Prince Adam

Prince Adam
World: Masters of the Universe-1
Actual Age: 17 (Prince Adam) / 25 (He-Man)
Apparent Age: Late Teens (Prince Adam) / Mid-20s (He-Man)
Quote: "By the Power of Grayskull..." / "I Have The POWER!"
Role: Royal Pain / Eternial Champion
Species: Eternian
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Cam Clarke


Prince Adam, son of King Randor and heir to the kingdom of Eternia, was never the most responsible young man. Young and carefree, Adam spends the majority of his days sleeping, having fun or doing a little useless battle training with his childhood friend. However, when the arrival of an old evil threatens Eternia's peace, Prince Adam reluctantly accepts a destiny that he never knew he had. Imbued with the Power of Grayskull, Prince Adam uses his Sword of Power to transform into Eternia's savior: He-Man, the Most Powerful Man in the Universe. Together with his loyal companion Battle Cat, He-Man uses his incredible strength, the Power of Castle Grayskull and his Sword of Power to lead the Masters of the Universe in a never-ending struggle against the vile Skeletor and the Council of Evil Warriors.


Prince of Eternia: Adam is a Prince with all the political protections thereof.
Prince Adam, of the House of Randor, is heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Eternos and next in line to become the ruler of Eternia. As the son of King Randor and Queen Marlena, Adam is given the same attention and respect that his parents are given. He is, for all intents and purposes, a representative and ambassador of the throne. This comes into play within the borders of Eternia and extends into the Metaverse and beyond. Prince Adam, whether he likes it or not, represents Eternia. He is of royal blood and that could be a significant advantage in certain situations.
Sword of Power: A powerful sword of transformation that can deflect or project magic energy.
The Sword of Power, imbued with the spirit of King Grayskull, has a multitude of abilities all its own. The most important of those abilities being that it is used to initiate the transformation between Prince Adam and He-Man as well as the transformation between Cringer and Battle Cat.

    The Sword of Power is indestructible and can cut through any known Eternian material except Eternium and can withstand endless amounts of punishment. It is capable of deflecting, absorbing and redirecting energy blasts of all kinds as a conductor of power and energy.
He-Man: Mythic hero with superhuman strength, reflexes, durability and magic resistance.
Prince Adam can use the Sword of Power to transform into He-Man. As He-Man, he becomes incredibly strong, fast, agile and capable of withstanding immense amounts of damage due to enhanced stamina and durability. He also becomes somewhat resistant to magic attacks thanks to the Grayskull magic that empowers him.

    Adam is capable of staying transformed indefinitely. However, even though He-Man is capable of withstanding incredible amounts of damage, his durability can be exhausted by multiple, extremely powerful attacks. However, instead of perishing under the brunt of such powerful attacks, He-Man's last leg of protection is reverting back to Adam.

    He-Man's superhuman abilities allow him to perform a variety of dramatic feats that can be used when the situation calls for it. One of his more signature and impressive moves is the Thunder Punch, which incorporates his mythic strength and a seismic display of power.
Armaments: Weapons, armor and gear to be used by Prince Adam or He-Man.
Both Prince Adam and He-Man are privy to a number of weapons, gear and protective armors that can be utilized in varied situations. With equipment designed by either the Sorceress or Man-at-Arms, this collection ranges from training equipment for Adam to a powerful battle axe for He-Man's mighty use. With Eternia being a world of both magic and technology, this hero's access to things of a useful nature becomes a viable resource of which he can call upon.
Vehicles: Transportation across land, sea or air are at Adam and He-Man's disposal.
Both Prince Adam and He-Man have access to a number of vehicles designed by Man-at-Arms and for the use of either heroics, training or even simple transportation. These vehicles are mostly designed to traverse land, sea or air and are available to both versions of Eternia's hero. Their use depends mostly on the situation at hand.


Cringer< Feature D-Tier >: Adam's fearless friend is also He-Man's mighty steed, Battle Cat!
Cringer is Prince Adam's faithful, loyal and scaredy-cat of a companion. A large green Eternian tiger, Cringer exhibits a high level of intelligence as opposed to being just another of Eternia's creatures. As cowardly and scared as Cringer often is, with the right coaxing and dire straits, Cringer can be a helpful friend. (E-Tier)<br/><br/>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Through use of the Power of Grayskull, cowardly Cringer can transform into the mighty Battle Cat! Serving as He-Man's companion and steed, Battle Cat exhibits incredible strength, agility and is armed with vicious teeth and claws. Battle Cat is also fitted with magic resisting armor. (D-Tier)
Royal Guard< Basic F-Tier >: Soldiers tasked with protecting the Royal family and Eternia.
The Royal Guard of the Kingdom of Eternos is filled with loyal and combat worthy soldiers. They are trained in military tactics, strategy and follow orders without fail. Led by the Captain of the Guard, the Royal Guard protects the Royal Palace, Eternia and the Royal Family with their lives.


The Right Thing: He-Man always does the right thing. No matter what.
He-Man exists with a moral compass that even his strong willpower cannot deny. He understands that he must hold himself to a higher standard than other Eternians and does so without question. He values life above all else and would sacrifice his own to save another. His sentimentality and the goodness of his heart make him predictable and easy to manipulate. He-Man follows his heart and his moral code to the letter, unable to waver from his righteous path.
The Ego: Everybody loves He-Man. Adam still has to prove himself.
Prince Adam is often considered to be a spoiled brat, a coward and a layabout that couldn't fight his way out of a plastic bag that wasn't there. He's talked down to by his peers, disappointing to his father and generally looked upon as though he'll never grow up.

    Meanwhile, everybody just loves them some He-Man.

    This forced double life is something that digs at Adam, as he would like to be appreciated and thought of as more than just a joke. He wants to make his father proud. He wants to be a warrior for good. He wants to impress a certain Captain of the Guard. But the existence of He-Man makes all of these things an impossibility. Prince Adam doesn't get to have what he wants. He gets to save Eternia.

    At least, that's how things were before the Metaverse became a consideration. Adam's attitude and need to prove himself has grown exponentially since having access to the Vines. He feels an even greater need to show that he's more than just a cowardly, lazy prince. Which clashes immediately with the idea that he must use his Adam persona to keep his secret. This has led Adam to mar the perfection of his He-Man persona as his confident nature seeps out with feats of showing off and the occasional over-the-top displays of power. Adam just wants to be seen and appreciated, despite his numerous faults and sometimes he uses He-Man to make this happen.
The Secret: Prince Adam and He-Man don't look anything alike. Honest.
There are only a select few individuals that know that Prince Adam is He-Man. In order to keep this a secret, Adam must not only play the role of "cowardly spoiled brat" but he must also pay very close attention to when and where he's performing his transformations. He must always be very careful not to confuse knowledge he's gained or earned in one persona while he's in the other persona. Adam must also take great care to act differently as He-Man than he acts as Adam.
The Child At Heart: He-Man's innocence may be his undoing.
Despite the massive and powerful adult frame of He-Man, beneath the surface he is simply Prince Adam. He's a teenager with all the innocence and naivety that comes along with it. Even beyond that, Adam is truly a person that wants to see the best in people, even his enemies. He wants to believe that there are better ways to solving problems than fighting. He wants to believe that peace is an actual dream that can be realized. Even as He-Man, he exhibits these traits in an obvious and critical manner.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
730 Break The Wall Down Sep 14 2020
561 Lost Little Girl Sep 01 2019
487 Back to Nature May 17 2019
243 Hyrule Hysteria Sep 20 2018
See All 4 Scenes


Title Date
Unbreakable Feb 29 2020
From Zero (1/2) Jun 11 2021
To Hero (2/2) Jun 11 2021
See All 3 Cutcenes