The World of Super Mario-1

Super Mario-1

A fairytale land of adventure and excitement. Dozens of disparate races living in varied locales, from rolling fields and forests to LAVA fields and swamps. Outside the safe settled areas lie ancient ruins, fiendish labyrinths and ferocious monsters.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters


Like something out of a storybook or children's cartoon. A world steeped in magic, filled with disparate cultures, climates and even, ocassionally, laws of physics. No two countries - called Kingdoms no matter their actual rulership - are remotely the same, and there are dozens of different sapient species with their own cultural and physiological quirks. The most important are probably humans, mushroom people, and turtles called 'koopas', all of which have powerful warriors and mages mixed in with their more average populations.

This is an 'adventure friendly' world - much of it is untamed, just waiting for an explorer to set out on an adventure. Monsters roam the lands, making it quite dangerous to leave civilised areas sometimes. Locations range from rolling hills to dense jungles and lava fields, and there are multiple locations in the sky where one can walk on solid clouds. Even the moon is inhabited.

Due to the many disparate areas and cultures of the world, there's a booming tourism industry - and integration into the World Tree hasn't really halted that. One can find visitors from all over in the safe, civilised areas, and it's not unheard of to find this world's denizens out visiting other safe worlds as well.

While this world has its share of dangers - ancient dragons and tyranical turtle wizards are just the tip of the iceberg - it feels much more safe and 'light-hearted' than many of the other worlds on the World Tree. It's a good place to come to relax (or delve ancient ruins and fiendish labyrinths), but to the denizens of this world, other worlds can be quite stressful and scary.

For some reason, a majority of vines to and from this world resemble Warp Pipes.
Warp Pipes

These odd artifacts dot the landscape. No one's quite sure who built them, and they even appear in areas untouched by thinking hands for centuries. Each warp pipe has a twin, and stepping into one side will cause a person to be whisked away to the twin and spat out, allowing long journeys to take mere seconds. Some warp pipes are only one-way, even growing out of the ground to deposit travelers before sinking back down in some cases. Others are two-way and serve as important links between distant places.

Places of Interest

This world has a wide variety of places with varied climates and cultures. A few that are of most interest to offworlders are listed below, but there's many more places to visit.

    Toad Town

A bustling town of mushroom people situated in the pleasant countryside of the Mushroom Kingdom, this is the nation's capital, and is populated mostly by mushroom people with a handful of humans. The Royal Castle is located nearby, on a small hill, and this is also the location of the Mushroom Kingdom's parliament. Offworld visitors can often find lodging at the castle itself, although the town does have more than its fair share of hotels. Be warned, however: much of the traditional cuisine is heavy on the mushrooms.

    Isle Delfino

A tropical island paradise populated mostly by piantas and nokis - tall, stocky plant people and diminutive shellfish people respectively. It's a prime vacation destination, and much of its economy is geared towards and relies on tourism. The island is shaped very much like a dolphin, hence its name.


A somewhat shady city-state located just outside the Mushroom Kingdom. It's a trade hub for all sorts of goods, including ones that would be illegal anywhere else, and has a thriving black market run by the local mob. Despite its shady and somewhat rough nature, it's very open to visitors and is home to members of every sapient race in the world. Just keep an eye on your purse and the exits at all times.

    New Donk City

Roughly at the center of the country-sized city sprawl of the Metro Kingdom, New Donk City is that kingdom's capital and is the world's foremost cultural center. Populated mostly by humans, it's quite similar to many Earthlike worlds in its technology level and architecture. It's an incredibly lively, friendly place, and crime is shockingly low for a city with such heavy foot traffic.

    The Ruined Kingdom

A huge spire rises out of the sea, surrounded by a lightning storm. Nearby, islands dotted with crumbling castles and forts dot the sea. No one knows who built it. Some say it's guarded by a dragon, and barely anyone goes there despite constant rumours of fabulous treasures.