of Night City.


Enhanced Senses: Eyes, nose, and sound analyzer cybernetics with a lie detection system.
Twintail is fitted with sensory enhancing cybernetics made to make her role as a fixer easier. While her eyes appear 100% human, they're fitted with cybernetic optics that allow telescopic vision, low light illumination, and a constant HUD that displays information like GPS, Phone/Text Services, Banking Transfers, etc. She also has implants in her nose, fitting her with a greater sense of smell and a filter to help with chemical gasses. Her prized implant is her cyberaudio implants in her fox ears, allowing her to tune into the faintest whisper and focus a stress analyzer on one's voice to pick up possible lies.
Grifter: Sneaky, athletic little pickpocketing lock breaker.
Twintail started out as a grifter, and still retains those skills today. She's quick and dexterous with her hands when it comes to stealing things quietly, knows how to keep her steps quiet, and can find hiding spots that'd make one think she's disappeared. Her body is also athletic and lithe, able to reach tall heights in her jump and fit into small spaces. The most important part about her skillset as a grifter though is her ability to dip into pockets and pick open locks of a more physical design.
Fixer: The trusted intermediary, organizer, and smuggler of the underworld.
Twintail is a fixer, an individual trusted by any mercenary to get good jobs with a guaranteed payout instead of getting hazed with a dose of lead. As the middleman between various clientele, Twintail knows what to say and when to say it, solving problems with words rather than conflict through both persuasion and intimidation. It's these kinds of exchanges that help Twintail secure her ever expanding network of information, and in turn learn about various mercenaries of all trades. With her already established network in Night City, anything that's worth her attention can reach her within hours.
Urban War Tactics: Twintail knows simple firearms and some hand to hand combat.
Twintail has some basic knowledge when it comes to firearms of the modern day era, but is limited to smaller weapons such as pistols, submachine guns, and low caliber assault rifles. Twintail also has training in the martial art of Akijitsu, a style which incorporates entangling arm-locks mixed with lighting quick strikes, and using the force of an attacker's momentum against them in harsh throws.
Adrenal Boosters: Quick on-demand adrenaline to enhance combat capabilities.
Tucked away in Twintail's body is an adrenal booster set to give her on-demand adrenaline. It can be activated simply by a thought in her brain, filling her body with artificial adrenaline. While this may seem like nothing special, since the human body produces adrenaline naturally in times of fight or flight, the adrenal booster pumps more into the system, further enhancing Twintail's reflexes and speed to help with her combat abilities. The implant isn't without its flaws though, as the comedown from so much adrenaline can leave Twintail absolutely exhausted and dizzy after the crash hits.
Arsenal: A custom made Desert Eagle, and all useful combat knife.
Twintail's weapon of choice in a fight is a custom black Desert Eagle chambered for .50 'Action Express', made from smuggled high-grade corporate ceramics and advanced polymers. What further customizes the gun is it's been made to fit in her small hands, and the recoil has been dampened with an added gas-operated system, allowing her to shoot it one handed. Though less customized and more generic is a simple combat knife that's fitted on her form.


Image-Conscious: Reputation means a lot, and its highly important.
Twintail has an obsessive complex over her reputation, believing there are some out there that would take the chance to drag her name through the mud and dirt for their own gain, losing all she's built up. This mindset has driven her to have a slight paranoia about others honest opinions and gossip about her work and her methods. This paranoia pushes her to go that extra mile for her clients and her hired mercenaries for gigs, wanting to ensure she is a fixer that is trusted and can get things done. The paranoia can wear down on her, and makes her think irrationally when she does find that someone's trying to besmirch her name under false pretenses.
Intolerant: Don't try to crack a joke or avert the topic, she'll just drop interest fast.
When it comes time to talk biz, there's no time for anything else. Twintail keeps to the subject, and raises her voice the very moment someone tries to divert the topic to something else. She comes off as intimidating and unfriendly when talking about a job someone needs done from her, but is slightly more lax when she's explaining it to those she's recruited for doing the work itself. The faster the talk about the job is done and settled, the happier and more outgoing she'll be at the end of it.
Anarchist: Down with the Military-Industrial Complex!
One thing that's a hot topic for Twintail is corporations. For whatever reason, she absolutely hates corpos, the corporations they work for, and anyone with a corporation backed business. While she doesn't mind prying willing corpo contacts for information and paid for favors, Twintail makes it a personal interest of hers when any gig has to deal with messing with them. Going after a corporate executive? Want info on where some corporate grade rifles are going? Need some identifies forged to infiltrate a corporate meeting, or just need one killed? Then the pay gets higher. Were corporations more aware of her, Twintail would most likely be labeled as a terrorist.
Criminal: Absolutely no regard for law and order, anywhere.
The only thing that makes you an actual Criminal in Night City is getting caught. For Twintail, that expands beyond Night City, for she has a blatant disregard for the law in general, having no problem breaking them outside the eyes of those that enforce them. She's gone so far as to bribe law enforcers to look the other way, and put out gigs to have her warrants and police reports wiped from databases to keep her in good standing with the law, all to keep them off her back so she can work uninterrupted.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1126 Not Originium-lly In The Plan Jan 17 2023
1124 Scavenging for Gigs Jan 09 2023
1118 Arasaka's Bogeyman Dec 27 2022
1116 A Rite of Passage Dec 23 2022
1115 Adora-ble Problems Dec 22 2022
1114 Livin' It Up Dec 20 2022
1113 'Saka Secret Santa Dec 16 2022
See All 7 Scenes


Title Date
A rebel wannabe May 26 2023
See All 1 Cutcenes