The World of Devil May Cry-1

Devil May Cry-1

Plagued by monsters and madmen, this world was once under the protection of Sparda the Dark Knight. Now, his son carries on that legacy in demon hunting.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters


Two thousand years ago, the world was plagued by monsters from Hell. These demons only had one deterrent in their path, one of their own kin; The Dark Knight Sparda saw in humanity something to be nurtured and protected. As such, he rebelled against his tyrannical brethren and fought on behalf of mankind. He would eventually marry a mortal woman named Eva, and she would bear twins. Those brothers would become heirs to Sparda's immense martial might. While Vergil sought power at any cost in revenge for his mother's murder, Dante sought to protect humanity.

Across the world there are portals to another dimensions, some leading across the multiverse, others to the demon realm of Hell. While the realm has technology relatively similar to most modern ones, there is a strong emphasis on the use of magic by those who possess the acumen.

Integration has slightly increased awareness of magic, and the possibility of magic and science combining is rising with every day.

With Integration, demon attacks have gotten much more open and furious. If Dante is gonna uphold dad's legacy, he's going to need help, especially as most of the world treats visitors with suspicion thanks to demonic activity. Only a few organizations can promise open protection from demons, such as the Order of the Sword. 'Promise' being the key word...

This is post DMC3 by a few weeks tops. Taneem and Ninja Theory aren't even *concepts* in this theme.